Avatar of Arista


Recent Statuses

2 yrs ago
Cataract surgery happening today...send good vibes/well wishes, please? I'll be back soon~
5 yrs ago
Officially 27...getting closer to 30 xD happy birthday self!
5 yrs ago
"In the darkest times, hope is something you give yourself. That is the meaning of inner strength." Uncle Iroh
6 yrs ago
That moment when you plan an RP and get the first post up and then your partner deletes the OOC PM thread and doesn't answer... ~_~
9 yrs ago
The moment when you're having a Disney movie marathon and you regret nothing. Not even caring that your parents are looking at you funny because your singing along ^^


Enter at your own risk~

Hello, hello!

I'm Ari~ An adult who loves video games and my pup equally, I'm a dork who loves watching the shows I adore and then ranting about them until I get all my Feelings under control.

I'm a veteran when it comes to roleplay, I've been doing this long enought to know I'm better suited for 1x1's then Group Rps. My level is at the high causal to low advanced, once I get really into an RP its on my mind in a way that I don't mind. Feel free to send a PM with plot ideas or pairings, the most I can say is no thanks, which is rare and unlikely to happen~

Thanks for dropping by!

Discord: Aristacratt

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The feeling of added pressure to his ribcage awoke Emmitt, his brows furrowing in annoyance. He sat up slowly and found that his arms were free, he felt a unease naw at his stomach brier relaxing. It was morning if he was free from his jacket, he rose to his feet and moved towards his room door. It opened and the familiar large man stood with his arms crossed, emmitt released a sigh and shrugged his shoulders.

"Not gonna do anything today but show Paitent L6841 around and attend a group meeting." He offers when narrowed brown eyes settled on his face, after a moment he turned and began leading him down the hallway. They paused after two lefts at a door that had the male stuck figure on it, Emmitt slipped inside and emptied his bladder before turning to the sink. It was a large bathroom and by now he knew to brush his teeth and wash his face before they came in to check on him.

Once done, Emmitt exits into the hall and allows his escort to guide him to the Dining Hall. He knew the way but didn't say anything, doing so required too much energy and until he ate, nothing mattered to him. Nose twitching at the smell of coffee and food, Emmitt takes the lead, he grins when he's not held back. He enters the Hall and proceeds to grab an empty tray and move towards the line for breakfast. He suddenly felt ravenous and somdered what he'd grab today to eat. He had a long day after all, he'd need the energy so he wouldn't loose him temper. @Briza
Brown eyes focused on the new arrival, her head tilting slightly to the right as she studied him. She lifted the clipboard she held and scanned the contents written in neat handwriting.

Patient was submitted after an overdose was administered, he was rushed to the hospital where he was aided and his stomach flushed. He is to be given no medication beside the proscribed painkillers until he's been evaluated.

"I'm afraid that isn't possible, like Patient K1453 your here until we del you worthy of leaving. In the morning you will be guided to try Dining Hall where Patient K1453 will take you on a tour, after lunch a group session will be held in which you just attend. Anything else? Hm...you'll need a uniform...take him to his room I'll have a uniform for you by the time you wake. Unfortunately I can't give you anything else at the moment so I ask you don't put up a fight. Goodnight then." With that she turned in her heel and proceeded to walk down the hall, her strides long and purposeful. She had a meeting with the Directors to see how her other patients were doing.

Turning a corner and entering a password I to the keypad before the door, nimbly fingers typed it in before entering the room. @Briza
"If you want...I can explain everything that I know to you tomorrow. During the day were allowed freedom, plus I'm thexcited one who guides our new paitents around. Meet me tomorrow morning outside the Dining Hall, I'll explain then." Emmitt murmur softly as the familiar bindings of his straight-jacket wrapped around his arms. Cassandra stood behind the guards and offered a small, stiff nod in agreement.

"You'll be awoken around 8 and taken to the Dining Hall for breakfast. Paitent K1453 will take you on a tour afterwards. Now here's your medicine, your wounds will be bandaged and clean by morning." Emmitt took the cup offered and swallowed the pills dry, taking a sip of water afterwards. Gray eyes focus on hazel as a small, tired smile filtered across pale features. He allowed the guards the guide him to his room, his eyes closing as familiar heaviness begins to spread throughout his limbs.

He didn't even realize when he was placed on his bed and his door closed and his room was plunged into darkness. @Briza
"Get. The. Fuck. Off. Me. You psychos!" The road brought with it a rage that Emmitt hadn't felt since the day he awoke within his room. He twisted around, igoring the sharp pain that raced up his arm, his right palm slamming into the larger males throat. He was released after a cry left the lips of the male, pale fingers gripped long strands or blonde hair and yanked upward.

"Foo-" Her words ceased as he slammed her head against the ground. Her bloodied mouth coating the floor in red as he repeated the action again and again. His heart hammered in his chest hard enough to make his head spin, when she ceased moving Emmitt released his hold.

A large palm settled between his spine while the other gripped his chin, Emmitt hissed when pressure was added and his head titled back. He grit hid teeth and dig his heels into the cool floor, his eyes flashing as he hands came up and gripped the palm tilting his head back. He ignored the blood on his hands as he dug then into the separation between the straining digits.

He was released after the sound of bone grinding against one another filled hid ears. He ducked and kicked his legs out, sending the male crumpling to the floor. Emmitt was on him in an instant, hands gripping his short hair and slamming his skull against the floor.

"The match is over. Patients K1453 and L6841 nay leave now." The monotone voice jerked Emmitt from his stupor, he hadn't even realized he'd stopped. Numbness filled him as he rose from the sill corpse and made his way towards the door. He paused when he neared his partner, his bloodied fingers twitching at his side.

"We can go now..." His voice was hollow, his gaze focused on the ground. He heard the latched unlocking and winced when cool air touched the still bleeding bite marks. The collar fell from around his neck, the two guards that had led him here standing just outside the door. "This is where we part ways..." His vision danced across his eyes as his legs wobbled uncertainly under him. He wanted to let him know that they'd meet again, that during the day they were allowed to roam around. He just felt so damn tired all of a sudden that his mouth refused to unhinge and speak. @Briza
"I didn't say I wanted to pick amother subject, relax and stop second-guessing yourself." Her words were softly spoken but true, her mind was going through the books she had and the ones she'd have for deliveries. A small smirk danced across her lips as she turned her gaze to Aleksandr, her head tilting to the side. "Your father said my cell and keys were in a paper bag in the trunk right? Would you mind bringing both objects to me? I think I found our solution." Her fingers flew across the keys of her laptop as warmth filled her chest, she'd just remembered her store was waiting on a shipment of historical books..

She jotted down noted as she mentally skimmed the titles and names of the books she'd asked for, her shoulders relaxing. They had a shot, Nikola Tesla didn't have many works to his name but was mentioned by other important people. His idea hadn't been dumb or a shot in the dark, they had a chance. @Briza
Emmitt ducked a punch and aimed one at the rather tall male that shouldn't be so fast on his feet. The other dodged and Emmitt yelped when a hand spammed into his chest hard enough to send him flying backwards. He hit the wall hard and crumpled to the floor, his vision swimming as bile threatened to choke him. The large hand that grabbed the front of his shirt matched the looming shadow.

"Smell...good...food..." The words were choppy and sounded forced, the rancid breath that wafted into his face had Emmitt gagging. His eyes widened as he was tossed back into the center of the room, his head slamming into the earth.

"Food...smell...good..." The sudden choppy voice had Emmitt rolling to his side, only to pause when a set of teeth latch onto his arm.

"No!" The hiss leaves his lips before a scream fills the room, two seats of teeth piercing hid skin. His back aches as he tries to break free, his eyes rolling as pain shoots up his arms and legs. His stomach rolls and his fingers twitch as the jaws clench and unclench as they chew at his shoulder and forearm. He tried squirming but still when a large set of hands grip his shoulders and force him against the other male. Liquid agony spreads throughout his body as teeth latch once more onto his skin, a soft sound escaping him when his body refuses to move.

Like he was paralyzed, the sound of teeth meeting flesh filled his ears as his head lolled drunkenly to the side. They were going to eat him, and Emmitt couldn't move to get away, his limbs felt heavy and his mind wavered. @Briza
"Well a book is fine but we still need sources that aren't from the Internet...hm..." She thought softly as she picked the book up, her head titling as she scanned the title. Her fingers absently ran across the spine before absently opening it and tracing the worn pages. She mentally went trough the books she had within her store, a frown tugging her lips down as she thought. "I might have some booka on him but they need to be solely about him, not just a mention here and there." She muttered absently as her gaze focusedon the window, her good leg beginning to away from side to side.

Head tilting back to glance up at the ceiling, Sylvia hummed softly as her fingers began to trace the pages once more. The fingers of her right hand absently typing down on the keys with no real direction. @Briza
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