Avatar of Arista


Recent Statuses

2 yrs ago
Cataract surgery happening today...send good vibes/well wishes, please? I'll be back soon~
5 yrs ago
Officially 27...getting closer to 30 xD happy birthday self!
5 yrs ago
"In the darkest times, hope is something you give yourself. That is the meaning of inner strength." Uncle Iroh
6 yrs ago
That moment when you plan an RP and get the first post up and then your partner deletes the OOC PM thread and doesn't answer... ~_~
9 yrs ago
The moment when you're having a Disney movie marathon and you regret nothing. Not even caring that your parents are looking at you funny because your singing along ^^


Enter at your own risk~

Hello, hello!

I'm Ari~ An adult who loves video games and my pup equally, I'm a dork who loves watching the shows I adore and then ranting about them until I get all my Feelings under control.

I'm a veteran when it comes to roleplay, I've been doing this long enought to know I'm better suited for 1x1's then Group Rps. My level is at the high causal to low advanced, once I get really into an RP its on my mind in a way that I don't mind. Feel free to send a PM with plot ideas or pairings, the most I can say is no thanks, which is rare and unlikely to happen~

Thanks for dropping by!

Discord: Aristacratt

Most Recent Posts

“You can't really blame him though, not when the bastard enchanted everyone into a deep sleep. The only ones who weren't asleep are the ones dead downstairs, he wanted us to start and doubt our surroundings and the people here so we'd split up and head our own ways. I suggest against that and I have a method that will keep us safe, also welcome honey I'm back.” Lye’s sudden voice filling the room had both vampires turning to face the still open door, their eyes blinking in unison. She smelled of the forest and a bit of mint, her cheeks were flushed and her eyes were narrowed. Kieran noted that she seemed exhausted and that she held something in one of her hands.

“What are those?” Ryanair asked and Kieran was grateful that he did, Lye blinked and glanced down at her hand. She opened her palm and a blue crystal caught their attention, Lye clicked her tongue and nodded.

“These are what I've been working on since my arrival here. They're called Ward Crystals and are helpful in keeping out others that aren't welcome are are consumed by darkness. I just finished them and have scattered that around the grounds, so if you feel a slight chill around you know that it's just that he crystals and that they mean no harm.” Kieran blinked when she moved forward, her head tilting to the side as she paused near his side. Ryanair rose and moved to stand beside her, Kieran didn't even do much as wince when her hand fell on his chest. The crystal in her hand began to glow then, a soothing chill filling his body.

“Ly-” Ryanair began, only to pause when the Mage clicked her tongue and half-turned to face him.

“I'm temporarily healing him, get me new clothes so we can move him to another room. From there we'll help out below and then clean this up, The crystals will keep anyone out and my partner will keep watch tonight.” Ryanair remained still for a moment before doing as she instructed him to, soon Kieran could somewhat move and his clothes were clean and bloodless. He didn't much want to move but Lye was having none of it and soon he was on his feet and allowing Ryanair to guide him. He had the still glowing crystal in his hand -Lye hadn't really given him the option- and was glad to leave the copper smelling room, he wouldn't have been able to sleep there anyway.

They stood in the hallway for a moment before Ryanair began to lead him forward. The house eerily silent as they moved.

Kyra had quiet frankly pushed the mornings meeting out of her mind, she had things to do and no weirdo was going to distract her. She'd been entirely focused on her assignment, fingers idly twirling the pen between as she read. A white blur that fluttered just at the edge of her vision distracted her enough to temporarily cease her reading, a sudden feeling of unease filling her stomach.

Don't tell me... Her mind pleaded a's she reached for her bag and scanned the contents within. Her eyes narrowing and her teeth gritting when she finds something missing. Her gaze moves back to the window and she watches as the white blur -now paper pieces- float idly in the breeze. She caught a sight of writing on one and found herself rising to her feet before she fully thought on her actions.

"I'll be right back, I don't feel quiet well." She all but hissed to her professor before storming out of the room. Her bag slung over er shoulder, she takes off down the hall in a familiar pace. Reaching the stairs that would lead her up to the roof, she took a moment to tie her blonde hair back and unclench her jaw. Pushing open the doors and dropped her bag and moved forward with anger filling her veins, he'd taken her notebook and was using the pages as confetti. "You jerk, what the hell?" SHe hissed as she neared him and reached out for her notebook, it was hers dammit and he had no right to take it. @Mae
Kieran took a slow, measured breath before answering. The first question was easy enough, he shook his head and uncurled from the ball he'd made himself into. He could feel his body beginning to mend itself, the feel of skin moving and slowly closing over the wounds. The second question had his eyes widening and his stomach dropping to his feet, he was sitting up before his mind could process just what the hell he was doing. A familiar pair of hands on his upper arms stilled him for a moment, Ryanair was watching him and Kieran questioned him first.

“What happened below?” His managed to grit out, Keiran caught Ryanair’s flinch before the blonde rolled his shoulders and offered a nod. He was released but one of Ryanair’s hands gripped the sleeve of his torn shirt, Kieran relaxed and rested his head against the headboard.

“Someone managed to slaughter the Pack except for Evian and Ynez, somehow someone room out a pack of werewolves without anyone waking. And this morning everyone was still asleep when I awoke to head down to the kitchen, I don't..no one fucking heard anything….” His words failed him and Kieran reached forward to gently card through blonde locks. He was pleased when Ryanair didn't flinch and after a moment more, allowed his hand to fall to his lap.

“I just saw his reflection in the window...His smile wasn't one of friendliness it was twisted. I remember seeing one of his fingers trailing down his own chest before...pain” He suddenly felt exhausted -his eyes fighting to stay open- Kieran knew logically that that was a bad sign and he tried to keep them open. His head felt heavy and he felt the world spin dizzyingly as his body tipped sideways.

He was so....sleepy….


V’yest grinned maniacally as the person before him withered in agony, it wasn't much but it was entertaining enough. A sigh slipped passed his lips when the figure stilled and his creatures vanished into nothingness, he rose from his chair and made his way towards the nearest window. It was daylight and the fields that surrounded his home were bare and dead, he turned away and made his way towards the dining hall.

A tune began to fall from his lips as he continued down the hall, his steps silent and vermilion eyes closed. He'd had fun the night before, the screams and snarls echoing in his ears as he took a right. He slowed when he felt a familiar weight settle onto his right shoulder, the beak that nudged at his cheek had him frowning. “I just payed a little bit, nothing more.” He stated in a tone that oozed boredom, the phoenix trilled a few notes and fell silent.

He saw us you fool, if only for a moment. V’yest hissed softly as the words filled his mind, it was chastising and the Mage didn't appreciate it. He shooed the phoenix away and pushed over the large doors, stepping inside he found nothing but books and candles. Moving forward and grabbed the closest book, he sat down and began to read.

He'd bide his time and see how his toy was doing, he hadn't meant to hurt him but it had happened.

A weight seemed to release his chest and Kieran immediately gulped in large gasps of air. He became aware of how his body was shaking, and how the smell of blood and burnt flesh filled the air. He heard his first fledgling’s question though his mind didn't immediately supply him an answer, another three gasps later and Kieran managed to unclench his fists and open his eyes.

A hiss escaped him when bright sunlight met his gaze, his body instinctively curling into a tighter ball. His eyes slowly adjusted to the light and with it he became more observant as to who was at his sides. He opened his eyes and found both Clara and Ryanair sitting on their knees, their faces pale and eyes wide. He could remember the feel of ice-cold hands on his chest before his gaze met crimson eyes, his teeth grit and his lips part to answer Clara’s question.

“I don't know how but...someone was here. I only saw this person for a moment but I could tell he wasn't human. His eyes were crimson and I spotted a black phoenix on his shoulder before I was overwhelmed by pain…” His words failed him as he felt his throat close up, his hands flying to his neck. The copper scent of blood now filled his scenes, he curled his battered body into a ball and opened his mouth to speak once more. “Move...away….” He manages to rasp out, his tone weak but authoritative. It felt like he hadn't fed in what felt like weeks, his mind felt foggy and try as he might he couldn't recall anything other then the missing to find the Mage.

He didn't want to hurt either of his fledgling’s. Teeth gritting so hard he tasted blood on his tongue, he unconsciously fills their bonds with exhaustion and confusion.

Why couldn't he remember?

Why did he feel so thirsty as if he hadn't fed in a while?

….And why did he feel so heavy?

He couldn't breath.

His lungs felt frozen I'm his chest as white-hot agony trailed down his back. He hadn't even noticed the presence until crimson eyes met his own and pain invaded his senses, the Ice cold hand that trailed down his back almost lovingly had him shuddering. He could hear muffled voices and sounds, though he couldn't bring himself to move. It seemed to continue until a new and familiar scent drifted into the air, Kieran’s stomach settling on the smell rather than the previous smell of burning flesh. He still couldn't move but he wished to console the owner of the scent, his throat working as if in preparation to speak.

He couldn't of course with the lack of oxygen missing from his lungs. Kieran twitched when another familiar scent joined the first, the iron-grip on his legs receding slowly as he took measured breaths. Then the second scent moved closer and suddenly the grip was back on his lungs and the agony returned with a vengeance.

His lips parted and a scream tore itself from his dry throat, his body instinctively tensing and moving away.

Ryanair jerked to the present when Kieran’s scream echoed in the room, his blond head whipping up so fast he heard his neck crack. He was beside his sire in moment, his hands steady as he helped Clara remove the rods. His jaw tightened as his own flesh burned, though he ignored it and kept helping.

The sooner these were removed the better. Then they could go about finding the anders aa to how all of this happened with no one noticing. How the werewolves were slain and not even the Alpha noticed, or how this had happened and the bond hadn't flared to life.

He wanted answers, he hated being in the dark.

Another Bump! :3

@Mae Hope to continue this RP when your able to ^^
Ryanair tore his gaze away from the bodies, his stomach roiling as bile fills his throat. His mouth opens as if to answer her, his throat clenching when he notices two figures atop the stairs.

Ynez and Evian look close to breaking. They lurch forward and shift without seeming to notice, both approach their fallen packmates with hesitant steps. Ryanair can tell they aren't breathing, the amount of blood that's pooled around their bodies is proof enough. A werewolf can heal almost any injury, though if it's deep enough and done countless times then their natural healing factor can't kick in quick enough. Ryanair grits his teeth and turns away from the scene as soft whines begin to fill the air, he instead faced Clara and offered an answer.

“I don't know. In his room perhaps.” He felt cold and empty, sure he'd seen death before but not so many at one time. The sound of thundering footsteps drew his attention up the staircase, his hands balling into fists as he spots the last three people he wished to see. Wolff was still as stone, Esther had a hand to her lips and Isabella had a look of absolute shock on her face.

“Who-why-” Esther managed those those two words before both werewolves began to howl, Wolff leapt down the stairs and towards them at once. Ryanair blinked only once before turning on his heel and heading back up the stairs, he was frightened and this decision could very well end horribly but he needed to do something. Reaching his sire’s door, the blonde took only a moment of hesitation before his fist slammed against the wood. He did it two times, then three and waited for a response.

None came and the wolves howls continued to fill his ears. His leg lifted and slammed against the door hard enough to dent it, though this time the wood gave way and Ryanair stepped back when the door swung open. His stomach roiled and the blonde rose a hand to cover his mouth, the God awful smell filling his scenes as his eyes peered into the room. Blood splattered the walls and floor just as downstairs, the only difference was the added smell of burnt flesh. A whimper escaped his lips when he stepped inside and found Kieran on his back with rods made of silver piercing his skin.

What the hell had happened the night before? Why now and why the wolves?

Ryanair’s legs buckled and he met the back wall, he slid down it and curled into a tight ball. He wanted everything to go back to normal, he didn't want to fear his own sire anymore or be on the run. He wanted to be with Clara and Kieran without the fear of needing to hide.

Bump! Looking for partners! :3

Bump! Looking for partners! :3

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