Avatar of Arista


Recent Statuses

2 yrs ago
Cataract surgery happening today...send good vibes/well wishes, please? I'll be back soon~
5 yrs ago
Officially 27...getting closer to 30 xD happy birthday self!
5 yrs ago
"In the darkest times, hope is something you give yourself. That is the meaning of inner strength." Uncle Iroh
6 yrs ago
That moment when you plan an RP and get the first post up and then your partner deletes the OOC PM thread and doesn't answer... ~_~
9 yrs ago
The moment when you're having a Disney movie marathon and you regret nothing. Not even caring that your parents are looking at you funny because your singing along ^^


Enter at your own risk~

Hello, hello!

I'm Ari~ An adult who loves video games and my pup equally, I'm a dork who loves watching the shows I adore and then ranting about them until I get all my Feelings under control.

I'm a veteran when it comes to roleplay, I've been doing this long enought to know I'm better suited for 1x1's then Group Rps. My level is at the high causal to low advanced, once I get really into an RP its on my mind in a way that I don't mind. Feel free to send a PM with plot ideas or pairings, the most I can say is no thanks, which is rare and unlikely to happen~

Thanks for dropping by!

Discord: Aristacratt

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Bump! Looking for partners! :3

Once the food was finished, all three vampires moved to the foyer to see how the others were doing. The iron smell of blood was gone and in its place was the smell of cleaning solution, Ryanair’s nose wrinkled in distaste. He didn't stay long to investigate however, turning on his heel he made his way to Kieran’s temporary room. Hesitating before the door the blonde took a moment to gather his courage, opening it he stepped inside and glanced to his left. His sire was asleep and Ryanair knew better than to wake him, he bit his bottom lip and moved forward. Rechung the bed he shook the other gently, relaxing when he spied the crystal still in his hand.

“...Nngh” Was what filled Ryanair’s ears, the blonde snorted slightly before gently shaking him once more. Resting led to healing and he knew Kieran need it, however food was just as important. The other male groaned softly and rolled slowly onto his back, Ryanair pulled his hands away and stepped back a step. He was still cautious around the other, true he'd fallen asleep earlier but he'd still been on alert. The marks had healed but they still seemed to linger, Kieran’s eyelids fluttered before opening.

Hazy grey-blue met emerald-green.

“Would you like to eat?” He asked with his hands in his pants pockets, Kieran blinked slowly up at him before nodding.

“Not really hungry right now...why not go and join the others?” His voice was soft and sleep-heavy, Ryanair ducked his head and swallowed at the tone. He glanced up and found Kieran’s eyes focused on him now, the haze of sleep gone and replaced with something Ryanair couldn't place. “What's wrong?” The blonde jerked and stepped away further from the bed, he knew the other couldn't move but the space made him feel somewhat safer.

“N-nothing at all! I'll just be-” He stammered out, turning on his heel and all but fleeing the room.

He managed to catch a “Wait Ry-” before he closed the door. He stayed against the wood for only a moment before making his way back down, his pace slowing when the door opens and two familiar wolves enter the house. He offers them a nod and takes off towards the kitchen, easily joining Esther and Isabella as they set out the plates.

His jaw clenched when he felt confusion and worry echo in the back of his mind. He knew he had acted odd and Kieran would question him later, for now though he had something to distract himself with. Grabbing two plates and filling them with three pieces of steak -he knew it wouldn't be enough to fill them- he set one down after another, his pace slow and measured. The Alpha and Beta moved forward and dug into the food, Ryanair standing up straight and going to wash his hands. Grabbing a plate for himself, he moves out of the room and heads towards the pool room.


Name: Liam Wynn|17|Monday

Occupation: A waiter at a café

Personality: Kind, protective, sarcastic

History: (To be played put in IC)

Extra: Kyra gave him a male bangle cat he named Dyes

And his mother bought him a ferret he named Vox
@Mae She paused just as she rounded the corner of the building. She knew leaving wasn't an option even though she wanted nothing but to go home, with a tired sigh Kyra began to walk once more. Her mind wandered as she passed the students eating lunch on the grass and tables provided for them, she wasn't hungry right now.

Entering through the open dining hall doors, she absent-mindedly weaved around people and tables as she continued forward. She wasn't even sure where she was going, her feet were guiding her really and Kyra didn't see fit to pay attention. Her muscles ached as she moved, the loudness of the hall fading as she moved away. She paused when she reached the staircase, the sudden vibration of her phone drawing her attention. Eyes blinking Kyra tugged it out from the pocket of her uniform and unlocked the screen, her lips twitching upwards into a smile at what met her gaze.

Sit with me? It was a simple message and shouldn't have her smiling, with a fond roll of her eyes she begins her response.

Sure, where? She wandered briefly about her bag and frowned with a huff, just as her foot touched the first step her phone went off once more.

Music Room, I have your bag. She hummed softly and turned to head towards the Music area of the school, her footsteps echoing in the silence. This part of the school didn't get busy until after lunch, and if she knew her companion he'd have picked a room no one else would use. As she coined down the corridor she slowed when the sound of a piano filled the air, her lips tugging up into a smile. Reaching the door marked “Room 6” She pushed it open and slipped inside, she paused at the sight that met her. A swirling of notes filled the air and Kyra found her eyes closing at the sounds, her feet guiding her forward.
Her eyes opened and she found brilliant gold eyes watching her, she offered a small smile and wave of her hand. The male before her arched a crimson brow but didn't cease his playing of the piano, she knew not to disturb him while he practiced. Blinking her eyes she allow herself to scan the room, a yawn escaping her lips. It was a large room with grey painted walls with a few pictures of fields here and there, the ceiling was high and a chandelier hung above. A few vases with flowers were scattered here and there and Kyra paused when she found two beanbags, her companion continued to play so she moved forward. They were black and white and or a moment she wasn't sure which to choose, she chose the white beanbag and plopped down with a sigh. Her body curled into a ball as her ears filled with the notes that blanketed the room, her tense muscles relaxing as she listened.

She didn't notice when she fell asleep.

Jolting awake when a sudden movement beside her jarred her slightly, Kyra blinked her eyes and focused on the blurry figure. Golden eyes watched her as he settled on the black beanbag, her own emerald green blinked slowly as she settled once more. “Hey.” She offered after a moment, her voice seeming loud in the silence.

“Hey there, yourself. Rest for a bit and I'll wake you when lunch ends, want anything?” He asked softly, Kyra stretched and winced when the action caused her muscles to protest. She peered upwards and found her companion reading a book with headphones in his ears, a smile danced across her lips as she nodded.

“I'm fine, thanks Li.” She murmured softly as her eyes closed, sleep almost taking over almost instantly. The last thing she remembered was feeling a warm hand settle on her head, his long fingers carding through her hair in a soothing motion.

“Anytime, love.” His words filled her ears as she finally gave in, a soft hum escaping her throat. She'd face the world again after a nap, hopefully he would leave her be.
@Mae Yay! Time to piss Dante off x3
@Mae No worries! :3

I wanted to ask if I could add another character? A male that's known Kyra since they were kids if that's fine? Maybe he can piss Dante off xP
@Love Dove It's okay xD just wanna make sure lol
@Love Dove Not to rush bit were still doing this right?
Yup, it did! :3

And no worries, mine just kinda happened and I don't know how I should feel xD

And now he does ^^ cue the angst of Kyra's part! Lol @Mae
With a suddenness that surprised her, Kyra was being thrown away. Anger flared in her and before she could think, she was up and slapping her hand across his cheek. His words echoed in her head and she felt bile rise in her throat, her stinging hand balling into a fist at her side.

“Filthy rich brat...nice comeback smartass. Let me tell you something and I hope your damn well listening, I got here on my own merit. My father was an alcoholic man who began to beat me after my mother's death, then one day he lost his goddamn mind and set our house on fire. I jumped from our three-story home so I wouldn't die, after that I worked myself to exhaustion to get a scholarship here. Newflash I got it and my so-called rich parents? Yeah I don't any so get off your high-horse and leave me the hell alone” Her whole body was trembling now and she could feel the heaviness of a panic attack settling into her chest. She clicked her tongue once before moving to the edge of the roof they were currently on, her legs feeling stiff at the movement.

Whatever beef he has, I've had it. With a deep sigh that didn't seem to actually fill her aching lungs, she jumped. It wasn't a far jump and with a nod she landed and tumbled to she wouldn't hurt herself further. She mentally counted to ten as she rose and dusted herself off, the panic having faded and leaving her empty.

“Go bother someone else.” She hissed into the cool air, before flexing her fingers and beginning to walk. She'd have her grandmother call the school and tell them she wasn't feeling well, Kyra really didn't want to be here anymore. @Mae
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