Name: Dyer Evista
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Occupation: Recently bonded Voca-summoner
Personality: Dyer is a quiet girl, her personality fluctuating depending on her mood. She can be happy, but mostly she's indifferent, cold.
History: She lived with her mother until a month ago. Dyer was in the forest a few feet from her home when she'd come across him. He was a pup then, timid and skittish, she'd reached towards him and felt flame lap at her hand. They bonded, flawlessly and it both shocked Dyer as it pleased her. She'd returned home with her new partner in her arms, his small frigid for a comfort as her home came into view. That night a feast filled their table, her mother had been extremely proud, Dyersburg silently basked in her mother's happine as she ate.
They came the next morning. Roughly yanking her down the stairs of her home and caging her partner despite her protests. She was taken to tell East, the Royal family of Ezekiel resided. She'd fought at first, her demand tof have her partner back, to see her mother, she'd regretted it when pain met her words.
Dyer closed herself after the first few 'incidents' her partner was returned to her, his neck sporting a leather collar. They'd kept to themselves, ignoring the other Voca-summoners that also filled the dungeons they were kept in. Dyer refused to be broken, she silently fought the King and his guards, keeping her power locked away. She managed to escape during a Gala, the princess was speculated to be wedding soon.
She runs now.
Additional Information: Her partner has grown within the month of imprisonment. His name is