Avatar of Arkitekt


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Current Am I back?? I think I'm back...
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The Crew of [i]The Pinned Seal[/i] is coming together nicely, a very lively crew indeed... thrilled to be starting Chapter 2. of Winds of Fate. The party has been a blessing and I couldn't be happier.
3 yrs ago
Campaign is going great, couldnt be happier with our first bit of combat! roleplayerguild.com/topics/…
4 yrs ago
Just wanted to say how pleased I am with my campaign, and all the players in it. I couldn't be happier roleplayerguild.com/topics/…
4 yrs ago
Loving the cast in my current campign. Couldn't be happier. Nightlands will be quite entertaining as well. Kudos to @Kino End. Well done...
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Likes, Interests, and Dislikes-

I am always looking for new Rp'ers and writers to help fill in gaps between my posts in Rp's that I am currently participating in. I love to create new characters, realms, worlds, all very displayed. I am an artist so I like to add a bit of visual stimuli when I have the time. I try very hard to make it all very immersive. I have a few characters listed below along with my interests and other info...

My likes and interests are Medieval, Low-medium Fantasy, Fantasy, Historical, Ancient, Steampunk, Pirate/Swashbuckler, Dark, gritty themes (18+), Modern, Sci-fi, Future, Dystopian, Apocalyptic, Slice of life, Romance (with plot only), Mystery, Military, Mech/Mecha, Western, Colonial, just to name a few. I like play by post, or chat as well. Large group, small group, 1x1.

My dislikes are Fandoms, High School, ANIME, anything with FUR.. Did I mention fandoms? and fur, already?? I really prefer to play original Rp's and original charatacters for the most part, and I am always looking for new and engaging people to write with. If interested please feel free to PM me.

Writing Style-

Literate, descriptive, multi-para to novella posts. Mature and well written, with grammatical and punctual prowess, and I expect the very same from my partners. Please do not waste my time, and I will do my best not to waste yours.

Winds of Fate- A Thief's Adventure
(Writing Sample)

Winds of Fate - A Thief's Adventure


Other Resources-




Most Recent Posts

Also @Kino End I hope that time stamp of 9:24 is okay. I'm not sure exactly what to put down at this point so I hope that it's close enough. I figured in a good hour or so with the cops and statements, time for them to arrive, etc.
I managed to get one out. @Kino End how do I change my posts to that font you use in yours. I hate this regular font. I tried to look at in the raw format but all I see were the h3 with the sup things that I don't know what those do unless they are indentions maybe?

"Awe, thanks Russell." she said, "It looks like we're going to be at it for a while tonight so I'll definitely not turn it down."

It was a nice gesture for Russell to offer to buy her a coffee. She was also in need of a good stiff drink but he was right. That would have to wait for another time. She kept beside Russell as they made their way to the alley to meet this guy. Russell mentioned that he noticed that the man was also armed and this compounded her anxieties about meeting with him in such a private location. That being said, if he was armed and something did happen it'd be safer for the public than if it were out in the street or somewhere else. Russell might be up in age but he was still as sharp as they come. he was definitely up on the game...

"You're probably right. If he were going to make a move he would've done it then." she nodded attentively as they conversed. "Sometimes you gotta take a few risks to get any progress done. I definitely know a lot about that. On the gang unit we see kids all the time... bucking the system constantly all because nothing ever changed for em. Totally changed some of their lives by simply taking a risk on them, giving them an opportunity where no one else would. Most of em never had anyone ever give them a chance so it was always just more of the same. I mean, if we are in the business of making progress, sometimes you cant be too picky on how you get it."

Serena really wasn't one for opening up to anyone in group. The pair's commonalities in their professions gave her a bit of common ground with him, and that made it much easier for her. That and she was nervous. It had been four months since she was put on leave, and she hadn't done anything remotely relatable to police work since, unless you count stakeouts for one night stands...
She was still excited about the prospect of doing a bit of detective work with Russell. She had been growing extremely bored while left to her own devices. She really didn't want to take lead on this though. Gun play still wasn't completely in her wheelhouse, and after seeing Russell get all Dirty Harry in the apartment she hardly thought she could keep up to standards, but she would approach the man regardless.

"I'd be lying if I said I didn't miss policing... I'll talk to him first but keep your sidearm ready. I'm still not very comfortable with all that. I mean I have my CC but I don't want to pull. I'll see what he has to say and you do that grimace thing you're so good at." she said in jest, trying to rally up some good partner rhetoric.

The pair rounded the corner and there he was, waiting for them to arrive. He seemed antsy and agitated. Very distressed. Serena straightened her back and broadened her shoulder s as she got closer to the man, hoping that Russell maintained a safe distance behind her. She tried to still her nerves as she did.

"Alright fella, you wanna explain to us what you're doing here and why you just showed up out of the blue at a murder scene?" she said, her voice firm and assertive. She had managed to do a fine job of masking her nervousness.

“You have no idea what you’ve done. All of this was never supposed to happen.” The previously pleasant tone in his voice began to descend into anger and despair. “Now he is dead and it’s all your fault. Did you even notice it? In the Doctor’s office. You believe you have a memory of them leaving, yet it’s strange that they’re gone all of a sudden.”

"Whoa... slow down big guy." she said, clearly confused. "What wasn't supposed to happen? What are you referring to? What do you mean, what we did?"

“The Nightland has them now.” the man said under his breath. “Doors Everywhere, Doors Everywhere, Doors Everywhere.”

"The Nightland? Yo, what the fuck is he going on about?" she said turning to Russell, slightly freaked out.

I obviously got tied up today. will post tomorrow after work. The Mrs. had other plans for me today in the form of yard work. Mulching, flowers, and weeds...
I'll post shortly.

Vargas took no pause in his scribbling as Marengo figured up his tally. Y'Vanna scoffed at the number he proposed. She had surely not though it would cost her this much, nor had she really thought it through. She huffed and slumped back in her chair with a decent bit of force, causing it to wobble slightly and nearly threw her out of the chair. Vargas stopped writing and set his quill down neatly beside the book.

"Let's call it seventy one hundred." he said sliding the book away from him slightly. "That includes a ship charter both ways plus the lull, if there is one. Of course, judging by the looks of you lot there will be... Two weeks of the most basic rations, enough to fend off the scurvy. A dead investment is no good to me so there's a few extra days worth just in case. I've also itemized a list of basic gear for your little excursion plus one hundred gold each petty cash for you to spend on any other items you might deem necessary in the event I left something out."

He was very professional in stating all of this, matter-of-factly. Y'Vanna groaned accordingly...

"This also includes an additional fee of fifty gold for my personal time spent here on this matter, and for figuring up this list and my aiding you in your logistics issues, and my interest rate of 40%, which comes out to eleven hundred gold for my troubles..."
Vargas tore the page from his journal and then slid it to the center of the table for the group to look over.

"Now that we have come to an agreement on the loan..." Vargas said, clasping his hands on his lap.

"Just a minute now... nobody said we came to any agreement on the pri-"

"I think you'll find it a suitable price, once you take into consideration that you don't have a ship, nor the means to procure one currently, and the fact that I do. I am being more than generous on such a large amount on loan no less..." he said, clearly agitated. "not to mention my having to employ my own personal contacts, unless of course you know someone else who can gather up all your gear and have you ready to leave harbor by the noon time tomorrow? Eh?"

Y'Vanna shut her mouth, slumping even further into the seat. This was all clearly more than she had considered, and would have most definitely rather been able to bypass dealing with Vargas altogether. But, she knew that wasn't a viable option. Vargas had her by the tits, and she knew it.

@vietmyke To quell your fears about Maggie, she is just really aggressive and unconventional. I understand what you are saying about the military having standards and everything and I did tweak her and tone her down a bit. Still very aggressive, the 3 major collateral events were'nt entirely her fault to begin with, they were just heavy engagements and had massive amounts of collateral damage, but anyone else probably would've failed and died. She is just unruly, but still within the working parameters of the military. She is well worth her spot, and a valuable pilot. Just unconventional, and some would see that as being reckless.

She is prone to taking risks that others would might shy away from. That's all I'm trying to get her to come across as.

Sorry for the short post. I am trying to follow Russell's lead so I don't currently have a lot of freedom with the dialogue restrictions right now, but I will be here and available all weekend to reply back as needed. @MST3K 4ever if you have time for that I'll be around to do a bit of back and forth in posting if you'd like. I didn't want to get too far ahead of you in the dialogue without giving you a chance to reply first.
@MST3K 4ever

Serena stood conversing with Bill and was just about to end her conversation as Russell came over. He had been taking pictures around the apartment with his cellphone but had stopped to come over and join them. She heard Russell mention something about some vagrant that she had not noticed until Russell made mention of it. She leaned slightly to look over Russell's shoulder at the moan, trying to be less than obvious that she was doing so. He was odd looking to say the least, and his presence and timing made Serena uneasy... and curious.

"I'm not so sure you should go by yourself Russell." she said, elevating herself a bit on her tiptoes to take another gander at the man. "At least let me go with you. I'd feel better about it."

The last thing Serena wanted to do was meet this weirdo in an alley but she certainly wasn't going to let Russell go by himself either. It wasn't the best of ideas to say the least, but she'd be lying if she said that she wasn't curious as to why he was there either. She definitely had a lot of questions, none of which she had answers to. The group seemed to be handling the situation much better than she had initially anticipated, and for that she was thankful. She knew how delicate the situation was, and that it could spiral out of control at a moments notice.

"It's been a pleasure meeting you Bill." she said with a smile. "I don't care what Russell says about you..."
She shook Bill's hand and nodded and then proceeded to go with Russell to meet this mysterious vagrant to see what she could learn.

"I don't know about you but I sure could use a drink." she said to Russell. She was unsure if he consumed alcohol or not but she could stand another coffee as well, seeing as how hers was now on the hallway floor. Almost eight bucks for that cup too and she had hardly touched it. What a shame...


Y'Vanna's face and brow twitched a bit at Neh'miah's slick words hit her like a bat. Unfortunately, it was not a sobering blow...

"Aye, that be me indeed, love." she said, "least I be having the coin to spend it.. you know, on a daily basis."

Her tone was sharp but it was only a game. She had seen Neh'miah several times and this banter seemed to be a common form of greeting for the regular patrons of the Faded Lantern. All this talk of the grog was making her rather thirsty and she began to ponder what was keeping Percy, and her horn. A fleeting thought next to the details of their proposal.

"I don't think that steali-"

"No one is going to steal a ship and run it just off the coast to Gnok Island and expect to get back unscathed by the authorities." Vargas, abruptly cutting Y'Vanna off. "Hell, I doubt you lot could make it out of the harbor."

Vargas was quiet for a minute. His hand coursed through his well groomed facial hair as he glanced over those at the table, sizing them up. Neh'miah was a bit too proud, but he had always been what Vargas would call a "decent earner". So was Y'Vanna, who was nearly a pickle and less than ambitious with her loot. She was still very capable, none the less. And then there was Solange... Despite his ever growing lustful passions for the woman did not cloud the fact that she was as sinister, and as dangerous, as they come. She was absolutely capable of keeping Y'Vanna on track... his track. He was also aware that Solange was toying with him. He was no idiot, nor did he seem to mind it entirely. It was something that he had always envisioned that she would eventually get over, and would one day come to her senses. This little endeavor here that she managed to include herself in only fortified his grip on the woman, or so he thought anyway. She managed to do so as his partner no less, something he wasn't prepared to let go of entirely.

"This little trip will require rations and gear as well or did you not tally that into the equation as well? Eighty Kilometers is no short distance by sea no less. You'll need rations for at least a week, possibly two. Then you'll need proper gear for your tasks once you get there." Vargas said. His tone was more professional now. "I bet this fine sailor here has some inclination of what that sort of trip might cost a small group, were they so inclined to do so, Morangi?? is it?." (@Jarl Coolgruuf)

He pulled a small journal booklet from his coat pocket along with a small piece of folded cloth which had a small quill and inkwell in it. Vargas was a busy man and always kept this with him. His journal, a most prized thing, held all his dealings and balances. He produced the inkwell and set it on the table neatly before him, carefully undoing the top of it. He then placed the journal square in front of him. He undid the little leather strap that kept it securely closed and began to flip through the pages, stopping towards the end on a blank sheet. He dipped the quill and began to write.


The Faded Lantern is now in full swing. A fight erupts below and a group of patrons howl in delight. Vargas seems to be unmoved by this as it is normal behavior for the tavern. The rain has finally subsided and Large pyres reach into the growing darkness of the evening sky. Drums and wild music can be heard from the streets as the festival takes form in the square below.

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