Avatar of Arkitekt


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Current Am I back?? I think I'm back...
3 yrs ago
The Crew of [i]The Pinned Seal[/i] is coming together nicely, a very lively crew indeed... thrilled to be starting Chapter 2. of Winds of Fate. The party has been a blessing and I couldn't be happier.
3 yrs ago
Campaign is going great, couldnt be happier with our first bit of combat! roleplayerguild.com/topics/…
4 yrs ago
Just wanted to say how pleased I am with my campaign, and all the players in it. I couldn't be happier roleplayerguild.com/topics/…
4 yrs ago
Loving the cast in my current campign. Couldn't be happier. Nightlands will be quite entertaining as well. Kudos to @Kino End. Well done...
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Likes, Interests, and Dislikes-

I am always looking for new Rp'ers and writers to help fill in gaps between my posts in Rp's that I am currently participating in. I love to create new characters, realms, worlds, all very displayed. I am an artist so I like to add a bit of visual stimuli when I have the time. I try very hard to make it all very immersive. I have a few characters listed below along with my interests and other info...

My likes and interests are Medieval, Low-medium Fantasy, Fantasy, Historical, Ancient, Steampunk, Pirate/Swashbuckler, Dark, gritty themes (18+), Modern, Sci-fi, Future, Dystopian, Apocalyptic, Slice of life, Romance (with plot only), Mystery, Military, Mech/Mecha, Western, Colonial, just to name a few. I like play by post, or chat as well. Large group, small group, 1x1.

My dislikes are Fandoms, High School, ANIME, anything with FUR.. Did I mention fandoms? and fur, already?? I really prefer to play original Rp's and original charatacters for the most part, and I am always looking for new and engaging people to write with. If interested please feel free to PM me.

Writing Style-

Literate, descriptive, multi-para to novella posts. Mature and well written, with grammatical and punctual prowess, and I expect the very same from my partners. Please do not waste my time, and I will do my best not to waste yours.

Winds of Fate- A Thief's Adventure
(Writing Sample)

Winds of Fate - A Thief's Adventure


Other Resources-




Most Recent Posts

Not exactly sure what the Darkening Skies setting is but I've seen you have a few checks going centered around the same sort of genre and this one seems a bit strange to say the least though I'm somewhat partial to strange, so.. and I've got a pilot I've been wanting to play for a while now that might fit with a bit of tweaking. I have several versions but they are all fairly similar. She's a bit of a loose cannon and unruly at times but she is jamb packed with character.. would like for her to get into something soon.

Heavy footsteps emanated from down the hallway as a familiar voice filled the air.

”Yes, I’m afraid the captain has his own duties to look after, as do we all…”

Vargas entered from the hallway and made his way round to the head of the table and sat as Jonesy opened a small window just behind his seat. A bit of ventilation to keep the room from becoming too stifling.

”Sir.” Ba'ku said, bowing slightly as he entered the room.

” Yes, thank you Ba’ku. That will be all.” Vargas said as he spread out his silverware and placed his napkin in his lap. Ba’ku nodded and bowed slightly and then made his exit. ”Right. Now, let’s get down to business, shall we?” he said as he began slicing into the Cornish hen and taking a healthy bite. It was quite good, but like always Jonesy had perhaps used a pinch too much pepper. Vargas visibly made a note of this as he paused his chewing briefly, though he continued to slice at the carcass for more.

Maréngo stopped dead and eyed their employer up and down with no small amount of surprise. The veritable feast in front of him lay forgotten as he stared at the rather unexpected addition to the table.

”I’m afraid I haven’t been entirely honest with all of you, and for good reason, mind you.” he said, shoving a quartered russet into his mouth. He gave himself a moment to process it before continuing on. ”My apologies for that, but I had to make sure that we were well away from prying ears before I could disclose any further information as to our true purposes here.” Y’Vanna’s brow raised with great inquiry

”But I thought...” Y’Vanna was quickly cut off as Vargas continued.

”Yes dear, I’m quite sure you did… but this matter was of the utmost secrecy, so I hope you will overlook this deceiving obfuscation. It was most pertinent that none of you know the true efforts of this venture.” he said as he continued to enjoy his fowl. Jonesy began to go around the table to fill everyone’s glasses. There were choices of the spiced rum, sherry, or white wine. Vargas had the white, of course, and as Jonesy made his way next to Y’Vanna she was quick to lift her glass as her mouth frothed for the rum. She then remembered Solange’s scolding from earlier.

”Sherry please..” she said flatly, and without a lick of glee as she glanced at Solange with sharp eyes. Jonesy filled her glass and continued around the table to Solange. Y’Vanna sat her glass down and started in on her hen as well. Her gut was usually full with grog or worse and was now left a gaping hole that needed filling.

Maréngo shook his head glumly as Jonesy made his way over.

”In fact, I haven’t been honest about a great many things, and who I really am and what I do are among those things.” he paused, taking a sip of his wine. ”This is something that I shall remedy immediately. I am Lord Vargas, my name is in fact Vargas, and I am a Lord. Not in the same sense of the silly title you all like to think I project upon myself. No, not at all… I am not a well to do fence who is well connected and well cultured. Well, that is to say that I am not just that, but that it is, or was, but a means with which to perform my own duties as a Lord in what is simply known as The Order..and we are the most capable, and trusted servants appointed by The Keepers themselves. Most of our duties are clerical, and much of our time has been spent studying old histories and accounts therein. One most specifically… but some of our other duties are much more laborious. Vargas paused once more to wet his lips and tongue once more with the wine.

”Might I ask, are any of you familiar with the story of Merrick, The Virtuous? It’s our most common story and the birthing of our religion. Now I know you all aren’t the most religious lot I’ve ever run across, but I’m sure you’ve at least heard it mentioned before.” he said, as he sliced one of the scallops in half before eating it.

"It rings a bell," Maréngo replied hesitantly, but what does any of that mess have to do with us and our job?"
This was starting to sound like a very complicated situation instead of a simple errand pilfering lost ruins. Things had already gotten rather messy before the task had even really started.

”I’m so glad you asked. You see, it turns out that Razmu’dai was in fact real and Merrick did defeat him and all of his dark lords. Over the ages there have been attempts to raise Razmu’dai by religious zealots and cultists alike, but to no avail. Their attempts have been thwarted thus far but there has been a gain in traction as there have been some… recent developments.” he said, still carving at the carcass on his plate. ”Which brings us to you, The Party. Had there not been such a time constraint I could’ve perhaps prepared a bit better, but here we are. It has come to the Order’s attention that The Black Hands have been enlisted by a cultist group, mostly unknown, and there are also concerns that The Black Lion Trading Company is also on the hunt. There are certain artifacts that we, The Order, have gone to great lengths to keep hidden and out of reach. One of these items was a book that had a bit of useful info on how to find it. They are trying to find the pieces of Razmu’dai’s Gauntlet of Power, which was separated into six pieces. If they find all of these pieces and can put them back together then they will be able to summon Razmu’dai back from his bannishment, and that is bad news for all of us.”

Y’Vanna’s eyes grew wide. ”Feckin hell.. Don’t you suppose that’s a bit more than we are qualified for? I mean, don’t you think we’re a bit outmatched here?”

”Yes. You are outmatched and outmanned, by men that are better suited than yourselves. We don’t have the luxury of picking our opponents, nor do we have the time to do better. You may all think that greatness is an unobtainable virtue for a bunch such as yourselves, but is it? Or perhaps has your environment merely impeded your progress in becoming great? At any rate we do not have a choice. I mean, if any of you would like to take up in Raven’s Cliff and drink away humanity’s last days, you’re more than welcome to do so. But if we do nothing our fates will surely be sealed, as well as everyone else's.” Vargas said encouragingly. ”And you’ll be happy to know that you do not owe me a single coin for this, and what I have given to you is but a sign on payment for your services. I had to keep all of this secret back in Guillan, and I had to make sure that I had at least some measure of character when trying to put together a party, so I wanted to see if you’d still seek riches if it first costed you, and further that you would agree to pay it back. Though it isn’t much, it’s what I had to work with in the time I had been allotted. We had to do something soon as I’ve already gotten word from a trusted liazone that The Black Lion Trading Company has already landed on Gnok and have begun excavating the temple so time was of the essence.”

Skarsat had taken place at the opposite head of the table from where his frame not only bulged over the wooden seat, but also filled out the width of the table they were seated at with relative ease. Unlike certain other individuals who had apparently decided to dress up with what looked like the finest clothes reasonably available and who had fallen victim to his gaze tracking them from pretty much the earliest possible moment onwards for exactly that reason, the Tork had decided to keep things in simple linen. Fresh linen, that was. Even he had not wanted to come to the Captain's dinner as a stinky, dirty fish from below.

If it only had been a Captain's dinner...

By the time Vargas had made his entrance, Skarsat had already piled up a quite staggering amount of meat on his plate. Now he left it to cool down while he could feel his own mood heat up. A large number of thoughts rushed into his mind, a plethora of negative emotions which he decided to summarize in a few, aggressively uttered words: "This is ridiculous!"

Skarsat dumped the fork and knife still in his hands onto the table to the left and right of his plate, then put his hands together and formed an interleaved ball of fingers that had enough pressure in it to make their knuckles crack. "No, I'm not talking about the possibility of some shitty trading company or unknown entrepreneur trying to wipe out everything. People have tried that one way or the other for too many reasons to count since forever, right ? I'm talking about you and whatever kind of organization you claim to represent."

”Ah, there it is.. Finally! Some genuine outrage.” Vargas said, setting his fork and knife to rest on his plate. He wiped the corners of his mouth with his setting cloth. He let his hands rest in his lap as he allowed Skarsat to get it all out.

The ball of Skarsat’s fingers exploded, one hand retreating to some point below the table where Skarsat started some frantic stress relief action with his fingers, the other utilized to count the items on the list by raising one of its long fingers after the other. "First of all, the whole business you presented us with did look like a criminal affair, right ? Secondly, we are criminals and you had to know that well before hiring us. Then, just in order to send us on that kind of challenge you've been speaking about, you happily accepted cannonballing the damn harbor as if that wouldn't raise plenty of attention to our cause. Oh and don't tell me you didn't happily accept or even order that: It's pretty clear the captain of this vessel eats straight out of your hands, otherwise he'd not miss his own dinner! And finally, just for good measure, you overruled the schedule and decided to let Neh'miah's body rot just that bit further while you talk about your own importance instead of just giving him the proper burial as soon as possible!"

Skarsat ventilated his lungs, probably enough that those sitting the closest to him had a chance to feel the stream of warm air gently touching their elbows. He only did so however in preparation for a final barrage of words: "I beg your pardon that I shall regard you as nothing more than the big fat scoundrel you've quite successfully pretended to be so far, and that I shall also regard your entire talk about 'The Order' or 'The Keepers' as nothing but just one possible truth among many others until you present me with a lot more proof than just words. Luckily however I do not see much change on the low level of our mission yet: Our destination hasn't changed, nor has the fact that others might not be hesitant to kill us for what we're attempting to do. If coin is only the secondary and saving the world is the real payment for our endeavor, then that's a quite positive thing. The only positive thing I can actually see right now..."

Apart from the food, of course. Skarsat now picked up his fork again and rammed it through the first piece of meat right until it hit the plate underneath. Knives were an expendable commodity if one had good enough teeth. And, quite luckily, good tasting meat was a globally understood standard much unlike religion. He was a Tork and not from this part of the world after all.

”Unfortunately for us, what you regard me as matters little to our plight as it stands to unfold as I’ve stated should we do nothing. As for my being in arms with criminals as the fence you all know me to be, I ask you… what better way is there to put an ear to the ground, hmm? If you were charged with keeping lucrative items out of the hands of evil men, then where, pray tell good Tork, where should one rub shoulders?” Vargas said. His tone was slightly condescending but he wasn’t overtly being rude either. He took another sip of the wine to wet his mouth. ”As you will come to find out, most of us who are tasked as being members of the Order are hardly righteous zealots nor are we criminals. I was chosen because I’m extremely resourceful.. And I’m relentless in all of my endeavors. I did not come from the chapel, I was not birthed into religion and placed accordingly, nor do I need any help acquiring revenue, and one must use unorthodox methods to get the job done. The Order is full of people like me, with a wide range of skills suitable for the tasks we oversee. But you are right my hefty fellow, you are free to perceive me as whatever you see fit, and I promise you… you will have your proof soon enough. Rest assured.”

Maréngo could only sit quietly and stare as his fellow scoundrel gave Vargas a verbal lashing. Partly because the sudden outburst caught him off guard and also because he was still weighing the massive ramifications of everything that had just been revealed. At the end of the day, Maréngo was a pirate. He took what he wanted at the point of a sword or the barrel of a gun and gave none back as is the way of his kind. He had never given much thought to the greater good or helping his fellow man beyond his immediate (and sometimes temporary) allies or the occasional beggar who looked just too pitiful to ignore. He wasn't one for righteous causes, but above all he loved adventure. He loved to tell and hear stories of grand successes and daring deeds from those he met on his travels. How could he pass up such a grand adventure? Not to mention he had more practical reasons.

"I dunno about you lot," Maréngo stood and placed his hand flat on the table as he addressed the room. "but I think I rather like the world not bein' ended. The world has all of me favorite things like drinkin', and gamblin', fuckin', fightin', sailin'... and... you get the point. Also, we still get paid." He turned to Vargas and raised an expectant eyebrow. "We still get paid, right?"

”Indeed you do.” Vargas said, raising his glass in return.

”And, as promised, there will be plenty of loot for your trinket loving fingers.. The Order only cares about our relics, the rest of whatever else you find is entirely yours to keep, no strings attached. To further explain my deceit, I needed criminals.. How else could I infiltrate such a well organized group as The Black Hands without looking and fitting the part?” He took another bite of the hen before addressing the Tork once more. ”Which brings me to our dearest friend Neh’miah…” Vargas said. ’There is a huge cemetery and catacombs at the temple on Gnok. You all will escort his remains to the temple burial grounds and lay him to rest there. Talk of necromancy has been coming from the island since the excavations started and we will need an excuse to approach the grounds. Neh’miah in his death has provided us such an excuse, and for that I am truly grateful. Once we get to Gnok we will acquire a wagon at the docks as well as a suitable box for his remains.. Ba’ku also wanted me to inform you that he and his men did in fact keep their word, and have prepared his remains with the utmost respect. They also took the liberty of removing his organs so that the stench of his rotting corpse won't be too much of a burden for you on the journey. Corpses don't fare all that well in tropical climates and Ba’ku and his men have gone to great lengths to make the journey as pleasant as it could possibly be for you all. It will take several days to reach the temple on foot so I hope you all appreciate their labors.’

Solange was thankful for her companions if only for the fact that their existence gave her time to process and unpetrify her body. From the moment Vargas entered the room, she’d found herself frozen in her seat, unmoving except for the frantic darting of her eyes away from the man in an attempt to hide the fact that she was panicking and then back to him to search his face for any of the nonexistent signs that he was lying. She had hated “Lord” Vargas, but the actual Lord Vargas had managed to completely fool her—that alone made him so much more dangerous. The things Vargas said about Razmu’dai did not help one tiny bit. In fact, she felt her throat run dry, but her hand still couldn’t find a way to move away from her knife to grab her glass of sherry.

These days Solange liked presenting herself as a hoity-toity city dweller who, with the exception of Voi, only invoked the gods when she publicly wanted to damn them or privately wanted a favor. However, her childhood in the country had given wandering priests and pilgrims of the All-Seer plenty of time to fill her mind with fears of the God of Darkness and Evil. Hearing someone she had thought of at once as at least mildly intelligent boldly claim that Razmu’dai was actually real instead of just part of some sort of allegory might’ve hit her fairly hard, except the person in question had just revealed himself to be either prone to grand flights of fantasies or exceptionally good at hiding the truth.

Solange found herself agreeing with Skarsat: this was ridiculous. Her agreeing with that awful, violent animal of a man was proof alone of how ludicrous all of this was. Lord Vargas was a liar and to trust him was to be an idiot. At first she couldn’t believe how the others appeared willing to continue with their journey, but then she realized the situation. Had the others realized it before her? The actual reason he’d kept the whole thing a secret while back in the city. They were on his ship surrounded by his crew, and on the off-chance that some parts of what he said were true then he wouldn’t let them leave the boat alive unless he believed they were still onboard with his plan.

She felt her fingers finally flex free of their stasis and grab her glass of sherry. She took a small, delicate sip, set the glass down, and began carving away at the cornish hen before her with her utensils. Solange hoped that the others had failed to notice her brief catatonic state and instead would only notice her now as she attempted to appear unphased, as if everything Vargas had revealed to them was old news. She gingerly dabbed at her lips with her napkin and turned in her chair to look up at Maréngo.

“You were promised a split of any potential treasure, my love. There was never any guarantee that you would get paid,” said Solange with a confident smile. She held up her hand to prevent any outburst as she continued. “However, you are now working for one of the wealthiest and most powerful organizations in the land. We’ll talk compensation in a moment, but first and foremost I would like to apologize for our little smoke and mirrors act. You see, I told my Lord that we should’ve been open about all of this from the start, but he was worried that the walls in the Faded Lantern might have too many ears.”

“I thought he was being too cautious, but then the Sheriff came for us.” She pretended to choke up, reaching out to place her hand atop Vargas’s hand. “You were so wise to keep this a secret from the others, my Lord. I can only imagine the amount of danger we would’ve been in if our actual plans had been known. Still, we are sorry for the dishonesty, aren’t we, my Lord?” The way she squeezed his hand felt as if she was issuing him a challenge to call her out as she turned back to the others. “Only the honest truth from here on out, loves.”

“Oh but your payment!” Solange acted as if she’d been so caught up in the apology that she’d forgotten about Maréngo’s question. She smiled, sat back in her chair, and peaked her fingers. “Due to the increased stakes of our journey, my Lord will generously be offering the four of us a daily stipend of gold to support us on our important mission.” She slowly turned her head towards Vargas. “How much was it again, my Lord? A hundred…a hundred fifty?”

”Indeed, Solange… no need to be patronizing or keeping up with charades any longer.” he said with a forced smirk. ”I’d be surprised if you lot could survive long enough to spend what’s already in your pockets… let’s work on surviving this ordeal before we get too far ahead of ourselves. Once we’ve survived we can discuss like fat pigs what to do with the slop, and you all can go back to whatever pettiness it is that suits you..” He looked dead in Solange’s eyes as he spoke.

”So long as there’s still a world to do it in, that is.”

The Dinner

(Aboard The Pinned Seal)

The Pinned Seal
Day Two of the Festival of the Crescents

Ba’ku makes his way down to the party’s quarters below to gather them before dinner. Ba’ku was quite large, but he had grown accustomed to maneuvering the ship's cramped passages and holds. There had been a slight change in plans for the evening and he hoped that this wouldn't cause a rift with the other big fellow with which he had give his word to, but this was the path that he had been set forth upon, and Ba’ku did only one thing, follow orders..
Nonetheless, the thought of his word being given weighed most heavily on his mind as he made his way towards their quarters, ducking as he went to avoid the very solid joists above. His body shifted from side to side and his thick arms grabbed at them as he passed through, mimicking the movements of an orangutan as it swung through the canopy. There was an air of grace about it… mind you he had had ample time for his sea legs to grow, so he was not without the means. He finally made his way to where Skarsat had found himself a spot to settle in. He sighed slightly before approaching him.

“Pardon my intrusion, but I wanted to come to you first since I had given you my word.” Ba’ku said, his head lowered but still making eye contact with him respectfully. “There’s been a slight change in plans with your friend’s remains. There will be no burial at sea, and that is all I am allowed to say for now, but I wanted you to know that we have prepared his body with the utmost respect and reverence, and have prepared him for burial. I have been good on my word, but there has been a change and I wanted you to hear it from me first. More will be disclosed at the dinner tonight. Forgive me now, but I must go and gather the others.”

Skarsat had spent his time on board so far on what could be labeled as 'settling in'. It was a process that would not have taken any of the sailors around him more time than maybe a few minutes, but that had consumed hours of the Tork's budget. He was used to space being a serious constraint for his own humble self and not so much for his gear and other luggage as well -- now he had to deal with both and find a solution for an issue twice the usual complexity. Where to put things so they'd neither be tossed around in a storm nor block anyone's way when in a hurry ? There were pre-made solutions for this such as fixings on the walls and nets, but Skarsat had to be introduced to what felt like everything so he at least started to notice such details. This was a... very specific... environment, indeed!

So Ba'ku's statement hit Skarsat like an ugly reminder about the usual business on land: People not telling him the grand scheme of things, but happily telling them that these existed and he was not allowed to know about them. A change of plans ? So was this Vargas stretching out his long arm even over what little bit of sea they had already left behind them or was that a decision made on board itself ? It would have been very interesting to know and, had it not been for the promise to be told more details at the upcoming dinner, he probably would have started some kind of more robust inquiry immediately. This way however Skarsat found it better to just accept the statement for the moment -- albeit not without a slight bit of grumpiness. Ba'ku, after all, probably was just the messenger being unfortunate enough to carry bad news, so in any way he'd be the wrong person to have to bear his brunt.

Ba’ku bowed and continued across the ship bowels towards the party’s quarters in the very back, giving the door jam a good rapping to announce his presence.

”Pardon my intrusion, but your presence is required for dinner upstairs in a few minutes. Please get yourselves ready and make yourselves as presentable as you can. Jonesy has provided a meal of Cornish hen and scallops, with roasted russets, carrots, and leeks. I believe there is a bit of fresh bread as well as some dates and other fruits from the markets. Please try your best to be punctual. I’ll give you all a few minutes to prepare, I’ll be waiting outside to escort you up.

His head and broad shoulder then disappeared from the doorway as Ba’ku waited patiently outside. There was little modesty on the ship between its crew, but he figured he’d do his best to afford their new guests with as much of it as he could possibly acquire for them, and giving the women a bit of privacy was the least that he could do.

Solange had anticipated their invitation to dinner and had begun readying herself an hour before, otherwise Ba’ku’s offer of a parsley few minutes of preparation would’ve been greeted with a bark of laughter. After running from the law, downdressing her subordinantes, and then discovering that her legs—and her stomach— were built for land and not for sea, Solange firmly felt that she had entered into an unpresentable state of appearance that rivaled Skarsat’s best. Between bouts of dizziness and failed home remedies to ease her motion sickness, she went about the ritual of painting of her face, going a bit heavier on the rogue in an attempt to cover up how green she felt, and performed the dance of denied dresses while using her hammock as a rack for discarded outfits.

When Ba’ku knocked Solange had just finished sticking a hairpin through a tightly wounded bun and slipped her punch dagger into the garter hidden beneath her a new, voluminous evening gown of black chiffon and blue lace frills. She tightened the sash around her waist, carefully securing the vials of liquid hidden into the folds so they would not clink together, and did a final inspection of her eyeliner with her pocket mirror. It was only when she felt satisfied in her appearance that Solange went to the door, took a moment to steady herself and breathe deep, and then stepped out of her quarters accompanied by a fine mist of flowery perfume that vied with the ever present desert musk for dominance. She offered Ba’ku a warm smile and managed to keep it from faltering when she saw that she was the only one ready.
“Just a moment, love,” said Solange. She headed over to the other room where she’d left Y’Vanna and Maréngo to sop up the booze. A few years ago she would’ve placed an ear to the door to avoid stepping in on any compromising situations, but her time spent working for Fontaine had dulled Solange to things like spoiled intimacy. Solange didn’t even bother to knock as she barged through the door.

Maréngo was nowhere to be found and she honestly found herself mildly disappointed to see that Y’Vanna was fast asleep in one of the hammocks—drunk, most likely. Solange scowled knowing that Ba’ku would not see the look, unwilling to admit she was mildly jealous of how someone could be so irresponsible as to require two separate wake-up calls in one day. She slowly took her thumb and forefinger and put them on either side of Y’Vanna nose as Solange began to pinch the woman’s nostril closed, a method she often used to startle her own sister awake in the morning. Solange was sure to remove her hand and pretend to look worried when Y’Vanna started, placing a hand on her shoulder and giving it a squeeze. Y’Vanna’s eyes burst open as she gasped for air, unsure of what was going on. She felt a tickle on her nose and shot upright from her slumber and began swatting at her nose.

“You had me scared, sweetheart. For a moment I thought you weren’t breathing,” said Solange, releasing her grip on Y’Vanna’s shoulder. “It’s time for dinner, honey. Come along.”

Y’Vanna scowled slightly as she had all but figured out that Solange had been messing with her. ”Aye.. Aye, I’ll be right out…” she snarled. She then pulled herself from the hammock and straightened herself up before joining them outside, giving her leathers one last yank to free a nasty wedgie that she had worked up during her slumber before joining with Solange and Ba’ku.

“Sorry for the wait, darling,” said Solange, finnicking with an annoying lock of hair that refused to remain behind her ear as she dragged Y’Vanna out of the room. “While I am looking forward to meeting the Captain, does this mean that the ceremony for our—” Solange turned her head and wiped a nonexistent tear away from her cheek with a sniff as she searched for Neh’miah’s name. “—dear, beloved friend is being delayed?”

“Forgive me, but all I can say is that you will be updated at dinner.” Ba’ku replied respectfully. “Now, if the two of you will follow me please.”

Ba’ku then escorts the two back towards Skarsat’s corner and collects him along the way. He kept a slow and steady pace, as he was aware that they were probably not yet accustomed to navigating the ship’s tight quarters and walkways, and was careful to point out the low hanging beams along the way. He brought them to the steep stairs and lifted his right arm to herd them all up to the next level and directly into the dining area. The room was a bit cramped but there was enough room for a large rectangular table in the center. Maréngo had already taken a seat for himself before the rest of the party arrived and nodded to them in greeting. Pyka sat perched on his shoulder gnawing away at a piece of fruit his new owner had given him to occupy his little hands. The table had already been mostly set with the main courses as Ba’ku asks for the party to take their seats. As he does Jonesy brings in the freshly warmed bread from the markets. The room smelled of garlic and rosemary, and a hint of cloves and brown sugar.

“Fresh bread makes a meal, that’s what I always say.” The wiry man said as he set the bread down on the table. “Jonesy, at your service.. I hope you at least find a bit of nourishment from this meal, and I hope it’s to your palettes’ likings.” Y’Vanna noticed that they were the only ones in the room, and the captain was nowhere to be seen. She had just woken up but she was keen enough to notice. She sat down at the table and pulled her chair in.

“I see we’re the only ones here.” she said. ”Are we to be joined by the captain?

”I’m afraid the captain will be tending to the ship for the evening. There is a storm before us but it doesn't look to be too menacing, though I would expect a bit of rain.”

Vargas Enters…


Y'Vanna was also a bit stunned that Marengo didn't have a drink as well, as she watched as Solange took the bottle from her. She listened as Solange began to tell her story, half listening at first whilst trying to also simultaneously figure out why Marengo wasn't after one for himself. However, it was not very long before Y'Vanna became more attentive to her story. She soon began to soak up every word that fell from her seductive lips, and the more she spoke of it the more color that drained from Y'Vanna's face. Her glee from escaping a dungeon cell, certain death, or both was quickly fleeting with every passing word, and she was soon very aware of who this fable was for. The ups and downs of the day's events had already been almost more than she could bear, a quickly shifting sea of emotional and spiritual awakening, and Solange had quickly brought her right back down to center in a single moment. She watched as the rum found its way down to the planks which seemed almost as thirsty as she had been. Solange's gaze was the final nail in the coffin, and it sapped the last bit of color from Y'Vanna's face. The amount of shame she felt at this moment was crushingly sobering. She was no piece of brothel trim, but she could definitely relate. More than she wanted to admit. She felt a personal note from every word of it, she had been this low and was literally on the precipice of it now.
She had many a morning not been able to even clear the bed, if there even was one, without having a drink. That or waking up in a pool of her own vomit, filth, and piss. Waking up in Gods know where with some unknown Jack between her thighs. It was a miserable existence, and it was a flaw that she regretted a great deal, and one that she wasn't quite sure how to remedy either. Solange handed the bottle back to Y'Vanna and she took it, hanging her head as she did. She looked at the last swig as it rolled around the bottom of the dark bottle. She paused but a moment before turning it up to her lips, extinguishing its contents completely. She wasn't proud of herself for it either. Had she not been in need of that last bit she might've even passed it up.

"Well, I guess that's that, I reckon." she said as she leaned back in the hammock, "I'll be doing me best to get some rest in before tonight... I've still got me head poundin' from that blasted cannon fire."

She was doing her best not to fall into a pile of pieces before them all, and tried to roll over to face the hull away from the others with little success. The hammocks weren't at all uncomfortable, but they didn't afford one many options in which to lay so she turned her head and covered it with her cloak. She could still smell the smoke and powder on it, a strong smelling stench that lingered much like Solange's inadvertent scolding. But Solange was indeed right, Y'Vanna had dragged them all into this and she was to accountable for that, if nothing else. Her dependance on the drink was foolish and a danger to them all, and one could be sure that this was all she could think about as she lay there in silence. Y'Vanna usually had a decent game face, but this one had cut her deep and hiding her face was about the best she could do as she lay there licking her wounds.
Luckily for her the seas were calm, and the steady rocking back and forth paired well with the rum to lullaby her into a slumber before very long. A good rest was much needed and well deserved despite her shortcomings. At least knowing that they had set forth upon their way, and the sea had freed them from the sheriff's shackles, for now at least. There was definitely peace to be found in that. The muffled sounds of the gulls and the ever present and persistent waves beating against the ship's hull did the rest.

Deckhand, Anchor Crew


Deckhand, Anchor Crew, Seamster

Sailor, Cannoneer

Sailor, Cannoneer

Sailor, Fisherman

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