Not exactly sure what the Darkening Skies setting is but I've seen you have a few checks going centered around the same sort of genre and this one seems a bit strange to say the least though I'm somewhat partial to strange, so.. and I've got a pilot I've been wanting to play for a while now that might fit with a bit of tweaking. I have several versions but they are all fairly similar. She's a bit of a loose cannon and unruly at times but she is jamb packed with character.. would like for her to get into something soon.

CHASIS: Medium
HEIGHT: 12.8M (42')
ROLE: Rapid Response - CQC, Close to Medium range engagements, Infantry, Armored Vehicles.
DESCRIPTION: The MKII-MARAUDER-SOC is a Rapid-Response Special Operations Custom MAS, specifically designed to engage multiple infantry units and armored vehicles, MAS-to-MAS CQC utilizing a mixture ranged and hand to hand weapons systems. The MKII has extended jump capabilities and can hover for short amounts of time, but cannot sustain flight without additional Utility systems. The MKII is a versatile, medium weight chassis, that can be outfitted with many different payloads, but it is not suited for larger weapons over 125mm.
This particular MAS has been outfitted with a special coating that further fortifies its stealth capabilities. Stabilizing systems have been tailored to Maggie's enhanced reflex times, and MAS directly connect to data-jack behind her ear, providing a neural connection between herself and the MAS.
PRIMARY 1: MAMS - Multi-Acquisitioning-Missile-System: Can house several different missile and warhead types, smart bombs that can guide themselves to impact, and cluster bombs to blanket an area of ground (particularly devastating to tanks and infantry.
PRIMARY 2: XD227 Plasma Shotgun (Hybrid) - Rifle produces shotgun like charges that explode on impact, with unparalleled penetrating power. Rifle is also capable of overcharging as well, that creates grenade charges that are devastating to armored units and MAS alike.
SECONDARY 1: Talon-XRD (Retrieval Device) - A super tensile cable housed in this MAS's right arm that can be launched and retracted, as a grappling hook, either into stationary terrain and objects, or directly to an enemy MAS. This is particularly useful when paired with a follow up power blow with her plasma edged sword.
Smaller objects such as tanks can be slung when tethered as well, causing havoc and chaos to infantry units on the battlefield. Talon is always equipped and can be fired with primary in hand, pulling the MAS, and it's barrel straight to it's target for maximum effect.
SECONDARY2: Plasma Edged Blade - One handed, full length high carbon blade with plasma edge that can be used with or without, to conserve energy when needed. Housed on right hip.
HEAVY: 115mm Salvo Cannon (HPK 5 Round Reload)
Smart-Target AI:Upgrade to the standard MAS computer with a Smart Targeting AI, this MAS can rapidly acquire multiple targets simultaneously, making 'blind firing' more accurate and providing her an edge in close ranged combat.
Sonar Stakes: Special stakes are attached to the MAS's legs, and when deployed, drive themselves into the ground, both locking the MAS to the ground, and providing a detection distance 5 times that of the standard MAS. Note that it cannot be used in Space, and can only detect targets on the ground
Stealth Drive: Stealth Drives allows this MAS to remain hidden from most scanning and targeting modules, and removes most of the MAS's emissions at the cost of a small amount of maximum thrust. It does not however protect the MAS from visual recognition.
Countermeasures:Flares (5x5)

NAME: Gunn, Margarette (Maggie)
RANK: 2nd LT.
AGE: 32
SEX: Female
WEIGHT: 68.3kg
ORIGIN: Scotland
DEMEANOR: Wild-Card, Cold, Dedicated
ARMOR: Minimal Pa-1 Scout armor
TRAINING: Artillery and munitions handling
Hand to hand, CQC
Marksmanship skills training
Basic field medic training
Flight training
Advanced tactics training
HUD module operations and systems management
Margarette is a bit of a mystery. Her records on her personal background prior to her enlistment into the 101st Infantry have been completely scrubbed, and are not accessible without the highest of clearance levels within the Coalition. Maggie is an independent contractor, a mercenary for hire. She comes highly recommended by her superiors, who overlook her uncontrollable behavior in favor of her effectiveness on the battlefield. She is extremely intelligent, manipulative, and highly motivated. She lives to be a pilot, and a well paid one at that. The 101st have been directed by the UEE to only deploy Maggie when absolutely necessary, though there is hardly ever a shortage of work that is suitable for her skillsets. She is an elite pilot, an absolute machine, albeit a reckless one at times.
It has been rumored that Maggie is clairvoyant, or able to see briefly into the immediate future, and one would have to wonder if it weren't in fact true having seen her on the battlefield, but she adamantly denies these accusations. She attributes her success on the field to her extensive training and dedicated lifestyle. Her numerous sorties and mission success would corroborate this as well.
Emotionally Detached, Margarette has been found as being cold and unpredictable. She shows signs of delusion, and also suffers from Manic Bipolar disorder with extreme mood differentiation. She is highly manipulative, and is considered to be very intelligent, thus making her a threat to others. She has no concept of remorse for her actions, nor shows any signs of sympathy.
Maggie sometimes suffers from a condition that is known as being "Blood Drunk", completely immersed in battle and oblivious to anything outside of an ever-growing thirst for carnage and destruction, causing massive amounts of collateral damage in her wake. This has only happened to her on three separate occasions, each of which took place during extreme engagements.
>>: DISPATCH-CODE: 7144679-75997
--/--/----: Conduct unbecoming
--/--/----: Conduct unbecoming
--/--/----: Conduct unbecoming
--/--/----: Hazing
--/--/----: Conduct unbecoming
--/--/----: Conduct unbecoming
--/--/----: Outstanding Merit
--/--/----: AWOL
--/--/----: Outstanding Merit
--/--/----: Conduct unbecoming
--/--/----: Conduct unbecoming
--/--/----: Outstanding Valor
--/--/----: AWOL
--/--/----: Direct Disobedience
--/--/----: Conduct unbecoming
--/--/----: Curfew Infraction
--/--/----: Conduct unbecoming
--/--/----: Outstanding Valor
--/--/----: Outstanding Valor
RANK: 2nd LT.
AGE: 32
SEX: Female
WEIGHT: 68.3kg
ORIGIN: Scotland
DEMEANOR: Wild-Card, Cold, Dedicated
ARMOR: Minimal Pa-1 Scout armor
TRAINING: Artillery and munitions handling
Hand to hand, CQC
Marksmanship skills training
Basic field medic training
Flight training
Advanced tactics training
HUD module operations and systems management
Margarette is a bit of a mystery. Her records on her personal background prior to her enlistment into the 101st Infantry have been completely scrubbed, and are not accessible without the highest of clearance levels within the Coalition. Maggie is an independent contractor, a mercenary for hire. She comes highly recommended by her superiors, who overlook her uncontrollable behavior in favor of her effectiveness on the battlefield. She is extremely intelligent, manipulative, and highly motivated. She lives to be a pilot, and a well paid one at that. The 101st have been directed by the UEE to only deploy Maggie when absolutely necessary, though there is hardly ever a shortage of work that is suitable for her skillsets. She is an elite pilot, an absolute machine, albeit a reckless one at times.
It has been rumored that Maggie is clairvoyant, or able to see briefly into the immediate future, and one would have to wonder if it weren't in fact true having seen her on the battlefield, but she adamantly denies these accusations. She attributes her success on the field to her extensive training and dedicated lifestyle. Her numerous sorties and mission success would corroborate this as well.
Emotionally Detached, Margarette has been found as being cold and unpredictable. She shows signs of delusion, and also suffers from Manic Bipolar disorder with extreme mood differentiation. She is highly manipulative, and is considered to be very intelligent, thus making her a threat to others. She has no concept of remorse for her actions, nor shows any signs of sympathy.
Maggie sometimes suffers from a condition that is known as being "Blood Drunk", completely immersed in battle and oblivious to anything outside of an ever-growing thirst for carnage and destruction, causing massive amounts of collateral damage in her wake. This has only happened to her on three separate occasions, each of which took place during extreme engagements.
Retinal HUD Module capable of infrared display, NV display, X-ray display, Vital sign display, and a 1.5X zoom option with the capability to record.
"Whisper" Telecomm Module , located next to vocal chords, inner ear receivers, low decibel recognition communications, heartbeat/pulse detection, and record capabilities.
Data-Jack behind left ear.
"Reflexx" systems enhanced tension tendon replacements to forearms, calves, and ankles, affording a 15% boost to speed and agility, as well as a 20% boost to normal reflex times. These poly-carbon replacements are both extremely durable and flexible, and all "Reflexx" replacements are adjustable by a hex key bolt located at the elbows, wrists, hips, knees, and ankles.
Note: "Whisper" module and retinal HUD are linked together. Heartbeat/pulse detection shows location on HUD, X-ray display mode shows all vital organs, bones, as well as inorganic materials on all targets within scan range.
"Whisper" Telecomm Module , located next to vocal chords, inner ear receivers, low decibel recognition communications, heartbeat/pulse detection, and record capabilities.
Data-Jack behind left ear.
"Reflexx" systems enhanced tension tendon replacements to forearms, calves, and ankles, affording a 15% boost to speed and agility, as well as a 20% boost to normal reflex times. These poly-carbon replacements are both extremely durable and flexible, and all "Reflexx" replacements are adjustable by a hex key bolt located at the elbows, wrists, hips, knees, and ankles.
Note: "Whisper" module and retinal HUD are linked together. Heartbeat/pulse detection shows location on HUD, X-ray display mode shows all vital organs, bones, as well as inorganic materials on all targets within scan range.
PRIMARY- ACS Specops carbine, or SN-1L machine pistol, depending on mission type.
SECONDARY- Dual MKII Bullhammer pistols with enhanced recoil suppression
•Barrier Stave
•Electron grenades
•5 inch fixed blade carbon tactical knife, undetectable by metal detectors, scanners.
Med Kit / Tool Kit:
•Adrenal pens
•Hex key for "Reflexx" systems enhanced tendon replacement adjustment
•Multi-tool for use with ACS SpecOps carbine, SN-1L machine pistol, and MKII Bullhammer pistols
SECONDARY- Dual MKII Bullhammer pistols with enhanced recoil suppression
•Barrier Stave
•Electron grenades
•5 inch fixed blade carbon tactical knife, undetectable by metal detectors, scanners.
Med Kit / Tool Kit:
•Adrenal pens
•Hex key for "Reflexx" systems enhanced tendon replacement adjustment
•Multi-tool for use with ACS SpecOps carbine, SN-1L machine pistol, and MKII Bullhammer pistols
>>: DISPATCH-CODE: 7144679-75997
--/--/----: Conduct unbecoming
--/--/----: Conduct unbecoming
--/--/----: Conduct unbecoming
--/--/----: Hazing
--/--/----: Conduct unbecoming
--/--/----: Conduct unbecoming
--/--/----: Outstanding Merit
--/--/----: AWOL
--/--/----: Outstanding Merit
--/--/----: Conduct unbecoming
--/--/----: Conduct unbecoming
--/--/----: Outstanding Valor
--/--/----: AWOL
--/--/----: Direct Disobedience
--/--/----: Conduct unbecoming
--/--/----: Curfew Infraction
--/--/----: Conduct unbecoming
--/--/----: Outstanding Valor
--/--/----: Outstanding Valor

CHASIS: Medium
HEIGHT: 12.8M (42')
ROLE: Rapid Response - CQC, Close to Medium range engagements, Infantry, Armored Vehicles.
DESCRIPTION: The MKII-MARAUDER-SOC is a Rapid-Response Special Operations Custom MAS, specifically designed to engage multiple infantry units and armored vehicles, MAS-to-MAS CQC utilizing a mixture ranged and hand to hand weapons systems. The MKII has extended jump capabilities and can hover for short amounts of time, but cannot sustain flight without additional Utility systems. The MKII is a versatile, medium weight chassis, that can be outfitted with many different payloads, but it is not suited for larger weapons over 125mm.
This particular MAS has been outfitted with a special coating that further fortifies its stealth capabilities. Stabilizing systems have been tailored to Maggie's enhanced reflex times, and MAS directly connect to data-jack behind her ear, providing a neural connection between herself and the MAS.
PRIMARY 1: MAMS - Multi-Acquisitioning-Missile-System: Can house several different missile and warhead types, smart bombs that can guide themselves to impact, and cluster bombs to blanket an area of ground (particularly devastating to tanks and infantry.
PRIMARY 2: XD227 Plasma Shotgun (Hybrid) - Rifle produces shotgun like charges that explode on impact, with unparalleled penetrating power. Rifle is also capable of overcharging as well, that creates grenade charges that are devastating to armored units and MAS alike.
SECONDARY 1: Talon-XRD (Retrieval Device) - A super tensile cable housed in this MAS's right arm that can be launched and retracted, as a grappling hook, either into stationary terrain and objects, or directly to an enemy MAS. This is particularly useful when paired with a follow up power blow with her plasma edged sword.
Smaller objects such as tanks can be slung when tethered as well, causing havoc and chaos to infantry units on the battlefield. Talon is always equipped and can be fired with primary in hand, pulling the MAS, and it's barrel straight to it's target for maximum effect.
SECONDARY2: Plasma Edged Blade - One handed, full length high carbon blade with plasma edge that can be used with or without, to conserve energy when needed. Housed on right hip.
HEAVY: 115mm Salvo Cannon (HPK 5 Round Reload)
Smart-Target AI:Upgrade to the standard MAS computer with a Smart Targeting AI, this MAS can rapidly acquire multiple targets simultaneously, making 'blind firing' more accurate and providing her an edge in close ranged combat.
Sonar Stakes: Special stakes are attached to the MAS's legs, and when deployed, drive themselves into the ground, both locking the MAS to the ground, and providing a detection distance 5 times that of the standard MAS. Note that it cannot be used in Space, and can only detect targets on the ground
Stealth Drive: Stealth Drives allows this MAS to remain hidden from most scanning and targeting modules, and removes most of the MAS's emissions at the cost of a small amount of maximum thrust. It does not however protect the MAS from visual recognition.
Countermeasures:Flares (5x5)