Baronfjørd "Blackberry" Chedgusah Dragon Born, Monk (Astral self), Level 05 HP: 40 / 40 Armor Class: 16 Conditions: N/A Location: The Inn Action: N/A Bonus Action: N/A Reaction: N/A Ki: 3/5
BlackBerry guided the wagon ambling along behind the L’Rose wagon, accompanied by the comforting noise of the river babbling to itself. It was a rather fine afternoon and thankfully uneventful rest of the journey which suited BlackBerry who had only just begun to figure out the basics of wagon-driving and had no desire to see if he could drive it at speed or during any excitement. Once cresting the hill and entering the Vineyard grounds proper he had given a long, low whistle not just at the size but at the quality of the grounds as well; Madame L’Rose clearly knew how to run things, and he gave his own small words of approval alongside everyone else.
Similarly, once arriving at The Inn, the particulars of wine production as explained by Madame L’Rose sailed clear over his head as he happily hopped down from the wagon and handed the reigns to the waiting Hands to care care of The Old Boy.
“I assume that is not normal then?” He had asked when Lady Kathryn exclaimed in shock at the high rate of harvest, but he didn’t listen for any answer if given in favour for looking over the walls of their new abode at the vineyard and the structures scattered throughout. The discussion of tasting said wine however was absolutely caught with a polite smile in silent hopefulness.
He simply waved away Madame L’Roses’ apologies.
“There is simply no need for such apologies, Madame L’Rose you are a most gracious host to even offer food let alone such a generous abode.” His voice hand gotten louder with excitement towards the end of the sentence as he gestured in a spin at The Inn building. Returning to usual loud speaking volume he then continued, after Lady Kathryn had offered her own piece,
“That same goes for me also. I should not want to you to think of any of as anything less than grateful and willing to lend a hand as best we may.”He had truly meant it and very much hoped that Madame L’Rose would call upon them soon to make good the promise. Following the rest of the party into the Inn only further strengthened this feeling as he came to find everything had been swept, cleaned, polished and set up just as Madame L’Rose had said. After he had taken some time to at least pop his head into all the room downstairs, and the cellar, he ascended the stairs to check out the bedrooms.
BlackBerry laid claim, at least for now, to one of the smaller bedroom to the north of the building. He would move easy enough and frankly he didn’t need a double bed but he did need somewhere for a moment to change and to splash some water on his face. Returning downstairs he had changed out of the faded shirt and back into his red tunic which peak out below the grey sleeveless vest he still wore. The swords and the rest of the robed fabric that had been tied around his waist had been left upstairs with the rest of his belongings, exposing the simple trousers he wore beneath. Of course he still wore his scarf around his neck, so the necklace Kosara had generously bought him had instead found a home tied around his left horn and where the little fish occasionally clinked against the horn happy to see the world. BlackBerry had spend a minute or two trying to figure out what they were meant to be, something between a Mackerel and a Haddock was his best guess but their weren't enough details to be sure. Carried under his arm was a roll of crimson fabric.
He arrived into the taproom just in time to hear Kosaras talk of Camels, wrestling, and bedrooms. He had no idea what a Camel was but the other two subjects he knew about and could guess as to the current topic of conversation. He did do a double take seeing Lady Kathryn downing an entire bottle of wine while wrapped up in a sleeping bag, which he could only mean she was feeling the cold a lot more than he was.
“Well, Kosra,” Trying to calm his astonished laughter as he placed the roll of fabric on the seat next to Kosara.
“I think maybe discussing the particular of Camels and their bedroom habits is not suitable.” He pushed the words out through gritted teeth and a small tilt of the head towards Lizbeth.
“For the dinner table.” Nor is it one, he figured, Madame L’Rose would appreciate to hear about from her niece after staying in their care for the evening. He certainly wouldn’t.
The table had been set and laid out with enough places for everyone, including Lizbeth was busying herself with the fire and generally setting about handling the dinner arrangements for them. While BlackBerry had no doubts the young girl could handle things, and probably knew where everything would be stored, he still offered to lend a hand plating any remaining food, getting glasses, or tending the fire. Once all had been taken care of he then gently steered Lizbeth by the shoulder to sit down at the table.
“Do sit down a moment Young Lizbeth. I doubt your Aunt would approve of us working you to the bone this evening.”After grabbing his own serving of pheasant and pumpkin soup he sat down next to Kosara, offering the roll of fabric he had placed minutes before on the chair. “Here you are Kosara, you might find more use of this than myself. Think of it as thanks for the marvellous necklace.” He turned his head so she might see the little fish swinging happily from his horn. The fabric would unravel to the marvellous crimson scarf the halfling woman had given him last week.
The conversation continued to move around him as he tucked into his meal, but as Lady Kathryn continued to talk the meal less and less important until he set down his spoon to listen better. He instead focused on her words, focused on her eyes no longer seeing the world around her, focused on her shoulders tensing and making the patchwork fabric of her sleeping bag rise and fall like the swells of a large waves out at sea. BlackBerry had noticed that stories of her past and her home, Arcanaple, were never far from Lady Kathryns lips, and now taking the time to listen the hushed tones of loss in her voice were almost palpable.
The words from The Voice crashed into his mind. ‘The sizeable warrior fled responsibility of clan and community for the illusion of safety, leaving nefarious things to fill the vacuum left behind.’ Had she ran from home for Love? Or ran from it? Or maybe something completely different altogether?
“Indeed. One must look upon the silver lining of even the worst situations. ” He smiled as Lady Kathryn made to pull herself away from her memories.
“Perhaps such travels could even tell us what a ‘Camel’ is?”The arrival of the wine Lady Kathryn had found prompted him to pack away the thoughts, and the questions, and the worries for another day, and instead focus on the offered wine in front of him and raising it in a toast with the others. He copied the motions he had seen Victoria do before he drank; swirling the liquid, holding the glass to his eye, giving it a quick sniff and then swallowing a small sip.
“I would agree with you Lady Kathryn on that assessment. It is wine, it is white, it is sweet.” He smacked his lips and took another appreciative sip of the drink.
“No doubt our expert though could give a more detailed discussion of it. Might I ask how you even do so Victoria? How did you learn such a skill? All that you can say from a sip, if I did not know any better I may have said you were having us all for a laugh.”