Avatar of Asura


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2 yrs ago
Current At the end of the day, God is everyone's bull.
2 yrs ago
me the poopy you the pants.
2 yrs ago
i relate.


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Most Recent Posts

Is there a fire expert?

I couldn't tell you. Wraithblade is the Psyker in question, so you may wish to consult with him.
<Snipped quote by Asura>

Would he be Ok with Psykers?

Indeed. I should note, at least one other player has expressed interest in a Psyker, as well as another in making a Blank. So, some competition to think about.
Been a while since I've done a 40K RP. What kind of inquisitor are we serving? Puritan, Radical, what Ordos, etc?

That much is unknown to the player characters and thus, the players themselves. Worry not, I can tailor the Inquisitor to the cast instead of the other way around.

@AsuraThis is still open to newcomers right? I missed the interest check for this, but I have a 40k character I want to use, and this seems like the place.

Indeed. If the group swells, we'll simply do two cells of acolytes.

"We are at War with forces too terrible to comprehend. We cannot afford mercy for any of its victims too weak to take the correct course. Mercy destroys us; it weakens us and saps our resolve. Put aside all such thoughts. They are not worthy of Inquisitors in the service of Our Emperor. Praise His name for in our resolve we only reflect his purpose of will." — The Book of Exorcisms, the Verses of Inquisitor Enoch

After being singled out and inducted into the service of the Inquisition, things have not quite gone as you had imagined them. Removed from your past life, you have been tested and measured, questioned and interrogated. But aside from a few lectures given in darkened chambers that left you sick to your stomach and a seemingly endless stream of codes and ciphers given you to memorize and destroy, you have been left largely to your own devices. Lodging under a false name in an anonymous habblock in Hive Sibellus, on Scintilla, the capitol planet of the Calixis Sector, you have bided your time for weeks waiting for the call from your masters, and perhaps, their verdict. At last that call has come and a blank eyed courier has delivered to you a note featuring the cipher of the Holy Ordos. The message within was simple and perfunctory, containing a time, a date and a location. The instruction to come prepared and expect company is signed off with a single epithet—The Emperor Protects.

This roleplay is meant to mimic in many ways the Dark Heresy tabletop game, replacing the game mechanics with a more freely flowing, collaborative narrative. It will not, however, fully branch away from the more traditional story telling elements of its patron game. While there will be no grids, nor dice nor stat sheets to track, posting shall occur either in collaborations or along a cycle, punctuated with GM posts when appropriate. These posts will detail what the actions of each character has caused among the world, be they successful or not, but will largely leave the choices to be made and the paths walked up to the individual and party at large.

Players shall take on the roles of novice acolytes, freshly inducted into the mysterious Inquisition and tasked by their yet revealed master to unravel the threads of heresy brewing on Hive World Scintilla and beyond. As of now, I am only looking for a small group of four to six dedicated players to partake, but as we progress, should interest suffice, the opening of additional cells within the retinue may arise.

The discord can be found here.

  • Warhammer 40,000 is a franchise which features some fairly mature content. As such, I expect the players to behave as adults. Civility, even in the face of conflict with fellow players is key.
  • In the event of conflicts arising, working out a compromise in private is encouraged, but I will step in if no decision can be reached. I took a couple Arbite classes in the Schola, after all
  • We’ll be writing in advanced standards around here, which is to say, posts with reasonably solid grammar, spelling and punctuation. I want to see depth and emotion in the posts. While I'll not impose any hard requirements for posts, I'd truly like a consistent 3 paragraphs. Bring the world to life!
  • We will, as mentioned, be following a posting rotation. Please adhere to the cycle and allow players to get their words in edge wise. In cases where two individuals end up in conversation, TitanPad is your friend.
  • I expect one post a week from those who apply. If something comes up preventing you from following this, please contact me ahead of time so arrangements can be made to keep things flowing for the others.

Please post the sheet in the OOC upon completion for review. You may move it to the CS tab when approved. All relevant information can be found on the 40k Wikipedia.

[b]| NAME |[/b]
[indent] Self explanatory. [/indent]
[b]| PROFESSION |[/b]
[indent]Each member had a life prior to joining, and each life entails a job.[/indent]
[b]| AGE |[/b]
[indent]Realistic for their experiences, please. [/indent]

[b]| SKILLS |[/b]
[indent][list][*] [b]Attribute[/b] -

[b]| FLAWS |[/b]
[indent][list][*] [b]Attribute[/b] -

[b]| EQUIPMENT |[/b]
[indent][list][*] [b]Item[/b] -

[b]| BIOGRAPHY |[/b]
[indent]Describe your character's life up until now. Where did they come from? How did it shape them? How did they serve the Emperor? Perhaps most importantly, what deed(s) led the Inquisition to taking note of their humble soul?[/indent]
Pretend you didn't just waggle your broom around and ask where this place is.
In C R A W L 8 yrs ago Forum: Spam Forum
>Jimmy waddles to square 18 and recovers.
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