Avatar of Asura


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Current At the end of the day, God is everyone's bull.
2 yrs ago
me the poopy you the pants.
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i relate.


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Having exited the alleyway to the chaos of battle, it seemed that the team had managed to mop up most of their resistance in her absence. Most of it, as she came to understand upon spotting the lumbering droid to her left. She surveyed it for a few scarce, noting that it seemed too focused on Dragoon to have noticed her in turn. The armor was thick all across its body... but it seemed to have a weakness around its head and neck region. Grasping the hilt of her blade, she made a rush towards the final remaining opponent. It was only a meter or two away from her when she pushed off the ground and leapt.

Carried by the momentum of her jump, she needed only a split second in the air directly behind it to find her mark. A flash of steel saw the first few inches of her blade slicing through the gap in its armor and into the back of its "neck", likely severing whatever connections it held to the mechanical body below in one fell swoop. Not one to risk being crushed, her feet found purchase upon its back, and with a few solid pushes she proceeded to hop up from its back onto its shoulders, then forward over its head to land neatly to the right of Dragoon.

"The alleyway had some kind of transmission drone. Unsure of what it was doing. I eliminated it regardless." She murmured into her microphone while straightening herself up and tucking her sword back where it belonged.
Feral had little time to be satisfied with her maneuver. No sooner than she landed, the other dog deemed it necessary to descend upon her with its bladed maw snapping. Quick as it was, she was just as quick, and had the benefit of a mind with which to strategize. As it flew at her, she gripped the scabbard at her side and undid the clasp that kept it to her belt. Just as the robot moved to snap down onto her, she raised the scabbard as an offering, allowing it to crunch its metallic teeth into her sword's covering in lieu of a limb. With it busied upon the scabbard, she took the opportunity to make use of her other hand, and thrust her blade upwards from below the beast's chin. The result would be a solid foot of steel wedged through whatever counted as a brain within these drones.

Assured that a good strike through the head could disable them thanks to the earlier drone she disabled, Feral pulled her weapon from the mechanical dog's carcass and made towards the blinking drone that had caught her attention in the first place. It seemed to be disabled, but it was still thrumming away despite lacking an antenna. Another solid stab, this time one from overhead, into the meatiest part of the machine would hopefully do for a coupe de grace. Several more followed if that was not sufficient.

[Feral. Art droids are down.]

A frown spread across the Lupo's face as the communicator in her ear crackled to life. What was the point of all of this then? If her targets had already been dispatched, she was unneeded, and so she resolved to return back the way she came once all was said and done, discontent with her contribution.
Feral's advance was stopped not more than a few moments after it began. It seemed she had been correct; Retra did intend to plant obstacles in her way. It did not help that she had no inclination as to what the main obstacle was, either, though she could intuit that whatever signal the blinking purple drone was emitting probably wasn't good for her or her team. As she placed a hand on the hilt of her blade, two wolf-like robots seemed to drop down out of nowhere, and she grimaced. More obstacles.

But a few robots wouldn't dissuade her from her mission. Dare her as they might, the glowering red eyes of these canine drones did not stop Feral from lowering herself to the ground and, in a sudden burst of motion, rushing towards the assembled enemies. It may have been two versus one in a confined space, but she didn't intend to engage with those kinds of odds. As she approached her target, she made a split-second turn to the right and launched herself skywards with the momentum of her charge. Coupled with the power in her legs, it propelled to the blank canvas that was the alleyway's walls. No sooner than her feet touched the surface did she enact her plan.

Letting her knees bend to collect the force of her sudden lunge like a spring, she fired herself off the wall with all her might, moving above the three drones like a silver-and-black blur. As she passed above them, a single flash filled the luminescent cyberspace, and with it her job was almost done. The power of her second jump carried her all the way to the other wall, which she also bounced off of in a much like forceful manner, directing herself behind the assembled enemies this time and landing with a roll to disperse any excess momentum.

As Feral stood, she turned, facing her foes—or the foe who remained. She had drawn her sword for the briefest of seconds as she passed above them, cutting a sharp arc across the neck of one of the dogs, and carrying that arc through to lop off the antenna of the blinking drone. She expected it to suffice in killing at least the first, and disabling the second. Now just the final dog remained, and for it she prepared to strike again.
Akizawa Nadeshiko

Ishin Academy | Sapporo

Interacting with:

It seemed that Nadeshiko was not the only person to be rather dismayed this morning. The goo girl observed Kana as she stood abruptly upon shaky legs, crashing into poor Shun in the process, then proceeded towards the gathering of students that she took to be their class. She was not sure whether the knowledge that her fellows were also nervous wrecks was comforting or not, but comfort wasn't a word one associated with Ishin in the first place. She did not think on it long, opting instead to file in with the rest of the first years bound for class 1A. It would not take all that long to learn that her initial reading of the room's mood was—at least partially—incorrect.

A cacophony of activity seemed to swarm around as she lingered towards the back of the growing pack. An upperclassman with an out of place uncertainty, accusations of sweatiness, mumbled explanations, and a number of rather upbeat voices doing their utmost to make good impressions. It was all rather hard to keep up with, especially for one who had lacked the observation skills to notice the aforementioned sweat. Perhaps she would have silently placed these voices to their sources, making initial judgements of her classmates from the safety of rear while their senpai tried to herd what looked to be at least a dozen freshman. Perhaps she would have—if not for that senpai calling her name only a few seconds after inquiring to the location of another girl.

Should she have been the type to ever swear, she might have done so at that point. This morning had already started out roughly, and here she was, already being called up in front of the class to be paired off with a perfect stranger. As she weaved her way towards the front of the group, she caught sight of who she could only assume was Kunze-san. The name had hit her ear strangely at first, but perhaps not so strangely as the sight of her would-be roommate. Ishin had always been rather traditionalist, and traditional this girl did not appear to be. Tall, foreign, with dyed hair and a rather irate expression. She looked like some kind of delinquent. How she had even managed to get into Ishin in the first place was beyond the gelatinous girl.

Perhaps she was being too judgemental. She had yet to even be introduced. Shaking off her nerves, Nadeshiko finally finished her trip to the front, pacing towards the catgirl and the devil-like foreigner besides her.

"I am Akizawa. Akizawa Nadeshiko," she said with a small bow of her head, "It is a pleasure to meet you."

Wasn't this canceled yesterday?
Ganbatte, OOC-kun.
Akizawa Nadeshiko

Ishin Academy | Sapporo

Interacting with:

Nadeshiko blinked beneath bangs of goo as Shun introduced himself. He certainly seemed rather... carefree with the way he referred to her and the other girl. Perhaps it was simply how things were where he was from. She couldn't exactly place his accent, but his skin tone—and the laid back nature with which he conducted himself—led her to believe he was from the south. Maybe Kyushu? AN islander? It didn't matter, she supposed. He seemed to be excited just having met her, and that was enough to excuse any broach of social protocol. She didn't have much of a chance to respond to his enthusiasm, though. No sooner than she had opened her lips to murmur a peep did the booming voice of the academy's headmaster drown her out.

What followed was... well, nothing unexpected. She had long known Ishin's reputation as a grueling battleground. She imagined this speech was meant as a way of quashing hope from the new arrivals, to flatten their expectations of an idyllic school life full of cherished memories of an adolescence now fleeting. Luckily for her, she had no such expectations. She had been thoroughly deflated at the prospect since she got on the train back in Ōtsu.

Before she could be sucked back into her own ruminations, the auditorium suddenly was abuzz with activity, the speech having come to an end. As their seniors dispersed all around them, she found herself just as lost as the rest of her first-year peers. That is, until a spunky girl with a pair of cat ears began calling out for the class she had been assigned to. She peered up at Shun as he hopped out of his seat and made to excuse himself, apparently being a member of 1A himself.

"Me too." She said, soft as could be. The goo girl stood a few seconds after her pineapple-wielding companion, pulling the handle to her luggage to its full length. She then looked to the other girl, who had been seated on Shun's other flank.

"And you, Kana-san?"

Kana seemed to be a rather standoffish type, just based on her expression and the tense posture she held. Which itself very nearly dissuaded Nadeshiko from murmuring anything her way at all. But, perhaps the excitement of the day had hardened her against her usual anxieties. Or simply fatigued her too much to worry excessively over it. Only time would tell.
Confronted with a veritable phalanx of droids, the neutrality on Feral's features quickly devolved into a frown. It would be difficult for her to try and pick any of the drones off unless she started at the edges and moved in, or depended upon others to help open up gaps. Further more, the giant armored drones would pose quite a problem for someone like her, and even worse beyond that, the drones in the very back seemed to be the most pressing foe of them all. So long as those casters remained on the field, the effort—or danger—involved with engaging the others would be exponentially higher.

"I will try and find a way around them. Hope to remove of caster units before they can do much damage. Please do your best to keep them occupied." She said, once she ensured that her communicator had patched her through to the others. The Lupo then peeled off the main formation stealthy as she could, in the hopes the droids were too focused on Vlad's mad charge into the fray to notice her. The buildings had alleyways, and presumably she could use them to loop around to the other side. She hoped Retra hadn't decided to fill them with enemies.

"Be mindful of the skies. Scout team confirmed the presence of three gunships and countless aerial drones hanging above." Were her parting words, primarily in response to Vlad's implication more gun turrets would appear.
Akizawa Nadeshiko

Ishin Academy | Sapporo

Interacting with:

"Oh," she paused, "How thoughtful."

In hindsight, that much should have been obvious. As strange as this one seemed, Nadeshiko did not think a student who managed to get into a prestigious academy like Ishin would spend the opening ceremony nibbling on a whole pineapple. It was still a rather strange familial tradition to have. She briefly thought back those she may have had... though, beyond summer vacations to the lake, she could not recollect any of value. Usually thinking back to family trips brought people some semblance of joy, or nostalgia. Her own simply made the pit in her stomach all the more volatile.

The lingering silence that had fallen in the interim bothered her. Was she being too quiet? Socializing was never something she did a lot of, nor were introductions. The last time she had to introduce herself to a group of her peers was the first meet for last year's swim team, and even then she had the crutch of team mates of previous years to fall back on. This was almost as stressful as the train ride.

"Nadeshiko," another lingering pause before she spoke again, "I'm Nadeshiko."
Akizawa Nadeshiko

Ishin Academy | Sapporo

Interacting with:

Caught up in her own mind and nervous fidgeting, Nadeshiko scarcely noticed that people had begun to file into the seating. That was, until somebody deigned to pick a spot next to her as their own. Thoroughly distracted as she was, the goo girl found it impossible to hide her surprise when the large boy to her left asked if somebody had reserved the seat. It was a scenario her physiology certainly didn't help—the sudden appearance of his voice had caused her to jump in her seat just a tad, the motion of which kept her jiggling for a few seconds.

Whether or not that embarrassed her or not was secondary to things, as she had been asked a question. She could make out the voice of another person, and a cursory glance to the further left revealed another girl that Nadeshiko hadn't noticed either. With how quiet she was, it was little wonder. The girl had answered sufficiently; nobody had yet to claimed that seat. But, it would be rude to not answer for herself, and she didn't want to already make enemies from her classmates.

"I'm not sure there are assigned seats for this event... or that we're supposed to bring snacks." She murmured, having at the very least made out the other girl's mention of pineapple.
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