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me the poopy you the pants.
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I actually didn't intend for her to really have eyes @ Keen Eyes. Just couldn't find an anime slime without them.


[Passive] Blunt Force Resistance [F-Rank]
[Active] Bounce [F-Rank]
[Active/Passive] Sweet Scent [F-Rank]
Anyone else noticed that the vast majority of these characters seem to have died in falls?

It was more of a swan dive tbh.

Name: Oozes lack the organs to produce vocalization, so it's pretty much anyone's guess. Her previous name was Nadeshiko.

Race: Ooze. This one is pink, for some reason.

Gender: Female

Personality: Nadeshiko is—or rather, was—a timid, sensitive girl who had little in the way of backbone. She is non-confrontational, self-critical and anxious, prone to melancholy and a severe lack of self-confidence. Her wallflower nature has led her to be observant and rather analytical, often out of self-preservation. Her passive nature allows her to temper what little impulse she possesses, though it also results in a lack of initiative on her part.

History: Nadeshiko led a rather normal life for a human in her world; two parents, a reasonable apartment, a nice city to live in. Quiet and delicate as she was, the girl struggled to make friends even in her childhood, and adolescence was none so kind. Impassive and malleable, she was often bullied by her peers, who increasingly looked for easy, isolated targets to pick on. As the years ticked on, the ostracism by her peers—combined with the lack social circle to fall back on for support—led to her leaping from the school roof after classes had adjourned for summer break.

Skills: ---

Didn't even realize there was another ooze. What else has been made so far?
If y'all are still open to characters, I might wanna toss an ooze in or something.
The Blue Beetle


#1: First Contact VI

Bayonne, New Jersey. 12:20 AM

"I'm really trying not to!"

It was about all Jaime could do to reassure the newcomer that he didn't intend to blast him with whatever the heck the Scarab had just conjured up. Of course, it was debatable how much that mattered when the little blue bug in his spine really wanted to smoke whoever this guy was. He could practically feel the Scarab trying to force his hand back into position, like a soreness in your muscle that you really wanted to stretch out and relieve. This must have been what people meant by itchy trigger finger... Although he wasn't exactly sure he felt his fingers anymore. Or could even move them, what with the cannon stuck on his arm like this.

It was a crying shame he was so preoccupied with suppressing the murderous desires of a machine, too. Blockades? Systems? Corps of aliens? He'd always thought they could be a bit hokey, but tonight was honestly shaping up like an episode of Trek! If he hadn't seen it all—was seeing it all—unfold before him, he wouldn't have believed it. But here he was, listening to two flying aliens talk about a crash landing like it was some kind of parking violation.

<<Additional lifeforms approaching from low-orbit. Twelve in number. Preliminary scans confirm extraterrestrial origin. Subjects: Gordanian. Inhabitant of Sector 2828, Vega System. Species renown for hostility. Caution advised.>>

A parking violation that seemed like it was about to get even more interesting. Especially on account of that word popping up again—Vega. It seemed like the newcomers were friends of the orange girl.

"Not to interrupt, but-"

It seemed his words would have fallen on deaf ears regardless. The girl had already spotted the group descended upon them, and before he knew it she had floated her way over to a nearby light post and was wrenching it from the ground like it was a particularly annoying weed. Then she soared into the sky with a Spanish battle cry, of all things. He wasn't sure which one of those was more terrifying.

"Right. Not friends of hers, I guess."

<<Gordanians renown as intergalactic slavers. Tamaranean aggression levels indicate history of conflict. Confirmation: Not friends of hers.>>

"Thanks, buddy."

Jaime wasn't sure whether or not he was even qualified to intervene in this stuff. But he definitely knew he couldn't sit back and let a girl fight off a dozen alien thugs. If the suit was so keen on fighting with this Lantern fella, maybe it would be keen on throwing down with a different kind of green guy.

<<Engaging: Not recommended. Priority: Elimination of Lantern Corpsmen.>>

"The Lantern isn't the slaver here, now is he? Why don't you do something heroic for once and help me save the girl?"

<<Tamaranean: Inconsequential. Green Lanterns Corps: Enemy of the Reach. Presence of Green Lantern Corpsmen endangers life of organic host and accomplishment of mission. Priority: Elimination of Lantern Corpsmen.>>

It didn't seem like he was getting through to it. But that last bit, that gave him an idea. A stupid idea, but an idea! If it was concerned this Lantern guy was a risk to his life, then all Jaime had to do was convince he Scarab these Gorda-whosits were a bigger threat. While the girl was busying thwacking one of the slavers into the bay like a baseball, the wings of the Scarab unfurled with a hiss. With a low hum, the suit's boosters came to life, and half a second later he was hurdling through the sky, racing to join up with the redhead.

"Think you need any he- Look out!"

Even when he was working against its will, it seemed the Scarab was incapable of ignoring threats. In this case, the little 'projectile incoming' indicator that popped up a second before one of the flying Gordanians shot off a beam of something keyed him off to it before the energy had even been discharged. It was half as much misplaced bravado as it was his inability to exactly stop that saw the armor clad teen blasting his way past the Tamaranean and directly into the path of the bolt.

Which—to his surprise—didn't exactly do much. All that remained were a few crackling sparks, which danced along the edge of a large, circular shield that had replaced the cannon on his now raised arm.

"That... didn't hurt as much as I thought it would?"

<<Gordanian weaponry: Suitable only for chattel containment. Inferior to technology of the Reach. Formulating defensive countermeasure: Trivial.>>

So it seemed. Another few bolts came soaring through the air on the tail of the first one, and each one seemed to dissipate against the surface of the shield, like it was just... absorbing them. Jaime was so emboldened by this new toy, he hardly noticed he had managed to hover! Instead of relishing in that discovery, he turned his head towards the floating girl and her oversized, improvised club.

"¿Yo te cubro?"

The Blue Beetle


#1: First Contact V

Bayonne, New Jersey. 12:19 AM

Jaime's eyes directed themselves skywards once he was sure the weapon that was his arm wasn't going anywhere funny. Normally, he wouldn't have been able to make out the approaching figure through the hazy night clouds and smokey firework residue. But with the Scarab deployed, the outline of the approaching Lantern was highlighted clearly well before he was within speaking distance. It was... just a man? He had expected some kind of alien, something real big and mean and dangerous to have put his mechanical compatriot into such a tizzy. This just looked like a guy in black and green tights! Although, Superman was also just a guy in red and blue tights, and the news never stopped talking about how potentially dangerous he was...

<<Targets have separated. Opportunity present. Eliminating lone Lantern.>>

In his momentary reverie, the Scarab seemed to have forced his arm—and the cannon it was host to—into the air. He could hear a whirring within it, a charge in the air as it prepared to fire on the new arrival. But he grasped it with his other arm before it could discharge, and forced it downwards towards the pavement below. The hum died down soon after.

"Sorry about that!" The teen called nervously, directing his whispered ire towards the gun-limb once more. "What are you doing? That guy isn't an alien, he's just some... green gringo."

<<Species irrelevant. Lantern Corps: enemy of the Reach. Priority: Elimination of enemy elements. Redirect plasma cannon towards target and fire immediately.>>

"I'm not gonna shoot somebody who hasn't done anything wrong! Besides he doesn't even seem to be here for us... and why do you have a plasma cannon?!"

In all the chaos, it was easy to forget exactly why he and this Lantern fella were in the middle of godforsaken New Jersey to begin with—the alien girl. Who seemed to have an idea of just who their new friend worked for. Granted, he himself had no clue where exactly the Vega system was. Or who the Green Lantern Corps were. Or why they seemed to think an alien crash landing was the equivalent of parking without a meter... but, until five minutes ago, he wasn't entirely convinced alien life truly existed: tonight was a learning experience.

He opted to wait and listen, if only to keep his attention on subduing the Scarab in the face of its unusual aggression.

The Blue Beetle


#1: First Contact VI

Bayonne, New Jersey. 12:19 AM

The awkward few seconds that ticked by in the interim were like torture. He couldn't exactly blame her for looking surprised—he had the same reaction when he managed to revert back from the hellish appearance the armor made him take on and saw his own face again. It only then occurred to him that her earlier hostility had probably been the result of that same appearance. Note for later: make the mask disappear before trying to conduct interplanetary diplomacy. Of course, he had more important matters to attend to at the moment than scolding himself for ill-considered first impressions; the fact this 'Tamaranean' was inspecting his face rather closely.

Before he could try and articulate anything, she suddenly let out a kind of squeal, and the teen found himself yanked into the now grounded alien in short order. His yelp of surprise was quickly muffled by the alien's own mouth—she was kissing him! Caught like a deer in the headlights, Jaime could only remain frozen and wide-eyed as his new acquaintance seemed content to acquaint herself to his lips. Was he supposed to do something? Grab her in return? Was that impolite? The closest he had ever come to kissing a girl was giving his abuelita a smooch goodbye, and this was not the kind of kiss one gave their abuelita. He wasn't even sure how long the kiss lasted, though it seemed to linger for quite some time before the girl decoupled from him and released him back to his own devices, rosy cheeked and frazzled.

Perhaps the only thing that could have baffled him more than their little embrace was what followed it—she was speaking Spanish? Was that all he had to lead in with? She quickly dispelled that notion by following up in a mixture of English and Spanish, but that only served to dumbfound him more.

"¿De nada?"

It was about all he could manage at that point. Had she somehow discerned his language through that kiss? All the stories about aliens probing people for information seemed a lot more uncomfortable than what had just happened to him.

<<Host's pulse: Significantly above standard levels. Detecting metabolic arous->>

Never mind. It was uncomfortable. It was very uncomfortable. Focus on the situation at hand, and not the little blue pendejo.

Luckily, it seemed the visitor from afar was more than ready to exercise their newfound ability to understand one another. Shaking off his stupor, Jaime listened intently as she explained her earlier actions. He supposed that made sense. Certainly more sense than just randomly pounding the side of a building after crash landing on a distant world. Of course, it occurred to him to inquire as to why she seemed to be shackled in the first place, but that could come later—he didn't want to waste what goodwill had been cultivated.

"Right, uh, don't worry about it too much. I'm sure whoever owns this building has insurance or something," he said, peering past her shoulder towards the now dented wall. "As for the cuffs, I think my suit can probably take care of those? I haven't really tried anything like that, but-"

He hadn't even tried manifesting the armor when the pressure between his shoulder blades returned. The metal plating that he had so painstakingly withdrew moments before came crawling across his body, encasing him in black and blue once again.

"What the heck, man? When have you ever been this willing to help out?" Jaime asked, ever so slightly alarmed by the scarab's sudden reappearance. He didn't want it trying anything rash now that it was clear the redheaded girl proved to be friendly.

<<Tamaranean: inconsequential. New threat approaching. Danger level: extreme. Deploying lethal countermeasures.>>

Before he knew what was going on, the suit's arm seemed to morph. Where there had been once black metallic chitin was some kind of gun barrel. No, that did it a disservice. It was some kind of friggin' cannon. Complete with a snazzy blue glow at the tip that told him it was gonna be firing something more dangerous than a shell.

"What the heck are you—sorry about this—what the heck are you so worked up for?! What new threat?!" Jaime exclaimed, stopping himself mid-way to apologize to the Tamaranean girl before returning his ire towards the weapon jutting out of his arm.

<<New threat descending upon host coordinates. Danger level: extreme. Green Lantern Corpsmen approaching. Prepare for imminent battle.>>

The Blue Beetle


#1: First Contact III

Bayonne, New Jersey. 12:18 AM

Success! It wasn't often being the good at charades came in handy—frankly, this was the only time it had come in handy—but when it paid off, it paid off! There was still a level of tension in the air as the alien floated her way towards him, but she had stopped glowing, at least! That had to be good news. Glowing almost always meant lasers, and Jaime wasn't sure how laser-proof Mr. Kord's beetle robot was.

<<Lifeform distance: close. Potential threat to host: unacceptable. Preparing to neutralize.>>

Of course, Jaime was also not so sure how laser-proof this alien girl was. He might not have been entirely sure of what the scarab was capable of dishing out, but he knew one thing for sure—it wasn't lying.

"We aren't neutralizing her. Maybe she's just... curious." He muttered through gritted teeth as the orange-skinned visitor seemed to circle around him.

<<External investigation: equally unacceptable. Information exchange jeopardizes mission. Neutralization protocols required.>>

"I said we—you are not hurting her. This is my body. You're just the tag along." He could feel the scarab tugging at his body from within; like it wanted him to move against his will, to do something bad. But it couldn't quite force it. It couldn't take control.

<<Host: Unacceptably belligerent. Lifeform has made contact. Action required. Deploying neural shredder.>>

"You're not deploying anything! I will put you away-" It was in that hurried whisper that Jaime realized something. He could put the scarab away. Then he wouldn't have to worry about it hurting anyone! Sure, it would leave him vulnerable, but a good Captain took risks! By the time the scarab had so much as caused a crackle to flicker between its mandibles, Jaime had locked it in a battle of wills.

Go back in, go back in, go back in, go back in, go back INNAAAHH.

He had forgotten, in that moment, how much it hurt to have the creepy crawling burrow its way back into his spine—he had thrown up the first couple of times. But he couldn't do that now, had to represent Earth. Had to bear it. As the metallic plating miraculous began to miniaturize and collapse inwards on itself, Jaime Reyes gritted his teeth and clenched his eyes, feeling the armor shrinking down until it all be disappeared between his shoulder blades with a sickening pop, the scarab going with it.

The chill of wintry air that replaced the comfort of his armor shook him from the white hot pain, and he peeled his eyes open to peer at the alien without the benefit of a lens. The flying, glowy alien who had been pulverizing brick just a few minutes ago, and had apparently been poking at his chin while he muttered to himself like a crazy man.

"I... Uh... Penny for your thoughts?"

Maybe this was a bad idea.

The Blue Beetle


#1: First Contact II

Bayonne, New Jersey. 12:17 AM

Jaime was at least a little bit startled when the alien turned to address him—she did decide to start glowing and floating after spitting out that string of gibberish... Which, in hindsight, was probably a pretty offensive thing to call it. He made a mental note not to call her language gibberish during negotiations. Regardless of whatever he called it, it didn't change that fact he couldn't make out a single word she had said to him. At the very least he had spared the poor building any more trauma.

"I come in peace. I just wanted to check on what was happening; my suit here says you had an, uhm, uncontrolled descent." Jaime said, holding his hands up in the universal signal of 'don't shoot'. At least, he assumed it was a universal signal. In hindsight, probably not a strong bet.

"You said you know what her species is, can you translate her language for me? She does not look pleased to see me." He hurriedly whispered in the meanwhile.

<<Subject exhibits signs of aggression. Speech patterns indicate displeasure in host's appearance. Confirmation: She is not pleased to see you. Suggested course of action: Judicious application->>

"No fire!"

<<Affirmative. Calculating alternative neutralization protocols.>>

Jaime groaned to himself. Seeing as though the scarab didn't want to be especially useful in diplomatic matters, the teen decided to take things into his own hands.

"Look, miss, there's no need to get angry, okay? I just want you to stop hitting the building before someone else in blue—who acts a lot less nice than me—comes by looking for you." He pantomimed her thwacking of the building with one of his hands, then shook his head 'no' several times. Body language. The ultimate form of expression. Yeah, this would work.

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