Avatar of Asura


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2 yrs ago
Current At the end of the day, God is everyone's bull.
2 yrs ago
me the poopy you the pants.
2 yrs ago
i relate.


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introduce a little pickle juice. upset the established order.
and everything becomes chaos.

It didn't much surprise him that Shiori took the bait, although the way she laughed following the telltale slap of varnished paper on wood. He allowed his eyes to drift down and take in the cards before them; a two and a seven didn't seem to bode very well for their potential friendship, if one put any amount of stock into fortune telling. Luckily, he did not, although he couldn't help but muse that they had spent most of their time together either trading barbs or bickering back and forth, the current day included. Maybe they just weren't particularly suited for each other. He'd live with that. It wasn't like he was especially unused to being alone.

He quirked a brow when Shiori took up the deck and shuffled it. Had she really distrusted Ariyoshi that much? It was probably for the best; he didn't know the girl nearly as well, but if her mischievous hijinks were anything to go by, rigging the deck to support her vision for Shiori and himself definitely felt like something she would do. He eyed the card she pulled from the deck and the digit printed on it. A one. Knowing his luck, he'd probably pull a two and have to listen to Shiori go on and on about how he wasn't her type anyway, despite the damn-near flirting she had subjected him to just moments earlier at their classmate's behest.

Reaching out again, he plucked another card off the top of the deck and laid it down beside her own. This time, he bothered to actually look at the result, if only to brace himself for the inevitable outcome.

Only, the outcome was quite the contrary to what he had foreseen—a crisp ten stared back at him. He immediately looked up at Shiori, and rather than give her the satisfaction of a response, simply punctuated his contribution with an audible sip. It had been her idea. She'd have to live with the consequences.

introduce a little pickle juice. upset the established order.
and everything becomes chaos.

Ryusei wasn't entirely certain whether or not to be offended; did Ariyoshi really think he was so dumb as to not see what she was stabbing at? Or did she just enjoy playing dumb to fuck with them? Rather than give the girl the satisfaction of humoring her deck of cards, he simply passed his gaze towards the wall, staring idly as he sipped at his tea. By the time their 'waitress' had excused herself, he had near enough sucked down half the cup, and had more than a few pearls stored in his cheek. His eyes slowly crept their way back to Shiori as he rolled the tapioca balls one by one to the other side of his mouth to chew them, unsure whether or not he enjoyed the sticky sweetness. It seemed as though his companion had gotten a similar idea to himself.

Only her gaze was much more intense. He stared back at the redhead for what felt like an eternity, until it seemed like she was like to burn a hole through his forehead. Did she really want to do this? Of all the dumb shit to fall for, fortune telling cards? Not to mention it would be playing right into the Ariyoshi's hands. He had half a mind to deny her just for the everlasting glare she had decided to level at him. She'd have to learn to ask for the things she wanted, like a big girl.

Pausing his chewing for only a moment, the teen reached out with a single hand and plucked a card off the top of the deck, laying it face-up before him. He punctuated it with a nonchalant sip, washing down the pearls as his gaze drifted back off to an unimportant section of the restaurant. She was lucky she was cute when she glared. Next time he'd make her ask.

introduce a little pickle juice. upset the established order.
and everything becomes chaos.

There was something about seeing the usually defiant Himawari Shiori melting back into her seat with a petulant glare on her face that made Ryusei's grin grow ever more. Maybe it was the stark difference between her usual dry, sardonic persona and the embarrassed, defeatist one before him now. Or maybe it was the fact his words were what made her to seemingly come apart at the seams. Hell, it could even have been that she looked pretty cute when she was angry with him that caused his devilish smile continue to tug at the corners of his lips. She huffed out a reply, as if the indignity his words had inflicted on her was too much, and he quickly formulated a reply to keep her on the proverbial ropes. Until Ariyoshi came back, that is.

It was astounding how quickly the first smile he had honestly displayed since arriving in Utsubyo disappeared. He could practically feel his cheeks burning with the shame, and his eyes followed Shiori's down to the table below. The hell kind of timing did this girl have? He had been so focused on Shiori, he hadn't seen her sneaking up on them until it was too late, and now she had all kinds of ideas in her head. The last thing he needed were more rumors swirling around the school's zeitgeist about him. He needed to dispel that kind of thing now, or he was never going to hear the end of it.

"I'm—I'm fine," He eventually managed, reaching out to take the cup of tea closest to himself, "There's not gonna be a second date. There's not even a first one."

Not even he could deny just how pathetic he sounded in that moment, and to try and distract himself from the mortification as much as to give himself an excuse not to talk, he readily began to suck on the straw before him, drinking down the contents of his boba with record speed.
Albrecht von Varley

Interacting with: @Raijinslayer@Achronum@Scribe of ThothLocation: Garreg Mach Monastery

Albrecht simply nodded along as Ezekial explained his attachment to his swordsmanship, and how it didn't quite fit with the image of his kingdom. He couldn't much relate to that; the Empire played host to all matter of warrior, with no one seeming to define them more than another. Dark Magic was a popular enough choice among some, he supposed, but he never had much talent for the rote memorization required to excel in spellcraft. What magical abilities he did possess were the result of his faith in the Goddess more than arcane formulas. Arcane formulas that Ezekial himself must have had some skill in, if he was bold enough to demonstrate them right in the classroom. Perhaps the standoffish nobleman possessed a not insignificant amount of pride beneath his steely exterior.

Of course, the topic wasn't to linger on the redhead for too long. When the question fell to what the Varley spent his time doing, Albrecht could only smile sheepishly.

"Oh, nothing terribly interesting, I'm afraid. I've spent much of my time here in either practice or prayer. I find both to be quite soothing in these trying times," He offered, well aware that while most inhabitants of the officer's academy certainly shared his faith, precious few were quite so dedicated in their devotions, "I suppose I have been enjoying the company of some my fellow students, as well as the monastery's personnel. It would be such a shame to arrive in a place with such a diverse set of people and not try getting to know them, wouldn't you agree?"

The fates conspired to see Albrecht make good on that claim, as no sooner than he finished speaking did another join them. The young woman with the fiery mane engaged Ezekial with a flurry of commentary, but he wasn't left out for too long before she turned her attention to him. His lack of greater political interest prevented him from placing her name and title to a particular region, but it was all the same to him; she was a noblewoman regardless of her origin, and he would treat her with all the courtesy that entailed.

"The pleasure is all mine, Clarissa von Edmund. I am——"

Unfortunately, he didn't get to finish his introduction before another arrived. This time a tall, irate looking gentleman with a certain air of familiarity to him. He had yet to meet this one either, although he would be forgiven for thinking otherwise, with how the blond seemed to stare daggers at him. Perhaps he was just a particularly intense individual; the academy did breed the competitive sort.

"——Albrecht von Varley, Heir to the Duchy of Varley." He finished his initial sentence once the newcomer had said his peace, though even two years later the word 'heir' seemed to feel strange in his mouth. His hopes to spare Clarissa the labor of introducing somebody she did not know were fulfilled when Professor Lavender suddenly interjected and explained the task at hand.

Valiance was no strange concept to the young Varley, and so the urge to volunteer for the advance unit was almost as strong as it was immediate. His personal glory, however, came second to the safety of others, and it did not sit right with him to charge headlong into battle while innocent commoners remained vulnerable to assault. He was certain the others in this unit were as capable as any in protecting them, but the Goddess had gifted him with incredible fortune. What better way to repay that fortune than by protecting her faithful from the depredations of the heretical? He opted not to raise his hand when the time came to step forward, though he did keep an eye on the others to see who would decide on enlisting.

introduce a little pickle juice. upset the established order.
and everything becomes chaos.

Maybe there was something to this karma thing. His little remark seemed to land quite hard with Shiori, who proceeded to poorly hide the flush his words had caused to fill her cheeks. Of course, there was always the chance it had nothing at all to do with karma, and everything to do with his fellow delinquent's unfamiliarity with praise. That was something he could unfortunately relate to. Still, it was pretty cute, seeing how much even the smallest compliment seemed to embarrass her. She had tried to deliver her own in retort, but the way her voice practically trembled, the delivery all but informed him that she was far more flustered by the words she spoke than he could ever be. The redhead showing her nerves only steadied his own, and he found confidence in her lack. If she was this steamed up by a few genuine words of affirmation, why not have a little fun?

"Really? I didn't think you'd like guys with long hair." He asked rhetorically, although the devilish smile starting to tug its way across his features probably betrayed his inquiry as the lead that it was. Hadn't he huffed at his grandfather for an undoubtedly similar grin just hours prior? It didn't matter. The teen placed his elbow on the table, leaning his jaw into the palm of his hand, as if to give his next a casual air.

"So, you're saying, if I put my hair up like this more often, you'll ask me out again? 'Cause, y'know, I might just say yes."

If nothing else, he understood the fun that old geezer must have been having.
Albrecht von Varley

Interacting with: @RaijinslayerLocation: Garreg Mach Monastery

It was something of a surprise to Albrecht that the next few people to shuffle into the room were familiar faces to him⁠—he had been under the impression his presence had been specially requested. Perhaps the entirety of his unit had been called? It would be a shame if he only ended up partnering with students he had already made the acquaintance of, especially when he had gotten his hopes up on meeting some new faces. He didn't have too long to ruminate on it, however, as one of the two others to occupy the lecture room spoke to him. He hadn't gotten to know Ezekial too well, as the Leicesterian had always been rather standoffish during their few conversations, but he wasn't the type to hold demeanor against somebody. Everybody had their own reasons for behaving how they did.

"I can't say that I do," He answered softly, though his teal eyes did drift towards the board, "Although, if I had to make an educated guess, I'd say we'll be engaging in a field exercise today. Professor Lavender is putting quite the amount of detail into that terrain."

The Goddess only knew what their educators had in store for them for the day to come, but he wasn't especially bothered either way. When the time came, all would be revealed. In the meanwhile, there were more pressing matters; he had finally gained a conversational partner! Though he had never been one for the idle gossip that some of his contemporaries relished in, he did enjoy chatting with his fellow cadets whenever the opportunity presented itself, and perhaps today was the day he could try to crack the hard shell that the heir of Gloucester built up around himself.

"I'm sure you're excited at the prospect, hmm? Finally having the opportunity to put all that practice to good work." Albrecht had caught sight of the Deer in the early hours of the day once or twice, presumably either going or returning from some kind of sword training based on his choice of attire and equipment. Talking about one's interests was usually a sure way into their good graces, and if nothing else, it would help fill the time until the others arrived.

introduce a little pickle juice. upset the established order.
and everything becomes chaos.

Even when she was leaving him alone, the Ariyoshi girl managed to make Ryusei feel bad. He definitely shouldn't have felt guilty about her hasty retreat, considering she had butted her way into his not-a-date. Plus, Shiori had been the one to tell her off. But the way her constant, sweet smile faded, in part because of his own dourness, it bothered him. Was it always going to be like this? As nice as they were to look at, the more time he spent with the opposite sex, the more they drove him up a wall. The phrase `girl-crazy` took on a whole new meaning when you spent the better part of an afternoon being teased by them, whether they realized they were doing it or not. But ruminating over things wasn't going to do him any good; this was supposed to be a fun, relaxing outing.

"It's fine," The teen finally piped, waving his hand as if to banish the notion that he held anything against Ariyoshi, "She probably just saw an opportunity and took it. I know I would. Especially with you all dressed up like that."

The comments their host had made were almost certainly warranted, if only to maintain karmic balance, as Ryusei easily fell back into his now almost habitual teasing of the redhead across from him. Really, it was their classmate's fault. If she hadn't decided to put him on blast like that, then he wouldn't have to wrest control of the situation back by trying to fluster his terminally grumpy companion. Of course, he had already tested his karma once that day...

"... You do look nice though. I meant what I said back at your place."

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