Pre-Fourth Era civilization could be described as Tier 1. Now, it must be a Tier 2 civilization, both in size and technology.
Also calm your tits everyone.
Asuras said 2 - Galactic Power: These are the big boys. They have pretty much full mastery of their current technology. They are highly respected and powerful empires.
1 - Ancient: These are the remnants of a people so advanced that they created life and whose technology would have stars die at their whim.
Sauron the Dark Lord said 1 - The remnants of a long since gone Empire spanning large areas of the galaxy.
Asuras said Tier 1 Civilizations are not allowed unless given permission.
Skyswimsky said And the Mantis Shrimp is the most fabolous life form in the entire universe.
Madhog said
Would a Tier 5 civ be able to travel through and colonise their own solar system, just at a very slow rate?
Xaxl said
I would imagine that time move forwards as fast as the plot demands.