Avatar of Asuras


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5 yrs ago
Political opinions on a public forum? I just wanna rp for god's sake!


Call me: Asuras

I like: Urban Fantasy, High Fantasy, Anime Aesthetics

I play: Anything. Mostly women.

I have a long history of GM'ing, perhaps even more than playing. I like art, and I commission a lot. D&D is my life right now.

Most Recent Posts

ERode said
This is probably just an elaborate trolling scheme.

No you shut up. Don't listen to Rodey. His nickname is scumbaq for a reason.
Asura said
Because I'm not Asuras.

Thank you.
Drana pulled a hand from pocket and rose it before Rhys quite apathetically, as if her wrist were incapable of pulling her hand upwards.

"We got any information on what the target is, besides disruptive and dangerous? I'm sure I speak for everyone when I say that we'd rather not go in to find out our target is a leviathan that buries itself into the ground, only to devour us in one big gulp as soon as we go to sleep. Or whatever." She'd seen her fair share of creepy crawlies, big bads, and murderous monsters, but what was always consistent was how surprising each creature appeared to be; they always had some newfound way of killing. While she'd never encountered a leviathan that swallowed the resting, it didn't take much imagination to come up with it, and it got the point across, she hoped.

"From the sounds of it, this thing is pretty adept at fucking up our troops. There must be something special to it that we should know about."
The Day of Aroesus Death

Splatters of mud coated the horse's sides, painting it with an encrusting layer of blackness at its belly and legs. As soon as the grime was washed away by the downpour, the beast's feet would crash into the ground and blast another layer upon itself. Despite the sunken ground and bottomless muddy ground, the horse somehow maintained its footing and progress, never seeming to sink so low into the mud as to become hindered. Atop it's shriveled body, a grim rider kept his body low, hiding behind the bobbing neck of his steed to shield from the stinging rain. Though obscured by a tattered black hood, the strike of lightning lit up his visage briefly enough to reveal a skeletal appearance, devoid of skin.

Ever onward the horse galloped, breaking past the trembling arms of half-sunken bodies in the mud, and dismissing the battering winds that threatened to throw him from the horse. His destination rose in the horizon like a black obelisk dripping with waters that cascaded down its sides from the uppermost funnels. The hill it rested upon was devoid of mud, and situated around the single staircase leading up sat countless huddled undead who sought shelter from the abyssal mud.

The rider swept past them, up the stairs atop his horse and straight through the heavy stone doors at its entrance. Immediately, the rider jumped from his horse and sprinted across the atrium to a set of staircases leading up the tower. His footsteps splashed water and mud about the dismal place, and given its darkness and emptiness, one was left to assume little care was given to such cleanliness or beautification. The rider found his way to the uppermost floor, down a set of halls, and burst immediately through double doors into a carpeted room. At the window's edge, a woman sat with her right leg dangling out, back rested upon the hole's inner side. Stopping at the door, the rider took a single knee and bowed his head before removing the hood to reveal his skeletal face.

The woman, briefly attentive only to the storm outside, turned her head and greeted to the rider with a forlorn mumble, barely audible in the wind and thunder.

"Miras... What unfortunate business has you riding so swiftly to my presence?"

"My lady, it is news from Hevas. Aroesus, he..." the messenger began, his head still bowed. Nanaeios, overseer of the plane of Malebazus, maintained her gaze out into the endless horizon of her rainy plane, and stretched out a hand into the storm, catching its torrential waters in her palm. She waited for Miras to muster the courage to finish his news. "He... he has died. Slain by assassins." With a smack, Nanaeios clenched her open hand together and turned her eyes to the skeleton in armor. A flash of lightning darkened her face, but failed to dull the vibrant yellow in her eyes.

"Oh?" she smiled, utterly uninclined to feel any semblance of sympathy. "Was it the boy, Lyrikes, perchance?"

"We do not know, my lady. We only know that he was utterly annihilated from the world itself. There is nothing left of him, or Lyrikes for that matter," the messenger stood up and looked towards Nanaeios, and though incapable of expressing his feeling due to the absence of skin, his stance was one of clear worry. He was readied for any task to be hasty and swift.

"And what of the Sharzunates?" Naneios asked, turning again to the world outside. The storm had calmed, seemingly, just enough that one could keep their body upright in the wind.

"The Sharzunates," Miras hesitated, "Aroesus's guards too have disappeared. There is no one there to guard it." Another flash of lightning. Naneios stood from her window and walked to Miras's side, stopping before leaving the room.

"Then we are left to assume that a certain lady has finally witnessed her chance at freeing the Derevi," she solemnly stated, "With great speed, warn the guards around Sharzunates to ready themselves for anything. I will visit Mysia to see if I cannot offer her my condolences." The skeleton bowed and hurried out the room and back to his horse as Naneios walked to the tower's roof.
"Drana. Help."

The voice was quiet, pitiful, like nothing more than a starving dog whimpering in the streets for a scrap of food. For a moment, the lazing girl paid no mind, quite sure that it was just a trick of her mind, a dream trying to surface. If it wasn't, and it was who she dearly hoped it was not, things wouldn't be quite so serene and quiet.

"Drana. Please help me!"

She sat herself up, lifting from the strangely comforting surface of a cobblestone outcropping. Above, small beams of sunlight managed to break past the layers of iron grating, and the undulating form of a monstrous beast. The metallic centipede hovered above her, eyes quite distraught. Even behind its skull-like mask, Drana could tell it was suffering from some petty annoyance, as if crying out, 'I'm useless'. Despite its massive, unnerving body, the girl felt little inclination to run, scream or otherwise; she was the one in control here, after all.

"Damnit slug, what do you want?" she grumbled, brushing her hair of moisture. She sat upon a flat stone outcropping the protruded from a narrowing channel, and water gushed from its hollowed center into the river below. Above, beyond her troublesome partner, metal grates prevented anyone on the surface from falling into the waterways. The humidity had collected on the cold stone, and transferred to her black hair. Luckily, it wasn't a waste-water system of the city, and so Drana was spared from being painted with a foul odor during her rest.

The vampede slithered to the side, crawling across the angled walls of the channel to present the length of his body to her. Part of it was obscured by the blue cape he wore, but it was quite evident something had been placed upon his armored carapace that normally wasn't there; paper.

"I woke this morning and someone had glued all these flyers to my armor! I can't get it off, please help," Nolox pleaded. Indeed, there were quite a few of the flyers plastered upon his rusted armor, quite haphazardly at that. Either the one who did it was drunk off their mind, or had such terrible eyesight in the night that they could easily miss a thirty-foot long monster covered in metal. That or he was mistaken for abstract art.

"Where the hell did you sleep?" Drana questioned, ripping one of the flyers from his body.

"In one of those sewer entrances, in a channel. I figured it was far enough away from the hubbub of the city that being slightly in the open wouldn't matter much." The potential answer as to why anyone would go down to such a place was as clear as day on the paper. A huge reward for fighting monsters.

Well you certainly don't find mercenaries walking around in the aristocratic districts, Drana thought to herself. "You read this?" Drana asked the vampede, waving the paper at him. The number presented as the reward certainly had a lot of zeroes, but must enticing of all, it meant a job taking down creatures of the night. Or the morning, Drana didn't care.

"That I did. Not only did I come here for you to get them off of me, but also to notify you of the request!"

"Uh huh," Drana dismissed his apparent thoughtfulness. She pressed the flyer back onto Nolox's side.


Wholly on purpose, Drana found a flyer that wasn't now a second layer of Nolox's armor above ground. Folding the paper into a pocket within her grungy, worn out vest, she proceeded on her way towards the indicated meet-up spot. The vest was a size to large for her, and displayed a number of bloodstains she was absolutely sure weren't brought about by her, but if she didn't want to get apprehended again, it was necessary. No way in hell would she be arrested for public indecency on her way to making an amount of cash that she couldn't see being easily carried in her pant's pockets.

If there were nay others even remotely like her, she would have to face working with a group. Teamwork wasn't something that gave her a cough, but in the end her own methods often deterred further interaction. In any case, Drana had steeled her mind to simply deal with it if the situation ever came up. The others would have to deal with it too, she mentally grumbled. Such a reward was hard to pass up; it was a high probability others would turn up.

With a strong familiarity with the streets of the capital, Drana easily found her way there, taking every shortcut a less adventurous citizen would think architecturally impossible. Coming upon the establishment, she found herself recognizing a certain guard standing at the doorway. With so many misdemeanors, Drana had come to know quite a number of uniformed individuals. For a moment she considered if he would stop her, state, "Wait, I know you," and force her to use a terrible persuasion skill, hack up what little cash she had, or face evisceration, all in the name of not being arrested. She really just wanted the money. Fortunately, he did not apprehend her, and simply allowed her in without a word. Maybe it was because she was wearing something over her chest this time.

Drana entered the building, unfettered by the group that had turned up beforehand. If there were a limit, no- there had better not be a limit to the number of participants. Finding her way towards the front, she buried her hands into her pockets and gazed on as the coordinator began.
Way too surreal for me.
Where do the Graal Confederacy reside in the galaxy, Theo?

EDIT: Fuck it. Universe Sandbox is a piece of shit. Theo? :3
Rare said
I played Mass Effect, Mass Effect 2 and 3 before, so I know what happens. I hope there nothing like the Reapers appearing out of nowhere and kicking our asses >_>

That's been overdone. Don't expect any Reapers or Reaper-expies.
Sizzlin Bacon said
Then you'd be newly emerged Tier 3, as that is when FTL is discovered according to the tier list. Tier 4 is like modern Earth with our space programs.

Tier 5 is like Earth with modern space programs. Tier 4 is like if we were able to get to Mars for a weekend vacation.
ERode said
And while I'm at it.....Asuras, does Nolox or Dhana have any weakness to sunlight? Or do they just not like it? And I'd say that necromancy is a really rare magic, so Nolox won't be improving his art any time soon...if he doesn't get killed by a Kaien person for heresy. I have no idea what an ogre is in this RP-verse, so give me concrete feats.Well, who knows how strong the monsters are? Only Anderiel knows, because if I was in charge, everyone dies so I can focus on a less OP RP. I just don't think we should put down any concrete numbers, cause even amongst current characters, there's different specializations.

Nolox has a slight weakness to sunlight. Fair enough. If Nolox dies, Drana wouldn't really care anyways, I just thought he'd be an interesting side-character to have tag along.

Uhh... I guess, strong enough to not be afraid of whatever this thing is during fisticuffs? Really idk.
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