I've got a crazy idea for a nation, if you're still open. Here's the Nation Sheet, at any rate.
|Nation Name: Kerbal Interstellar Program
|Race(s): Kerbals
|Physiology: Kerbals have very bulbous eyes, a comparitively small torso and large head, two teeth (one attached to the jaw and one attached to the skull), two arms with four-fingered hands, and two feet with four toes. Their blood uses vanadium rather than hemoglobin, giving them a greenish tint. 80 percent of a Kerbal skeleton is actually cartilage, significantly increasing their squishiness and allowing them to survive falls from great heights... not that that, honestly, helps them significantly. The majority of their organs are housed in their cylindrical heads, leaving only their lungs, heart, and "intestinal piping" in their torso. They have no nose, instead relying on their mouths to breathe. Nor do they have ears; instead, sound is detected through vibrations in the fluids contained in their oversized eyeballs.
In the Age of Genetic Engineering, however, a few things changed from their natural physiology. The first was the invention of asexual breeding via mitosis, preventing all those tricky times when Kerbals forgot about Kalentine's Day. This also had the effect of quadrupling their birth rate. The second was the addition of symbiotic algae to their skin, enabling them to survive without food for longer periods of time. This was totally the intended result, and not brought about because a genticist was embarrased at the paleness of his skin.
|Habitat: Earthlike
|Summary in a Sentence: Lovable idiots with rockets, whose main goal is to land on every celestial body that they find (they're still figuring out how to land on their sun).
|Racial Traits:-Extreme Stupidity (Or is it just courage?)
Kerbals will generally try anything at least once, no matter how ridiculous. Perhaps it stems from an innate trust that the Kerbals before them knew what they were doing. If a rocket was designed with thrusters off-center and only on one side (because the engineer's printer ran out of ink halfway through), then the builders will construct it without question. Similarly, the pilot will fly it without question. And then die when it inevitably
explodes -
spontaneously lands- 50m from the launch pad.
+Incredibly Rapid Reproduction
One of the more prominant families on Kerbin, the Kerman line, has over 1,000 siblings in the current generation. At least half of those have died.
|Systems Occupied:|Name: Kerbol

burnt planet, no atmosphere, close to the sun.

toxic purple world with a surprisingly thick atmosphere

lovely temperate world, quite habitable
-This is the Kerbal homeworld. Although interstellar rockets are now assembled in Uranian or Joolian orbit (to take advantage of those planets' magnetospheres for antimatter production), much of the space industry is still centered here.

thin atmosphere, full of iron and therefore red
-Beyond a few mining and research bases, not much is on this world.

no atmosphere, small, orbit is eccentric; possibly a moon that escaped Uranian orbit

blue gas giant with many moons, two of which are habitable (though cold), and one of which (a captured planet) is so hot, it nearly qualifies as a brown dwarf
-Although the Jool has a better magnetosphere to collect antimatter from, Urania's moons are significantly warmer. Therefore, Urania is home to most of the Kerbal's interstellar manufacturing industry.
Remarkably warm (only -7 C!) world covered in mats of algae and moss
-The plentiful algae and moss is extracted to make space food

World rich in iron, similar to Duna, except Ares managed to hold on to its oceans
-Ares is the second-most populated world in the Kerbol system aside from Kerbin itself. Many kerbals live on Ares and commute to the interstellar construction yards in Uranian orbit.

green gas giant with several moons, one of which is habitable (and also, at -40C, very cold)
-Due to a strong magnetosphere, Jool is Kerbal's primary antimatter collection site. Therefore, it is the primary refuelling site in the Kerbol system.

Kerbal-like world... only the oceans are incredibly salty, preventing them from freezing
-Despite its temperature, it's the third-most populated world in the Kerbol system, to support the burgeoning fuel industry

distant frozen iceball
|Location: In the middle of a galactic arm, not unreasonably far from other civilizations
|Civilization Tier: 3
The Kerbals have finally, after many thousands of deaths, stranded kerbalnauts, and mysterious accidents, just managed to crack the secrets of FTL travel. Now if only there was any guarantee of their rockets actually making it anywhere....
|Population: 25 billion
|Culture/Society: The Kerbal way is trial and error. They got into orbit only after losing their initial crop of volunteers, and then they realized that they never put parachutes on the oribiter. Luckily for Jebadiah, he was rescued after only 7 more attempts. His rescue went down in history as the first successful orbital rendevouz. Missions to Duna, the fourth planet in their system, regularly ran out of fuel until they managed to guess the correct amount (and the correct thrust-to-weight ratio of the rocket).
They also are a remarkably one-purpose civilization. Their society goes through different phases, each marked by a remarkable drive for the entire species to work toward a singular goal. In the modern era, they are obsessed with rocketry, spaceflight, and aeronautics. Their entire economy is devoted to that goal, which is good for them, because the cost of the sheer number of failed spacecraft is astronomical.
These guys generally have three emotions - terrified, bored, and ecstatic. Arguably they also have a fourth - terristatic, a combination of the first and the last. Kerbals are adrenaline
|Military: The Kerbals don't have a real military. In the Age of Hunting, they developed the standard spears and guns with which to defend themselves, but once they progressed to the top of the food chain, weapons development practically stagnated. They've stumbled upon space weaponry via rocket staging accidents and wildly overpowered communications arrays, but never having a need to use them, there's no military to speak of. They do have a few weapons lying around that they like to use on uninhabited planets and to deorbit space stations, though.
Kinetic Missile: This is an unmanned rocket. Explodes rather nicely.
Mass Driver: If you put a big ball of ceramics in front of a rocket, it gets launched at speed. Great fun.
Maser: Early experiments in beaming power via microwave lasers occasionally roasted chunks of Kerbin and the Mun.
Lasers: A kerbal engineer accidentally designed a vastly overpowered communications laser once, and this is the weaponized result.
|Government: There is no government. Any actual progress in society is due to emergent behavior, generally speaking. This makes it difficult, however, to reassure other civilizations that treaties will be respected. Not that they've met any other civilizations yet.
|Economy: Kerbal economy is generally capitalist. Given the complete lack of law, several megacorporations and monopolies have cropped up, and the stock market tends to crash and peak rather spectacularly every few decades. Most Kerbals don't actually care, instead being focused on whichever goal their society is working toward at the moment. That means that any company that doesn't demonstrate its usefulness towards aerospace in the current age will fail. Even restaurants are sponsered by aerospace groups, if not owned by them outright.
|History: Age of Hunting: Lasting from the initial Kerbals wading ashore (and waving goodby to their tunicate cousins) to the moment Tombal Kerdison discovered steam power.
Age of Steam: Lasting from the first steam engines until Nikla Teska discovered electricity.
Age of Electrics: Lasting from the first dc generator up to Howie Kendel's completion of the Kerbal Genome Mapping project
Age of Genetics: Lasting from the first hesitant steps toward mitosis to the moment Wernher von Kerman's lab exploded so violently that some of the ceiling tiles never fell back to Kerbin.
Age of Aerospace: From the first rather explosive rockets all the way up to the present day Alkubierre Drive technology.