Correct. Will be up soonish here!
@Asuras With regards to Houses getting peeps to marry into them, is it usually a House-to-House kind of thing, or is it more common for them to snag significantly capable independents into their House?
Alright, iz time to cook.
@Asuras First off, gonna put forward an idea for worldbuilding, where the independent mages of the City, once they become capable enough not to be a complete liability to those around them, are invited to join a loose collective or union. Basically, my thought is that it'd serve as a body for the Houses to request third-party fixers to handle problems or issues that'd require plausible deniability, and it also serves as a way for independent mages not to get completely bullied into bad deals by Houses, in a kinda 'if you fuck with one of us, the rest of us will maybe possibly take action'.
Also should confirm: is this in the US????
Also Asuras. There's a Dark City for every metropolitan area out there, yeah? Are there Houses that have like, national or global levels of influence? Or are all Houses, no matter how powerful, still mostly contained within their individual City?
If the former, may be useful to distinguish between levels of influence that player-made Houses have, and perhaps also have a list of, idk, the top 5 most infamous Houses nationally and internationally.
Meant more like what it's name is.
@Asuras Since it's not first come first serve, do you have a date we'd need to have character sheets in by? Also, are there laws in the Dark City? I was thinking about making a character whose magic revolves around magically enforcing existing laws, contracts, and promises.
Hello there! I am dropping my interest for Obscurity! As a villain!
In Regards to gender, may I be non-binary?!
Right, was wondering.
If you have your Crest on your hand, and then you lose that hand, what happens? Is there any consequence for your Craft? Does that Crest reappear elsewhere?
<Snipped quote by Asuras>
comedically, gotham is usually new jersey
which is apropos for a hidden, esoteric world of beasts, malevolence, and abominations