Osanna Lenoir__ _ _ _ _

22|F E M A L E|T H E R E Z A I N D I A N O R D E R|F O R C E & A R C A N E|I N F I L T R A T O R__ _ _ _ _
C H A R A C T E R I S T I C S__ _ _ _ _
Osanna is of average height and build, though her arms, back, and legs are corded after a decade of dedicated training in the sword and stealth. She has brown hair just longer than jaw-length, light brown eyes, and full lips. There is a tattoo of a skull on her left hip.
She is affable and educated enough to move between most social circles. She is inquisitive by nature, intelligent, and often shows a dark sense of humor. Her motivation is entirely based on the Rezaindian Order. She is no rebel. She believes in her God, in her calling, in her superiors. For those interested in a more nuanced or contrasting worldview, she may come across as dull, but she is nothing if not dedicated.
Osanna sees herself as a tool to be used by the hand of her God and is motivated first and foremost by performing that duty well. She is not inhuman, however, and feels a desire to be liked by her peers. She covets close relationships but is not ill-contented with her life.
B A C K G R O U N D__ _ _ _ _
| From Osanna’s Journal |
Our order is not filled with those of noble blood. It is rarely touched, even, by the wealthy, though our Abbotts and Bishops, perhaps, hold that lofty station. We are the extra children, the unwanted, the last-born to homes rife with mouths to feed. We are the sons and daughters of Parrece’s lowliest scoundrels and criminals.
And still, Echeran takes us.
I was no different. Left at the Convent at Chiroux as a babe, I was accepted into the order as all donations are—clothed in the shades of the Echeran and given a purpose.
For years, that purpose was simple— to clean and mend cloth and tend fires. I learned to read from the Menanne, to sing praises to the Gods, to say my prayers first to Echeran and then to the others of the Pentad. The nuns taught me the geography of our world, basic arithmetic, the Avincian tongue, and the ways of caring for the dead.
All the children of the convent were taught such until we reached the age of twelve when we were given to the suborders. I was slotted to wear the Grey, to spend my life in the careful preparation of the dead and their mourning so that they might pass safely into the care of Echeran’s hands. But— Echeran spare me— I was not happy with that calling. My entire life, I had watched the Reds, the strong-armed women in their rich, crimson capes and real steel strapped to their sides. There were a handful or two who lived regularly in our convent, and I am only a little ashamed to say that I idolized them.
I watched their training with avid interest, taking rough chores in the stable or gardens to be closer to their labors. Their shadows were more familiar to me than my own as I made myself one of them, listening to their talk, their laughter. At night, when the rest of the convent slept, I slipped into the rooms where they kept their practice weapons and drilled the forms I had learned from watching them practice in the day.
In all this time, it did not occur to me to take what I learned to my superiors, to show them that I deserved the place that I longed for. I was always a guarded, quiet thing, so it was nearly a full year into my training with the Grey Rezaindians of our order that I was caught with a borrowed sword in my hand in the shadowed recesses of our convent’s land.
I was terrified. As a biddable child, I was never much in trouble, and the seriousness with which the red-cloaked sister hauled me to our convent’s upper floors had my head spinning with imagined tortures. Would they kill me? Take away my chance of becoming a nun? Or worst of all, banish me from my home and the protection of the convent?
Instead, I was taken before the abbess and a woman in black who I knew to be of prominence in the convent. I was not sure of her order. They and the Red Rezaindian who had discovered my transgression asked many questions about the length and nature of my nightly training sessions, how long they had gone on, and to what level of skill I had reached. I answered truthfully, too frightened to do anything else, and when I told them that I had done it out of respect and awe of the red-cloaked sisters, the abbess smiled. She told me that I had done well, that my skills would serve Echeran. She told me that my blade would kill for our order.
And so it has.
My training began in earnest then— at night much of the time, though I have never known for sure if it was because of the secrecy of the Black Rezaindians or because my teachers preferred the dark hours to the light. My natural abilities with stealth were given direction, my knowledge of languages expanded, and an understanding of poisons and antidotes drilled into my mind. I was given regular training with the red sisters, though I then understood I would never be one of them. My mornings were spent in meditation, my afternoons in study of The Gift.
Then, when it became time to pay back the order for all it had given me, I began to kill, and to kill well. I accepted requests from my abbess passed, often, from above even her head. When I proved successful, I was moved wherever I was needed, given contracts both close to home and far afield. I have ever been one of many. A tool to be wielded. A knife in the dark.
Such has been my life for years, and so would it have continued if not for the call to Relouse from King Arcel of Parrence…
I N V E N T O R Y__ _ _ _ _
❖ A long, thin-bladed side sword. It has a simple, worn leather hilt, and the blade is real steel.
❖ A long knife for parrying
❖ Two well-balanced throwing knives
❖ A collection of powdered poisons and antidotes
❖ A set of hollow darts (no blowing necessary)
❖ Sturdy leather boots, a few changes of simple, dark garb
❖ Boiled leather cuirass, bracers,and greaves
❖ Long black cloak wide enough to serve as a blanket
❖ The Necessities: Travel Rations, Bedroll, Sewing Needles, Thread, Rope
❖ A stolid grey mare named Shade
T H E G I F T__ _ _ _ _
Five Wheels Rating: 2
In general, Osanna's magical ability is small. It is her cleverness that makes it so useful.
Favoured School: Force
Osanna primarily uses Force magic to augment her impressive abilities with swords, and to a lesser extent, knives. This is her main offensive magical ability, though there have been instances in which a small amount of telekinesis allowed her to down an enemy— throwing sand into eyes or manipulating a poisoned dart for instance. She does not have the capacity to levitate herself or other large objects, but will occasionally give herself a push to leap a little farther, move a little faster, or hit a little harder.
Secondary School: Arcane
Osanna primarily uses the Arcane school to draw power and to hide when she needs to get away quickly. The sisters of her convent taught her to bend light around herself and disappear into shadows, though she is not powerful enough to disappear completely in bright light. Once or twice, it has been helpful to flash a little light into the eyes of an opponent or make a glow to see by in the pitch dark.
S T R E N G T H S & S K I L L S__ _ _ _ _
❖ Sword Mastery
❖ Stealth
❖ Knowledge of Poisons and Antidotes
❖ Intelligence
W E A K N E S S E S & F L A W S__ _ _ _ _
❖ Low Magical Capacity
❖ Poor Defence (relies on hiding and subversion)
❖ Poor understanding of lands and people outside of Parrence
❖ Poor Mounted Combat ability
C O L O U R C O D E & O T H E R__ _ _ _ _
❖ hex code