Posting my CS in here in case it helps someone feel more comfortable with writing their own.

Gèrard is five feet nine inches tall. He has a fair skin tone and average musculature. His head is clean shaven at all times. In his calmest moments, Gèrard's face is set in a permanent grimace, but his expression can go wild in an instant. He dresses like a typical wandering Rezaindian priest.
His sole motivation is guarding the Quentic faith against the godless hordes of Eskand. For those who drop their arms and place their faith in the Pentad, he will offer leniency. To the ones that refuse, Gèrard will give them Echeran's peace in the most painful way imagineable.
Gèrard is a broken man. There is still a decent person on the inside, but that person is drowning underneath a sea of pain and loss. He has slowly begun to withdraw from the world, no longer able convey his feelings to those around him. When fighting the pagans of Eskand however, he will grow frantic to the point of madness.
The Vauquelin departed on her maiden voyage as the first flowers of Verdi bloomed. She was bound for the eastern coast of Drudgunze. Among her passengers were various merchants, five Quentic priests, and a small party of mercenaries. The round trip was supposed to take 30 days. The vessel failed to return to harbor well after the expected date and was assumed to be lost at sea. Months passed, until one day an Eskandish longship was captured, its party having been wiped out after a coastal raid. Gèrard was one of several slaves liberated from the vessel. He was very weak after being forced to row for miles with little in the way of rest or sustenance. Gèrard was one of the priests aboard the Vauquelin, as well as the only known survivor. From him it was learned that the Vauquelin and all those aboard were captured by raiders and taken back to Eskand as plunder. However, when asked about his experiences as a slave or the condition of his fellow passengers, Gèrard continually refused to elaborate.
Gèrard spent most of his life as a normal Rezaindian priest. He once followed the way of grey, traveling to distant lands in order to conduct burial rites and commemorate the dead. He, like the other holy men and women aboard the Vauquelin, hoped to spread Quentism to the foreign cultures in the south. A terrible fate befell the ship, one that Gèrard is unwilling to speak of to this day. Whatever transpired, it caused him to annul his vows as a Grey Rezaindian and don the red cloak of a warrior monk. He sharpened his blade and refined his magic towards more violent pursuits. He believes the only way to protect the true faith is by wiping out all others, and his body count grows by the day. Gèrard's one man holy war has given him a reputation, along with the nickname "Flame of Extermination".
❖ An ironwood staff inlaid with a crystal sphere
❖ Several bottles of oil and other flammable mediums
❖ An inscribed steel dagger
❖ The Book of Wrath
❖ A light leather bag containing provisions
Blood type: Truecaster
Preferred School: Arcane
Wheel rating: 4
Gèrard was once a well rounded practitioner of magic, but he now uses Arcane magic almost exclusively. Driven by a single minded thirst for revenge, he obsessively refined his art into what the history books now call "Deep Arcane". It is a path focused on pure destruction, with as many ways to destroy a person as there are scales on a Golden Kite. He is an extremely dangerous opponent to face one on one. It is recommended to engage him at night, in greater numbers, and with as much indirect fire as one can muster.
Gèrard has an intuitive understanding of the Gift that allows him to push the limits of the Arcane to the absolute peak. He manipulates heat and light equally well, and is just as likely to cremate you with a fireball as he is with a light beam. Though he tends to wield magic like a sledgehammer, he can also get quite creative with his spells. A favorite trick of his is to get close to an enemy and use internal magic to forcibly ignite their fat reserves, causing spontaneous human combustion.
❖ He is well traveled and familiar with many cultures.
❖ He is fairly well educated.
❖ He is fearless.
❖ He is a high ranking Rezaindian priest and can bargain for the support of local chapters.
❖ Gèrard is an incurable pyromaniac.
❖ He sometimes can't tell the difference between an Eskandr and a Drudgunzean.
❖ His psychological injuries have negatively affected his personality.
❖ He subconsciously seeks his own demise. One day he may find it.
❖ He is a distant ancestor of Charles Castel, Yalen's adoptive father.
❖ F92D00
Gèrard Castello__ _ _ _ _

C H A R A C T E R I S T I C S__ _ _ _ _
Gèrard is five feet nine inches tall. He has a fair skin tone and average musculature. His head is clean shaven at all times. In his calmest moments, Gèrard's face is set in a permanent grimace, but his expression can go wild in an instant. He dresses like a typical wandering Rezaindian priest.
His sole motivation is guarding the Quentic faith against the godless hordes of Eskand. For those who drop their arms and place their faith in the Pentad, he will offer leniency. To the ones that refuse, Gèrard will give them Echeran's peace in the most painful way imagineable.
Gèrard is a broken man. There is still a decent person on the inside, but that person is drowning underneath a sea of pain and loss. He has slowly begun to withdraw from the world, no longer able convey his feelings to those around him. When fighting the pagans of Eskand however, he will grow frantic to the point of madness.
B A C K G R O U N D__ _ _ _ _
The Vauquelin departed on her maiden voyage as the first flowers of Verdi bloomed. She was bound for the eastern coast of Drudgunze. Among her passengers were various merchants, five Quentic priests, and a small party of mercenaries. The round trip was supposed to take 30 days. The vessel failed to return to harbor well after the expected date and was assumed to be lost at sea. Months passed, until one day an Eskandish longship was captured, its party having been wiped out after a coastal raid. Gèrard was one of several slaves liberated from the vessel. He was very weak after being forced to row for miles with little in the way of rest or sustenance. Gèrard was one of the priests aboard the Vauquelin, as well as the only known survivor. From him it was learned that the Vauquelin and all those aboard were captured by raiders and taken back to Eskand as plunder. However, when asked about his experiences as a slave or the condition of his fellow passengers, Gèrard continually refused to elaborate.
Gèrard spent most of his life as a normal Rezaindian priest. He once followed the way of grey, traveling to distant lands in order to conduct burial rites and commemorate the dead. He, like the other holy men and women aboard the Vauquelin, hoped to spread Quentism to the foreign cultures in the south. A terrible fate befell the ship, one that Gèrard is unwilling to speak of to this day. Whatever transpired, it caused him to annul his vows as a Grey Rezaindian and don the red cloak of a warrior monk. He sharpened his blade and refined his magic towards more violent pursuits. He believes the only way to protect the true faith is by wiping out all others, and his body count grows by the day. Gèrard's one man holy war has given him a reputation, along with the nickname "Flame of Extermination".
I N V E N T O R Y__ _ _ _ _
❖ An ironwood staff inlaid with a crystal sphere
❖ Several bottles of oil and other flammable mediums
❖ An inscribed steel dagger
❖ The Book of Wrath
❖ A light leather bag containing provisions
T H E G I F T__ _ _ _ _
Blood type: Truecaster
Preferred School: Arcane
Wheel rating: 4
Gèrard was once a well rounded practitioner of magic, but he now uses Arcane magic almost exclusively. Driven by a single minded thirst for revenge, he obsessively refined his art into what the history books now call "Deep Arcane". It is a path focused on pure destruction, with as many ways to destroy a person as there are scales on a Golden Kite. He is an extremely dangerous opponent to face one on one. It is recommended to engage him at night, in greater numbers, and with as much indirect fire as one can muster.
Gèrard has an intuitive understanding of the Gift that allows him to push the limits of the Arcane to the absolute peak. He manipulates heat and light equally well, and is just as likely to cremate you with a fireball as he is with a light beam. Though he tends to wield magic like a sledgehammer, he can also get quite creative with his spells. A favorite trick of his is to get close to an enemy and use internal magic to forcibly ignite their fat reserves, causing spontaneous human combustion.
S T R E N G T H S & S K I L L S__ _ _ _ _
❖ He is well traveled and familiar with many cultures.
❖ He is fairly well educated.
❖ He is fearless.
❖ He is a high ranking Rezaindian priest and can bargain for the support of local chapters.
W E A K N E S S E S & F L A W S__ _ _ _ _
❖ Gèrard is an incurable pyromaniac.
❖ He sometimes can't tell the difference between an Eskandr and a Drudgunzean.
❖ His psychological injuries have negatively affected his personality.
❖ He subconsciously seeks his own demise. One day he may find it.
C O L O U R C O D E & O T H E R__ _ _ _ _
❖ He is a distant ancestor of Charles Castel, Yalen's adoptive father.
❖ F92D00
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