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1 year later... Still in denial. Also trying to set up a discord server.
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Still in denial about Berserk. Also RL made me busy.
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If there is anyone out there... could you please tweak the RNG of the world?


I run on GMT+1 Schedule.

And coffee.

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Mina felt like fire on her lungs, and as if a dozen of hot pokers were inserted against her ribs. She could hear Suzakura's voice, but she could not process his words fully. She was more on guard and jolting by what appeared to be fingers digging on her gluteus. As if a lizard had gotten in her clothes, Mina jolted up.

Her first reaction was to ask if the guy and his glasses were alright, but that was quickly replaced on her mind by his cool bull glowy tattoos, which again, was superseded by a creeping thought. Her face beet red at the realization, she turned irate at Michael...

Except that, still trying to regain her bearings, she did not have the most nimble pace... and fell down again, this time front first on the artist's hands.

Pain and embarassment flared up, as her hand decreed judgement.

"YOU MILK THIEF!!!" She added as a slap came down hard on Michael.


Celestine offered a very worrying wink at the boy's reply of not being dropped, their small figure gripping now Wolf tighter against their self.
"Don't worry. Lots of places to grab onto." They said, as they perhaps took some -ahem- liberties with the places he was gripping Wolfram.

Meanwhile, the Librarian, Kiwi, let out a small weak protest "Now hold a seco- Wolfram!" She said, before being left with the abomination's partner. Kiwi, reacting quickly, drew Alyona closer to her as she began to crawl up the walls avoiding the goop.

<"Our training is hard, but not that hard."> She chose to answer in an accented Yekaterinan. <"We should try and reach the source... I can offer some web supports for us to..."> Kiwi had said, but, right in that moment, Alyona's curse activated, and five of her legs failed to find a support, before the spider girl fell backwards into the goop, but not before pushing Alyona out of the way.

"Hel-" Kiwi tried to say something, but soon it was all darkness.

It seemed Alyona was alone now.

Mina was confused. She had never thought Parker would walk away in this way, not after he had so many broken bones. Maybe he was still concussed? Or deaf? She had given him her best quality milk, but maybe there were things her panacea couldn't solve. She had to find him. But navigating the crowds was so confusing, and not many faces she could recognize.

So when she recognized Suzakura's her face brightened and ran towards his arms, a grin wide. A second later, a strange sound of impact was heard as Suzakura's full kick collided with Mina's ample bosom. The bovine girl let a strangled whimper before her generous rear's recoil would be sent in Michael's direction.

"Not...again..." She whined.


The first thing he felt, it was being numb all over. Like an overstretched doll, he drifted aimlessly in a void as his senses failed to take the grasp of the situation. Something wet brushed his mouth, as he was far too weak to protest, and continued to invade the path towards inside his throat. He tried to grasp for air, but he could only gulp as a somewhat lukewarm liquid went in. It felt... wrong. And yet, as if an intense fire destroying the cold away, his limbs stirring back to life, the same fire burning away the pain of the injuries.

Parker was awake, as a figure who seemed to have been straddling him moments ago scurried away, ruffling their clothes as they move away. Then it dawned. The massive figure, the horns... that particular smell.

The discarded milk bottle on her hand, still with remnants of the white liquid. Parker grimaced, connecting the dots. He still remembered his first time, days ago before she moved away. It had been a particularly vicious beatdown, when trying to defend Celestine. His fingers reached for his lips. The condemning white moustache was smeared on his fingers.

"Dickie, thank god I had enough for the two of us." Her voice seemed somewhat worried, as her tail was stiff. Mina, the one who had bested him. "But you're a jerk! Who told you to touch my tail like that!? Not even Suzakura does that!" She would prattle on. "But I'm glad it worked, you see, you're not half bad. The abomination is not around, so you can be my boyfriend!" She added, beaming and bouncing.

Parker refused to elaborate on how Mina didn't seem to carry those bottles in the fight and why the milk he had just ingested didn't seem like it had been taken out of a fridge.

"Boyfriend? Don't you have King Jerk for that?"

"Well you're a boy and you are going to be my friend!" Mina answered back... as Parker got up and began to walk away. "Hey, Dickie, where are you going? Heeey! Heeeeey? Won't you cheer up for my next fight?"

Parker just grunted and walked away.
Of Queens and Dragons

Dina and Robert

It was a regular day in Sanctuary when Dina was going about her business, performing her administrative duties with the experience of an octogenarian.
However, it was when she had moved to inspect the bazaar when she heard the voice of a magical boy near one of the stalls:
"Greetings, miss Dina. May I have a word with you?" She saw as a white-haired boy wearing a dapper suit approached her; he was composed and polite, with a charming smile that put Dina at ease despite her caution.

Dina, for the most part, sighed and mumbled to herself something about "lax security" before adresssing the newcomer. "I do not give audience casually. There are proper procedures." She would add, but tilted her head. "Do...follow me ."

The regent would turn on her heels, before signalling a certain serpentine girl who was struggling with a rubik cube.

"Sakura... fetch us tea. We have guests."

The dragon girl would examine the newcomer, but slithered away to find the ingredients, all while muttering something about "Stupid Ikemen."

The magical boy bowed. "Please forgive me for my improper manners," he said as he followed Dina with a gentlemanly demeanour. "I was unaware of how to properly address your ladyship." Dina led him to secluded location where the two could enjoy a cup of tea in private, and the magical boy lifted his top hat. "My name is Robert White. Pleased to meet you."

"Dina Denisova, Regent of Her Majesty Penny Asimov, rule of Penrose." Dina said, as she held three things on her hand, the Dream Orb, a letter and a Purification potion.

"You may adress me as Regent or my lady." She added.

Robert smiled, and took the cup of coffee in his hand. "Regent Denisova it is then." He took a sip of his tea. "Mm, how delicious. Your Highness has a refined taste." He set the cup down. "On behalf of the Queen of Hearts of Wonderland, I have come to offer a proposal for an agreement of non-aggression. You see, my queen is willing to offer mercy, and will not harm the people of Sanctuary. In exchange, you are to offer the same sentiment, and withdraw your forces and magic away from Penrose and it's neighbouring cities."

Dina would allow the tea to simmer, as she cradled her cup. "Leaving in peace... huh." Dina pondered. She did not want to die. It was ab effective surrender with banners still high. Nevermind the deals she had to break.

However she would be risking her own life regardless, and the girls... well some of them would be unable to adapt.

"Robert, how much do you know about us and Sanctuary?"

Robert took another sip. "I know that the Sanctuary is intended as a home to all kinds of magicians, including the persecuted." He nodded with a pleasant smile. "Queen Penny is certainly admirable for having built such a place, not to mention your graceful authority and charming presence. The two of you make quite the industrious team."

"Flattering." Dina would say, before drinking her own drink in a single gulp. "But there is a second reading to all of this." She would then indicate with a gesture for Sakura to bring more tea.

"We don't have anywhere to go."

Robert nodded with a sympathetic look. "Yes, that is true. You would be forced to vacate during Penrose's liberation." He looked as if he was in deep thought, before he realised something. "Oh, I just came up with a thought. What would you say if your people were to be invited to Wonderland? We have plenty of room, and my queen would surely be pleased by a mutually beneficial existence."

"A fair observation I suppose." She said as she eyed Sakura bring yet another tray of green tea, the hot water not even making ripples as she moved. Two of Dina's fingers reached her own neck and rubbed it softly, most as an afterthought.

After a small bow, Sakura left the room. And Robert could heard the doors being locked.

Followed by Dina's most intense stare at the man.

Robert's eyes briefly glanced over to the locked doors, yet he continued to politely smile. He didn't seem to be intimidated by Dina's glare. "Pardon me, did I say something wrong?" He asked.

"No. But Wonderland's hubris might have condemned you." Dina would then reply. "First you unleash your monsters unto us, and then try to cajole Beacon. Failing that, you come here, to our abode to offer a magnanimous eviction."

Robert didn't seem fazed by the accusations, and kept his polite demeanour. "Oh, I assure you, my queen is not possessed by something as base and vulgar as hubris," he stated. "You see, my queen is quite humble with this offer. After all, she does not demand you show fealty or allegiance to Wonderland, correct? Simply that you step aside momentarily until Penrose is freed from the tyrannical Powers." His expression then shifted to look softer, causing Dina's glare to slightly falter. "Please reconsider your position in this matter. As Regent, you are committed to the safety of your people. This arrangement would guarantee it, does it not?"

Dina's stance did falter for a second. Her stare faltered, as she grabbed a letter. Reinforcement magic was present. On Dina's mind and on the doors. "I will accept the terms."

Robert returned back to his polite news, visibly pleased by the answer. "Excellent. I shall return to my queen with your answer. If you wish, I can also deliver her a letter signed by Your Highness, if you wish to further affirm your stance on non-aggression."

"HIS terms." Dina would then say, before drinking the purification potion, the dream orb glowing back to life in a radiant explosion. It was...like the birth of a new magical girl.

"Hm? Who are you referring to-"
Robert stood up, shocked by Dina's sudden move. "What...What is the meaning of this?"

A sultry, even more Regal voice answered from the figure that emerged. "It means we are in an alliance with the lord I just entered a bethrodal with."

Dina began to walk, swaying her hips and closing the distance, before whispering to Robert's ear. "The son of the Dragon."

Robert froze, taken aback by her new appearance, and hitched his breath as Dina whispered. "You don't mean...Him? But why?"

"Because we don't need liberators. Nor saviours. As a mortal, I lost many things to people who thought they were in the right, but only madmen." She coyly drew a finger through Robert's neck. "So I bent the knee to a madman who eventually did right by his people." The vampire lady answered. "Using first a gauntlet and then the glove is poor form... and you will pay for it."

Robert grit his teeth with a pained expression. "I am but an ambassador to the Queen of Hearts, and a voice to her will. I have diplomatic immunity!" He reached for his pocket. "But if you don't listen to reason-"

A set of red strings cut deep into the offending arm, as Dina unslung her own weapon with haste, intent on quickly disarming Robert.

A golden pocket watch attached by a chain fell out of Robert's jacket when the strings buried themselves into his arm, causing him to grunt in pain and hold his arm. His polite and friendly mannerisms were gone, replaced by fear. "There's a camera on me that has sent footage of this transgression!" He shouted out, sounding panicked. "If you kill me, you will declare open war with Wonderland! The Queen will not spare you if that happens! You would doom your precious Sanctuary to assured destruction!"

"Diplomatic Immunity depends on mutual respect. Your little pet scouts here attacked a civilian hospital." Dina would say, her words a harsh growl. "You already declared open war." With a swift motion, the creature that had become Dina sunk her fangs in poor Robert's neck, a monstrous hunger compelling to her actions. His blood tasted way better than any tea or aged wine. Yet exercising phenomenal restraint, she did not drain him whole, as she kicked the watch away from him.

"Sakura." She cooed, as the barriers of the door disappeared. "Chain this fool to the wall. Tell her Highness we have someone to wring his secrets out."

The dragon girl blinked, upon seeing the scene. "Neko-sama?? Did you become a titty leech yourself?"

"Silence or you are going to be the second dish."

Work, work never ceased. Dina kept running all the combinations through her head, as she shifted the turns of the maids on Sanctuary. For the most part it was working like a well oiled engine, and yet, like dark clouds in the horizon, the shadow of conflict kept approaching. She had strained herself too much, and that had been seen by Penny. But she would need to do it even more. None of them understood how big a war could get. What was to lose your life overnight.

Only Viktoriya, and she was gone out of reach.

A waft aroma caught to her senses, as the familiar clinking of a porcelain was heard by her, alongside shuffling. She closed her eyes, focusing on the smell, before taking a delicate sip, very much like a cat from one of the cups that had been offered to her by her efficient maids. She found the taste odd, yet tantalizing.

"New recipe? I can't say I am a fan of green tea usually, but this one is superb."

"No, It is what I usually brew, Neko-sama." A voice was heard besides her, and it wasn't one of her maids. The realization hit Dina like lightning, and she jumped out of her chair in all fours, herself standing and hissing like a scared feline. Sakura. THAT churl was here serving tea.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE!?" She hissed back. "As if I didn't have enough problems with things as they stand!"

Sakura would just tilt her head. "Wow, you went and jumped like a cat! Hah!" She jeered, before coughing. "Okay let's do this again. Ah yes, I brought a simple offering to your Grace." She would offer a slight bow. "And I must apologize before thee for my overly rash behaviour earlier."

Dina blinked at what she was seeing. Was that churl trying to act...composed and proper? She had a small knack for it, but deep down she knew otherwise. "What do you want, exactly."

Sakura sighed. "Penny told me not to cause problems. The catgirls bully me. So I have to make do with you, Neko-sama? Aren't you like, the second strongest here?" The dragongirl would continue to serve a tea, and drink.

"...wish I was." Dina moved back to her chair. "That might be Shane or Sann." She swirled the cup and took another sip. "Very well, I accept your apology. I'll tell the maids, now shoo." The catgirl would say.

"Is that winestain on the wall?" Sakura would comment. "It looks like a rabbit."

At this point the cup Dina was having clattered against the tray once more. "Look, I'm rather busy. We might get invaded and I need to make preparations. So... could you just leave? I'm not mad..." Dina would say, her teeth beginning to grind at the dragon girl.

"Oh." Sakura said, as she realized something. "OH! So that was it!" She would say.

"Why...aren't you leaving yet." Dina would add. "I wish Tenebra was still with us to send you away. It would make things easier." She eyed Sakura. "And you...took her now that I remember. So...could you just leave? Why must you torment so? As if Sanngridr wasn't stupidity incarnate enough!"

Sakura would sigh, before pouring another cup. "She needed a rest outside Penrose. I sent her with my former family. Severed her contract. It led to me becoming this." The dragon girl added. "So...she worked for you. Fine then. I will help you in her stead."

Dina would look at the cup, an urge to flip it over Sakura's face rising. "What can you even do? You are just a violent thug!"

Sakura's eyes faced Dina. "I was Yakuza. I have honor. A sort of old code." The dragon girl would reply, before drawing closer. "Penny told me you were a princess of sorts. You need loyal servants."

Dina blinked.

"I will drink sake with you. You know what that means." Sakura would then say, without missing a heartbeat. "And if there's war I will fight however enemy you face."

Dina grew very silent, the sudden changes still catching her flat footed, as she drank another cup. "But...why? We don't get along. We are from different worlds, you and I."

"We're both old people, Dina." Sakura added. "It's all about teaching young people how it's done." The dragon girl said. "You look like you could use that."

Dina, for the first time, seemed to relax in the forrmer thug's presence. "I will hold your word on to that." She said. "Will you swear on your life and honor for it?"

"Duh." Sakura would offer a grin.

"Then Sakura, promise me you will defend Sanctuary should both Penny and I fail. You might die, but you have to save these girls." The catgirl would say, her voice almost a whisper.

"We already died once." The dragongirl shrugged. "Not a big task." She would then grab the tray. "More tea?"

"...If you would be so kind." Dina said. Well, at least her problems had diminished by one.

Celestine tilted her head at the display. Ooze, missing students, some panick in their comrade's eyes. "Chill." They said, smiling. "I got this." They said as they advanced towards the ooze, their fists glowing with reinforcement magic, as she nonchalantly snatched one of Alyona's spears out of her hands, becoming something else in their hands. Fuel for a spell. Celestine's feet were no longer touching the ground, they were using their powers to levitate.

"This is cute." They said, before slamming a fist into the goop, corrosion fighting against the magical enchantment. "Let omens come to pass. Let judgement be cruel. Let woe be eternal. CURSE OF RUIN!" They said, as the spell manifested upon the ooze, the energy from Alyona's lance disippating.

"No rebound. Just as I thought. There's someone creating this sort of power. And I just transfered them some of Aly's bad luck." Celestine said, eliciting a chuckle, while floating. Celestine's grin was a mile wide. "But it's not fun if I'm just dominating everything, so I will give this perp a handicap." They said as they extracted the hand.

Meanwhile Kiwi gasped at the display, and wasting no time, had scooped both Wolf and Alyona, crawling up the wall with them with effort to keep them outside of the sludge's reach for the time being.

"How about some training, Fuzzy butt? Cross-school one. I take hungover perp, you go with my dearest friend Aly... whoever wins pays a dinner. Deal?" Celestine said, still ignoring the bubbling ooze, as they levelled themselves with Kiwi, and in a deft move, grabbed the much heavier Wolf in a bridal carry.

"I eh uh..." The third year Clausewitz tried to reply, but how could she. This person was far too dangerous, more dangerous perhaps than the ooze.

And they had smelled prey.

"Onward, cutie boy! Do you think you'll look good on a Princess dress, hm?" Celestine said, eyeing Wolf. "Feel free to struggle and fall in the goop. It'll be fun!"
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