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Current Holidays & Family Sickness are coming to a brief pause. Will try to be around and ponst on Sunday night.
3 mos ago
Today's 12 hr shift was terrible and my brain is melting behind by eyes
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3 mos ago
Will do stuff in a couple hours
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3 mos ago
3 mos ago
Birthday & Holidays, will be busier. Apologies


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Welcome to the community!
For the most part, it's a roleplay forum. So, coming up with an idea to roleplay or adventure is typically the name of the game, and then inviting others to join in on the prompt. Either that, or joining other roleplay campaigns.

Typically, a lot of roleplays are based around fandoms as well.
When it comes to horror, I think the SCP Fandom might help with that niche.
There may also be Silent Hill Fandom RP's, but it wouldn't hurt to search for Creepy Pasta specifically.
Welcome back, by any chance, would you be curious or interested in developing an Isekai?
Sweet! Sounds like you're down
A mordern fantasy type vibe. Where there can be mysticism or psychics involved, and traditional weapons used. A blessed family Spear, or a good ol shotgun are both viable options.

The Secret World, Or The Dresden Files might help with some.
In that a bunch of different approaches can be applied to the same problem depending.

Although, while a mysticism approach may exist.
Probably not going to go off the same vibes of the "hunters" having trouble directly encountering the supernatural. Not that they'll always come out on top. Just that they'll have means or train into directly combating them in a physical sense once they cornered / encountered the entity.
Might as well, send something out there.
It's rather late for me, so don't have much detail to swing out there for the particular moment.

But, would something along the lines of demon hunting, or particularly training in such be of interest to you?
A bit more, on the action and somewhat mysticism side of things. Could put it up as a school, or maybe a mentorship with a developing partner.

Similarly, could go for something a bit sci-fantasy as well,
like Magical Starsign, Phantasy Star, Star Ocean, esque. Or something a bit retro-cartoony sci-fi (think pop fiction magazines).

Either that or maybe a supernatural western type of deal?
Could mix and match a bit more. Feel freee to throw anything back out there-.

Game/MMO Isekai's aren't off the table either to throw around.
Just kind of tossing some vague loose stuff that has caught interest lately.
Are you available?
‘Odd the orc would briefly turn around to see some more of the chaos going on behind in. In particular at the android that had crashed down from the skies above. It seemed the android, or rather Zeta-108 had a rough ride here! Having not fully seen the entrance, but rather the aftermath. The orc would look up curiously, to see if there was some form of airship, plane, or large winged creature that ended up dropping the robot right on down to the ground below!
Seemed they caused quite a crater on the way down in the process.
It was, impressive that they could do all that, and seemingly make or store coffee.
Wonder what else she could do, or endure.

Pii-chan was drew them back in though, with a reminder to finish eating.
Which, ‘Odd, would roll his eyes but immediately finish the snack. Seemingly gulping the rest of hot dog down whole, and letting out a sigh afterward. Had to be careful not to choke when doing that in one go.

“Heh, apologies about that. And that’s… close. The name is Rodd. But, making it ‘Odd Rodd, could be a fun batter name.”
He giggled, before turning around to face the rest.

“Yeah, sure, Loyalty to protect in this case.”
Rodd had nodded along dismissively at Pirilika’s notion. He wouldn’t disagree with that, for this very moment. But, it wasn’t quite his main motive for being here at the moment. Speaking of which-

“Hey Zeta-108! Can you catch, or take a bomb as good as you took that fall? Could be a shirt in it for ya, even got your own team number already! And…. Probably a glove. People like to overrun first base, if you don’t knocked out by it, seems like a good deal.”
Rodd called out to them.

Rodd winked & whispered toward Pii-chan..

“You got anymore of those or-“
His eyes just then darted toward the snacks that the kitsune was getting. Which would tempt him just enough to wander over toward the kitsune and the girl with a large backpack. Maybe he could or should introduce himself a bit.

That was when a sound of a motorcycle came ringing toward the group. Which didn’t seem too concerning as much as getting snacks. As he’d try rummaging through the side of the demon girl’s bag looking for a snack during the loud commotion. Hoping the sudden motorcycle would keep her just a tiny bit distracted as he’d try snatching up a bag of chips, and maybe ask about more snack related stuff later. That was until the gust of wind caused Rodd to flinch, and stopped his attempt all together though his hand was clearly outreached to try.

“Oh sweet! There’s two people who have snacks, or can get snacks with us!”
Rodd was excited, and impressed to have a convenience store worker with them.
He hoped it was a 8/12 worker, or maybe a Kingly Ranch worker. Both of them made those rotating greasy hot dogs, and sometimes completely drenched nachos! Both were extremely good.
Maybe, Kai had some discounts… or coupons too.
He was pretty used to bikers from baseball gangs, or gangs that wanted baseball bats. Staring at bombs being throwing at your face also lowered Rodd’s sense of fear over centuries. Sometimes caught doing, plenty of dumb stuff. Especially if there was a certain 'type' involved in asking him to do it.

“Got it, got it… don’t stand there.”
Rodd nodded at Zeta about spot marked with a 'X'. He assumed standing there probably meant freezing solid, or being knocked out by hail.

“Think she’s talking about you with the fluffy pork thing.”
He looked to the kitsune and shrugged. Forming a sly and playful grin, not being serious on the matter.

“Dunno about the dying, kinda like this ese! He’s dressed to impress, ya know?”
He pointed his bat toward Kai, the convenience store worker. “With him, and the travel pack, we’re probably live from not starving to death.”

“…Sounds like this might be all we’re going to get team. And, honestly, don’t know half of ya. So let’s sound off! Your name, or cool team name for ya and a fun fact about ya, before a brief team huddle!”
Rodd grinned and would gesture to everyone that showed up so far with his baseball bat.
In no particular order, kinda.. whomever he felt like. The bat would point to everyone eventually. He may accidentally point to a few random pedestrians passing through too, or anyone who stopped dead in front of the group for too long.
The world of Hinomoto was pretty foreign to some of the newer visitors. A certain fluffy purple orc had been exploring around the place for a sign of anything familiar. He had heard distant rumors along the grape-vine, that baseball may have been in the area. It might even become popular in this foreign land! The orc certainly had hope so, but so far it was just rumored. He had to seek it out! Then maybe, go to the actual job that was mentioned to be around here. He could probably make it in time-
He didn’t.

The purple orc with a spiked baseball helmet, and a baseball glove on their back had wandered about the marketplace. In particular, he would go shop to shop, especially antique shops, to see if he could find rare baseball cards among them for a while. Not to mention spending the time to ask (slightly intimidate), some of the locals about local baseball teams or favorite sports players. He was somewhat fishing around for new talent.

That was until a loud yell was heard through the whole marketplace.

“Damn, glad I’m not whomever isn’t catching that pitch.”
He rested a modified baseball bat over his shoulders. “Oh wait-. I need to make a full dash straight around the diamond!”

The orc shoved a spare hot dog is his gob and sprinted along one of the roads to the plaza where the shout came from. He held the bat out in front of him the whole way, and didn’t seem to slow down for a heartbeat. Realizing he was late, he didn’t want to slow down, or gently deal with any of the attendants there were about.

He’d use his bat to try and slap one of the attendants out of the way.
Gentle by his standards, probably rough for anyone else!
Rushing to get in front of the yellow prinny with cat like features.

“Here for the team coach! I’m Rodd”
Which came out more like: ‘ere for day ‘eam ‘oach. ‘eim ‘Odd.
Due to being muffled by a stale hot dog.

Rodd the orc would follow up with a cute courtesy & a wink, holding the bat in a diagonal pose across his body like he was performing with a show tune-cane. The wink had a twinkle in his eyes toward the prinny. It may because of the star patterns under his right eye.
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