Goibniu would nod and grin slightly back at the Dark Knight's response. Perhaps if he studied and worked on traps in the future it could be useful. Traps did typically did fall under the tinkering craft skill tree, which he already had perks under of course. If he could figure out how to piece them together well enough, and place them properly....
"Actually, if you're crafting skill is good, I wouldn't mind giving you my share of the loot for a better sword."
"I fair well when it comes to metals, through Bronze & Steel are my specialty. A sword, now that is definitely something I could work with or put together. Any particular style of sword? Given your gloves I assumed you'd take up more of a boxing role truthfully. Spiked gauntlets and such."
Goibniu would stroke under their chin, taking time to think over Rath's sword. future sword.
Aiming to visualize it in his head.
"A claymore or a zweihander from what I've seen would suit your size. But, perhaps a saber or broadsword since I'd presume you'd want to be closer to the thick of battle with others, rather than maneuvering alone."
He'd speculate aloud.
Goibniu would take Ranger's the bow, in truth he was inspecting its stats. Whether or not he could make something better or something long ranger. However, the ranger did seem to expect a bit more. So Goibniu would get to work with the extra wood and string he had. Materials that were a bit overabudant since he didn't work with them frequently. Especially since he hadn't gone down the skill tree for making bows. Now that didn't mean he couldn't attempt improving the bow. Just that he had a low chance of suceeding, an even lower chance given that he hadn't the field repair perk for it.
He got lucky this time. Adding a small crit bonus after dumping a good amount of wood from failed attempts . It was good that others outside of the crafting display, couldn't quite fully see how much was used or the full process.
He instead, had a much, easier time forging a musket right after! Although it would nearly empty out his wood supplies for the day. Thank goodness spears had a bit of those.
Gear Head & Ballistic Craftsman 2 made it much easier.
The new rifle would have about double the effective range of the bow, lower-fire rate, A somewhat higher DPS range. However, would come with a good perk that was enhanced.
- Additional (25%~) Moderate Ranged Weak Spot Damage
Whenever that Rifle hit a weak spot on an enemy. It'd do a good bit more damage to them.
Typically Rangers and Rogues, could find those. Especially against favored enemies.
"The bow seems pretty good and all. But you should try this, might help ya get with the times. Can always switch between the two, though should keep you further away from the spears."
Goibniu tossed the rifle over toward the ranger.
Along with fair amount of 'standard' ammo. Roughly fifty or so shots, standard bullets were easy to come buy and buy in batches. Could even scrounge cities and find a good amount of them if you knew where to look!
Once caught up Goibniu would focus on quietly strafing toward the back of the group as things were heating up. The large monster was approaching and there was little else to tinker with. He'd have a hand on his magic focus, the 'dial' to prepare his attack spell. Which would automatically pause every time he moved, so that was somewhat annoying. But he wouldn't cast it, until the tanks engaged first!
"A monstrosity of corpses I can only imagine, or some demon far worse."
Goibniu would speak out as most seemed assaulted by the smell down in this room.
As the beast showed itself Jaiden (the player) was rather impressed with design of it. It definitely matched a horrifying monstrosity to a T and flinging minions added to the design, and perhaps an interesting animation for bringing the monsters into the scene.
Goibniu, on the other hand would have a rather 'disgusted' emote as his lips and nose shriveled back from the unpleasant seen.
He would end up holding his action, to Stunning Shock: one of the minions if it got too close to Elian, the healer. Stunning shock at least had a small chance to paralyze a target. Meanwhile his Automaton would stay in front of him to counter-attack any minions that'd aim to hit him first.
Current Effects:
HP Boost
Automaton Active: Defending
Resist Disease