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Current Holidays & Family Sickness are coming to a brief pause. Will try to be around and ponst on Sunday night.
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Today's 12 hr shift was terrible and my brain is melting behind by eyes
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Birthday & Holidays, will be busier. Apologies


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It's this one, right?
Hehe; fair enough
Imp indeed
Any type of monster you'd like to run into first?

Aread would stare at the human in front of him for a moment. A large part of that was simply trying to remember the other person's name. He saw it a moment ago on their nameplate. But it was rather a struggle to recall on command only after a few seconds of seeing it. He'd click his tongue a few times and simply look around in worry as the wires of brain starting sparking up again.

"Overlords Supreme..."
"Ah! Talon, yes that was it."
His brain worked round about to get a name.
It had pulled up an association first, before getting the answer.

"Yes, Talon's your name right? Uhm, mass hallucination... but it would seem you confirmed it. Also... pain wouldn't seem as likely."
He groaned and rubbed through his hair and arched his back in confusion.

"So, we may be in a brutal legends situation. But, no way that's real right?"
Aread would click his tongue for a few moments. Before mimicking movements of a computer in the air once more. He was trying to figure out how to interact with the world once more. Grumbling too himself, as it didn't seem to work.

"Alright, so let's... assume this is a brutal legends or spy kids 3 situation, since we can both feel things. That means we have to... continue onward to complete the game, or find some form of... evil overlord to let us out. But we have to figure out how to, fight for lack of a better word."
He closed his eyes. Before starting to wave the magic staff about in the air.
Trying to focus, trying to reach deeper into his mind, or himself.
Maybe, something would seem familiar, or maybe something would happen.

He could... vaguely sense something.

The faint groaning would grow closer...

Jaiden would run the programs in the background. Essentially he was mass downloading the parties info, rather their character data. The package would contain everything from stats, down to character skins, but most importantly it would contain inventory data. Since he was already in the group, he had access to the characters' IDs, and with some pre-built scripts, it wouldn't take long from there to download each and every 'character' package essentially. Especially because they were in the party, and he had a connection to them.

Of course, he'd save his own data for last. Considering he had less to lose compared to, anywhere else on the party. It was a good thing, he was given plenty of time to do so as well. As the Jester had moved from Howitzer, to the furthest member in the party Uriel, taking time between those two, before moving to others in the party. There would be relatively not much Jaiden could do, except wait it out, and keep himself inconspicuous in the meantime.
However, there would be a bit of a trolling plan in the background.
Given, there was enough time to attack, and that the automaton wasn't targeted when the Jester attacked at Uriel.
He'd immediately put the second step into plan once Uriel's screams began.
It would be rather, helpful that the downloading steps started before the attack.

The download should be complete once the whole thing was over.

Goibniu would seem to be fairly quite and disheartened by the situation. Simply moving here and there to stay out of the way of the jester in particular. Although doing his damnedest to not standing out. Which seemed relatively guaranteed at his level.

Uriel's screams were more than enough to signal time to interfere. If only passively. He couldn't hurt the jester, could hardly slow them down. However, as planned to react once Uriel got near the artifact. He could certainly set an annoyance.

The automaton would set to dismantle and scrap the artifact as much as it could. While it would be a gamble and unlikely to completely destroy the thing unless of course the Jester went out of their way to completely ignore the automaton in place of fighting everyone else, despite its blatant movements. It could highly damage the item's durability, use, and equally its value~. As it had a perk Perk-Mechanics Assistant.
If he was lucky, could render the item entirely into scrap or worse. It would also lead to Goibniu have schematics to possible remake a similar item in the future.
If unlucky, it would still need some form of crafstman to repair it.

He would take his time, making sure to slip further and further away in the distance until the Jester should come to him next. He was rather resigned to the the fate of character death, seeing it a galaxy away at this point.
Being one-shot back to the capital city with the rest of the party.

Team Chat:

Goibniu_The_Waylander: That would... definitely still make him the asshole. Is everybody alright, and... by any chance do you have a social media account? er.. preferably ChaosX, new gaming one

The big sphynx would twist his shoulders, and try to gesture the group along to the crafting district. Wanting to put more distance between the group and the jester once they re-spawned in Ocren city. The idea of character roleplay was a bit out the window in the situation.
But, he'd rather have a space that felt more relaxed before venting on it all.
And perhaps revealing a couple things, especially to the GM's in town.
"I turned brightness down. How the hell-..."
Aread would groan out. and rub at his eyes. The motion was rather realistic in comparison to a simple emote. It didn't look like it was pre-programmed in, and this game didn't have a natural VR headset compatibility built into it. Perhaps something strange simply to dismiss but it was another small detail.

The half-fae would continue to rub at their eyes for a moment or two. Their vision was covered in different colored spots, but was soon returning to normal. They could see the cold and silent street covered in a mixture of dust and ash as if the place hadn't been traversed in ages. The wary and coated stone with very few splecks cleaned from where it had rained a long while before.

Aread would look around the area. Stumbling back to their feet. Before quickly turning around in multiple circles. Adjusting their hands in front of them, flexing the individual fingers to type on an imaginary keyboard. Motioning as if he was controlling a mouse.
But there would be no sign of, reaction from his own movements.
He also, didn't feel anything in front of him.

Aread would suddenly snap over toward Talon. Quickly hurriedly pacing over toward the standard human. Before trying to slug the human's right shoulder, not enough to leave a sting, but enough to get attention, maybe hurt as much as a small pinch.

"Did you feel that? Where are you right now?"
He'd shoot the words in a worried pace. Biting down on his lower lip to keep himself from overloading Talon with more questions.

The skitters of vermin, or other creatures could faintly be heard in the distance.
Better than any surround sound than most speak systems, at least without studio quality.
Although, there was also a distant groaning-.
just, mostly shady or very survivor esque types left
I mean, don't see why not.
There's probably a bunch of questionable bars too.
Post size, I would say 2-3 paragraphs if you could.
In certain cases if it's a simple conversation, maybe one paragraph. But at least a couple paragraphs is a good aim.

also feel free to add monsters, persons, etc.
Since it's a 1x1. As long as it doesn't, directly contradict what's been established or take over someone else's character stuffs without asking first.

Everyday life we're going to have to figure out and build up in the oh cursed world~.

I wouldn't imagine their to be a big draw for a leaderboard.
Maybe if there's an underground arena portions, or perhaps a 'hunter' rank type of deal for factions it could work.
But it's more of an environmental and atmosphere involved game I would assume.

Definitely a market or shop somewhere to get cards, probably not all of them.
But it would something to explore and find later. Or shops have different types of cards, or just stray NPCs (Or other characters) who may have a card/weapon we may want or need later in.

As for the entity's motivations....
Heh, definitely a package to unravel as we go~.
So far it's more... out of necessity in a way.
It's a bit of an experimental 1x1.
It's a little.. adjusting on the fly lol.

are there any questions in particular you have in mind, or perhaps story ideas ye wanna bounce around?
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