Avatar of AwesomeZero5


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2 mos ago
Current Holidays & Family Sickness are coming to a brief pause. Will try to be around and ponst on Sunday night.
2 mos ago
Today's 12 hr shift was terrible and my brain is melting behind by eyes
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3 mos ago
Will do stuff in a couple hours
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3 mos ago
Birthday & Holidays, will be busier. Apologies


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Finally? Lol it hasn't been that long silly.
Though fun nonetheless.

Edit: get called in to work when I planned to post so tomorrow it is... maybe.
Days been hectic
how's it going btw~?
He would stare at her for a few moments. Trying to puzzle the situation out on the matter. Before letting out a sigh and leaning on his mop to simply relax.

"Romurai, and the governor, huh?"
He would whistle and shake his head.

"Well, guess I've got at least a month between jobs at this point. So I've got some time to look into it a bit."
"Although it's still pouring rain, probably best to get out of it for now."
He'd start to walk westward.
If anyone else wants stuff generated, let me know

Alrighty! borrowed a bit from Diablo for equipment perk stuff.
To give it more MMO type of feel.
Are you a twitch streamer then? Or was there some big event?

If your character would react to something that has occurred, then there's no reason why not too.
A lot of conversations aren't linear as well. A lot tend to be circular, talking about one point and then bringing up a previous thing, or returning from a tangent.

If you really don't want to have them respond to it (being saying that Annie has a lot of shows in may, a bit more out of foolish confusion), then they could simply be frustrated & move on silently.

Alright, would it be okay if I just generated what items my guy received?
struggled, though posted
passing out
Goibniu was down for practically any dungeon at this point. He rather complete one and take whatever rewards could be found. At least gather items for completion, or materials at the least. It may be worth it to simply get a surplus of let over metals or the ilk that would be lying around. If it would only be used to increase his crafting skills.
An escort quest, didn't feel as favorable, but given the growing party size it shouldn't be too much of an issue.

"I'm good to fill with any quest or dungeon. Just hoping to gather items from it. Depending on what the item the patron is searching for within the castle, may give a moment of pause to inspect it myself. Along with any interesting contraptions along the way..."
He huffed. "Might be able to... recreate a few things later on depending on how much material or scrap we gather."

He wouldn't particularly disagree with the desire for DPS given the group was down a ranger. Although, he was bothered by another matter.

"Just checking from everyone here, does anyone have focus on distance based attacks? Feels like most of the playstyles here would be to be in or near physical attack range. Probably need to be extra careful.."
He'd double check. But given the Barbarian, Death Knight, Paladin, and soon a Monk added to the team. It seemed like a high majority of direct physical engaging, which seemed worrying in a place with ice physics or possible ice hazards such as a frozen icicle following down. It seemed that most had an AOE skill centered from them, but if an enemy had a similar ability could be an issue...
The Death Knight did have their skeleton minions, but those may be more fodder in nature.
Goibniu himself was not built for sustained long range with the exception of his automaton, a tool more for defense and crowd control. But it did levitate, so it should be fine-.

"Welcome on board! Probably should purchase coats before we head out..."
He would wave toward the Bard, & the new monk joining them.
Although, he would look over them curiously for a moment or two.

But, he couldn't speak much on equipment.
Since he had the least in terms of it at the moment, particular armor until he could sort through and equip it.
"Uh, guess I've heard something vaguely about people disappearing. But there's always some tale or another about undead here or there. Lots of travelers like stories of vengeful ghost and the like."
He would wave a hand dismissively. Those tales were fairly dime a dozen just about anywhere.
Unless the stories had specific names or details, they never really stood out all that much.

"Guess the next question would be, why in the world they'd be after you for?"
"Unless you just ended up wandering out here to find 'em based on those rumors or some such."
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