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Current I'm in your walls.
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1 mo ago
Sometimes, you need a break from life. You need to escape to another reality for just a couple minutes, so you can come back and right yourself. But be careful not to get lost.
2 mos ago
New Year, new schemes.
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Merry Christmas to all.
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Eat, Sleep, School, Work, Roleplay, Repeat


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Levi pulled hard on the rope he was holding, ensuring there wasn't any slack on one of the few lengths of rope that held the actual main body of the raft together. He then grabbed the excess rope by the knot and pulled hard, tightening it that extra little bit, before tossing the end onto the raft's main body to be secured. He then looked up at the two, and shrugged. "Sure, I can show him around." He started to walk towards Taivas, then turned to face the others. "But I want to check those knots before you set sail. Wouldn't want your raft fall apart two minutes after shoving off." He said with a smile, but a tone that implied that he wasn't taking no for an answer on that. "C'mon then, stranger. I can show you around a bit while they work."

Levi kept a smile on his face as he almost offhandedly pointed out small points of interest, such as the cliffside's cave, their little obstacle course, and the assorted wooden pathways made up of rope and wood that filled the canopies of the trees that ran along the cliffside. As he led the man down the beach, Levi's demeanor shifted slightly as they left both sight and earshot of the others. "Alright, stranger, let me level with you here." He said, his smile diminishing. "I don't know who you are, where you came from, or why you ended up here. And frankly, I don't care right now. But those three back there? They're practically family. And there's a fourth... once he gets down here... who's in the same camp."

He then clapped a hand on Taivas' shoulder, his face darkening significantly as he looked Taivas in the eye with a near-emotionlessness expression, and a serious tone. "I want to make sure there aren't any misunderstanding here. I don't mind you being around, and assuming you're a decent guy, I wouldn't mind being friends. But if you come within so much as ten yards of any of them with ill intent, I will break every bone in your body." For a moment while he spoke, he gripped Taivas with just enough force to keep him from pulling away. Once Levi had made his point he released the man's shoulder and walked towards one of the several Paupu trees, before kicking it hard enough to knock a couple of it's fruit down, catching one and picking the other off the sand.

He tossed the one he caught to Taivas, before brushing the sand off the one that fell. "So long as you understand that, you and I will have no problems here." He then took a bite out of the fruit, with his smile and carefree demeanor slowly returning. "I'm Levi, by the way."

I figured I'd post to kick off the folks on the island. If y'all wanted Lucian to play out his thing first, let me know and I'll delete (or failing that, effectively edit out) my post.
Levi came around the far end of the beach, his deep breaths matching the rhythm of his steps, and the music playing through the headphones he wore. Be wore a broad smile as he finished up his morning run, which he'd started about an hour ago, before the sun had started to rise. He stopped as he came onto the beach, having run a full lap around the island as he started to walk across the sand.

He went to check up on the others, who he'd assumed were going to be here. They mentioned offhandedly that their plan to build a raft was today, so he decided to make sure there weren't any incoming storms the night prior. He would've hated to have a repeat of...

... Regardless, he made his way up the beach to see them hard at work. Having caught his breath, he stretched for a couple minutes as he watched them moving about their proud vessel made of mostly driftwood and rope. Finishing up his stretches, he made his way towards the people working on the raft, as he paused the cassette player at his hip, and took his headphones off, letting them rest on the back of his neck.

Levi quietly waved at any who acknowledged him, as he eyed up the ramshackle craft. He guessed it wouldn't make it very far out to sea as it was, much less to other worlds, however he wasn't about to say it out loud.
In the meantime I'm up for discussing any story/character ideas anyone might have that could include Morgan.

Here's what I'm thinking regarding this.

Levi is gonna try to be the big brother to the others who aren't his age. Which includes Morgan, although to a lesser extent than, say Hoshi because she's a little older and (theoretically) more mature. Effectively, he's going to be protective and try his best to talk people out of things that he things are both dangerous and what he sees as pointless. How do you think Morgan would react to that?
Caleb walked through the street, taking in the disparity between wealthy and poor on Price Talaris street. It was a little jarring to say the least, though from what he's seen, this sight one sight all but perfectly encapsulated the city in his mind.

As they approached the Three Tales Inn, Caleb, once he say that there was no ongoing altercations inside the inn, held the door for the others in their little impromptu retinue. He bowed slightly as he gestured for the others to enter ahead of him. Never hurts to be polite. Especially when I don't know how long I'll be with these people. By the time he entered, he had just enough time to notice the matron, Zarethea, enter the back room. Not wanting to interrupt her business, but also not wanting to be waiting all day, he simply walked over towards the bouncer.

He spared himself a moment to eye up the bouncer. Well, clearly someone here gets paid well. I wonder what a place like this would need a man like that for. In my experience, most men paid to break up bar fights don't wear armor. He them approached the man by the door, in as non-threatening a manner as he could manage, speaking softly, but his manner of speaking was very clear and his tone we certain, to a point where it seemed almost official. "We were told that the fine woman who owns this establishment might have some work for folk like us. A gentleman by the name of Vaskander sent us this way. Would it be possible for you to point her our way once she's done with her current business?" He paused for a moment, his gaze slowly drawing towards the man's cudgel, his tone dropping to a fare more casual one, but not adjusting his volume. "It's good to see someone who cares for their equipment. I've seen too many who take their tools for granted."

Decided on Michael Rosenbaum. The voice just kind of fit for a young adult character. Not quite the same demeanor as JLU Flash, but the voice feels right for Levi.
@Dragonfly 9 I trust your discretion.
I trust for the GM to separate out Levi wherever. It wouldn't be likely he ends up on the ship though, partially because he'd give up his seat for someone else, partially because a group doesn't need three tanks.
From what I would assume

(A the separation probably won't be for long, would probably just be us entering the same world with no IC knowledge on what happened to the other group.

(B by my guess it'd be two groups, one of three in the ship and one of four from the folks who get flung Destiny Island.

(C If need be for the sake of coherency, we could always make a second (or more) thread so both (or more) groups having separate ICs until we meet back up. Though, if we all end up on the same world and don't take our sweet time meeting back up, that might not even be necessary.

This is speculation and I could be wrong, and Dragonfly as the GM will do things as they please. This just seems to me like the most logical way to do things, assuming a temporary party split early is how we want to do this.
Personally I wouldn't mind. Besides, you could always introduce them in Traverse Town, assuming we end up there.
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