Avatar of BangoSkank


Recent Statuses

9 mos ago
Current Star Wars Persistent World, that was a thing that was sort of a thing. Kind of.
1 yr ago
LongSword is objectively the best main. Objectively.
1 yr ago
The ones from Calle are usually monthly. I tried to start another one a few years back.
1 like
1 yr ago
If you feel like you need help no shame in going out there and getting it. Take care of yourself.
1 yr ago
I think you can develop a flair. A personal style. Words and phrases you like. That's why I don't get using Grammarly for word suggestions.


I be Bango.

Most Recent Posts

Yeah. I like that one and the Space Western, Pirates and Cowboys are always good.
Look at Interest Checks for RPs that haven't launched yet. And for f***s sake don't talk about your luck in them. You need to put your best foot forward. Part of RPing is being sociable and confident enough that people think you can join their little story, get along with everyone, and add a little to it.

Keep checking Free/Casual/Advanced. Find a few stories you'd like to join. Develop some character sheets for them. Save the Character Sheets in case the RPs die. Subscribe to the Threads. Wait.

While you're doing that settle on one RP concept you really like and go all out on it. Develop the setting. Do the formatting up nice. It may be flash to you but to others it's a fundamental part of the experience. If you want others to join you you have to appeal to them a little. It's why men don't live in caves with dogs gnawing on bones. We want partners.

Edit: For clarity both man and dog is gnawing on the bones in that little story.
I like Rhau, but are there Halflings?
The answer to those three questions is

Your Mom
We're all hitting those same hurdles we just usually keep it to ourselves. I was mad butt blasted when my Deadlands RP died but what are you gonna do about it? It's a hobby. There's no contract, there's no pay, if folks get busy or lose interest or just plain forget it is what it is.
I would like to do more than just humor dude. I don't think you respond well to the feedback Reborn but the issues you have with RPing are pretty common, neigh universal really, issues.

There are folks here I don't think I can hang with writing wise and I've been writing since high school.
Ive had plenty of Interest Checks that never panned out and I've joined plenty of interesting Interest Checks that got 4-5 people to join and then either never started or died in a page or two.

The idea of having a "Why Is No One Joining My RPs" or "Why Can't I Join Any RPs" or "Why Do All My RPs Die" thread is to let folks know it's not just them. Some of the Site Staff here are some of the best writers here (and Apathy) and they still have RPs that die out all the time.
299 Posts, 1317 Days and Ive never GMed an RP that got past 3 Pages.

Behold Gods Second Greatest Mistake
I'm 100% going to post to that 1x1 one day @TyrannosaurusRex
Definitely try a new Interest Check and try adding a little information.

Is it in a specific country or city?
Chicago or New York or London or New Orleans or Los Angeles or San Fran

Is it taking place in a certain era?
1960s, The Summer of Love, 70s, 80s, Today, 30 years in the future

Is it a bit federal group like in Men In Black or is it a smaller clandestine group
I feel like that's generally the best measure of success. If it lasts two pages and everyone had a good time or if it lasts four threads. There's success and then there's like legendary success.

If everyone had a good time that's a success. If it's two years later and youre still talking about the RP with its participants that's legendary. It's a nice thing to hope for but it wouldn't be legendary if it were common.
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