Avatar of BangoSkank


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9 mos ago
Current Star Wars Persistent World, that was a thing that was sort of a thing. Kind of.
1 yr ago
LongSword is objectively the best main. Objectively.
1 yr ago
The ones from Calle are usually monthly. I tried to start another one a few years back.
1 like
1 yr ago
If you feel like you need help no shame in going out there and getting it. Take care of yourself.
1 yr ago
I think you can develop a flair. A personal style. Words and phrases you like. That's why I don't get using Grammarly for word suggestions.


I be Bango.

Most Recent Posts

Bango bring gold. Only the finest of threads here sir. If Russian Cyclopean Kittie has coin Bango has wares.
You can expect 100% commitment my dude but you are never going to get it.

We are strangers. This is a hobby. No matter how good an RP may be it is going to come in Second or Third or Fourth or Twentieth to a good number of more real more substantive life issues. If you want 100% commitment, if you expect 100% commitment, you should state as such in your Interest Checks but I guarantee you if you do you will get 0 takers.

You can hate being ghosted with all your being, that is not going to eliminate it. It's something we all experience, it's something we all do much as we try to avoid it. It is a reality of the hobby and something you need to come to terms with if you are going to continue in the hobby.

And TGM doesn't appear full of him/herself. Poo does. And rightfully so. Have you seen those biceps. Boy ah tell you hwat if you put me in the closet with him for 15 minutes of heaven hooo weee son ah'll tell you hwat. Mmmmmm. Oh yeah. Hot dog. Hooo weee. That's a spicy meatball.
I think you should at the very least try to do less of it. I've advised you this way before and you haven't listened but try joining RPs instead of GMing. It's a lot easier. If you still want to GM that's fine. Pick a story you want to GM and develop it. Not for a few hours. Not for a day or two. For weeks or months. Write iterations of it. Post it up in General Interest and see how folks respond. Remember this is collaborative so you're not just writing for yourself and your interests you're writing to bring others in. You need hooks. You need formatting and presentation, maybe not for you if you just really don't care but for others. They do care. You might be able to overcome poor formatting and presentation with some absolutely divine writing, but the presentation really isn't that hard.

Google some images for settings you like. Google Medieval Paintings or Fantasy Scenes or SciFi paintings or book covers. You could get more specific and Google Star Trek/Star Wars/Warhammer/Jurassic Park/Game of Thrones art. Get some images.

If you develop a setting with several different factions or world views or whatever that others can slot themselves into, or a setting with enough grounding to encourage people to want to come up with their own factions, while you are building rapport with users by posting in their stories then by the time those stories die out or finish or whatever you will have made some writing partner buddies and have a single well developed Interest Check and RP Starter.

This is much more likely to produce good results than typing out 50-100 Interest Checks a year.

These are ways to make the process easier. If that still is too much than just fuck the whole GMing thing. You don't need it to RP. I barely ever GM. Like maybe once or twice here. Just join RPs, or if that's too stressful too or you get too bummed out by being ghosted just read them. There's plenty to read and more every day.
Feel that way if you want man, but realize saying that over and over makes you look really bad. This shit is social which means its based around relationships. There are plenty of folks here I don't get along with outside of the forum but I don't bring that shit to the forum because I might still want to RP with them. It's social shit.

If you go around saying "Man I sure hate getting ghosted all the time, they're honor bound to keep posting with me" it's not quite the same but comes across similarly to me going on a date or hanging out with friends and saying "Man I sure hate my friends not including me in everything" or "Man I sure hate women not going on a second date with me or etc etc etc." It makes folks wonder why people ghost you and if perhaps they have made a mistake by starting this with you. The luck stuff doesn't help either.

Best foot forward means presenting yourself as, which ultimately means BEING, someone that folks would and do want to hang out with. If you're telling them how no one ever sticks around to RP with you, particularly if you are complaining about that and saying people should be punished for ghosting, they are not going to want to RP with you. It is a self fulfilling prophesy.

Someone said it earlier but its the same as the Nice Guy phenomenon.
If I meet a woman and things are going good and I say "I hope you go on another date with me, women never want to go on a second date with me, they never answer when I call, I hate it when they do that, they shouldnt be able to just ghost me, I'm a nice guy" it's not going to go over well. It's not the same thing as RP Ghosting, but you can see the similarities and even if you specifically can't most folks can.
There are several examples of Good or Decent formatting in the OP. Here is an example of great formatting and presentation and all that. I remember her work even though I've never done an RP with her because it's that fucking purty.


Character Page

Every character has their own color, making it easier to know which character you are reading if you lose track.

OOC OP has a great format.

Title (centered)
Little Divider Line Things
Blurb about the RP and Setting
More Divider Line Things
Personal Introduction from the OP
Character Info/Guidelines
Deadline and Discord Link

Next Post is a list of all the Characters

Fucking aces.

Then you go to the Characters Sheet.

Fucking Aces.

All of them have plenty of information and stylish face claim things that usually tell you a little more about the character just from the images used. Half of these Character Sheets have more effort put into them than 90% of my Interest Checks. Aces goddamit.

One day I'm joining one of these as the asshole alcoholic groundskeeper/janitor and I'm gonna have a blast.
When it comes to using aesthetics or the topic of them, I'm not a fan of aesthetics at all really. I'm one never to have the need of things like that as I'm more about detail and fundamentals in terms of choice and orientation of things in an IC. I don't think adding color would make that big of a difference.

To many that is a fundamental.

You want others to join you. They want aesthetics. If you want them to join you you need to put in more effort. You says you're going 100% but you also admit to not bothering with aesthetics.

Your posts may not need color, though it sure helps, but your OP and Interest Check do.
Here's a relatively simple Character Sheet I started but never finished for an RP. It's just font sizes, colors, alignments, and that's about it.

Used some Westerny Colors and made an outline for the sheet. Not a tremendous amount of work. Hardest part was finding Hex Values for the colors but that's as simple as a Google search.

Edit : Congrats on the contract work Pooper.
He's older and I think they're either self published or E published. Not to take away from the point. One mans success is not your failure. If there is room in the world for erotic novels about having sex with Bigfoot, the Coronavirus and a pack of velociraptors then there is room for whatever shit you want to write about.

You just need to settle on one thing to write about.
Ass Pirates Ho!!!!

Yar Matey We Be Here For De Booty
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