Avatar of BangoSkank


Recent Statuses

9 mos ago
Current Star Wars Persistent World, that was a thing that was sort of a thing. Kind of.
1 yr ago
LongSword is objectively the best main. Objectively.
1 yr ago
The ones from Calle are usually monthly. I tried to start another one a few years back.
1 like
1 yr ago
If you feel like you need help no shame in going out there and getting it. Take care of yourself.
1 yr ago
I think you can develop a flair. A personal style. Words and phrases you like. That's why I don't get using Grammarly for word suggestions.


I be Bango.

Most Recent Posts

Any way back to video games

I am quite curious how the fictional music will sound, or the music from in game bands anyway. That Samurai band looks like something I might like based purely on their logo.

I wonder if there will be a Rap group. It seems possible and like something that would likely continue on into the 2070s at least in some form.

Seems like a lot of work has gone in to making branding for stuff in the world. Energy drinks, burger joints, tat shops, bands, drugs. I heard in some video they even modeled the rubbish in trash cans and on streets after in universe merchandise so you might actually see a Hyper Burger or some shit box in a trash can.

I like that kind of thing. Makes the world feel lived in.
Hah. 57 years in the future.

Bad Guy will be in the new Retro-Apocalyptic Fallout game. A bunch of gamers will get into this like obscure really super old chick named Billy Eyelash from like the 20s. Dude I know but she was so good though. Can you imagine?
If CP2077 has a VR mode I will just about nut. Particularly if it's moddable. Let me be that Blade Runner dude. Let me be a less obnoxious Duke Nukem. Way less obnoxious. Oh oh oh oh let me goddamn Keanu Reeves Neo from the Matrix, in VR.

With all that good detail and tone and shit that CDPR sets up. I'm planning as starting as a Nomad personally. A little Mad Max flavor maybe. Hell if I know.

Also, not to add any more to a direction this thread was not made for and never should have gone, but I hope your family and mates are and stay safe TGM.
Let's completely ignore that and return to the topic of games in this a thread about discussing games.

I enjoyed the hell out of the first two Deus Ex games. So between CP2077 and the remake of Silent Shock my body is ready.

I personally am kinda waiting for the next Gen of PC stuff to come out so I can make a wicked sick desktop to play all this stuff and some VR games too.

Half Life Alyx and Boneworks mostly, but I'm sure there are other games I should get too.

Anyone have a list of VR Games they would recommend?
CyberPunk 2077 looks sick as fuck.

Let's talk about games as games in this thread which is for discussing games.

Politics has its own channel in the Discord if you want to talk about that.
Fucking Neil Druckman man. And also anyone shitting on CP2077 before it's even out. It got a lot of really weird hate. I don't know if I'll even play it but it looks cool.
I'd like to suggest a bit of an ongoing contest. I imagine it like this.

Someone, probably Ambra, provides an Initial Short Story Prompt or Starter within the first week (preferably first few days) of the first week of a month.

Everyone who wants to participate has until the end of that month to post a short story and, if they want, ideas for the next Story Prompt/Starter. It would be best to indicate your intent to write that month, maybe by Liking the Post with the Story Prompt

At the end of the month everyone who submitted a Short Story votes for Best Story (can't vote for yourself) and if they want they can vote for Best Story Prompt. Whoever wins gets a little acknowledgment in the OP like...

Best Short Story - January 2021 - BangoSkank : On Being Bango

And then can choose between the most popular Story Prompt/Starter and one of their own devising. They, the winner posting the next prompt, would probably be disqualified from winning that contest based on their prompt just to keep things interesting.


We did something like this in the old Bethesda forums and it was a lot of fun. I still have most if not all of those winners saved somewhere.

Prompts could be several different things. A mood. A setting. A plot.

Wild West.
Someone has hacked the mainframe.
Unrequited Love.
There's a snake in my boot.
Someone just pickpocketed you.
You missed your train.

Or maybe something like a strange phrase or character you have to work in to the story.

Anyway this idea is giving me a writing boner so use it for the Writing Club if you want but if you don't I'm probably gonna use it.
I want to join, provided there are Halflings.
Your Mom


That's me for the night folks. Thank you.
The issue is you express and have expressed that frustration consistently for years now. We offer you advice. Sometimes you take it with appreciation, sometimes you take it but say it won't work, sometimes you don't take it at all. It's the same problem with the same advice over and over and over again. You still need to try doing the same things. You still don't want to. You still have the same complaints. We still have the same advice.
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