Avatar of BangoSkank


Recent Statuses

9 mos ago
Current Star Wars Persistent World, that was a thing that was sort of a thing. Kind of.
1 yr ago
LongSword is objectively the best main. Objectively.
1 yr ago
The ones from Calle are usually monthly. I tried to start another one a few years back.
1 like
1 yr ago
If you feel like you need help no shame in going out there and getting it. Take care of yourself.
1 yr ago
I think you can develop a flair. A personal style. Words and phrases you like. That's why I don't get using Grammarly for word suggestions.


I be Bango.

Most Recent Posts

This isn't even my final form.
My greatest failing is something I'm still probably kinda doing but trying to get away from. Tend to make characters that just kinda go along and don't really push events along. Sometimes it's well intentioned so as to not take too much control of the pacing, but often times it's just not really fully participating.

That and trying to join a few RPs, Storm/Poo/Hank's Elder Scrolls one and LordWraith/Henry's Amalgam one come to mind, but failing to come up with an adequate character.

TGM my dude. Am I you? Are you me? Wha happun?
That might be a good idea for another thread.

Everyone post their greatest personal RPing failures.

I don't honestly remember mine because I mostly block that shit out, but I'm sure I've ghosted folks a good few times. Haven't joined several RPs I wanted to because I either couldn't come up with a good enough character or couldn't match up to the writing standard.
The point is more that your feelings are not the responsibility of anyone else.

You can't ask someone not to make you feel a certain way if you are going to feel that way just on the basis of them not being willing to commit 100% to an RP thread on an internet forum when you haven't even made clear you desire/expect 100% commitment.
All good. I'll just post a new one up. I'm incorrigible. I'm impossible. I'm inevitable. I'm in..I'm im...I'm Bango.

That will probably happen eventually anyway. A new post with a better title and just a compilation of all you guyses advice with my name at the top to take credit and suck up all them internet points.
Sometimes you have to change a lot of things to get what you want. Don't think of it as a "I will do this one thing and I will get what I want" situation.

Think of it as a "I will change this and it will get me one step closer to what I want. Then I can figure out what I need to do next. And then what I need to do next. And eventually I will get to what I want and then I will do a little dance to celebrate how far I have come and get some Curry Chicken and then figure out what I am going to do next." situation.
It is actually in there btw, if you mean the part about

its just in the like in rpogress one rather than the posted one in my little message draft thing
I got tired of updating it and had to do laundry. Still have lots of stuff to add though.

I stopped adding stuff at like page 4 or 5, had to do laundry and cook dinner and play with small stupid dog
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