Avatar of BangoSkank


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9 mos ago
Current Star Wars Persistent World, that was a thing that was sort of a thing. Kind of.
1 yr ago
LongSword is objectively the best main. Objectively.
1 yr ago
The ones from Calle are usually monthly. I tried to start another one a few years back.
1 like
1 yr ago
If you feel like you need help no shame in going out there and getting it. Take care of yourself.
1 yr ago
I think you can develop a flair. A personal style. Words and phrases you like. That's why I don't get using Grammarly for word suggestions.


I be Bango.

Most Recent Posts

You've got a series of interests that will serve you well here. How do you feel in regard to halflings?

Anyway welcome stranger.

Welcome stranger,


Hi awkward and new, I'm Bango
Cheers @PPQ Purple

I'll add a section for The Importance of OOC.

If anyone else wants to chime in too they are welcome to. I'd love for this to continue on into another (more focused) conversation and this little guide to grow.
In Gif the User 4 yrs ago Forum: Spam Forum
That's beautiful Red. We've all got our own religions but one thing I'm pretty confident in is that there is something after life and that it is still in some way connected to the world of the living and there is no way your mother isn't aware of the sentiment of what you wrote today, if not the exact words. If that's right and I think it is, there's no way she's not smiling. I'm gonna talk to my mother tonight.

That was beautiful.
That sounds about right.
Chaotic Good, little derp running around exploring and trying not to fuck shit up too bad in my wake
Cue that fucking banger national anthem
It sounds like an interesting concept.

My idea is basically "Change" or "Chaos" or "Entropy" or "Metamorphosis"

A God who likes to interfere in the plans of mortals and his fellow Gods alike. Sometimes feared or hated for disrupting worlds that are going the way a certain group likes, sometimes worshipped for disrupting worlds that were going horribly for other groups.
You also have to figure out if you have a story you plan to tell and want folks to go on THAT adventure with you or if you want to just go with a theme and a setting and see if folks want to go on AN adventure with you.

You could be Captain Black Tom piloting the legendary Pirate Dragoon "The SeaSquash" trying to evade Lance Corporal Cory Lance of the Spanish Armada de Baptiste de Santa Maria de Los Pequeniños, who is hunting you down for seducing his wife, his daughter, and his personal tailor. You and your crew must fight legendary sea creatures, scurvy, other lesser pirate crews, and seek to pull that one big haul before Lance Corporal Cory Lance can hunt you down and see to shivering your collective timbers in order to restore the legacy of the Baptiste de Santa Maria de Los Pequeniños Family.

You might also be Captain Tom Black, having just inherited a quite capable ship but having lost the crew as you haven't proved yourself. You need to put together a crew and find your way in the cut-throat world of being a cut-throat. Blood, riches and booty await. Yar maties yarrr.

Either way you could always add more detail to make it more specific. Stating a theme or a time period or a genre. Maybe it's a piratey romance, or a comedy, or a slice of life. Maybe it's post apocalyptic pirates. Maybe it's classic pirates but grim dark. Maybe it's kung fu pirates vs olden times boxing British colonial navy.

Personally I would like to see something like that in an interest check.

Here is the setting I'd like to do. Here is some indicator of the tone I like. Here are some themes I'd like to cover. Then you can lay out how much of the idea you have down as a mandatory thing and how much you are open to changing.

You might even list different versions of the story or entirely different stories you'd like to do. Sometimes you have a decent idea and someone comes in and has a different take on it that you like better than your own and then the story you were going to tell becomes second fiddle to some weird wacky shit.

That's my obnoxiously long winded way of saying...

I like a teaser. I like a solid enough idea to see that you have certain elements you want to explore but also enough openness that I have a good shot at convincing you that actually a Halfling would fit in your world. I like some opportunity to iterate. I personally quite like when it becomes collaborative and we each add a little to the story stew.
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