Avatar of BangoSkank


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9 mos ago
Current Star Wars Persistent World, that was a thing that was sort of a thing. Kind of.
12 mos ago
LongSword is objectively the best main. Objectively.
1 yr ago
The ones from Calle are usually monthly. I tried to start another one a few years back.
1 like
1 yr ago
If you feel like you need help no shame in going out there and getting it. Take care of yourself.
1 yr ago
I think you can develop a flair. A personal style. Words and phrases you like. That's why I don't get using Grammarly for word suggestions.


I be Bango.

Most Recent Posts

I've got an idea I am kind of playing around with. It's essentially "Jonah Hex, Agent of BPRD"

So Jonah Hex, bad ass die hard cowboy guy, but he's in the Bureau for Paranormal Research and Development.

Maybe bring it a little closer to Hellboy with two concepts. The Red Right Hand idea, only instead of being a stone demon hand key thing more like a blessing/curse he received by messing with powers beyond his knowing. Maybe that's how this Jonah gets into this setting. He became a bit too curious about one case or another while working with the BPRD. Took his investigations too far out. Perhaps his investigations led him into Mojo's World or perhaps his investigations just caught Mojo's interest so Mojo took him for his own.

Alternatively if you don't want Jonah Hex Agent of BPRD I could do something similar with Dum Dum Dugan, investigator of weird Nazi occult bullshit. Could go the same way where in fighting evil he's become a little infected by magic, or could go entirely the opposite way and have him be the relatively simple like Bolt Action Rifle/Double Action Revolver Mundane Brick Shithouse type.

Or if that idea doesn't really resonate with you either way I've got a rather more unique and likely comedic character.

Shaolin Cowboy
Dark Horse property, written by Geof Darrow
Chinese Cowboy Kung Fu Post Apocalyptic Comedy Violence (with a twist)
I'd have him as sort of a Kung Fu Ash from Evil Dead. Generally laconic, one liners, fights weird ass evil stuff, uses weird things as weapons, talks to animals, talks about previous outlandish adventures he's been on a lot. Most of these stories sound like BS but often are true.

If that sounds weak too then just Wolverine. He has knives in his hands. He's hard to kill. He heals a lot. He's an alcoholic. He says Canadian things. Maybe he decided to stay in Madripoor and become a kingpin. Maybe between being exposed to all that violence and misery, potentially for decades as he doesnt age, he's become a lot harder and less concerned with protecting people.
"Aye," another small man answered, having just come out onto the street alongside the Halfling.

"There will surely be much time for building, sooner or later, and if there isn't we'll probably be dead and it will be someone else's problem."

The Halfling said this without any trace of melancholy, it was a simple truth. There either would or would not be time to build. One did not build a city expecting all things to fall apart. You need optimism, persistent optimism, even in the face of a swift violent death. Particularly now.

Thiago patted himself down absent mindedly as he made to catch up with the other Halfling, ensuring that while he quickened his step he didn't lose one of his tools. That would be the very last thing he needed. There would be no New Sauerabfel without his tools.

"I am called Thiago," he said to the other, placing his hand lightly on his shoulder, "A builder from Sauerabfel, in better times. Today another hopeful traveler. Perhaps when things are more stable we make you a bakery yes? Fresh warm biscuits can quickly make a house a home."
I'll try to get something up this weekend. Had a busy few weeks lately.
This section is called Articles and Guides
That's the idea, monthly short story contest with the prompt chosen by the winner of the previous contest.
Space Gladiators
Oh yeah, well my pastor could play electric guitar!
Zombie RPs always seem so easy but it's hard to make them last

Hit me up if you want to actually launch one sometime.

I played the hell out of the old West Coast ones and Tactics.

California, Nevada, Arizona, Oregon, and then a little bit in Florida.

Had an RP I ran twice set in Florida, before F3 came out, about the Eastern BoS invading a semi-built up Florida in their search to gather up technology and hunt down a certain bit of rumored tech.

We could probably come up with something.
Any particular sort of Fallout shit?

I used to do a ton of Fallout RPs
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