Avatar of BangoSkank


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9 mos ago
Current Star Wars Persistent World, that was a thing that was sort of a thing. Kind of.
12 mos ago
LongSword is objectively the best main. Objectively.
1 yr ago
The ones from Calle are usually monthly. I tried to start another one a few years back.
1 like
1 yr ago
If you feel like you need help no shame in going out there and getting it. Take care of yourself.
1 yr ago
I think you can develop a flair. A personal style. Words and phrases you like. That's why I don't get using Grammarly for word suggestions.


I be Bango.

Most Recent Posts

Dark Souls is a great game. Still my favorite in the series. Maybe even more than Elden Ring. It's so goddam good, but it takes awhile to get in to. The whole "You Died" thing and learning from how you died is a very different vibe than I was used to.

I legit bought it. Died like 10 times. Put it away for a year. But then when I tried it again I tried something a little different and it just started clicking.

If you're looking for a cRPG then yeah DoS:2 has great writing. Baldur's Gate 3 is in Early Access but it has the same basic design (beyond specifically D&D aspects) and the same great writing.

Disco Elysium is supposed to have incredible writing too. I've never tried it but I've considered buying it like 3 times now. Just waiting on a discount.
Roald Cliffbloom - Ratling Trailblazer

They were on the precipice of engaging in a most sanctimonious ecclesiastical Imperial embarkation. The righteous right hand of Him, ensuring that his will be done on each and every of the trillion billion planets in the billion million galaxies of this, his glori....oooooooh.

"Roast Beef" with "Gravy Sauce"

That was Roald's favorite. Whatever it actually was. Grimri had gone and got him hungry with all that talk of pies. It was hard to focus on the triumvirate manifestation of the transubstantiation of Him when only moments ago you were thinking about pie and at this very moment you're staring at some sort of "meat" dripping with some sort of "gravy". Willpower will only take you so far, you understand. After all Roald was only (ab)Human.

"Oi," he said sliding into a seat across from Grimri after carefully placing his plate on the table. His eyes fixed with a silent steely determination he deftly scooched the plate further and further across the table until it rested directly between the Squat and himself. It was delicate work. The "meat" was piled, offset ever so slightly and topped with copious amounts of "gravy," the rolls were set just far off enough to the side to not get any of the sauce on them. Truly a marvel of Ratling engineering.

Roald glanced at the silent Squat as he began the work of orchestrating his meal. Roll torn in half. Saucy Meat shoved inside. Roll squished down. Entire assembly pushed into mouth. Complicated business.

"Ye know," he said with an open mouth, gravy dribbling out one corner of his mouth and down his chin, "since you was talkin' about pies, ye know da best pie is Sauerabfel. Proper Ratlin' Sauerabfel pie. Wit' real Sauerabfels too not da canned shit you might find in commissary one day if ye get real lucky."

"But," he continued without looking up, eyes still peeled on his mountain of food and hands busy at the readying and distributing of the food into his waiting mouth. It was remarkable really, like an assembly line only more impressive, a true demonstration of coordination and agility and all that.

"If you gonna have a Proper Ratlin' Sauerabfel Pie well then youse gotta eat it the right way. Just like I'm doing here ya know. There's a proper way. You use real Sauerabfels, that's Abfels that are a little sour ya know, and bake 'em in a pie."

His count was off. He had eaten all the roast beef sandwiches now, or at least he had shoved them all in his mouth and was slowly working away at them, but he had one roll left. Snatching victory from the claws of defeat he finished working the meat around in his mouth, swallowed with some effort, and found a most fortunate purpose for that final roll. There was gravy yet to be collected and enjoyed. Most economical, nothing left to waste. The Logistics department folk would be proud of ol' Roald today.

"All that's obvious enough ye? But da secret, da secret is you eat it wit' plain ol' vanilla ice cream and a slice of cheddar cheese. A nice big thick slice of cheddar, weird as it sounds, it just brings it all together it does."

"Best pie you ever had, I guarantee." Roald finished after swallowing that last roll, wiping the gravy from his face with a napkin, and looking up for the first time since his grand adventure of eliminating every last bit of "beef" and "gravy from his plate had begun.
I normally couldn't give a quarter of a fuck about any version of Robin or Nightwing or Batwoman or really any hero in the Batverse except Bats himself. Good ass job. Great with Alfred too. Saying a lot while saying very very little. Top shelf.
You like dogs. You're probably ok.

Have fun.

Lots of group RPs spread out between Free, Casual and Advanced, you'll find one.
Bill Gates is putting transponders in my Frosted Flakes so the Lizard People know when I shit.

Wake Up Sheeple!
Yeah you'd like to know wouldn't you?

You firefly sunnuvabitch you. Who you working for? ATF? CIA? DEA? AT&T?

I'm on to you.
I like to ask questions. So I want to preface this by saying I like superhero RPs and this seems like a fun idea. Tons of folks here like Superhero RPs and a good dozen at least are well in to OC Superhero RPs.

That said, it might help to flesh things out a bit more.

Is this a Modern Age type setting or like 1950s or Future?

How did Jefferson (is that a first or last name?) find out about these people?

With superpowers being unknown to the world at large and superheroes being non-existent, it would seem, what are you imagining for villains?

What sort of genre are you going for?
You say Old School Costumed Adventure with Skin Tight Suits, but also crime, grime, corruption, and custom superhero suits and weapons. Are you thinking like 1960s/70s Batman Camp (think Adam West Batman and that weird Robin) or the 90s Batman the Animated Series (think Noire with a lot of Mafia villains and troubled villains) or like Spiderman/X-Men sort of more Standard Issue Comic Book stuff. Or hell something like Marvel Knights which is closer to Grim Dark (think more violent, more killing, more twisted villains and drug use or other adult stuff)
Roald Cliffbloom - Ratling Trailblazer

It was not without effort that Roald held back a chuckle at the Squat's joke.

He did enjoy himself a good pie. Apple, sauerabfel, boysenberry, blackberry, cranberry, strawberry, cherry or well... Yes yes he enjoyed many varieties of pie.

"Mostly the same," he replied about his anatomy, "Human but a wee bit smaller. Not in all places mind ye. And I specialize in a venturin' out and in gettin' an' keepin' an eye on the enemy. If ye see a shot comin' outta nowhere and blastin' a t'ird eye in some buggers face that'd be me. Or if'n ye hear a big boom out in the distance. That'd be me too. I'm a crafty lil bugger I am."

It were about right. Like most Ratlings there weren't much to him. Where others might just be able to survive a bolter round to an arm or leg, granted minus that arm or leg, for Roald there simply wasn't all that much space from an arm or leg to his body and there wasn't all that much blood a'pumping through his wee little body. A Ratling were never going to be one to trade blows with much of anything.

Maybe a gretchin, Roald supposed. A knife fight between him and one of them might just work. He might have to test that. But much of anything bigger than that and he would need the element of surprise, or distance, or high powered explosives tied to one manner or another of detonator that the poor sod would never realize he'd activated until his thinkin' bits and his fightin' bits were quite some distance away from one another and spread all about the place. Something to even the odds out, you understand.

Having a bit of a think of all this, Roald was getting hungry. He would never admit it to that Squat who just maybe havin' a wee bit of a go at him, but a pie did sound nice right about now.
The first Warhammer 40K cRPG is in development. It's called Rogue Trader. Could be cool.

Also GamesFest or whatever right now so announcements and trailers for Starfield and Diablo IV.
Roald Cliffbloom - Ratling Trailblazer

In a ship full of strange Servitors and Squats and giant warrior women nothing ever seemed so strange to Roald as the sight of himself decked out in his dress uniform. Every so often it was called for and every so often Roald put himself through the rigmarole of arranging everything just so. Rogue Traders, this one in particular, had higher standards than some of the ruffians he had traveled with. Sometimes he missed the laxer standards.

Most days his dress uniform lay waiting for the next time it would be carefully inspected, briefly worn, and then set away once more to await its next three to four hour tour of duty. Ironed out with just enough starch. Picked clean of any offending hair or metal brushing or deviant thread yearning for freedom. Patches just precisely level and just precisely at this distance from one another. Proportionally at least. Ratlings only had so much space to work with. Thankfully as a Ratling he hadn't much need to worry about the standards of Medals and Honors. Having none.

This careful arrangement was supposed to make everyone in the Imperial Guard look uniform. Like one unit, one body expressing one purpose and one movement, His.

Roald looked like a fucking OD Green Orangutan Sausage. A small one.

He marched through the ship to meet the others, passing the Servitors and giving them a distance slightly beyond respectful. Who knew when or if one of them might decide he was slightly less Human an Abhuman today. He made sure to bathe and deodorize and all of that, even so.

Arriving to greet the others he made a beeline for the other Abhuman and settled in, working out any remaining wrinkles in his uniform and cursing whoever it was who had clearly been in a hurry when they guesstimated how long the sleeves for a Ratlings dress shirt ought to be.
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