Avatar of BangoSkank


Recent Statuses

9 mos ago
Current Star Wars Persistent World, that was a thing that was sort of a thing. Kind of.
12 mos ago
LongSword is objectively the best main. Objectively.
1 yr ago
The ones from Calle are usually monthly. I tried to start another one a few years back.
1 like
1 yr ago
If you feel like you need help no shame in going out there and getting it. Take care of yourself.
1 yr ago
I think you can develop a flair. A personal style. Words and phrases you like. That's why I don't get using Grammarly for word suggestions.


I be Bango.

Most Recent Posts

That last Batman post is fucking gold.

I'm hooked.

Roald Cliffbloom, Ratling Trailblazer

A former member of the Imperial Guard among a unit of Abhumans, Roald Cliffbloom has found he fits much more comfortably among the Rogue Traders. As is true for most Ratlings Roald has no home and no real place of belonging. A people scattered across the cosmos they often find themselves seeking new homes. A place to create a new civilization, to grow roots, to grow fat and raise children. To ensure the next generation of Ratlings is free to enjoy all the things their predecessors had enjoyed long long ago before the fall of Ornsworld. Roald rejects all that shit. He has decided he rather likes the roaming and takes rather naturally to the roguery.

Here he finds his restlessness a virtue rather than a particularly obnoxious vice. Across this vast universe there are always new places to explore, new treasures to acquire, new concoctions to drink, and new women to flirt with. Occasionally one or two of those ventures may even prove fruitful.

The times of peace, fleeting though they often are, are small treasures but Roald quite enjoys the more violent side of life as a Rogue Trader. There are so many interesting places to go and so many interesting people and xenos to kill in those interesting places. Whether he is slowly threading through dense vegetation on some jungle world in an attempt to listen in to what nonsense a group of Orks are mumbling about to each other, or picking his way up a cliffside, wedging himself into cracks and crags to see what nasty surprises might be awaiting everyone around the next rise...it is all so much better than marching about with the Imperial Guard waiting to find out what hopeless battle you're expected to jump into next.

With no home to fight for and little hope of establishing a new home this is what the world offers Roald. To travel the cosmos looking for interesting places to fight, frolick, fornicate, and maybe try some booze he hasn't had yet and a steak made out of whatever animal is the most dangerous on that planet. Maybe make a fortune in the process. That'd be nice.
I can never write in one sitting. I envy that. That's a skill.

I go like:
Vague outline for a posts progression. Fill out the paragraphs. Take out excessive stupid jokes and innuendo. Grammar. Spelling. Add in something where several words that start with the same letters follow each other like a dumb discount V for Vendetta. Never actually post until someone points out that I'm holding shit up.
Insert Witty Reply

Comical Introduction. Call back to opening post. Cultural reference. Stupid joke. Commentary explaining I know that that stupid joke was stupid. Suggestion of RPs you might want to join. Sharing of personal experiences here. Friendly greeting.

Clever Quote to Finish Post.
In Hello 2 yrs ago Forum: Introduce Yourself
There is almost always some variant, often several, of superhero RPs taking place between Free, Casual and Advanced.

Welcome back.
Slice of Life RPS are pretty common here. Often High School, Harry Potter/Twilight, or Murder Mystery ones. Not sure Murder Mystery really counts but they tend to have a lot of the same users participate in them.

Free and Casual are probably better places to look to find that sort of RP but there are probably occasionally some in Advanced.

Anyway Welcome, Good Luck, and

Here, Have a Fishy Stick

Dale patted his pockets for another pack of cigarettes. It had been too long. He had forgotten if he had just finished or just started a pack. Shit maybe he had quit. No no, probably not that.

He patted his pockets three times until another pack of cigarettes materialized as if by magic. Nice.

He pulled out two of them. Talking about Bobby, that definitely called for two cigarettes. Maybe even a threefer.

He posed himself as cool and casual and reflective as he could. Looking off into the middle distance all mysterious and broody like.

He began to speak but broke into a coughing fit. After a brief pause to regain his breath and dignity he continued on as if nothing had happened.

"Bobby? Shit Hank, where didn't you go wrong? Now you look at my Joseph, boys right out of the ol' Gribble playbook. Probably out there seducing all the ladies, setting college football records, putting all them liberal professors in their place."

He takes another long drawl of both cigarettes, this time holding his own though his cheeks visibly bulge with a barely held back hack,

"Shoot you'll see, soon as he comes back to town he's gonna be Governor or Mayor or some shit. You all better vote for my boy."
Great formatting. I really like having the little Character Face Claim and Name right there at the start of every post. Definitely helps to break things up and make it easier to know exactly which Character/Poster you are reading at the moment.

Oh, same here. Hope things turn out well for you Mao Mao.
Vague Ideas I Should Make an RP About But Never Will

Multiversal Police Department of Karate Cops (Who Also Know Kung Fu)

Krouton "Darkness" Hellspawnen
Death Knight Supreme of the Hateful Metal Knights of New Genocidia.
Also he hates his dad for some reason.
Some kind of Dark Elf or Orc or something born from tragedy and evil and metal stuff like that.
Definitely not cringe.
Gets more pompous as fights go on but not any stronger.

Unforgiven but instead of being about a cowboy who is just about too old to be a cowboy it's about a cowboy who is fucking RoboCop just blasting the ever living fuck out of some scumbags
Things I Wrote

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