Avatar of BangoSkank


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9 mos ago
Current Star Wars Persistent World, that was a thing that was sort of a thing. Kind of.
12 mos ago
LongSword is objectively the best main. Objectively.
1 yr ago
The ones from Calle are usually monthly. I tried to start another one a few years back.
1 like
1 yr ago
If you feel like you need help no shame in going out there and getting it. Take care of yourself.
1 yr ago
I think you can develop a flair. A personal style. Words and phrases you like. That's why I don't get using Grammarly for word suggestions.


I be Bango.

Most Recent Posts

That's funny because I feel like I've been here as long as shit.

Get it?

Shit...Poo...do you get it? It's a joke.
World was fun. I'll probably pick up World 2 or whatever it's called immediately.

I kinda suck ass at it but it's fun.
Kill All The Minion Stages in Boss Fights


Escort/Tail Missions

Fuck them both to death. Today, Tomorrow, Forever.
Haven't seen it but there's that new Beavis and Butthead Do The Universe that either just came out or is out tomorrow...

And apparently the show is going to start up again with Middle Aged Beavis and Butthead.

It was in the Joe Rogan / Mike Judge podcast
Gorthog gro-Bhizra, Half Orc Professional Face Puncher

-What do you like to do for fun?
Train. Travel. Drink. Eat. Other thing monastery say Gorthog not do but Gorthog still do.

-How do you feel about your family?
Monastery raise Gorthog. Very proud. Teach Gorthog channel anger. Teach Gorthog see nature more and city less. Make proud. Come back.

-What's your Pet Peeve?
Magic people. Hurt Gorthog many time before Gorthog punch. When Gorthog punch them fall fast. Very disappoint.

Do you have any particularly noteworthy Allies or Enemies?

This is a great thread. Great way to develop a character when you're just forming it in your brain, answer all these questions
50 grand. That's like enough for a new base package Bronco!

That's life changing money right there.
don't talk to me like there's drool coming out of my mouth. these things will not remain isolated for very long. some states won't ban abortion, yes, but then they'll be pushing out a quick patch to fix that part too, and then another little bit, and another little bit, and another little bit, until people's rights are completely eroded while all people did was sit back and say "well aykchually!"

These are big assumptions amounting to a Slippery Slope argument. It's also fundamentally troubled.

"Some states wont ban abortion, yes, but then they'll be pushing out a quick patch to fix that part too..."

Who will? That state that just decided not to ban it or the federal government? The SC just removed it as a Federal Decision and left it to the States. It seems unlikely they would reassume that responsibility any time soon. If you mean that State then that would be a decision made state by state. The process of a State changing it's opinion on a matter from one side of an argument towards another is essentially what we in the United States call Politics.

The "well aykchually" part was cute.

This is, as I said, a Slippery Slope argument and particularly flawed considering what the decision actually said about the other things you brought up. Referring repeatedly to the importance of "potential life" in this decision. This would not apply to Same Sex Marriage. This would not apply to whatever vague threats you see toward Transsexual Persons safety. This would not apply toward Contraceptives.

Specifically I refer to this,

yeah, cause everyone has the funds to just completely upend their lives and relocate, or the job security to work at disney, or google, or whatever other corporation that's winking at people with promises while passing a fat wad to the people responsible for this behind their backs. not to mention nobody should even have to do this in the first place. big "you think people aren't just going to sell their homes and move?" energy.

This is incredibly pessimistic and contributes nothing to the conversation. Some will have the money to move. Some will not. Some will get financial help. Some will not. Some of that financial help may come from a company which is "winking at people with promises while passing a fat wad to the people responsible for this behind their backs" and some will not.

If you feel this strongly about it perhaps help fund it. I believe it was Dick's Sporting Goods that just pledged to help their employees travel to states to acquire an abortion if it is illegal in the state that employee works and lives in. If that's not enough perhaps involve yourself in creating/maintaining a charity that helps provide that. Perhaps Planned Parenthood will try to do so. It may run in to Interstate Commerce Law issues, but that remains to be seen.

dehumanising is seeing the same core group of people on this website constantly wave their hands in the air and feign ignorance about their own beliefs.

That is not what dehumanizing is. What that is is you further trying to force the strawman you have constructed over people. Though doing that actually is somewhat dehumanizing. Refusing to listen to what people tell you they believe and stand for, instead humming to yourself and insisting once more that

"No, Actually This Is What You Believe And You Are Only Pretending To Believe The Things You Profess To Believe, I Can Tell."
well i actually have a uterus, for one. in areas where there is limited access to abortion care there is also limited access to transgender healthcare because they're more often than not provided by similar services. even in the places where it won't be limited, they're looking to do the same they did today to contraceptive laws and same-sex marriage laws anyway. the only real point in your favour is that i don't live in america, but i still live in a country that's trying to kill me in extremely similar ways.

That is unfortunate. It has nothing to do with taking what was a Federal decision in the United States of America and making it now a State by State decision in, again, the United States of America. I'm very sorry to hear your country is apparently trying to kill you, but it isn't really impacted by changes of law in an entirely different country.

i have a lot of friends in america. i've got friends who have had abortions. a lot of them live in states that will absolutely pounce on the opportunity to pass abortion bans. this affects them severely. i am angry for them and i am angry for all the people like me in america who are now in even more danger than they were before.

That will only impact them if they have or wish to have an (or another) abortion, and if they live in a State which decides to ban it. In such a case they should consider either moving to another state, which does not want to ban abortions, or going to another state to acquire that abortion. Several companies have pledged to help fund this.

if you don't think vulnerable people deserve bodily autonomy you're fine to think that. don't dress it up with all this dogshit centrist devil's advocate bullshit of "not allowing people to be pieces of shit is fascism!".

I am not the strawman you have built to do battle with and assuming a bunch of nonsense about someone and projecting it on to them is not an effective strategy. That is a big "if" but just in case you were actually curious and not just hurling insults, I do believe in bodily autonomy. I don't know what you're trying to say with a Centrist Devil's Advocate position, but calling people who are doing things you don't like pieces of shit is dehumanizing which is a core facet of the evil of facism.
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