Avatar of baraquiel


Recent Statuses

2 yrs ago
Current I dont know what i dont know anymore lol
4 yrs ago
Despite everything that's going on, being alive is heckin' swell.
5 yrs ago
To the rps that I was in, thank you for welcoming me and giving me a chance to become a part of your world. All of you are wonderful and creative people who deserve the best in life. Godspeed.
5 yrs ago
I was not... in the right place emotionally and mentally. Words cannot express how deeply sorry I am for unintentionally ghosting the rps I'm in. I'm working a lot to become a better person now.
6 yrs ago
Just came back from the dead woo


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Ooooooo... Can I still join? I only knew Harvest Moon because me and my cousins played it when PSPs were still a thing.

Also in the PSP version, there's someone who grows grapes and was very knowledgeable about wine (I forgot if that person actually sells wine). Is it possible to add wine steward as another role? If so, I'd love to take that! If not, then I'll just be a cafe owner instead ^u^
@Rex I'll pm you my cs as soon as I'm finished with it ^u^

“It was destined to be, Sunny.”

Sunny gasped, wide-eyed, as she heard what Dominique had whispered to her. Anybody who is not blind can definitely see her blush now. She shoot evil glares at her, imagining herself shooting lasers at the French girl as Dominique was going out into the pools. She remembered that they have combat training today and mentally laughed evilly. Prepare yourself, woman. Humanda ka sakin. But right now, I need a tactical retreat, she thought to herself. Feeling embarrassed in front of a boy she likes was definitely a new thing for her 'cause usually it's the other way around during her missions. Even though she's mortified at the moment, she can't help but feel excited and giddy about it.

She cleared her throat. "I, uh, I must excuse myself. No, please excuse me for I m- well I need to escape- go back, yes. I need to go back to my room to... take a shower. Yep that's what I'll do, I'm totally not nervous about Shiro- anything or anyone. Just... casually going back upstairs to get ready for school. Hehehe", she stammered. She threw her banana peel and drank some water before going back upstairs while mentally slapping herself in the face for being an idiot.

Once there, Sunny closed the door and the windows before throwing her clothes all over the floor and get her things for bath time. Sunny was about to turn on the water when she felt the sudden call of nature. She felt relieved that she's able to poop before going to school. Pooping at the school itself creates a lot of anxiety for her because for some reason, she feels embarrassed when there are people around while she does "the thing". It's also hassle-free as she might miss some lessons or important announcements from her teachers while she's in the comfort room

After doing "the thing" and making sure the smell is gone, she played music on her cellphone and placed it at the counter as she started showering. She would use her shampoo container as a microphone as she lip-syncs with her music while dancing like a lunatic. Sunny always felt that the bathroom is the only place for her to be herself without anyone judging her (of course you are alone in your own bathroom but still). It's a good thing the girls don't share a bathroom because they will absolutely think that she's on drugs when they're all taking a shower at the same time. She's pretty wild that way.

She turned the water off and picked her towel to wipe herself dry after she felt squeaky clean and refreshed from the relaxing shower. She brushed her teeth while her music still continued to play, pausing at some moments when the chorus came in as she used her toothbrush as a microphone instead to lip-sync again. She was wondering if she will put on make-up today as she gargled and wiped her mouth before wrapping her towel around her. It is pretty important to create a good first impression especially for school. On the other hand, whatever you look at it, it is still school so it's almost unnecessary for a student to put make-up on in the first place. She continued to ponder about this as she blow-dried her hair and sat at her bed. Only when she felt that her hair was dry that she laid in bed.

While staring at the ceiling, Sunny also can't help but think about her classmates. Each of them are unique in their own ways and all of them are pretty interesting. She's excited about getting to know her dorm-mates better as time goes by because all the members of the Lakambini are much older than her and this is her first time living with people her age. Sunny's definitely excited in spending time with Shiro more often and is also looking forward on spending time with the others as well. Speaking of Shiro, the others would definitely notice she took a liking to the Japanese boy. She thought about this and decided to set aside her crush for him until she knew the person better. If there's one thing she learned from her missions is that there's more to something that meets the eye.

"And Shiro is definitely pleasing to the eye", Sunny said outloud to herself. "Devin and Jackson seem pretty cute too. I think my tricks won't work on them or on everyone in this dorm for that matter. Seems like this is the perfect opportunity to experiment", she said as she smiled mischievously.

She looked at the clock on her cellphone. Realizing she still has some time, she decided to lay in bed and stare at the ceiling some more to reflect and take a breather from talking with the others. Sunny never knew a social butterfly like her would feel anxiety from meeting and talking with new people until now. This year is definitely full of firsts for her.
Will post later :3
Will post (sooner or) later :3

C'mon peeps let's see those sheets!

- Ω

Will pm you later :D

EDIT: I already sent it to you :D
Still interested!!!
1. Sorry I took so long to post. School just started so...
2. PLEASE tell me if I did the headings right
3. Yo @Infernal Flame I know I initially planned for Sunny to do yoga but I forgot to pm you about our collab so how do you say we do this next time, yeah? I'll pm you if I have free time, tomorrow I think ^u^
4. Pancakes are life (but I was too lazy for Sunny to make actual pancakes so I'll make her do it some other time. Sorry xD )

Sunny was awaken by the sound of chirping birds. She rubbed her eyes and the first things she saw was two cute little brown-colored birds perched on her windowsill. She stretched and stood up to move closer to the open window without making the birds go away. She basked in the soft morning light, relishing in the warmth it brings which made her remember all of her memories about her organization, her family, and all of them are good. Just thinking about them made Sunny a bit sad, her heart aching for their embrace, the laugh everyone makes whenever Tita Alice would crack a joke, and of course the wonderful scent of Mama Linda's home-cooked adobo. Still, she is grateful that they trusted her to go to this exclusive academy, and Sunny made a promise to them that she won't let them down.

She went to the bathroom to wash her face and brush her teeth. After that, she looked at herself in the mirror. She wears an very large white t-shirt that ends at her knees that says "KEEP CALM AND CATCH 'EM ALL" with a Pokeball at the center and pink short shorts. She tied her hair in a loose bun and was about to leave the room to go downstairs that she remembered she's now living with other men and realized she forgot to wear underwear beneath her clothes. She quickly solved the problem and, with one final look in the mirror, went downstairs.

Garrett was there, rummaging in the fridge while muttering about having some 'decent 'murican breakfast'. "Top of the morning to you lads!", she said in an Irish accent (she's working on it) while stretching her arms and yawning. Then she saw Nikki along with Shiro who she thought was really cute especially when he looks like he just woke up. She tried not to stare too hard at him, fearing she'll see her blush, and noticed another newcomer at the kitchen. "Oooh, we have a new classmate", Sunny said and approached the newcomer with a warm smile. "Hey girl! The name's Sunny but you can call me Sun for short. Please excuse me because I'm not really much of a morning person and my brain can't function well without any breakfast", Sunny shyly said to the new girl. "But please don't be afraid to ask any questions! We'll try to answer them as best as we can", she added. She reached out for a banana at a fruit basket near Shiro and, noticing a note was left at the table, sat down beside him to read it. "Academics? In the morning?", she said in disbelief. "Well, looks like I'm in for quite a school year. Here's hoping my brain won't go haywire from all the math we'll learn this year", she said as she raised her banana before opening it to eat it.

Sunny went back to reading the note while eating her banana. "Aww, poor Chris. Wonder what happened to him? I hope he's doing okay", she said. "Oh and it says right here we can explore the island after all our classes! Don't know about you guys but I'm down exploring the new place. Tell me if you guys are interested so we can go together, okay?", she said to the people present, half-expecting for Shiro to be interested in joining her.

@Agent 47@Soph123@EchoesofOld@melissahart
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