Avatar of baraquiel


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2 yrs ago
Current I dont know what i dont know anymore lol
4 yrs ago
Despite everything that's going on, being alive is heckin' swell.
5 yrs ago
To the rps that I was in, thank you for welcoming me and giving me a chance to become a part of your world. All of you are wonderful and creative people who deserve the best in life. Godspeed.
5 yrs ago
I was not... in the right place emotionally and mentally. Words cannot express how deeply sorry I am for unintentionally ghosting the rps I'm in. I'm working a lot to become a better person now.
6 yrs ago
Just came back from the dead woo


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In Closed 7 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
@Crusader Lord no worries! I have school as well so just take your time :)
<Snipped quote by baraquiel>

Oh I think Kat would like to join you if you don't mind. :)

Sure! :D
@Agent 47 I was planning for Sunny to do yoga in the morning as well though I'll adjust depending on the schedule
one more post and I’ll make Sunny go to sleep
Also, I promise she won’t focus on Shiro too much :P She is a social butterfly after all, and she’ll gladly interact with every single one of her classmates to get to know them better ^u^
Sunny almost suffered a heart attack. Being this close to Shiro, feeling his breath on her ear as he whispered, seeing his dark brown eyes that look like melted chocolate was all too much for her to handle. And he smells so frickin' good, she thought to herself. "Oh, I see. I thought I was the only one who didn't know all that", she whispered back. The two of them whispering to one another made Sunny imagine that they're in their own little private world together. So before her heart could explode from too much fantasizing, she backed away and sat properly, blushing a bit.

Then she saw the dude she called earlier from the couch approach them at the kitchen. Sunny was relieved he re-introduced himself and said his name again because she felt really bad that she forgot what his name was due to what happened earlier. She waved a hand at him again while smiling sweetly. "Heya Jack! Sorry I didn't notice you sooner and I promise it won't happen again", she said eagerly to him. Seeing Jack more up close and personal, Sunny can definitely tell he's one good-looking guy. "My name's Sunny by the way but everyone can just call me Sun if they want. And yeah I agree with you, something's telling me this is goong to be one heck of a year. But try not to worry too much, we are just teenagers after all! Let's enjoy every moment we have on this island with one another!", she replied.

Just then, she saw someone enter the dorm. Sunny could tell he's also their classmate due to him bringing his heavy stuff and of course because he went to this building. She heard him introduce himself and heard a bit of agresiveness in his voice. Sunny became alarmed because she doesn't know if the others will take this the wrong way in fear of what happened just a while ago. She just waved again and smiled sweetly to the tall guy, trying to ignore her feeling of drowsiness. "Kamusta, Iosef! Name's Sunny but you can call me Sun. Poor you, you look tired! Were you lost on the way here?", she said to the tall guy. "I know that feeling, dude. It took me quite a while before getting here on this dorm myself. Would be nice if they gave us a map of the island during the orientation, don't you think?", she sympathized.

@Agent 47@Avanhelsing@vertigh0st + everyone else who is present
@vertigh0st @Avanhelsing most of them are presently at the kitchen eating french toast, though I’m assuming that most of them, if not all, are going to bed afterwards
Sunny got one french toast and, copying what Nikki did, put a bit of sugar on it before eating it as well. Along with how tasty it is, seeing her classmates getting along with one another makes her very happy. But of course, nothing will make her happier than Shiro seating beside her. Just being near him makes her brain malfunction and sets her heart fluttering. She doesn't know how to handle this type of feeling. Now she knows how her targets feel when she's around them. Weirdly enough, Sunny likes it; despite suddenly being nervous and self-conscious, she feels giddy and more excited on the inside. Just thinking about him makes her blush so she tried her best to not let it show to the others, though it doesn't help her seeing his glances at her sometimes and vise versa.

She called her classmates that are still in the living room instead. "Hey guys, get your french toast here at the kitchen while it's still hot!", she called out to them.

Then she turned to the rest of her classmates present in the kitchen. Seeing them all going along so well also makes her happy. "You know", she said to no one in particular after she finished her french toast. "I wish moments like these would last until we graduated. I know I just met you guys and I barely know all of you, and we are different from each other, but I also know that one day, we all will make our own marks on this world and graduate from this academy as skilled individuals and as a big, happy team", she said.

Then she turned to Chris. "By the way, thanks for the amazing french toast Chris! And also to everyone who shared their knowledgeable about the origin of french fries, french toast, and french kissing. You guys are amazing", she said, though in the inside she felt a little jealous. "Why didn't I know of that?", she pondered to herself. "Is it because I'm Asian? Wait, is that a good enough excuse or am I just being racist to myself?".

Since she and Shiro were the only Asians in the dorm, she poked Shiro at the arm (she could swear she felt the lean muscles underneath his clothes) and leaned closer to him to whisper. "Do you also know where french fries, french toast, and french kissing came from?", she whispered to him.

@Agent 47 + everyone who is present
"Aww, that's okay you guys!", Sunny said to Randy and Dominique. Randy's remarks a while ago didn't faze Sunny at all since men were always like that to her during her missions. It's just that she became naturally immune to it as time goes by. However, she doesn't like how arrogant Randy was a while ago either, but Sunny thought he was just cranky due to the trip going here and all so she decided to just let it go.

She replied to Randy. "Well, I was personally not informed by that. Maybe they'll tell us more during our official first day. As much as I want to hang with you guys, I think we're going to be overloaded with academic spy stuff throughout the whole year. That's why we have to avoid fighting as much as possible and try our very best to solve problems in a peaceful and humane manner, okay?", Sunny said to both of them.

Having said that, Sunny pondered about the food she can make from all the ingredients given to them in kitchen. She has a little bit knowledge on how to cook food from other countries but she mostly knows cuisine from her home country. Just thinking about it makes her more excited. This is the perfect opportunity for her to practice her cooking and she can get her classmates to be the taste testers! She made a mental note to take an inventory of the available ingredients in the kitchen and she'll also ask the school officials if it would be possible to ask for some special ingredients as well.

She looked back at the rest of her classmates at the living room when she saw someone unfamiliar to her sitting on the couch. He's definitely good-looking, Sunny will give him that. She's sure most of her co-members at her organization will fawn all over him. "But he's still no match for my Shiro", she thought. Sunny also wondered why she hasn't notice him a while ago either. Maybe because she's too focused on trying to stop Dominique and Randy from fighting that she forgot to greet the rest of the newcomers. She's pretty sure she heard him introduce himself as Jack. Or was it Jackson? Jake? Jasper? John Cena? Oh dear she forgot.

"Hey... dude!", she waved at the newcomer from the kitchen. "Good thinking Sunny! Mental high-five!", she thought to herself. "My name's Sunny! Come join us here!", she said to the newcomer with an eager smile.

Sunny breathed a sigh of relief. Looks like everyone’s getting along just fine now, which is great since they all need one another to survive in this academy. She’s really greatful for Dominique for defending her but Sunny doesn’t like anybody getting in trouble because of her. Even so, she feels like they can become best friends, and who wouldn’t want to have a bestfriend who has a very cool French accent?

What Sunny seemed surprised to is that most of the group is talking about french toast. Although when you think about it now, most of them including Sunny, if not all, are really hungry right now. Sure, Sunny ate a lot at the yacht during the trip but that was hours ago. A girl needs to keep on living after all.

Speaking of french toast, Sunny felt like melting butter on a warm bread with she saw Shiro winked at him. She giggled a bit, then she remembered the sword buckled on his belt. “No way, is he actually a samurai spy? Now that’s what you call the best of both worlds”, Sunny thought to herself. At least they have another thing in common: aside from both being Asians, they also work with sharp metal blades. “But can you really consider needles as blades? A rapier is kinda like a long needle too, so is that also called a blade?”, she pondered. She shrugged. She’ll think about that later.

Sunny joined Shiro in the kitchen, which is beautiful just like the rest of this place, and also saw Chris already beating eggs. Since she likes to cook, she considered asking them if she could be of any help but she thought that too many hands in the kitchen, especially when they’re only making easy and simple food like french toast, is quite uneccesary to say the least.

Having heard Chris ask about the number of eggs, Sunny opened the fridge full of ingredients and reached out for the milk. Then she opened one cabinet and found a measuring cup they could use. “It’s usually two to four eggs per cup of milk, though it usually depends on the person eating on how much eggs and milk they would like to put on their french toast”, she said to Shiro and Chris with a smile. "Here Chris, you forgot the milk", she said as she put the milk and the measuring cup beside him.

She sat on one of the chairs at the table and watched them, especially Shiro. “A samurai spy who knows how to cook who’s both adorable and handsome at the same time? Yes please”, she thought dreamily to herself with a sigh.

@Agent 47@Banzai Tracers
@Agent 47 there’s someone who posted his/her character in the cs tab then removed afterwards. Does that mean we’re still full considering there are technically only 11 in there or you’ve already approved said person’s character but s/he hasn’t reposted it there yet?

EDIT: Welp, problem solved, nevermind this then :v
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