Avatar of baraquiel


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Current I dont know what i dont know anymore lol
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Despite everything that's going on, being alive is heckin' swell.
5 yrs ago
To the rps that I was in, thank you for welcoming me and giving me a chance to become a part of your world. All of you are wonderful and creative people who deserve the best in life. Godspeed.
5 yrs ago
I was not... in the right place emotionally and mentally. Words cannot express how deeply sorry I am for unintentionally ghosting the rps I'm in. I'm working a lot to become a better person now.
6 yrs ago
Just came back from the dead woo


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In Closed 7 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

13:00 pm

They arrived in a bustling town. Freya's eyes widen in delight. She mostly goes with her parents when they're on their concert tour so she and her brother can visit many places and experience different cultures, but she's mostly a stay-at-home kid, often times resting in their hotel room to watch cable, eat whatever she wants, and relax on the comfortable soft hotel bed.

Already she can see lots of different food choices. Who knew that a town like this would have so much food diversity? When she's on her own, she'll gladly try out every single one of them. But since they're students now and they have a tight schedule, Freya figured that a stall that serves on-the-go food would be more efficient for them.

Eventually, she saw a crowded place where all the food stalls might have been. She can already smell the food that they're serving from here. She lets out tiny sparks from her body whenever she gets super excited about something. She's pretty sure some of the people passing by have noticed Freya being an elemental but she's too hungry and excited to care. Freya's stomach growls in anticipation and excitement. Oh boy, am I in heaven or what?, she thought to herself.

"Hey girls, there are food stalls over there!", she said to Lyra and Diana as she pointed to the place where the delicious aroma of food is coming from. "We can have some to-go's so we can eat while on the ride back. What do you say?", she asked enthusiastically.
@baraquiel I generally wait till 2-3 other people have posted after me before I post again. Just keeps it mixed up and allows everyone to get in.

Okeedokee, I'll do the same as well ^u^
Am I posting too fast? Please do tell me and I'll be happy to wait out a couple of hours. I just don't have that much to do right now
"Oh dear", Sunny thought. This is what she meant by being at each other's throats. She stood up and quickly approached the two. She stood in the middle of them, putting a hand on each of their shoulders. "Now, now, no need to fight. We're all just... tired. Tired and stressed because of the long trip that got us here, we all barely know each other, scared of what future might have in store for us, homesick and dearly missing our family, and most of all very, very hungry", she said to both of them in a soothing voice. "Mister Randy, I appreciate the offer but I'm afraid I'm preserving my first kiss on my wedding day. Though I wouldn't mind the demonstration, and I'll be happy to inform you in the future if I decided otherwise", she said to Randy. This isn't the first time she became a mediator in heated arguments. Even though she's the youngest member of the Lakambini yet, they often turn to her when they're in the middle of a personal argument and seek her input on how to best solve the problem without being in favor on one of them.

She turned to Dominique next. "Lady Dominique, I also appreciate you defending me. I may not look like it but I am quite capable of defending myself. Do let me fight my own battles, yeah?", she said with a smile. Since Sunny has her back against Randy, she looked at Dominique's eyes while she's trying to calm her to relay a message via girl telepathy (it's just a thing she made up): Girl, thank you so much! Never mind him, boys will be boys. Don't worry, I got your back too, sister! She doesn't know if Dominique got the meaning but Sunny hoped she understood what she meant.
In Closed 7 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
@Crusader Lord @Pseudo Stygian waaaa oh yeah I forgot! I’ll just finish lunch and I’ll post my reply :)
“Oh”, Sunny laughed shyly in reply to Kat. “Sorry ‘bout that. This is really my first time talking to a group pf people that’s close to my age, so I’m not really that much of an expert. I just thought that since this is a spy academy, we’ll be at competition with each other to get to the very top but it’s very nice to know we’ll all be friends here!”, she smiled sweetly.

She sat back next to Shiro, alittle bit closer than before to show her being comfortable around him, then replied to Chris. “I’m really sorry to sound like I’m bragging, but based on the test I took at Pottermore, I’m already considered a Gryffindor. Actually, I’m personally more of a demigod than a wizard.” The Lakambini has a library full of books ranging from Spying 101 to cookery to architecture to young adult fiction novels. Sunny’s relieved she has read of couple of books so she can relate to whatever her peers are talking about.

She then turned to the other newcomers Randy, Dominique (hearing her French accent just reignited her interest in learning French) and Nikki. “Hey y’all! Pleasure to meet you! Uh Dominique, can I ask you something if you don’t mind?”, she said to the nice French lady. “Do french fries, french toast, and the french kiss really come from France?”, she asked honestly. It might seem like a silly question but she’s really just curious. Right now she’s focused on getting to know her classmates better. She knows it’s going to be one heck of a year for all of them so she’s enjoying moments like this that they can spend time and relax together.

It wasn’t until Sunny moved closer to Shiro that she had noticed the sword next to him. “Holy crud”, she thought as her eyes widen a bit in surprise and horror. “Why haven’t I notice it before?”. She backed up a little bit from Shiro. One would think that a person who’s been handling needles her entire life wouldn’t be afraid of any real blades at all, but she believes that a real, honest-to-goodness sword is best admired from afar, precisely 30 feet away from her.
Diyos ko po, that smile, so precious. Must protect at all costs”, Sunny thought.

In her 15 years of living in an environment full of women, she never really had any decent experiences with talking to a man until this day. She has interacted with men before, but those are just parts of her mission to seduce men to get the information that she needs and also to distract them from her real mission. From these interactions, Sunny concluded that men are just walking sperm banks, always finding a hole to fill up. It doesn’t help that most of the members of the Lakambini were victims of rape and domestic violence, further supporting Sunny’s conclusion about men.

But there are also some of the Lakambini members who have loving and supportive husbands, which gave Sunny the idea that maybe not all men in the world are that much bad. She secretly hoped that, along with finding her real mother, she could also find a man who will disprove her conclusion and will love and respect her as a human being.

And how lucky is she to have a cute guy as one of the first men she has talked to in her life, which was also a spy and her classmate! This may be destiny at work!

Woah girl, you just met. Back it up!”, she thought. If it was possible to mentally slap yourself, she already did it. She’ll daydream about their future wedding later. Right now she has to focus on the present.

“Well, I’m afraid I already beat you at that because I’ve already fallen in love at this place the moment I saw it”, she jokingly replied to Shiro. “Okay, sorry I didn’t do this sooner, but time for formal introductions!”, she said with a smile.

She stood up and curtsied. “Sunny Dimagiba, 15 years old from the Philippines. If you’re wondering, yes Sunny is my real name. It was given to me by-“, she paused a bit. She’s still unsure of saying she’s a part of a secret organization of her country. They are all spies after all, she can’t just be open about herself and expect the others to be the same.

“It was given to me about my adoptive parents”, she continued. “I know we’ll eventually be at each other’s throats sooner or later but I really hope we could all help one another to improve at our crafts and be best friends”, she said to Garret, Shino (so cute), and Kat with a sweet smile.

@Agent 47@EchoesofOld@Infernal Flame
"Diyos ko... (Oh my god...)"

Those were the only words Sunny was capable of speaking out when she saw the academy. No, it looked to her like it flew straight out of a Disney story. She always thought that places like this can only be seen in fairytales and movies, but seeing something such as this in person really made Sunny more excited for her time in studying at the academy. She also had a feeling of fear, knowing that this place means serious business and everybody here is determined to become better at their craft, resulting in unwanted and unnecessary competition among them.

She slapped her face slightly. It doesn't matter if she's afraid or not. She came here because the Lakambini believes in her and she has no plans of letting her family down. She took a deep breath and walked towards the building, pulling her suitcase along and shouldering her bag.

Upon entering, Sunny found out there are two guys already sitting in the couch. She waved at them enthusiastically while smiling serenely. "Hey guys! Let me bring my things at my room first." She carried her luggage upstairs and proceeded to find her room. When she did, she settled her suitcase and bag at the floor beside her bed. She looked at the mirror to make sure her hair braided into a waterfall twist still looks okay along with her white long-sleeved, knee-length boho dress and her brass-colored gladiators. Contented with her look, she went downstairs to talk with her two classmates.

Sunny approached the two guys. One seems very foreign while the one sitting on the couch looks Japanese. And cute too, Sunny thought to herself. She's pretty sure she's not here to scout out potential boyfriends, but having a kick-ass spy boyfriend would be the definition of awesomeness. But since all of them are pretty new here, she decided to just let things happen at their pace and take things slowly. To start that, she first needs to introduce herself.

She sat next to the Japanese guy on the couch but not too near to give him his personal space. "Hey again! My name's Sunny, nice to meet you guys! This place is so amazing, don't you think?"

Hope I'm not too late!

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