Avatar of baraquiel


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2 yrs ago
Current I dont know what i dont know anymore lol
4 yrs ago
Despite everything that's going on, being alive is heckin' swell.
5 yrs ago
To the rps that I was in, thank you for welcoming me and giving me a chance to become a part of your world. All of you are wonderful and creative people who deserve the best in life. Godspeed.
5 yrs ago
I was not... in the right place emotionally and mentally. Words cannot express how deeply sorry I am for unintentionally ghosting the rps I'm in. I'm working a lot to become a better person now.
6 yrs ago
Just came back from the dead woo


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Interested as well, that is if you guys are still accepting. If you are, I'm thinking of creating a character that has a background on both ballet and gymnastics (like Ty Lee from Avatar: Legend of Aang)
I wanna join too!
Interested! ..or do you already have a partner?
In Closed 7 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
@Pseudo Stygian@Crusader Lord

Since it is a town, it could serve a little bit of everything, if you'd like. A bit of Chinese, French, Arabic, Western, Mexican, and Japanese, perhaps? Honestly I'm leaning towards a restaurant that serves Japanese (I'm currently craving for ramen at the mo) BUTT they are students and students are always on a tight budget, so maybe choose like a food stall that serves affordable yet yummy food like kebabs, nachos, or burgers.
In Closed 7 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Again, back from the grave. Sorry for suddenly disappearing y'all
Hey everyone!

I just got home from a family vacation and I'm now officially back in business. As it is my first time posting in the IC, please do tell me if there are certain errors in the post that I made so I can do something about it.

Happy holidays! ^u^
Season 2 - E P I S O D E 3:
Monitor Duty / West Side Showdown

Mentor: Wildcat

Cast: @Damo021 Wonder Woman II, @baraquiel Kitsune, @Holy Soldier Red Star

Additional Leaguers: Fire, James Barr/Bulleteer

S T A R C I T Y:

October 29th, 2018 - 11:40 am | Downtown - Smoak Technologies Building

Kitsune was glad she arrived at Smoak Technologies Building. She barely understood what the other heroes were talking about in the com links but she managed to hear a few words to know there is trouble already happening downtown.

When she did get there, panicked employees were screaming and running away from the building where it seemed that the rest of the employees inside were on a complete rampage... wait, why is there a hole through the sixth floor? Kitsune hasn't completely understood what was going on but one thing she's certain of is that she has to do something.

She became invisible and went inside the building. Kitsune immediately noticed a vertical line cutting through all the floors. She hovered her hand over it, still warm. She expanded her senses: aside from the rampaging employees, she found out Red Star, Wildcat, Fire, and possibly the new Wonder Woman already in the scene. She also found out Icicle and Brainwave are in the building, perhaps Brainwave's the one controlling these people? But wait, none of them had the ability to release hot energy capable of creating the hole through the sixth floor as well as the vertical cut. Might be another villain, but why can't she feel its presence? Maybe it's an accomplice of the two villains to create mayhem as a way of entering the building and went away because its job is done?

Kitsune shook her head. Stop it, she told herself. There's no time to think about the "who, what, where"s. Right now she has to focus on what she can do to help. She'll deal with this later.

Kitsune breathed in. She already knew what to do. Over time, she began to have an ability to persuade and manipulate people through their emotions which is one of the mystical abilities of a true and legitimate kitsune, but she's still unsure about it since this is her first time doing her it and especially to a lot of people at once. She shrugged. Well, there's always a place for first times, she said to herself.

She went to the center and concentrated, her seimei umbrella spinning slowly and floating beside her. In a few minutes, she began to glow with soft pink light and released trails of sakura petals around her, each trail surrounding an employee in a cocoon-like way. When the petals began to surround some of the employees, Kitsune began to feel the mental pressure coming from Brainwave, struggling to maintain his control on the people. Kistune didn't gave up and telepathically talked to them, trying to persuade them to fight off against Brainwave's mind control while also sifting through each person's fondest memories to boost their willpower.

"Free yourself. The villain has no right to control your life. You must summon the willpower to resist its control. Anata no jiyū no tame ni tatakau! Fight for your freedom!", she said to every person under the influence of Brainwave.

With a last burst of power, Kistune managed to release the people from being mind-controlled by Brainwave and she along with the employees slumped to the floor and groaned. It took all of their willpower to fight back against the villain but they succeeded with her help. She groggily stood up and told everyone to leave the building immediately and they did, each of them supporting the others who can barely stand. Breathing a few times to regain her composure, she grabbed her umbrella and went upstairs to join the other heroes in the upper floors.
In Closed 7 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

12:43 PM


That's the first word that came to Freya's mind when she saw who her roommate was. She's honestly relieved that the girl doesn't know who she is; the feeling was comparable to that of a human hiding from a ferocious dragon. Speaking of dragons, Freya can compare the girl to that of dragons because of the strong I-don't-give-an-f aura coming from her, both admirable and again scary. But then of course the ever-kind Lyra decided to tell Diana that Freya is her roommate. She smiled but she's secretly screaming on the inside.

You know what, Freya told herself, I ain't gonna let my fear get the best of me. Like how the saying goes: new school, new me! Besides, how awesome it would be to have a dragon as a roomie and a potential B.F.F.? Oh yeah, I should stop calling her a dragon, that's probably mean.

Freya stepped forward, shook one of Diana's hands while giving her an earnest smile. "Heya roomie! My name's Freya! Like what Lyra said, I am pretty new here. Okay scratch that, I'm totally new here because of how late I enrolled but I hope you can help me catch up with the lessons", she said while she scratched her chin and laughed awkwardly.

"Aaaand," Freya locked her arm to Lyra's, "like what Lyra said, we're going downtown to buy lunch which is the perfect opportunity for us three to get to know each other! What do you say? Join us, pretty please?"
In Closed 7 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
*rises from the grave* hello fellow hoomans, the hell weeks have passed I'm now alive and well
In Closed 7 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Hola! I may be a little inactive for this week and the next because of finals but I'll make sure to check here regularly when I have the time. ^u^
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