Avatar of baraquiel


Recent Statuses

2 yrs ago
Current I dont know what i dont know anymore lol
4 yrs ago
Despite everything that's going on, being alive is heckin' swell.
5 yrs ago
To the rps that I was in, thank you for welcoming me and giving me a chance to become a part of your world. All of you are wonderful and creative people who deserve the best in life. Godspeed.
5 yrs ago
I was not... in the right place emotionally and mentally. Words cannot express how deeply sorry I am for unintentionally ghosting the rps I'm in. I'm working a lot to become a better person now.
6 yrs ago
Just came back from the dead woo


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You guys still accepting? I'll try to post my cs (maybe but hopefully) later!
In Closed 7 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
@Zelosse sorry! I'm currently on a school trip and I barely have decent connection here. If this is about the ones we're fighting, it's fine if ya just randomly pick one or just an npc :)
Hey who should post next?
Olivia Frenwich

Olivia breathed in the fresh air. She always loved taking walks in this small, quaint town with Humphrey. The only fresh air you’ll ever get from the city is the park right at its center surrounded by tall metal-and-glass buildings. Wehn she was young, she used to think that the buildings are made by aliens from another planet and the people on the park were the only humans left by the invasion. She doesn’t get how her family could stand living in a seemingly cold and lifeless place such as that. She’s hoping that someday she can convince her family to live in Valibree with her to let them experience what she experienced.

Humphrey barked, taking her back to reality. Walking in a quiet and a nature-centric town sure does make your wind wander around. She saw Humphrey barking again while playing tag with several children. She smiled, admiring how peaceful and kind Humphrey is like how he is enthusiastic and energetic. She whistled and Humphrey ran over to her while the children continued playing and enjoying life to the fullest. She patted and rubbed his head, and soon they’re back on their journey to the cafe.

They past several shops before stopping at the entrance for the cafe. The cafe is her second most favorite place in Valbree, the first being the the pristine lake uphill. She always loved the desserts beverages that they serve here. She figured she can ask for the cafe owner’s help in making a grape pie since she has no idea how to bake.

Olivia opened the door and letting in Humphrey first. She hoped the cafe owner doesn’t mind. Humphrey may be quite energetic but he’s really a good boy and will behave if asked nicely. She sat on one of the vacant tables and setting her basket on the table. Since she was asking for a favor, she figured it would be impolite to not give something in return for their generosity so she went back to her wine cellar and took a bottle of wine from her inventory. Olivia decided to let the cafe owner finish what he is doing first to not get in his way and tend to his customers first, admiring how cute the cafe is while rubbing Humphrey’s head.

In Closed 7 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
@Crusader Lord@Pseudo Stygian just posted in the longest time (sorry). Also sorry if it was short compared to what I normally post as I’m currently typing on tablet and I’m kinda in the middle of something as well. Hopefully I’m finished by tomorrow so I can post better ^u^
In Closed 7 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

w/ @Crusader Lord @Pseudo Stygian + everyone else present :D
4:00 PM, Academy Grounds (Underground)

Freya really had no idea what’s going on.

One second she was hanging out with the shy but kind-hearted Lyra and the fierce and determined Diana, her new roommate, and then the next thing she knew she was travelling deep, deep underground with a bunch of other people she guessed were her classmates. She was even tempted to turn back and run away but she thought it wouldn’t make a good impression for her. She decided not let fear take over so she recalled her lunch together with her two newfound bestfriends, sighing dreamily while rubbing her belly.

When they reached their destination, Freya’s eyes widened as she looked around the vastness of this cavern. Suddenly she felt really small. “I think I need to pee”, she squeaked. Moving a bit farther, she noticed several sunken platforms that look suspiciously like... Oh crud, she thought to herself. If this is what I think it is then I am hella screwed.

She closed her eyes and took deep breaths. She can’t allow herself to be ruled over by her fear. Besides, her parents warned her that this academy isn’t just all fun and games. Even though she hates fighting in general, she decided to just wing it and do her best whatever the outcome is.

Freya gulped and stood around aimlessly while waiting for further instructions.
@Omega Man thank you, oh great and noble one. I will do my best to bring honor to myself, my family, and our cow.
In Closed 7 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
@Crusader Lord no worries! We've been both been busy irl these past few days. Will post tom! :)
Olivia Frenwich

Olivia stretched her arms out, yawning while rubbing the sleep from her eyes. She hopped out of the bed, made her bed, put on a white robe, and opened the windows. The soft glow of the sun was the first thing that greeted her in the morning, something she often took as a sign that this will be a great day. From her bedroom at the second floor, she could see the vast lands of Valibree, a small town yet so brimming with life. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath, inhaling the scent of newly-blooming flowers and the soothing grape smell that comes from her orchard. She was very thankful her parents let her live on her own in this beautiful town. Living for a long time in a city full of tall, steel buildings where people were always on the run, Olivia felt constricted as if she couldn't breathe. This place right here is where she truly belongs.

Another day, another chance to live, she thought to herself.

She went downstairs and could already hear the heavy thumping of Humphrey's paws. He bounded over Olivia, jumping energetically around her, as she knelt down to hug and scratch his ears and chin which the St. Bernard really enjoys.

"Hey boy. I see you're excited to start the day as me. That's the spirit!", she said to the dog.

Humphrey responded with happy barking and tail-waggling. Olivia chuckled and rubbed his head before going to the kitchen. She took out his favorite biscuits from one of the cabinets and put a healthy amount on his food bowl while putting milk on his drinking bowl. Humphrey barked excitedly before eating. Olivia simply got a bowl and put cereals and milk in it. She sat down and ate, admiring Humphrey as he quietly and patiently took his time on eating his meal. Well, as quietly and patiently as a dog could do.

Olivia suddenly straightened her back and hurriedly dashed outside the house. If she can’t find them inside the house then it means they're only wandering outside near it. True enough she found what she was looking for. She breathed a sigh of relief as she found Winda the Hen and Claud the Rooster at the doors of the coop. She walked over to them and knelt down to greet them. "Hello, Miss Winda! Greetings, Sir Claud! Wonderful day we have, isn't it? I'm sure you're very hungry as well. Hold on, I'll be right back", she said to the chickens as she opened the coop and heard Humphrey bounding over, no doubt to play with the chickens. She went to the supply room at the back to get chicken feed. While walking out, she can't help but feel sad about how spacious and empty this coop is. If only she knows how to properly raise farm animals then she would've been the town's farmer herself. Alas, the only thing she knows how to grow are grapes. Since she's not technically the farmer, she took it upon herself to clean the farm and ask for carpenters to keep it nice and sturdy.

She went outside and spread chicken feed as the two chickens walked over and pecked on their breakfast while she sees Humphrey barking and chasing a butterfly. Olivia smiled at the heartwarming scene as she went back to her house to finish her breakfast. She picked up her bowl and ate as she went to her message machine to hear any news for today. Olivia was very delighted to hear the mayor is hosting a feast for everyone tonight at his house. She rolled her eyes whenever the mayor would say something narcissistic. He may be self-centered at times but for her he's really a kind-hearted softie usually. For her. Usually.

She raised her brows as the mayor said something about bringing anything for the potluck tonight. Olivia pondered. She's been in the town for quite some time now but the only thing she brings for a feast is wine. She's worried the people might be quite sick of her bringing wines every single gathering so she thought of something different to bring. While thinking, she caught a whiff of aroma coming from her vineyard from the open windows. "Ah hah", she said.

Olivia washed her utensils, picked a basket, and then went outside to her humble frontyard garden. It may be a bit small for a vineyard but it's always been enough for her to create an ample supply of wines. She paused at each grapevine, admiring and complimenting how green their leaves are and how plump their grapes are. They say plants grow more wonderfully if you compliment them so she decided to do it ever since they sprouted from the ground. Other people might say that's a crazy idea but hey, all the best ideas are.

She picked out some grapes and put it in her basket. Humphrey was near as well, barking and chasing around a bee this time while the chickens are pecking around as usual. She went inside the coop and went to Winda's stall to get some eggs. She went at the back again to light a candle. She placed each of the eggs near the flame of the candle to know if they're fertilized or not. Olivia was quite bummed when she found out all the eggs are unfertilized. It would've been cool to see a whole flock of chicks playing around the farm but she's sure one day Winda and Claud will be comfortable enough with each other to make them.

Olivia went outside of the coop after she blew out the fire. She went inside the house and placed the ingredients at the kitchen counter. The problem is she has no idea how to bake and ff she wants to make some grape pie then she better do it right just in time for tonight. The cafe owner crossed her mind. Cafes not only serve coffee and tea, but also cakes, muffins, and more too! She took a shower and put on her clothes. As she locked the house's main door, she whistled to call over Humphrey. "Hey Humphrey, why don't you say we go for a walk?", she said to the dog as she rubbed her head. Humphrey happily replied with a bark and followed Olivia towards the town to visit the local cafe.
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