Avatar of baraquiel


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2 yrs ago
Current I dont know what i dont know anymore lol
4 yrs ago
Despite everything that's going on, being alive is heckin' swell.
5 yrs ago
To the rps that I was in, thank you for welcoming me and giving me a chance to become a part of your world. All of you are wonderful and creative people who deserve the best in life. Godspeed.
5 yrs ago
I was not... in the right place emotionally and mentally. Words cannot express how deeply sorry I am for unintentionally ghosting the rps I'm in. I'm working a lot to become a better person now.
6 yrs ago
Just came back from the dead woo


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Same here guys, can barely finish a post now
Sorry for any typos and grammar errors in the post, I can only type on my phone. Will edit it sometime soon when I get my hands on a computer :)
Vincent Wolfram

"294... 295..."

Vincent was laying on his bed, staring at the ceiling as he continued to count his jumping sheep. He was trying to get back to sleep because he found out he woke up as the sun rose at the horizon. He didn't know how long was he laying on his bed and trying so hard just to get back to sleep.

"296... 297..."

His family mustn't catch him awake at this time of the day because he knows one of his family members will bug him to join them. His whole family once tricked him into coming with them for their morning jog only to find out they do a series of extreme push-ups, sit-ups, tightrope, and a whole lot more extreme work-out exercises. Unsurprisingly, his whole body ached like there's no tomorrow.

"298... 299..."

He was midly startled at the knocking on his door. His door flew open and his sister greeted him. Rather, screamed at him. "RISE AND SHINE, SLEEPY HEAD! IT'S BEAUTIFUL DAY TODAY! C'MON WAKE UP-", her morning greeting/screaming was interrupted when Vince threw a pillow right at her face.

"Hmm", he grunted as he stared at his sister.

She threw his pillow right back at him. "C'mon little bro, get your pink tush out of your bed! It's the weekend! You should really join us, you know. A little jogging never hurt anybody", she said.

Vince sat up groggily and sleepily rubbed his eye. "Hmm", he grunted before he yawned, still staring hard at her.

His sister sighed. Looks like the same trick won't work at him. She sat next to him and put a hand on his shoulder. "Okay fine. If you don't want to join us then at least keep your promise. You do remember the promise we made to each other right?"

Vince lazily blinked the sleep out of his eyes. He nodded and reached out his arms to hug his sister which she reciprocated. She broke the hug and rubbed his dishelved hair. "Well, I gotta go back to prepping. Can't keep the guys waiting. Just holler if you change your mind, 'kay?", she said before she closed his door and went back to her room.

He stood up, made his bed, and went outside to his balcony as the cool morning breeze greeted him. He looked at up at the sky that's been colored by the hues of the rising sun. Just looking at it made him amazed on how beautiful the world really is. He can only hope he can perfectly describe what he sees right now in his novel.

He also caught a glimpse of something within the clouds. Vince taught it was a bird until he saw it descended and it turned out to be a woman with wings. "It's urgent", she says as she gave him a letter before literally disappearing in a flash.

Vince opened the letter to read the message and suddenly he was sad. He can't leave his family just like that. But he also knows his family wouldn't let him leave until they know more about this stuff. And if what's written in the letter is true, then that means it'll already be too late by the time they did.

Vince quickly retreived his suitcase and packed some of his things that he knew were important, including his phone and laptop. Then he took a shower, dressed up, and wrote a letter for his family and left it at his desk. He knows they know he is a smart boy for his age, and they'll also do whatever they can in their part to get to the bottom of this. He took one last look on his room and his picture with his whole family at his desk. He put his suitcase by his side as he tore the letter and became enveloped with light.

A few moments later, his whole family went upstairs to his bedroom, as a finaly attempt at inviting him to workout, only to find no one there. Instead, a bubble floated in his place where he disappeard. Vincent may never know what kind if emotion this bubble holds, but every member of his family pointed at the bubble at the same time and they knew that it contained love.
@baraquiel Schooling in Scotland is generally as follows: Optional nursery up to age 4-5, Primary school for 7 years (ages 5-12), then Secondary school for 4-6 years (ages 12-16/17/18, depending on when you choose to leave). Generally each level of schooling is a separate building, although sometimes you'll get these levels all in the one building. They're never going to be in the same building as a college or university, though.

As for university and college, they're separate things. Generally entry requirements for colleges are lower, requiring National 5/GCSE level qualifications whereas university courses are likely to require Higher passes. You also have to pay tuition to attend university, although Scottish citizens can have their tuition paid by the government while students coming from abroad would have to pay their own fees.

There's several other differences between the two as well, but that's the basic gist of it.

Thanks for the helpful info! I'll post my cs tomorrow :)

The time is now 7:15.

Sunny screamed in surprise and fell down the bed as she tried to quickly stand up. She regained her composure and did her fighting stance, ready to kick some booty, but was confused as she didn't see any intruders in the house. She raised her eyebrow and scratched her head as she thought that maybe it was the house itself that made that announcement. Sunny whistled in amazement. "Ang gara naman ng bahay na 'to. Why don't we have nice things like this back home?", she said.

She shrugged and opened her closet to put on her uniform. It's kind of the only thing she doesn't like about this academy. She doesn't see the need of spy students wearing formal uniforms when challenges and missions are waiting just around the corner. Also because she's afraid of ripping her uniform and she has to pay additional fees for its repairs or buy a new one, which is kind of a hassle especially since everyone in her country, including her, has been accustomed in a frugal lifestyle. Still, she doesn't deny that she looks cute in her uniform. She decided to don her hair in twin pigtails, fun ponies style, to give that fresh, schoolgirl look.

Next, Sunny took inventory of her weapons. She guessed she doesn't need her oxygen mask since it's just the first day of their school, but she figured you can never really be sure in the world of spies so she decided to put in a secret pocket in her bag just in case. She wore her belt buckle that secretly a garrote, also just in case if she wants to randomly strangle someone. She took out her two leg pouches and strapped them on her legs, the pouch containing acupuncture needles on her right and the other pouch containing three collapsible bo-staves on her left. The pouches are quite well-hidden under her skirt and she guessed they'll be seen once she takes a seat, but she's not bothered by it at all. She thought she won't try to hide it so anyone who might see them will really guess on what's in them.

Lastly, she took out her laptop, cellphone, earphones, a note and a pen, and an apple to put them inside her bag. Sunny then went out and closed her bedroom door, waved at the others who're still in the kitchen, and once outside, spread out her arms to feel the cool morning breeze and the fresh smell of nature. Sunny skipped towards their assigned classroom, excited for whatever is in store for them this school year.

Sometime later, Sunny arrived at the majestic castle. She slow-walked and admired the structure first. She never imagined she'll see an honest to goodness castle in her life. She can only see them in the pages of a storybook and from movies of the medieval era yet here she is, standing before a castle in the flesh. "Now all we need is a prince and a dragon to call this a literal modern fairytale! Or if fate would have it, maybe I'll settle for an ogre and a talking donkey. At least their story was pretty exciting", she said to herself.

Speaking of princes, she found her very own when she entered the classroom. There he was, sitting, looking real good in his uniform and casually having his sword beside him. She's digging his "I have to slay my enemies and bring honor to my family at 10 but I need to go to school at 9" kind of get-up, which made him twice as cool, which was also kind of racist when she thought about it later on. Other princesses can have their knights in shining armor and broadswords 'cause she's definitely contented with her knight in school uniform with his samurai sword.

Then here comes the hard part: where would she sit? Choosing one might mean she'll have to stay at that spot in a semester or quite possible for a year. She can choose to sit next to Shiro, but she's quite conscious on how everyone might think of her especially after what that woman whispered to her. On the other hand, she does kinda want to sit next to the windows so she can occasionally glance outside and enjoy the beautiful view while listening to class. But if she does choose to sit next to the windows, she'll also fear of anyone sitting next to Shiro and they'll become closer as time went by. Sunny quickly thought about it and, deciding to follow her heart, sat next to Shiro. Besides, she thought she'll have lots of time to explore the island later on.

It wasn't until she sat down that she noticed the writings on the board and the weird metal thingy in front. "What kind of school has robot teachers? It's both very amazing and very ridiculous at the same time. What's next, robot cafeteria servers?" she said out loud. This place never fails to occasionally blow her mind ever since she first got here.
Will post sometime later when my laptop stops being a b**** and starts working again like a normal laptop would do

EDIT: yay finished
-- nevermind this sorry :3
@Lasrever Sorry, I'm still just stuck in the middle of creating a decent character, not to mention that I'm planning on making a teenage one while majority of the ones present are like double his age so I'll continue to think about it

Also I'm planning on creating my character's younger brother and have him study at Scotland instead, but I just have some questions. Do universities in Scotland, particularly in your rp, have kindergarden up to college or just college? If you answered the latter, what type of schools are available that accept, say, a 5-10 yrs old boy? Is there even a difference between a college school and a university or it's just the same? Am I just overthinking this? Do zebras ever wonder if they're black on white or white on black?

Just honest to goodness questions from a simple-minded young individual :3
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