Avatar of baraquiel


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2 yrs ago
Current I dont know what i dont know anymore lol
4 yrs ago
Despite everything that's going on, being alive is heckin' swell.
5 yrs ago
To the rps that I was in, thank you for welcoming me and giving me a chance to become a part of your world. All of you are wonderful and creative people who deserve the best in life. Godspeed.
5 yrs ago
I was not... in the right place emotionally and mentally. Words cannot express how deeply sorry I am for unintentionally ghosting the rps I'm in. I'm working a lot to become a better person now.
6 yrs ago
Just came back from the dead woo


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In Closed 7 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Academy Grounds - Underground
w/ @Feisty-Pants :D

Freya can only mentally hold herself back as she struggled to give her new "teacher" a peace of her mind. She was already catching her breath after what she's done. What more could her teacher want from her?

But she's right though. If Freya wants to stay and excel at this academy, she has to push herself harder than ever to come out on top. Like how the famous saying goes: your only enemy is yourself. Letting out an exasperated sigh, she stood up and dusted her dress while trying to come up with an idea. Sparkles and fireworks are Freya's specialty but judging from what that teacher said, she has to do more than that just to impress her. And she has her fair share of dealing with those types of people growing up. Then her eyes lit up. She doesn't know if it's going to work but at least she has an idea.

She willed her sparklers to come to light. Then she willed them to glow brighter, and brighter, and brighter until you can get blind just by looking at it. Freya concentrated really hard until the sparklers winked out, and her whole body lit up instead, illuminating the area once more. Her skin, hair, everything about her glowed with the color of vibrant gold. She herself was shocked about what she did. She never realized she was capable of doing anything such as this. Freya laughed and smiled cheerfully, she just took glowing to whole 'nother level.

She crossed her arms on her chest and forcefully spread out her arms again. The golden light she emitted was dispersed into hundreds of little stars of golden light. Freya raised her left arm up and did a pirouette, the golden stars spinning around her as she did until it formed a ring of impressive size around her. She stopped her pirouette and traced a big infinity loop in the air with her left arm. When she did that, the ring broke and an Eastern dragon emerged from it to form the infinity loop. Freya ran around with her left arm still outstretched while the dragon followed her around and did what figures she wants it to do, similar to that of a rhythmic gymnastic to its ribbon (but only with the running and spinning, not the bending and other complex parts).

Finally, she willed the Eastern dragon to fly up in the air and turn into a sphere that once again exploded into a golden firework. Freya closed her eyes and spread her arms out, letting herself be showered by the light falling to the ground. She was also glad that she didn't felt that exhausted as what she did before, the adrenaline and excitement of her newfound talents outweighing her tiredness.
Repost! Also I added the word "comically" in the bio because I wanted to make an impression that the way his family reacted to him is similar to those on over-the-top comedy shows ^u^

@Avemelle ...really? I didn't know that! my fault for not completely reading the OOC. I'll just re-edit the bio part :)
Olivia Frenwich

Olivia hurriedly raced back to the farmhouse, Humphrey barking and running along with her. She has never felt so stupid before in her life! She wasted almost the whole day in the cafe trying distinguish the cakes and pastries only by taste, as she was really shy and nervous about approaching the owner himself, that she didn't realize...

She has a baking book at home.

She entered the house and put her basket of wine at the kitchen table. She ran up to her bedroom to search her mini library and sure enough, she does have a baking book. She looked upwards, exasperated as she catch her breath. Olivia then went downstairs to the kitchen and set her book at the table, opened at the page where instructions about how to create a pie were shown. She got her ingredients and started baking.

Later at night...

Olivia arrived at the Mayor's party with her newly baked grape pie and, of course, some of her finest wine. She was dressed in her semi-formal attire and brought Humphrey, Claud, and Winda along with her. She even made Humphrey and Claud wear bowties and fashioned Winda with a cute mini-hat. She smiled serenely to the other villagers while she let her companions roam around and play with the other animals.

But behind that smile lies deep, deep pain. Specifically, burning pain. She also learned this day that she really doesn't know how to bake; she only knows how to burn. She was this close in setting the house on fire because she was drowsy due to the baking process taking too long. Another time she did pay attention, but she remembered Humphrey and the chickens haven't had their lunch yet so she made them first. When she came back, smoke came out of the oven again and the pie was charcoal black. Eventually, after many attempts, exasperated sighs, and tears of hopelessness, she managed to create the perfect grape pie that actually looked like what a decent pie should look like. She cleaned up her wasteland of a kitchen and managed to clean herself up and her animal companions just in time for the party.

She set her grape pie and her basket of wine at the table to share with the others, and admired the party going on. The Mayor never ceases to amaze her in creating such an event and gathering the whole townsfolk for a night. She always adored how friendly and happy the people are here, unlike in the city where no one wouldn't even bat an eyelid at you unless you have lots of money. For the millionth time, she was really glad she made the decision in moving in this charming town.

While greeting and smiling at the other townsfolk, she noticed someone different among the crowds. The man seemed to be wearing very worn-out clothes, maybe a result of traveling from a faraway place? He does look a little tired, for her though. Maybe after the event, she can invite him back at the farmho-

Olivia slapped her forehead. Maybe the newcomer did went to the farmhouse first but since she was at the cafe, no one was there to entertain him so he just wandered around until he's here at the party. Gods, she's the worst ever.

She approached the blond newcomer, taking note that his clothes are more worn-out than she thought and mentally chided herself once more. "Hello there", she said cheerfully. "You must be new at this town. My name's Olivia and I'm currently the owner of the farmhouse. If you did went there first, I sincerely apologize as I was away that time for some... important business." The man doesn't need to know that she was away because of pie, and she also felt that it was a dumb excuse anyway. "Anyways, you're here now and that's what matters! So how are you liking Valbree so far?".

@Simple Unicycle

In Closed 7 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
@Feisty-Pants I know Freya is required to do another feat, but is said feat still considered part of the first exam or is it already the second?
Do tell me if there's anything wrong with this guy, though if you want me to make a completely different one I'll be glad to do so :)

Name: Vincent "Vince" Wolfram
Age: 17

Gender: Male

Race:Half-human, Half-Rabbit

Magic: Emotion Bubbles = Vincent can produce what he calls as "emotional bubbles". When a being is trapped in one of his bubbles or when the bubble pops and showers someone, that someone will begin to feel the emotion that the bubble contained. However, Vince has no control nor does he have any idea what emotion each of his bubbles contain. However, this magic is not a form of water magic as Vincent has no control over bodies of water. The emotional bubbles are just his form of emotion magic.

Personality: He is very quiet at all times, not to mention he always wears an expressionless face and listless personality, leading to people thing of him as someone who can't feel any emotions at all. In truth, he's just a laid back, "enjoy the moment" kind of guy. The only times one can see him being extremely mobile and energetic is because of any food-related events.

Biography: Vincent Wolfram was once a very energetic little boy. His family would always adore Vincent on how enthusiastic and vibrant he is about anything and everything. His smile was radiant and his laugh was infectious. He always had an uncanny ability to turn a person's frown into a cheerful grin, something that made him quite special in his family as his parents got the hint that maybe their youngest son will be a skillful emotion magician in the future. Life was perfect back then.

Until that day happened, that is.

His father is a scientist while his mom was a gifted potion maker and Vincent was allowed to explore every bit of the house except her potion chamber, where she made and stored her concoctions. Of course, when someone tells you to not do something, you have the overwhelming urge to just do it.

One night while everyone was asleep, Vincent stole the key to her mother's chamber and marveled at her mother's work. It was raining heavily that night and he couldn't switch on the lights of the risk of being caught, but the bottles on the shelves glowed in different colors that illuminated the whole room. His attention was caught by one of the bottles that glowed a soft pink. He approached it and found a tag with a symbol of a rabbit drawn into it. Vince ignored the label and opened the bottle, the smell of sweet strawberries wafting through the whole room. He couldn't handle his excitement until finally, he drank it.

Little does he know that earlier that day, his mother was creating a potion that can transform the drinker into an animal, her first ever transmutation potion. Since it was her first time, she has no clue on whether if the drinker will completely turn into a rabbit or just grow rabbit parts. She also has no idea on how to create a "turn back into a human" potion, so she decided to just leave it until she has enough knowledge about the matter.

That same night, Vince's parents were awoken by the sound of glass breaking. The whole family, including his older brother and sister, ran to the source of the sound only to find out poor Vince on the ground of the chamber, gagging and coughing. They were frozen in place and looks of horror were in their face as they helplessly watch Vince's human ears shrink and disappear as he grew rabbit ears and a bushy tail. His once-brown hair turned into bright pink along with the fur on his tail and his eyes turned completely blood red.

Because of fear, they decided to fly into another country to start anew. His mother destroyed all her potions and completely turned her back against potion-making, horrified and worried that her talent has destroyed his son's life and future. His parents decided to not let him attend any school and have him taught at home by his father who's a professor instead. They became completely protective of him, not letting him go outside to play with the other children for risk of being bullied or being tormented by society.

As a result, his once outgoing and cheerful nature was beginning to fade as time passed by. While he grew up, he was accustomed to his new life as a half-rabbit. Vince was more sensitive to sound now, capable of hearing something even from far away, and became more lithe and quick on his feet. Still, he became the Vincent that he is right now, listless and seemingly emotionless.

He was finally enrolled into a school that trains teenagers to improve on their magic and doesn't distinguish on one's appearance, their race, etc. While he's in school, his father is secretly creating a serum that will turn his son back to completely turn him back into a human, back to the boy who once smiled like the sun.

Extra: Vincent is a skilled violinist and an avid reader. He writes fictional stories in his spare time and dreams of becoming a book-writer one day.
In Closed 7 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

4:15, Academy Grounds - Underground

Freya never imagined the Avademy to be this serious. Sure, she heard lots of tales from her mom and dad about the fun they had and how great their powers have improved but they never specified anything important. Maybe they thought they'll just tell her vague details to let her discover them on her own.

She went down on one of the lowered platforms via the staircases and proceeded to her area. Okay Freya, she thought to herself. You just have to show everyone whar you can do. Your future relies deeply on what you're gonna do and failure might mean expulsion, but hey, no pressure! Just relax...

Freya closed her eyes and took deep breaths. She put her hands on her chest and concentrated. Immediately, tiny sparks began to leap out from her hands. Freya knows her pipsqueak lightshow is not good enough to for this trial, so she decided to do the "thing".

She layed her hands in front of her, left palm facing downwards on top with the right palm facing upwards, and willed the sparks to concentrate and create a multi-colored sphere. When she finished, the sphere began to glow of rosy pink and orange, shaking with pent-up energy. She threw the sphere upwards and the sphere exploded in a huge firework explosion that illuminates the whole area with the colors of the sunset. It's no ordinary firework as it doesn't create any booming sound; instead, it made a twinkling sound, similar to that of a bell.

But that's not all. Freya willed the firework to explode in slow motion and, using every bit of her concentration, willed the light to again form into a sphere. She willed it to explode again but this time, the explosion of light took the form of a giant dove, its body made up of the colors of the sunset and once again illuminating the area. Each flap of its wings let out multiple sparks that shower everyone they dropped on, but the dove, like her sparkles and firework, was only made in pure light.

Despite this, she still has some trouble making giant light animals such as this dove to fly around and the best thing she could do was to make it fly in place. With one final flap of its wings, Freya willed the giant dove to explode, showering everything in sparkles of light.

Once done, she exhaustingly sat down on the ground, panting and trying to catch her breath. It's been a while since she made something like this. Freya finally laid down facing up at the ceiling. "Ta-da", she said weakly.

@World of Terra is it possible for ghouls, demons, zombies, and the like to exist in this world?
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