“Finally, what were you thinking when you were competing? Did you have something and perhaps someone in mind?”, Ivan asked.
He’s at the university’s swimming area where an indoor swimming pool was located. So huge in fact that it may be Olympic-sized but Ivan woudln’t really know as he’s not interested in the Olympics or in any other sports besides tennis. He was sitting on a lounge chair beside the pool as he was ending his interview with Jonah Rivers, the university’s swimming captain and top swimmer at that as he recently won a competition.
Jonah rested his arms on the edge of the pool and smiled amusingly. “Wow, gotta love that Aussie accent you have right there.
Did you know a kangaroo is a narsopial?”, he said in his horrible imitation of the accent.
“It’s not ‘narsopial’, it’s marsupial”, Ivan replied. This guy was really getting on Ivan’s nerves and it was a good thing he’s an expert on keeping a straight-on dick face anytime he wants. He didn’t even know why he agreed to Jonah’s proposition of being interviewed at the swimming pool. Says he feels more at home in his ‘natural habitat’.
“Well to really answer your question”, Jonah paused as he hoistered himself up and sat at the edge. He turned and sat cross-legged facing Ivan. Ivan, on the other hand, tried not to look at Jonah’s model-like abs and strong arms. “I have a habit of clearing my mind before every competition I’m in. Tends to make me more focus on the goal. But the more I think about it, I guess I’m dedicating every accomplishment I make to the university, to my team and coach for pushing me to strive harder, of course to my family who’s always there for me...”
Ivan nodded as he wrote on his pad while glancing at Jonah. At first glance, Jonah seemed to be the stereotypical star athlete who thinks the world revovles around him. That day, Ivan made the conclusion that first impressions aren’t everything.
“...and to the sexy ladies out there supporting me!”, Jonah excitedly exclaimed. Ivan sighed while writing on his notepad, immediately taking back his conclusion.
“Well”, Ivan stood up and arranged his things.
“I’ve been interviewing you for quite some time now and I want to thank you for your-““Woah woah woah”, Jonah waved his hands and stood up. “Is the interview over?”
“Uh yeah”, Ivan replied.
“You gave me great statements that I’m sure will make the article come out great too. Is there anything you want to add before I start writing?”.
“Actually”, Jonah took off his swimming cap and goggles and tousled his brown hair. “My parents are out on a business trip and they let me hold a victory party later at night at my house to celebrate. And I want to invite you to the party. If you wanted to come that is”, he said.
“Oh. Oh”, Ivan said. It took a while to understand Jonah’s invitation. Ivan’s personality drastically changed when his dad died, and his friends began to drift far away from him due to it. He’s slowly beginning to go back to his childhood self where he’s always smiling and full of life, and he guessed Jonah’s invitation would be a good place to start.
“Sure. I’d love to come”, Ivan answered.
Jonah smiled. “Awesome. That’s awesome”, he said. He quickly retrieved his towel at the lounge chair to wipe his hands. “If you’d like, I can write the address to my place.”
Ivan nodded and gave his pen and note to Jonah. He quickly wrote his address along with a series of numbers and gave it back to Ivan. He furrowed his brows as Jonah said “My number”, with a smile. Ivan nodded in understanding as he lets out his hand and Jonah shook it.
“Thanks again for the interview. And the invitation. See you later I guess?”“Yep. See you later”, Jonah said as Ivan turned to leave. “Hey, I’m going to the locker and shower room. Maybe you want to see me-“
“Goodbye”, Ivan exclaimed with a wave as he walked away.