Avatar of baraquiel


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2 yrs ago
Current I dont know what i dont know anymore lol
4 yrs ago
Despite everything that's going on, being alive is heckin' swell.
5 yrs ago
To the rps that I was in, thank you for welcoming me and giving me a chance to become a part of your world. All of you are wonderful and creative people who deserve the best in life. Godspeed.
5 yrs ago
I was not... in the right place emotionally and mentally. Words cannot express how deeply sorry I am for unintentionally ghosting the rps I'm in. I'm working a lot to become a better person now.
6 yrs ago
Just came back from the dead woo


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Count me in as well
@Unknown100 you’re welcome for saving yo burning butt :P

I’ll change the post into a proper format once I have my hands on my laptop :)

Kitsune can barely process what was going on before her. The crazy Kryptonian began to immediately attack everyone in sight. Kitsune moved backwards to call upon her seimei umbrella. It only took a few seconds for the umbrella to materialise beside her but every second counts in every fight.

By the time she got her umbrella, Solara was already using heat vision on Supergirl, burning her with a clear and obvious intent of killing her.

This was where something in Kitsune clicked off. Her hair became pink and her eyes bright yellow which symbolized her changing into spirit mode.

She channeled her spirit unto her umbrella as it began to glow with pink energy. Then with a scream she raced forward and pierced through Solara’s butt with the umbrella, making her stop her heat vision and crashing her head-first unto a wall.

Kitsune kneeled to the ground to check up on Supergirl. She took quite a hit but Kitsune knows Supergirl’s tougher than she looks and she’ll be fine. “Zatannah, Huntress, take her and Manhunter to the medical room quick! I’ll try to hold Solara off”, Kitsune said.

Solara rose from the wall she crashed from with a more sinister look in her eyes. “How dare you. You’ll pay with your life. You’ll all pay!”, screamed Solara as she flew towards Kitsune.

Kitsune once again charged her umbrella and her body with spiritual energy. The heroes had enough time to drag Supergirl and Manhunter out of safety as she pointed her umbrella towards the Kryptonian and out came a blast of pink energy. Solara, confident in her abilities, didn’t dodge the attack and still flew straight on. The result was Solara again being blown away by the impact of the pink blast.

“You may seem physically impenetrable Solara, but your spirit is as weak as your brain”, Kitsune said while still pointing the umbrella towards Solara. Perhaps it wasn’t a good idea to make an angry wacko Kryptonian any angrier but Kitsune needed to buy some time for the others to come up with a plan to defeat Solara. Meanwhile, the Kryptonian only managed to scream angrier as she used her heat vision on Kitsune.

Kitsune opened her umbrella and a pink force field enveloped her and the rest of the Leaguers present. Though the heat vision was being blocked off by her, Solara flew straight on again on the force field, pounding and smashing while screaming in a hoarse voice. Kitsune can already feel the force field weakening and it’ll only be a matter of time before it collapses.

She turned to the others. “If you have a plan to beat this crazy woman, I suggest you do it right now!”, she screamed as she held her umbrella and concentrated to maintain the force field.

Heyo! Hopefully what I did was okay for y'all. Please do tell me if there's something wrong or unclear so I can fix it :)

Though I'm wondering on who are the NPCs that we can freely interact with here and who can we not unless we ask permission?
Really don't wanna jinx myself butt I'll post tom :)
In Closed 7 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Don't wanna jinx myself but I'm gonna be posting tom. Hopefully my idea will make sense when I type it in xD
Ivan McJhent

“Finally, what were you thinking when you were competing? Did you have something and perhaps someone in mind?”, Ivan asked.

He’s at the university’s swimming area where an indoor swimming pool was located. So huge in fact that it may be Olympic-sized but Ivan woudln’t really know as he’s not interested in the Olympics or in any other sports besides tennis. He was sitting on a lounge chair beside the pool as he was ending his interview with Jonah Rivers, the university’s swimming captain and top swimmer at that as he recently won a competition.

Jonah rested his arms on the edge of the pool and smiled amusingly. “Wow, gotta love that Aussie accent you have right there. Did you know a kangaroo is a narsopial?”, he said in his horrible imitation of the accent.

“It’s not ‘narsopial’, it’s marsupial, Ivan replied. This guy was really getting on Ivan’s nerves and it was a good thing he’s an expert on keeping a straight-on dick face anytime he wants. He didn’t even know why he agreed to Jonah’s proposition of being interviewed at the swimming pool. Says he feels more at home in his ‘natural habitat’.

“Well to really answer your question”, Jonah paused as he hoistered himself up and sat at the edge. He turned and sat cross-legged facing Ivan. Ivan, on the other hand, tried not to look at Jonah’s model-like abs and strong arms. “I have a habit of clearing my mind before every competition I’m in. Tends to make me more focus on the goal. But the more I think about it, I guess I’m dedicating every accomplishment I make to the university, to my team and coach for pushing me to strive harder, of course to my family who’s always there for me...”

Ivan nodded as he wrote on his pad while glancing at Jonah. At first glance, Jonah seemed to be the stereotypical star athlete who thinks the world revovles around him. That day, Ivan made the conclusion that first impressions aren’t everything.

“...and to the sexy ladies out there supporting me!”, Jonah excitedly exclaimed. Ivan sighed while writing on his notepad, immediately taking back his conclusion.

“Well”, Ivan stood up and arranged his things. “I’ve been interviewing you for quite some time now and I want to thank you for your-“

“Woah woah woah”, Jonah waved his hands and stood up. “Is the interview over?”

“Uh yeah”, Ivan replied. “You gave me great statements that I’m sure will make the article come out great too. Is there anything you want to add before I start writing?”.

“Actually”, Jonah took off his swimming cap and goggles and tousled his brown hair. “My parents are out on a business trip and they let me hold a victory party later at night at my house to celebrate. And I want to invite you to the party. If you wanted to come that is”, he said.

“Oh. Oh, Ivan said. It took a while to understand Jonah’s invitation. Ivan’s personality drastically changed when his dad died, and his friends began to drift far away from him due to it. He’s slowly beginning to go back to his childhood self where he’s always smiling and full of life, and he guessed Jonah’s invitation would be a good place to start.

“Sure. I’d love to come”, Ivan answered.

Jonah smiled. “Awesome. That’s awesome”, he said. He quickly retrieved his towel at the lounge chair to wipe his hands. “If you’d like, I can write the address to my place.”

Ivan nodded and gave his pen and note to Jonah. He quickly wrote his address along with a series of numbers and gave it back to Ivan. He furrowed his brows as Jonah said “My number”, with a smile. Ivan nodded in understanding as he lets out his hand and Jonah shook it.

“Thanks again for the interview. And the invitation. See you later I guess?”

“Yep. See you later”, Jonah said as Ivan turned to leave. “Hey, I’m going to the locker and shower room. Maybe you want to see me-“

Goodbye, Ivan exclaimed with a wave as he walked away.

Things escalated very quickly that day.

It seemed to Blink that Iron Man’s team was targetting Hope Summers. How did they know the X-Men were calling upon the Phoenix? Is it possible that there was a traitor within them? Just thinking about it made her blood boil but for now she has to focus on the ongoing battle before her.

Cyclops attacked Iron Man with both leaders shouting their signature attack cries and that’s when the fight started. Blink moved to the back, observing the unfolding battle and thinking on how to turn the tides.

Just then, a portal appeared above and out came hordes of demons which only seemed to attack the X-Men. Blink scanned the area and found out that the Son of Satan was present alongside Deadpool.

Blink opened multiple portals among the demon horde to confuse them. She aided Cyclops by creating a portal in front of him that opened at a random spot within the horde so he can blast the enemies in surprise. She opened one portal just as a giant demon was bulldozing its way towards her. The giant demon went through the portal and trampled multiple demons as it exited.

She also made additional portals among the demon horde that opened at the bottom of the ocean. Huge amounts of water bursted out of the portals and crashed demons under pressure. Of course, she made sure that the X-Men and herself would be unaffected and closed the ocean portals as soon as she opened them.

She saw how Colossus rampaged through the army of demons and how he easily forced She-Hulk and Red-Hulk out of the way. An idea sprung into her head and Blink quickly made a portal and jumped through it. She found herself free-falling high into the air towards the sea below her. She saw She-Hulk and Red Hulk about to stand up and she immediately threw javelins at her side that opened portals beneath the two. The next thing they knew they were also free-falling beside her, both having a very confused and surprised look on their faces.

Blink managed to make a peace sign and stick her tongue out before opening a portal beneath her. She rolled first then kicked her feet out as she fell through the portal. The demon only managed a squeak of shock as Blink kicked the unsuspecting demon in the face. Blink rolled on the ground and when she regained her composure, she heard unmistakably loud splashes of water at the sea.

She also heard screams of pain and saw Colossus burning in a mysterious-looking fire that the Son of Satan made. Blink was very angry but she knew she had to take Colossus to safety first.

Blink jumped through a portal she made that opened at the gardens of Jean Grey School for Higher Learning. She opened another portal where Colossus fell through, still writhing and screaming in pain. She rushed to Colossus’s side as she called out for help. Officials of the school ran towards them and telling Blink that they’ll handle Colossus and she must return to the X-Men as soon as possible. Blink nodded and said her thanks as she made a portal and returned to the battlefield in a snap.

@Grec done! :)
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