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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago
Zeroth Post

The Justice League had been active for several years. Their membership included Superman, Batman, Vixen, Green Lantern (Alan Scott), and Robot Man. Most of them were already in their 40's, Batman was rumored to be in his 50's. The team took down threats such as Brainiac, the rogue General Eiling, Solomon Grundy and an army of the undead, a Thanagarian Cult, and dozens of others. Later in the team’s career, in a battle with the alien tyrant Despero, both Vixen and Robotman were killed in action. Robotman COULD have survived, but the three eyed behemoth crushed his head and destroyed the original brain of Cliff Steele.

One year ago...

The Justice League extended its reach and took in several new heroes to form the Justice League Unlimited. Over the course of the first several weeks the League learned about the existence of a similar group, composed of super criminals, calling themselves the Society and brought together in secret by the devious Lex Luthor Jr. Shortly after the Society made itself known, the Question deduced that the super criminals were after artifacts composed of a mysterious Nth metal. During a mission that saw a group going to the destroyed remains of Atlantis, Ravager was seemingly killed by an unseen attacker and left for dead. Her father, Deathstroke, would later abduct her from JLU headquarters to help her recover on his own terms. Bulleteer would also be attacked in Metropolis and taken out of action after taking trauma to his head after the enemies of the League were informed by Lobo that his helmet was composed of Nth metal. Ambush Bug was killed during an attack on the League's HQ, and the heroic Clayface was torn apart as well.

Over the course of the last year the League would continue to evolve. Superman would be defeated and killed by the monster called Doomsday. Green Lantern retired after finding out his reformed enemy turned fiancée Thorn was pregnant with twins. And Batman has seemingly been replaced by a white Martian with his actual whereabouts unknown.

Present day...

The League still moves forward, even after everything the members have been through, protecting the world from dangers. Team members continue to come and go as they have always done. However, some unknown entity or force has taken it upon themselves to tamper with the very fabric of reality altering the universe itself.


Current Episodes...


Ep. 1 - Return of Solara - An old friend returns blaming Superman and the League for her misfortune. When she realizes Superman is dead and that she has been replaced with a half breed Kryptonian, her mind snaps and she attacks those who would have once called her friend.

GM's: All
Cast: Everyone

Coming Soon...


Ep. 2 - Where Is Animal Man? - When the son of Animal Man, Cliff Baker, shows up at Metro Tower looking for his missing father the JLU sends a team to find him. Where was he last seen, and who could possibly be behind his disappearance?

GM: Champion
Cast: Negative Man, Kitsune, Scarlet Scarab, Question, Lizard
Background Leaguers: Booster Gold

Ep. 3 - Apokolips How? - In this universe Superman and the League have never encountered Darksied or his minions. Until now. What happens when the ruler of the dark planet's son Kalibak is accidentally Boom Tubed to Earth? And who will show up to escort him home?

GM: Guardian
Cast: Shazam, Aurora, Supergirl, Big Barda, Warden
Background Leaguers: Martian Manhunter

Ep. 4 - Gotham City Starro's - Alan Scott contacts the JLU when Starros invade Gotham. When the League arrives they're over taken and enslaved by a dozen civilians with Starros on their faces, including Alan Scott! Can the League survive in Gotham? And why would Starros show up in Gotham of all places?

GM's: All
Cast: Everyone
Background Leaguers: Martian Manhunter, Booster Gold, Atom, and Huntress

Ep. 5 - Superman Week - Superman Week begins in Metropolis one year after the hero's death. Heroes honor the Man of Steel wearing pentagons on their suits or around their symbols. When the Superman Parade is interrupted by the Society's own Lion Mane, Capt. Boomerang, and Icicle the JLU goes into action.

Background Leaguers:

Ep. 6 - Superman Week pt 2 - Two days later during Superman Week, the JLU fights off an attack from Doctor Polaris in Coast City when New Super-Man shows up. The Chinese Super-Man hoped to steal some of the spotlight and get a following in America after his Justice League Asia failed to take off.

Background Leaguers:

Ep. 7 - Superman Week pt 3 - Superman Week draws to an end and New Super-Man claims he should be the new leader of the JLU. His power is tested when a small army of Super-Clones attack. Both male and female clones attack with both Kryptonian and telekinetic abilities similar to Supergirl's. Is there room for another Super-person in the JLU?

GM's: All
Cast: Everyone
Background Leaguers:

Ep. 8 - Hello My Name Is Union

Ep. 9 - Flash Forward

- Ω
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Omega Man
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Omega Man Micro Machinist

Member Seen 17 days ago


1.) No back-to-back posting. Posting will be restricted to 3-4 posts per player per Episode. Larger storylines will have higher post caps as well as Character-centric Eps.


3.) Make sense. If we can't make heads or tails of your posts they're likely to get skipped over.

4.) Get permission before using another player's character in your posts if it involves changing the scene or making actions. Everybody will take beatings in this game in battle however, so don't get pissed if you get punched or blasted into a wall by the bad guys! Namely me or the Co-GM controlling the badguys...

5.) Problems with the game or players should be sent directly to me or the Co-GM through PM's. I don't want a bunch of bickering in the OOC. And I don't particularly like it when some random argument costs the game players and story potential. So don't be dicks to each other, just send your concerns to us.

6.) Abandoned characters will be used as NPC's or killed off within the context of the story.

7.) “I was waiting for [insert player/character] to make a move” is not how this game is played.

8.) There is no rule #8. (I actually took this non-rule from an old Lord Wraith RP LOL)

9.) My word is law.

10.) Obey the law.

11.) Episodes will stagger two at a time between larger 12 player episodes. Today Ep. 1 will begin with all 12 players. In a few weeks Ep. 2 & 3 will begin with 6 players each. Just to make things easier on the GM's controlling the mentors and setting the stage for everyone.

12.) In the event that I'm offline for any period of time, the Co-GM @Sir Lurksalot will take control and HIS/HER word will then be law.


Volume 2 - E P I S O D E 1:
Return of Solara


January 14th, 2019 - 1:30 pm | Secret Society Headquarters - Hidden Swamp

Mentors: All

Cast: Everyone

"I have seen the beginning and end of time. I have traveled through space, other dimensions, and explored several aspects of the Multiverse. There is currently an other worldly analogue of mine facing a parallel world's Superman as we speak on his own Earth. And another world reading about it in their 'comic books'. I do not know how or why you've brought me to YOUR Earth..." explained a blue skinned man in the headquarters of the Secret Society. "..but there is nothing you can offer me to join your organization." he continued with Brainwave, the ginger haired Lex Luthor Jr., and the Enchantress surrounding him.

"What about.... PURPOSE?" Lex asked with a grin.

Days later....

"I have fixed your Martian problem, Luthor. I wish I had an alien species to interact with on Mars from MY universe... and you have two." spoke the blue skinned Quantum-Superman. "The White Martian posing as Bruce Wayne was replaced with the Green Martian, brother of one of the current Justice Leaguers. The armada of White Martians on the edge of the galaxy were transported to the sun's surface and completely wiped out."

"Last time I deal with an alien race of shape-shifters. And my other... problems? Did you take care of the Justice League?" asked the ginger haired man. He was well into his 40's and going grey.

The blue skinned cape-less Quantum Superman walked around the HQ for a few moments before answering. He thought back on the joy it gave him to rewrite history and alter individuals in such ways only a God could understand. With a wave of his hand he altered Shazam. Now rather than Najee Carter and a wizard's champion in black, Shazam was a Caucasian clad in red. He also took note of this universe's Blue Beetle, who didn't remind him of his universe's Beetle enough to let him use the name... he simply changed this guy's color scheme. A few pokes and prods here and there and the Rookie who turned into Champion had a much different path. The team who came up with the Patroller mech for Polarity Man were put elsewhere in the government and Larry Trainor was given a new robotic 'face'. These were things that the blue skinned Quantum Superman did for 'fun'. The other things that Luthor Junior had mentioned when asking about the Justice League were much more difficult and required a bit more power and time. This included transporting people back AND forward in time as well as placing people in other dimensions.

"I sent Starman back to his own future with a memory wipe. The cartoon girl was sent back to her own dimension. Your dead Superman's Kryptonian DNA has been altered to a state where he cannot return to life on his own or by cloning, his corpse is just.... a regular corpse now. I also sped up the return of the other female Kryptonian who was sent to the past, her brain may have experienced some temporal damage and it will not end well for someone." replied the other-worldly blue Superman.

"They're the only ones with the power and experience to figure out things have changed..." Luthor Jr. grinned running his fingers through his hair. "And Solara returning will take down the rest of the League..."

"I wouldn't count on that alone. Since I've tampered with reality the League has changed as well. And soon the changes will be forgotten by even you. Even the subtle things I toyed with will become permanent reality..." the quantum powered man continued, "And you can tell your gang to back off. I realize now you've been playing me and I see through the witch and the telepath's tricks." Quantum Superman commented noticing more members of the Society than just Brainwave and the Enchantress were surrounding he and Luthor. This included the likes of Black Manta, Dr. Polaris, Warp, and Livewire....

"So you changed even more than I asked you to? And now you see through the charade? What are you gonna do now, boy blue, what's your endgame?" Luthor questioned looking a bit aggravated as the other Society members began to mobilize around the blue skinned Quantum Superman. This included Lion Mane, Solomon Grundy, and Shadow Thief surrounding him as well.

"When I return to this world, Luthor, I'LL HAVE THE ANSWER... And you will wish you'd never bothered THIS Superman. " the blue clad visitor from another Earth said before disappearing into thin air. Half of the villainous Society looked dumbfounded. Lex Jr. continued to look smug.

"And when he returns I'll be ready for him. I'll steal his power..." Lex mentioned while looking over his shoulder at his workshop where he was using the Nth metal artifacts to melt down into a more modern and teched out Nth metal power suit.


January 20th, 2019 - 11:30 am | Justice League Headquarters - Metro Tower

The Justice League has a regular group meeting and lunch every weekend. Everyone is supposed to be on deck for any news or updates involving membership, security, new protocols and training sessions, etc. Currently Champion is at the Metro Tower cooking up some food for the large group of heroes. The Martian Manhunter is floating through the walls following a scent of Oreos in the air. Not everyone had arrived yet at the Tower. Just the ones who lived in the Tower. Others had to be teleported in from whoever was working Monitor Duty. It made things easy when the Martian Manhunter was operating as a central neural net granting League members telepathy with whomever was working Monitor Duty over great distances. Better than smart phones AND personal radios.

However, Jimmy Olsen aka the Guardian was running a bit late and lived too close to warrant asking to be teleported to HQ. He was already in-costume leaping and running through the Metropolis skyline on rooftops until reaching the Tower. After leaping down from the rooftops and walking across the large entryway into the secure facility he removed his helmet and carried it in his hand and placed his shield on a back harness. Bumping into the Atom the ginger haired hero asked...

"Hey man, have you seen Supergirl around yet?"

- Ω
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by NecroKnight
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NecroKnight Elite Death Knight of Decay

Member Seen 17 days ago

One of the people waiting for the food - was Lizard. Or namely Jessica Jester, the Justice League' expert in aquatic warfare. Namely while they plenty of hard-hitters on the surface and some in the sky - they lacked anybody of her capability. It helped with her self-esteem, since she was one of the more 'different' members of the League.

Namely with skin being green, it was hard to fit anywhere particularly - that wasn't the circus or as some criminal. Especially with the history she had discovered just a few weeks ago. While there was another with skin greener than her, she couldn't just change her appearance if the need became evident.

Currently, she sitting on the counter - the same one where Champion was cooking. Listening to her head-phones, and namely some heavy-rock music. That was until her stomach gave the notion, that she was hungry.

"C'mon Champy. It isn't nice to keep a girl waiting. When will the food be ready?" asked Lizard, trying to give her best cute look to him. It sometimes helped using her feminine wiles on the weak-willed to get what she wanted. Even with her appearance, it was effective on those whom she loved and was loved in return. "Can't I sneak away a few now? You know what happens when you don't feed an alligator. It comes biting at the first thing it sees."

Lizard got tired enough, that she jumped down from her counter and looked over Champion' shoulder to see what he was making in-general.

@Sir Lurksalot
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Simple Unicycle
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Simple Unicycle ?

Member Seen 17 days ago

Hub City:

January 20th, 2019 - 10:26 am | Living Room - Aristotle Rodor's Home

Vic Sage was currently stuffing his mouth with beef jerky.

"Mm... Mmmm... Jesus Christ... Tot, man, you could sell this." The ginger said around a mouthful of jerky. "This is the best beef jerky I've ever had... How do you make this?" He swallowed the bite he had been chewing, looking at his elderly mentor in curiosity. Vic's enjoyment of the food led to a chuckle from the other man.

"It's a secret, Charlie. You should know all about those." Tot replied, looking at his younger friend in amusement. They had known each other for a little over a decade, and while good friends for the first half of that, it wasn't until Vic became the Question with the assistance of Rodor that the two became very close, forging a bond akin to that of a father and son. The older man laughed at Vic's hurt expression when he wouldn't share the formula for the jerky, grumbling as he put away the bag containing the rest of the jerky in his pocket.

"God Tot, do you have to torture me? What if something happens to you? Where will I get my jerky then? And for the last time, it's Vic now. I've been telling you this for a little over six years." The journalist/vigilante replied, crossing his arms.

This yielded another quick laugh from Tot, "I see. So, say if I were to pass, all you'd be sad about is not being able to have anymore of my beef jerky, hm?" The older man asked with a quirked eyebrow and a smile.

Vic groaned. "Okay, you know that's not what I meant, ju-"

The talk between friends was interrupted by a beeping from Vic's watch. The ginger sighed, "Aw hell, League meeting. I've gotta go Tot." He took his mask out of his belt buckle, applying it to his face and releasing the adhesive gas before throwing on his baseball cap; he had chosen to forgo his usual get-up today.

"See you later, Charlie. Keep your nose clean, you hooligan." Tot grinned at his ward.

"Oh shut up y-" Vic was teleported to the Metro Tower silently.

January 20th, 2019 - 11:29 am | Justice League Headquarters - Metro Tower

"-ou old coot." Question finished in the middle of the Metro Tower lobby. He looked around, noticing Huntress and Zatanna laughing at his statement being finished after teleporting. Blushing slightly beneath his mask, Question cleared his throat and nodded to the two women. "Ladies." He said, readjusting his baseball cap, before heading in.

Behind him, he heard Jimmy Olsen, also known as the Guardian, coming in. He looked over his shoulder at the younger hero, seeing him bump into the Atom before asking where Supergirl was. Question chuckled, 'Man, poor guy. He has the biggest crush in the world and Lara probably doesn't even know it... Well, at least all of us do.' Shaking his head in amusement, he continued on into the Tower proper.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Shellshock
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Billy slung a duffel bag, filled to the brim with whatever items he'd either forgot or didn't have enough space to bring on his first move over to the Watchtower. When the option was given to him to say either stay in his regular old flat or get his own room in the Watchtower, he couldn't understand why they would think he'd want to stay in his dingy old flat. Sure, he'd had a good few memories in the place, but with the chance to actually get a glimpse of one of the heroes that had inspired him in his youth then he could hardly say no.

He made his way through the busy Metropolis Street, duffel bag on shoulder as he turned through the door of Gino's Pizza. He was met with what he expected, slight malice, slight sadness, and a whole lot of sass.
"Well, well, well, if it isn't Mr. Bigshot going to do his degree in English" Mocked Gino, adding extra emphasis to speak the last word in a stupid voice.
"Hey, Mr. Gino, just handing in my resignation fo-"
"It's MISTER RUSSO ya ingrate, how many times do I gotta tell ya?!"
"Sorry Mr. Russo, s'pose you won't need to lecture me on that any more huh?" His last comment was followed by a bit of awkward silence.
"I'm gonna miss ya, you big lug" Replied Gino, pulling Billy in to a firm handshake.
"I'll miss you too, Mr. Russo" With a nod Billy turned to leave the store, breathing in the less than fresh Metropolitan air as he left.

About a half hour or so later and Billy arrived at the Watchtower. He had the option of just Shazaming and flying there, or even contacting someone and getting teleported, but he felt the drive through Metropolis would be a good way of signifying the end of his old life and the start of his new. It was kind of cool to see all the people milling about their daily lives, and even cooler to think he'd never have to deliver a pizza ever again. As much fun it was eating the pizza's that got prank delivered, the occasional bargain-hungry old coot yelling at him really began to annoy after a while.

He breathed in, he'd been with the League for a week, but still had nerves every time he walked through the doors to the Watchtower. A quick elevator ride and he was only a few steps from his room. Sure it was a tad smaller than the room he had in his flat, but in this room he had a computer, a computer on which he could watch kitten compilations.

He finished unpacking the rest of his stuff, mostly clothes and other miscellaneous objects like CD's or DVD's before he took a look around his new room, standing hands on hips like a craftsman who'd just finished raising a barn. It wasn't pretty by any means, and it was rather messy already, but it was home now.

He made his way out to join the rest of the team, who were eagerly awaiting Champion's latest dish. Billy couldn't lie, he didn't know the guy all too well yet, but he sure could cook.
"Hey gang, what's cooking? He asked, hanging his jacket over a seat at the dining table and sitting down.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Unknown100
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

January 20th, 2019 - 11:31 am | Justice League Headquarters - Metro Tower

A comfy mumble traveled around the great hall, as well as the odor of the food Champion was cooking up. Lara kept her back strait, even when she sat there and pondered over which of those 2 things she enjoyed most. Both had the feel of acquaintance; a common understanding.
The clock said she had been in the hall for about half an hour now. Not because she couldn’t take another fly through Metropolis and remind everyone of the symbol of hope. Not because she was that anxious about the food or to get started. No, she came early, sat calmly and patently because she thought it brought a sense of continuity to the meeting. The daughter of Superman was there first at the last meeting, and the daughter of Superman would be there first to the next meeting. Maybe it was silly. Maybe no one in the League really thought that much about Lara when they weren’t on duty.

Lara flipped through a few troubling reports of events that had happened recently. Then stopped at the black & white photo of a subway having been split open. The rubble having been spread across the street. The tracks lying visible through the enormous crack in the street.
If only I had been there. Could totally have done something...
Even if today had been the sunniest weather in, like, forever, threats were crawling up everywhere.
In a moment of thoughtlessness, Lara drummed her fingers on the table in protest. A dry rumble flew through the hall and was just a bit too loud to ignore.
“Sorry. My bad,” she mumbled at the people there, then returned to the printed words on the white paper.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by WXer
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WXer オラ・オラ・オラ!

Member Seen 1 mo ago

He has no mouth, yet he must eat. For Negative Man these weekly meetings are more discussion than lunch, prompting him to come prepared with more notes than your average Leaguer. His materials would include compilations of internal memos, government mandates, inventory checks, collateral damage bills, the local and international gossip columns regarding the League. All of this in an easy-to-read, proprietary file format that he sends out from the Monitor Room's communication node just before actual meeting itself. This week’s report in particular had a really glaring supply issue that he already had a prime suspect for.

Though, he does wonder how many of them read these reports beforehand as he rode the elevator from the Monitor Room to the main lobby. Lunch on the mind was different from food for thought; he figured that he’d be looking forward to food too if he still actually had a stomach.

Stepping out of the lift and walking towards the mess hall, he would see the exact familiar lack of face that he wanted to address. “Ah, Question. Just the detective I was looking for. I’m gonna need your skills in trying to figure out this odd discrepancy in our kitchen inventory.” Negative Man would state in the most whimsical way his robotic voice encoder allowed, allowing a few moments to pass before continuing. “For some reason, we seem to have a lot less sugar on hand than we’re suppose to... A lot less. Enough for this to be an issue that I’m raising at the meeting. Of course, who better than resident sugar enthusiast The Question to solve this case.” His voice would revert back to its baseline tone during the latter half of his statement, removing the whimsy and replacing it with the stoicism he usually spoke with. Negative Man would initiate his robot body’s smile gesture and leave it on for a moment before going ahead of Vic.

Entering the meeting room, he would notice that others had already assembled before him. At least they’re punctual, he thought. Negative Man would then walk towards Champion and Lizard, wondering what was being cooked along with the others. "Hmm. Might not actually be Question wasting sugar." He said out loud, with his analytical sensors not being able to determine what exactly this Nova Scotian cuisine was.

Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by baraquiel
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baraquiel Angel of Moe *:・゚✧

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Naomi still can't believe it.

Before, she could only see the superheroes of the Justice League on television, admiring their courage and bravery to stop evil at all costs and saving the whole world. Now, she's about to eat food cooked by another superhero like her while hanging out with some of Earth's finest heroes.

It was a good thing the Headquarters had an elevator aside from the teleportation-thingy. The first time she used the latter was embarrassing enough, heaving and painting the floor with her breakfast that day. She's still bitter that she has teleportation sickness and she doesn't know if the others have it as well. Heck, she may be the only superhero in the history of the League to have this kind of sickness. Again, how embarrassing.

Naomi listened to the others having a conversation or two. It's not like she's that kind of girl but even if she was in the League for quite a while now, she's still nervous about approaching them personally. Sure she talked to them a couple of times during missions but never outside of it. Someday, she'll work up the courage to have a talk with them, maybe exchange a few words or so, then she can call that a day.

She heard Supergirl drumming her fingers on the table, a bit too loudly at least, then she said sorry afterwards. Naomi took a few deep breaths and stood up. She approached the Kryptonian who seems to be reading something on a few pieces of papers, perhaps about the recent happenings and incidents in the city and around the world, and sat beside her. Right now she's in normal mode with black hair and deep brown eyes but she still wore her mask as it was part of her costume/uniform. "Hey Supergirl, what's the matter?", she asked her, determined to make new friends.

Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Sofaking Fancy
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Sofaking Fancy Three Owls in a Trench Coat

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Barda didn’t live at the Metro Tower because they weren’t pet-friendly. She had four cats she took care of. They had no interest in being transplanted, and furthermore, she didn’t think that the Justice League’s headquarters were so welcoming of animals. Not like she was interested in keeping them in a confined space. So, she drove to work every day.

She’d been a part of Justice League for less than a week, and already she knew she needed to hire a pet sitter. She parked her massive vehicle in the parking lot, and when she exited it—it rocked from her weight. Barda wasn’t the sort to drive around in her armor. Instead, she piled it in an overstuffed duffel bag. That being said, she’d change once she was inside.

The changing room was cramped. Most things were cramped, honestly. While sliding her armor on, she may have swiveled into the thick tile wall of the changing room. She wasn’t the sort to take to the open area amongst all the lockers. Barda wasn’t shy about her physiology, but she didn’t care for mockery at her height and build. It’d happened once when she was working at her gym. She nearly threw a man through a wall. Right. She needed to tend to herself.

She exited her bulky red and black armor. The only parts of her flesh visible where her upper arms. Her upper legs were covered in a flesh-colored mesh. While the suit may have been mildly risqué in appearance, it actually wasn’t. It was metal plating throughout. Her black hair was braided back and tucked into a crown of red, that was massive on her brow but not overly so. Her face was adorned with piercings of gold. Her Mega-Rod swung at her waist. While it was small and gold, it was very heavy and secured to her hand and her hand only.

Barda entered the communal area. A smell hit her nose, and she snorted—loudly. “Earth food,” she grunted. It wasn’t that she hated it, more so, her body didn’t like everything it was introduced to. So, she always ate before these meetings. As such, she’d have to smell it, listen to others talk about it, eat it, and watch their expressions. It was very unpleasant, but then again so was driving from her house through the traffic.

As she approached the highest concentration of people, she’d pat Negative Man’s shoulder. “Be thankful for your theology, you can’t smell. You can't smell, right?” Her words weren't meant to be hurtful, she was just curious. She then leaned against the counter. Barda had been informed at that she shouldn’t sit in the seats for beings that were greater than normal human beings occupied. She winked at Negative Man before smirking.

Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by rocketrobie2
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rocketrobie2 Money owns this town

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

The Rushed and Hungry...

"Just give me a minute Carter!"

Ted was frantically working away at his armour, pumping it full of energy and hoping it didn't start growing out of hand. His hands worked diligently as he poked and prodded the cracks in his red armour, watching them fill themselves in with a red ethereal glow.

"Champion's almost done with the food and nearly everybody's here already Ted!" Booster Gold exclaimed through Ted's earpiece as he sat at the Watchtower computer with his finger hovering impatiently over the teleport button. Glancing back at the security cameras directed at the kitchen and dining area, Micheal made an annoyed sigh before turning back to the comms.

"I'm callin' it Ted, just wear the broken pieces and you can finish it up after lunch." BG explained as he pushed the button only to be met with an error. "Hey Ted, something's up with the teleporter." Booster Gold asked as he began to look into the error.

Meanwhile Ted smiled as he turned his attention away from his smartphone and back to his nearly fully repaired armour. "You might need to try exiting out of the program and logging back in. It's a pretty common thing with Kord operating systems. Especially when your dealing with something as complicated as the teleporter. Ted explained as he finished filling the last crack in his armour. As Micheal booted up the teleporter program again, Ted put on his newly repaired armour and pressed another button on his phone before stashing it in his pocket. Ted turned to his old grandfather clock, seemingly checking for something, just as Carter began to transport Ted to the tower.

Ted swivelled his head back to a forwards facing position as he dashed for the kitchen in the hopes of still managing to make it to the lunch/meeting on time. "Hey everybody" Ted said as he skidded into the kitchen "What's happening?".
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by The Angry Goat
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The Angry Goat (☞゚∀゚)☞

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Warden takes a break from his computer, wheeling his chair so that he can look out the window. It was endless, the cascade of tragedies - human and environmental. He could only do so much. He was proud of his most recent ventures - he was truly coming into his own as an agent of the Justice League. After solving a string of murder cases in Washington State (some guy merged with an alien symbiote - fortunately, it was sound sensitive, otherwise he would have had no real way to stop it), he traveled to the amazon, and worked on taking down some of the illegal logging operations. He felt kinda bad doing it - these men didn't have a lot of other choices for their lives - but the life of the planet was worth even more than theirs were. Besides, it's not like they'd be in jail for long. Or at all. He grunted in annoyance. He really needed to start going after the corporations; they were the ones encouraging these violations most of the time. Problem is they had protections. Protections that might involve ...extralegal methods... to ensure that they didn't just get right back off stock free.

Sometimes he understood the villains...

His alarm went off, shaking him from his thoughts. Pulling out his phone, he enjoyed David Bowie's "Fame" for a few more seconds before shutting it off. He had gone over Negative Man's list, but it was, as usual, marginally useful at best. The sugar supply was far from the most important issue they had going on. He was far more concerned with the fact that the bots they use for training were dangerously vulnerable targets in the event of a breach of Tower security. It was a weird thought for him to have - usually not that tech minded - but he woke up the other day fully convinced of it. He sighed, grunting as he got up. It was nice to take the morning off after being back for the first time in a few weeks, but it'd be good to get back to business.

He wandered down to the meetingroom, glad to see that near everyone was already there. He leaned against a wall and took up his usual place; on the edge of conversation, listening. He was especially interested in how the new members integrated themselves into the group.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by FiroIV
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FiroIV The Wandering Recluse

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Aurora belonged to the city. She acknowledged and understood the benefits of living with other heroes, but she refused them. The benefits existed, that much was sure, but she believed that her time would be better fit living among civilians. Within the city she could go on patrol whenever she could, planting fear in people who dared to even think that she wasn’t there. Not one to look a gift-horse in the mouth Aurora still accepted the free room.

This particular day, the same day that the heroes are to have their weekly luncheon and meeting Aurora was already in her room. The day before, she and her husband had an argument. Beloved and awe-inspiring as they were as a couple they still needed their independence and days away from each other. Some nights are better than others, yesterday was bad. Healthy is what she thought about last night, couples fight.

Aurora’s night post-feud was filled with booze. Requesting a boom tube right after buying a bottle of wine, which disappeared soon after she entered her room in the Metro Tower, her night turned into day without much effort. One moment she was in her room with one glass, next she was puking up and hungry for something greasy, a hangover she figured.

Hunger was well on its own way to ravishing her body by the time she was presentable enough for public viewing. Her destination was the meeting room, but on the way she’d stop by and get some food, something greasy and filling. Something she hoped would not feel too bad in the event that she had to puke. Hope was also something attached to feelings and thoughts related to shame over the fact that she had a hangover in the first week of work.

Aurora was still new, she didn’t want to be “That Girl”TM, but the heroes inclined towards detection would know. The young hero’s self-esteem wouldn’t be affected by what’s happening, but at the same time she believed that first impressions are important and a hangover version of herself wasn’t as appeasing as her normal mode. Nonetheless she’d have to deal with it, and so did everyone else. She was here to stay and prove herself, and that means working with someone who has a hangover.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Unknown100
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

Being an alien with super hearing, Lara sure let a lot of people sneak up on her. Her eyes moved off the crushing image of a Humvee, parked upside down inside a diner, as she addressed the white mask of Kitsune.
“Oh hey, Kitsune. Well, just pondering what we could have done better. Trying to learn from it, I guess. I kinda believe the moment we stop improving, we all cease to be great. And we need to. We are the reason some people even get up in the morning. So … I ponder.”

Kitsune glanced at the paper Supergirl was reading and sighed. She may not know Supergirl that much, but she kind of understood her personality even in their short time together as co-Leaguers. She also understood why the girl felt this way: being the only daughter of the Superman himself, it’s only natural for her to step up and take the stand as Earth’s next most powerful superhero.

She turned her whole attention to Supergirl. “You know, it’s not bad to always think of ways on how you can improve as a hero to save everyone. I’m sure all of our predecessors did that too, including Superman”, Kistune paused, thinking how she can properly say it to the heroine without trying to offend her. Shikashinagara, the hard part about that is even if we are the most powerful being in the world, we can never save anyone all the time nor can we prevent any deaths that’ll happen in the future. All I’m saying is, don’t beat yourself up on thinking about being the perfect hero all the time. Think about your sake every once in a while.

“Besides, that is why you’re in the Justice League”, Naomi added as she waved at the others around her. “Even if you can’t be anywhere at once to save lives then it just means one of us is already there doing the job. Don’t stress yourself, Supergal, watashitachi wa anata no senaka o eta. We got your back”, Naomi said while shouldering Supergirl teasingly.

"Maybe." Lara did a slow 360 of the room, loosened up just a tiny bit, then added: "Thanks."
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Sir Lurksalot
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Sir Lurksalot

Member Seen 14 hrs ago

When people took a gander at the outside of the Metro Tower, home of the Justice League, in all of it's strikingly monolithic, shiningly futuristic architecture typical of Metropolis, most assumed it was... kinda boring inside. And to their credit, they were mostly right; designed to be practical, with fortified white and grey walls interrupted only by the occasional window, heavy steel door, a glowing monitor screen or in some cases, a potted plant placed by some absolute madman who clearly didn't get the memo about the mandatory monotony, the place, though absolutely bristling with the most advanced technology and some of the mightiest beings on the face of the planet could be mind-numbingly dull at times.

One of the few exceptions to this rule, was the Rec. Room. Where one could actually get a glimpse at what a bunch of heroes living under the same roof actually looked like, away from the media and left to their own devices.

For one thing, the hard, reinforced tiles of the tower floors were covered up by a plush black carpet and the walls actually had some paint on them- a healthy deep blue parted by a sci-fi-ish, thick horizontal black stripe running through the middle and decorated by hung pictures and posters of leaguers and memories both recent and distant, from the Founding Five and the JSA to a candid picture of that time Question and Scarab got hammered playing pool down in Mexico. A long shelf beneath the arranged pictures of the League's founders held a few momentos, more personal or amusing than actual victory trophies, including but not limited to Superman's old signed Babe Ruth baseball card, Jay Garrick's winged helmet and a small, hand-made stuffed Batman Bruce was handed two decades ago by a cheeky little girl in Bucharest.

From the door, a huge, semi-circular and otherworldly comfortable couch and a massive flat-screen took up most of the right half of the room, with the walk there occupied by billiard, foosball, table-hockey and air hockey tables and a jukebox, pinball machine, Donkey Kong arcade machine and a dartboard with a picture Booster's most recent ex taped to the centre (that he'd apparently missed with every dart) snugged up against the walls. To the left, there sat a large, round mahogany table and chairs, all littered with small carvings and grafitti from Leaguers past and present, and the kitchen, semi-seperated by wall broken by a doorless entryway and a bar-counter and currently containing The Champion, humming along to the tunes spilling forth from the jukebox while cooking up some grub for the League's usual weekend lunch.


Episode I: The Return of Solara

"C'mon Champy. It isn't nice to keep a girl waiting. When will the food be ready?" Duncan chuckled a bit at his girlfriend's hungry whining, though he still didn't turn away from the deep-fryers. "Can't I sneak away a few now? You know what happens when you don't feed an alligator. It comes biting at the first thing it sees."

Hearing her hop the counter and feeling her chin hovering just over his shoulder, The Lion of Nova Scotia took the opportunity to reach back and gently run his hand through her hair and pull her in for a quick for a quick little peck on the forehead before he set himself back to his task.

"Settle down, Jess, We're almost done." He explained as he reached forward and turned the fryers off, before raising and shaking out the racks and scooping a healthy helping of home-cut fries into a line of baskets lined with newspaper, repeating the process with the beer-battered fish immediately afterward and wedging a slice of lemon and a wee cup of tartar sauce securely into the corner of each basket where they could be used if needed "Good things come to those who wait, after all."

Truth be told, fish and chips wasn't exactly the fanciest meal on the planet. Certainly not something you'd think about serving to the Goddamn Justice League. But hell, it was easy- Especially when your dad is a Fisherman who routinely unloads a ridiculous amount of fresh fish on you every time his boat comes back to port and you have a cousin who farms potatoes.

It also gave him time to cook up some of his mother's recipe Oreo Cream Pie, which now sat cooling on the stove top, despite how often he'd had to smack J'onn with a ladle to keep it there.

"Alright ladies and gents, grubs up!" Duncan finally announced, placing the baskets down on the counter for the others to take, keeping one for himself and taking the pie with him to the table where he could keep an eye on it and ensure it was safe from the greedy green mitts of the Martian Manhunter "Just give it a bit ta cool down, it's still hot."

Reaching to the center of the table and opening up the hidden hatch concealing the mini-fridge built into it's centre column, the Champion fished himself out a bottle of coke and finally sat down in his usual spot, identified by where he'd left his coat hanging before he'd started cooking, calmly popping off the cap of his glass bottle of sugar, bad things and good feelings with his thumb as he did so.

"Let's eat."

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by NecroKnight
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NecroKnight Elite Death Knight of Decay

Member Seen 17 days ago

"I can usually take down my dinner in half a second mind you that," replied Jess, still enjoying the slight rub against her hair. She did enjoy the rare moments of intimacy, especially with somebody of her condition that barely anybody wanted to even look at.

Nevertheless, she followed after the sweet scent of food, to the table. As Champion soon followed after her, with both a rather delicious looking pie and a bottle of coke. As she sat next to him, Jess could easily snatch the bottle for a moment for a quick sip - before returning it to him. "That think will rot your teeth."

While most would ignore the notion of letting it cool, Jess soon dug into the fried fish with her teeth - literally into the juicy, crunchy back of the thing - with her hands. That woman liked to go at her food, very directly. Unless it was something a bit more fancy, like lobster. Although even such a thing, wouldn't have much resistance against Jess' steel-crunching teeth. "Mmm. I love it. Canadians have very nice food indeed," she commented. As always the aquatic one, she loved fish and seafood in-general or anything edible. Although even un-edible things found their way into her mouth.

"So. What is the occasion?" she asked, gesturing with her nose and the pie. Like it was a prize to be won, seeing as how Manhunter had tried to get at it for several times. As thus, she deduced it must be something very good and yummy.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Omega Man
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Omega Man Micro Machinist

Member Seen 17 days ago


January 20th, 2019 - 11:42 am | Justice League Headquarters - Metro Tower

"Hey man, have you seen Supergirl around yet?" Jimmy asked the Atom while holding his golden helmet in his right hand.

"I believe she's always the first one to show up at these meetings, James." the Atom replied. He was a few years older than Jimmy and a science guru with tech, engineering, and anything involving dwarf stars.

"Atom... it's Jimmy. My mother doesn't even call me James..." Jimmy replied walking away towards the meeting hall.

Jimmy still felt out of place at the Tower. Aside from the Question everyone else possessed powers, insane technology, or trained with Batman. He had an unbreakable Kryptonian shield that was hidden in his closet for months before he ever put on a costume. What if Supergirl wanted it back and was just being nice? His mind was all over the place until the electronic sliding doors to the meeting hall opened and Jimmy's eyes locked on to Lara talking with the masked Kitsune. The staggering amount of thoughts came to a halt and his mind turned to mush. Just like in high school he got choked up and had problems forming sentences around her. Martian Manhunter phased through the wall and touched on what Jimmy was feeling mentally.

"Superhero puberty..." the Martian mumbled with a bit of a laugh..., "What did Champion do with those desserts..?"

Before Jimmy could even attempt to walk past Supergirl and say a one syllable word like 'hi' something came crashing down through the top floors of the Tower. Everyone hadn't made it to the meeting hall yet, Champion and Lizard were still around the kitchen area, and other members of the League were scattered throughout the Tower.

What rose out of the debris and dust in the air looked familiar. However at the same time... different. Older. More worn. When the League began to surround her and she saw the gold S on Supergirl's chest her eyes and head twitched and a bit of solar heat pulsed out of her eyes like red-ish smoke. When the twisted and broken Kryptonian dashed at the daughter of Superman Jimmy dove in front of her with his shield altering Solara's course. Supergirl could've taken the hit, but Jimmy knew the shield would protect him from even this chick. He wasn't on the League when she was a member, but he read the papers and took pictures of her in a few group photos. And there was no way he was going to let her just come in and trounce the 'Girl of Steel'.

"Foolish human... where did you get that shield?" Solara asked with a crack in her voice and energy still escaping her eyes. When the Martian Manhunter and the Atom lunged at her with different attacks she managed to dodge and counter them both with her crippling speed and strength. The Atom's ability to shrink didn't matter when the Kryptonian possessed microscopic vision.

"Where is Superman?!?" She cried, "It's HIS fault I had to watch Krypton die. Why didn't he rescue me?!" Solara continued, batting Guardian into Booster Gold and Zatanna.

Guardian picked himself up with the other heroes. In his deep voice, the Martian Manhunter answered the crazed Kryptonian. His voice was somewhere between Morgan Freeman and Marvin the Martian.

"Superman died protecting the world from the Doomsday creature. Solara we can help you..." J'onn began to say before Solara lit him up with heat vision.

"Burn." she stated in a cold manner, almost as if she was in disbelief.

- Ω
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Unknown100
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Member Seen 1 yr ago


January 20th, 2019 - 11:43 am | Justice League Headquarters - Metro Tower

Even with multiple light sources in the room, the orange fire, that surrounded J’onn, lit up the hall like a Christmas tree from hell.

“Nooo!” Supergirl shouted in shock and reached out towards her burning friend. She was no longer Lara Kent, but a persona of hope, as she created a force field around him, temporary excluding all the oxygen feeding the flames.
Solara was on her instantly, and this time she didn’t have Guardian to avert the attack.
Supergirl was flown strait into one of the reinforced walls of Metro Tower with a huge cracking sounds. Next second a pair of immeasurably strong hands were on her throat.
“You think that S makes you anything?!!” the full blood Kryptonian screamed at the top of her lungs, while focusing on Supergirl’s symbol. “I’m glad that he’s dead! You hear me. And if he’s watching, this will hurt him even more!”
With trained hand coordination Supergirl was able to take advantage of the woman's one moment of thoughtlessness and grabbed and divert her arms, before swinging them into an innocuous pose. Supergirl took a second to check up on J’onn whom seemed injured, yet very much alive. She twisted one of her opponents arms in a frontward lock and released her own to grab the back of Solara’s head. “Listen to me, I don’t want to fight you! But if you don’t stop…”
Next second Supergirl felt the glowing hot pain of Solara’s heat vision scorching her left cheek. She held in a cry of immense pain, which was just what the other person needed in order to fire two bunker busting punches towards the S on her chest. Large cracks appeared on the wall, Supergirl leaned against, and just about every plate and paper in the meeting hall flew off the tables behind the gigantic force. Then came a haymaker to her temple that knocked over just about every table also, as well as a few people in there.
“Dnib reh htiw …” Zatanna began, whom had gotten back on her feet.
With incredible swiftness Solara turned and fired another pair of beams right at her, but Huntress tackled the magician just in time to see the rays of death fly overhead.

With every single punch she received Supergirl was surprised anew over the massive brutality Solara displayed. And even with the agony buzzing, Supergirl realized a few of her friends hesitated, as they were afraid to hit her also. Despite her constantly reminding them that she gladly could and would take it in such situations, they hesitated.
A furious Solara met Huntress gaze. Pain and time had altered every cell of this once proud Kryptonian. She now reflect everything she once fought in absolutely every single movement. It was a creature of hate and bitterness that now tightened her fist in order to drive it right through Huntress' torso. All the signs were there to see. Solara flew strait forward, just to be stopped right in her track.
It felt a lot like luck that Supergirl had been able to bring Solara to a complete halt. Now Supergirl stretched out a single second in order to muster ever inch of willpower she had, and deliver a punch that would turn the tide.
Solara caught it and a world of shadows appeared on her face. “Yeah, you are strong, daughter of Kal-El. But are you even close to being as pissed off as I am?” With those words she flew strait up with Supergirl, like bullet fired from a high caliber rifle. Strait through the ceiling. Disappearing in the blink of an eye.

For a moment there was dead silent. Only the troubled breathing of a few unlucky League members reminded everyone that they hadn’t gone deaf.

Then Supergirl crashed down like a meteor in the middle of everything and made a huge hole in the floor. Solara hardly let her have a moment to blink, as she followed down. Sitting on top of her in the crater, she ignored an arrow that bounced right off her head, spread out Supergirl’s arms and then blasted her again with the heat vision. Right in the golden symbol this time. As if she wanted to erase the very memory of Superman.
Supergirl held back, until a violent scream forced itself out of her mouth. A long terrifying yell of agony that mixed itself with Solara’s roar. The world was disappearing around Supergirl. The pain in her rib cage unbearable. Her arms twitched uncontrollably, her heart missed certain essential beats, her lungs filled themselves with too much hot air to function...
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by baraquiel
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baraquiel Angel of Moe *:・゚✧

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Kitsune can barely process what was going on before her. The crazy Kryptonian began to immediately attack everyone in sight. Kitsune moved backwards to call upon her seimei umbrella. It only took a few seconds for the umbrella to materialise beside her but every second counts in every fight.

By the time she got her umbrella, Solara was already using heat vision on Supergirl, burning her with a clear and obvious intent of killing her.

This was where something in Kitsune clicked off. Her hair became pink and her eyes bright yellow which symbolized her changing into spirit mode.

She channeled her spirit unto her umbrella as it began to glow with pink energy. Then with a scream she raced forward and pierced through Solara’s butt with the umbrella, making her stop her heat vision and crashing her head-first unto a wall.

Kitsune kneeled to the ground to check up on Supergirl. She took quite a hit but Kitsune knows Supergirl’s tougher than she looks and she’ll be fine. “Zatannah, Huntress, take her and Manhunter to the medical room quick! I’ll try to hold Solara off”, Kitsune said.

Solara rose from the wall she crashed from with a more sinister look in her eyes. “How dare you. You’ll pay with your life. You’ll all pay!”, screamed Solara as she flew towards Kitsune.

Kitsune once again charged her umbrella and her body with spiritual energy. The heroes had enough time to drag Supergirl and Manhunter out of safety as she pointed her umbrella towards the Kryptonian and out came a blast of pink energy. Solara, confident in her abilities, didn’t dodge the attack and still flew straight on. The result was Solara again being blown away by the impact of the pink blast.

“You may seem physically impenetrable Solara, but your spirit is as weak as your brain”, Kitsune said while still pointing the umbrella towards Solara. Perhaps it wasn’t a good idea to make an angry wacko Kryptonian any angrier but Kitsune needed to buy some time for the others to come up with a plan to defeat Solara. Meanwhile, the Kryptonian only managed to scream angrier as she used her heat vision on Kitsune.

Kitsune opened her umbrella and a pink force field enveloped her and the rest of the Leaguers present. Though the heat vision was being blocked off by her, Solara flew straight on again on the force field, pounding and smashing while screaming in a hoarse voice. Kitsune can already feel the force field weakening and it’ll only be a matter of time before it collapses.

She turned to the others. “If you have a plan to beat this crazy woman, I suggest you do it right now!”, she screamed as she held her umbrella and concentrated to maintain the force field.

Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Simple Unicycle
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Simple Unicycle ?

Member Seen 17 days ago

The sight of the Canadian's homemade grub made Ted's mouth water though he resisted taking to much food as he had already eaten. With nobody directly talking to him, Ted started to dig in. This was quickly interrupted by the sudden crashing and bashing of the tower and it's inhabitants by the last Daughter of Krypton.

"Well what do ya know." Ted said under his breath as he was shocked by the sudden appearance of Solara.

Quickly, the Question jumped out of his seat and put some distance between himself and the crazed Kryptonian. He took note of her stance, most notable was that her legs were further apart and she walked with more confidence. "Hurm," the detective hummed, "I think she lost her virginity while she was gone. Pretty easy to tell." As per usual, the faceless man was dead serious with this theory, ridiculous as it sounded.

He needed to get to the monitor room, handle the defense systems. Without powers or Batman-esque gadgets, he would be useless in a physical fight with a Kryptonian. Dashing forward, the conspiracy theorist darted around various Leaguers in a dash to the monitor room.

"Burn." Solara stated coldly, before releasing a blast of heat vision at Scarlet Scarab. Thankfully, the hero's armor managed to protect him, and the laser was deflected off...


... Only to hit the League's faceless investigator right in the knee!

The Question dropped to the floor, his jeans burnt right through and his knee scorched. In vain, he attempted to pull himself back up, only to collapse once more. Thankfully, through being deflected the laser lost some of its power and didn't manage to take his leg right off, but that didn't mean he wasn't thoroughly fucked without some assistance.

Growling at the infuriating resistance of these feeble primates, Solara wasted no more time, screaming and launching herself toward the downed Question with all intentions of turning him into a red paste with her superior Kryptonian strength. A demented smile making it's way across her face as she imagined ripping him limb-from-limb and the sounds of his screaming and cri-

"No." A very irate-looking Champion simply stated as he abruptly stepped between the raging Kryptonian and her prey holding his lovingly-crafted Oreo Cream Pie... which he aggressively slammed into her face with enough force to send her rocketing backwards down the hall and through a few walls.

Cracking his knuckles as he listened to the banging of Solara's body tearing through the tower for that moment he knew it would stop and she'd come roaring right back at him, the Lion's head snapped towards Scarlet Scarab, veins pulsing in his temples to show that he wasn't exactly pleased to see the meal he'd spent an hour or two making go to waste because of some crazy, super-powered alien having a crazy, super-powered temper tantrum.

"Ted. Get Q outta here." He spoke, unusually calm and measured, but with an uncharacteristic terseness. "Now."

Sure, Ted was technically his boss, and Champ rarely (in fact, up to this point, never) spoke to him like that but... well...

On the one hand, Vic needed help. And Duncan was gonna have his hands busy very soon.

On the other, he was absolutely livid and was beyond giving a boiling shit about who was in charge at this point.

Lizard was not a happy player at this moment - she had just eagerly gotten to eating Champion' cooking, when somebody just had to ruin it. While she didn't care or not, if they were hero or villain, nobody interrupted a girl' eating moment.

While she was surprised at seeing Solara back and running - the notion that indicated that she was a 'bit' unhinged made engagement with her a bit more bearable for Lizard. As such, she almost cringed when that Pie was sacrificed for the greater good.

"Uhhh. I never got to eat it," she replied, in a rather down mood, seeing it used to slam Solara several walls away. "Okay then. It seems we have to get ugly here."

Namely she stood by next to Champion, namely she got tank some shots better than the others - and next to Champion was the toughest member in terms of strength. "Okay then. Champs, how do you wanna play this? Shall I hit her weak points, while you just hammer whenever she keeps on coming in?" asked Lizard, taking a stance next to Champion. "Also, what do you think we could use here to reflect her heat-vision - that will be quite a pain to deal with, once she starts zapping us with it."

Ted was more than a little unnerved by Duncan's directions due to the alien nature of the action but Ted knew that Duncan was right about needing to get Vic out of there. "Good luck Champ." Ted told Duncan as he dashed for Q'd side, helping him to his feet.

"Sitting on the job Q? You're gonna get kicked off the league for that." Ted joked as he hustled his friend towards the monitor room. However, before leaving the room Ted heard Jessica mention something about reflection to which Ted quickly stopped, unfastened his chest piece and tossed it to the duo.

"Don't keep that thing on your bare skin to long and try not to scratch it up too bad!" Ted yelled back as he quickly helped his crippled friend out of the room.

The Question grunted as Ted picked him up, Question swinging his arm around his friend's shoulder to prop himself up. He chuckled slightly at Ted's quip, "Please. You're too drawn to my eccentric charm to kick me out." Before long the two were away from the fight in the cafeteria, walking down the hall to the monitor room.

"Heh. This is just like that time back in Hub, y'know, when we went up against that crazy guy that called himself the Banshee? Bastard damn near broke my leg, and you had to haul me out of there..." Question reminisced absent-mindedly, trying to keep his mind off the fact that, more than likely, his leg would be screwed for life.

As the doors to the monitor room opened, Question allowed Ted to place him in the chair, activating the defense system. "Hunh... I'll send some security bots down there, maybe get some training bots to act as distractions... Hopefully we kept the Superman setting in there."
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by The Angry Goat
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The Angry Goat (☞゚∀゚)☞

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

The Warden rarely felt the need to eat - advantages of having a photosynthesizing plant on your back - but he did love fried foods, and took the chance whenever able to enjoy Champion's meals. Sure it probably wasn't healthy, but there also wasn't a doctor alive who could properly prescribe a nutrition regimen to him, so he thought it fair game. Of course, he was only a few bites in before Solara thought it a fine idea to ambush them, setting the Martian on fire and then smashing the hell out of poor Supergirl. He stuffed a few more chips into his mouth before jumping to the rafters once more. One of his favorite haunts when things when to shit - getting the high ground was of utmost importance... as was preserving his meal. He quickly stashed it in one of the ventilation ducts before turning to the main battle. Turning back to the battle, he noticed Solara temporarily distracted by Kitsune, Supergirl dying on the ground, and a green martian with serious burns... and then Zatanna, mostly okay. "We have casualties. You have magic. Please be of assistance." He turned back to the battle, as Solara charged back towards The Champion.

"Could we. For once. Have. one. Meeting. Without. A. Nut. Head. Attacking. Us." The Warden ranted angrily, each line punctuated by a long range slap with a vine, as he dove on Solara from her side, punching her twice before she retaliated with a forearm to his arm. He blocked it. He still flew into the wall. She turned to face him, but got an uppercut from Champion for her troubles. Warden smiled, as he threw himself back into the fray as well. "She can't fight us all at once"
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by FiroIV
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FiroIV The Wandering Recluse

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Things blurred for Aurora.

Every second counted in every fight, and she lost hers even before it really started. She was on her way to the meeting hall when something crashed from the upper floors. From where she was floating she heard a small crash, next thing she knew she felt the impact of a crashing object near her with a force strong enough to knock her out.

Aurora was not invulnerable, but she was durable enough. She was up and about within minutes. Around her were the Metro Tower staff, a medical emergency aid of sorts she figured given the language and first aid they applied to her. She thought of their actions as uncalled for, but she appreciated the gesture. She gestured for them to stop, and rose form her feet.

Pain echoed from her back the moment she stood completely, not disorienting, but nothing adrenaline couldn’t bandage. Aurora scanned her surroundings and expected her body as she asked the Metro Tower what had happened.

From what she understood there’s a rouge superpower running about the tower. There had been no official decree has been set on how to deal with the threat. Incapacitate as soon as possible was the general consensus given their Superman level damage capabilities. To aurora this meant that all hands on deck, and hopefully the Superman setting mentioned in the old manuals were still in place.

Aurora gave her thanks towards the staff and flew away. Her destination being the chaos. She was good in a fight, but against someone with a Superman level damage capability she would be minced meat within seconds. Still there was something she could do, just not direct combat. If a threat of that level was around there would be casualties that would need her help.

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