The Justice League had been active for several years. Their membership included Superman, Batman, Vixen, Green Lantern (Alan Scott), and Robot Man. Most of them were already in their 40's, Batman was rumored to be in his 50's. The team took down threats such as Brainiac, the rogue General Eiling, Solomon Grundy and an army of the undead, a Thanagarian Cult, and dozens of others. Later in the team’s career, in a battle with the alien tyrant Despero, both Vixen and Robotman were killed in action. Robotman COULD have survived, but the three eyed behemoth crushed his head and destroyed the original brain of Cliff Steele.
One year ago...
The Justice League extended its reach and took in several new heroes to form the Justice League Unlimited. Over the course of the first several weeks the League learned about the existence of a similar group, composed of super criminals, calling themselves the Society and brought together in secret by the devious Lex Luthor Jr. Shortly after the Society made itself known, the Question deduced that the super criminals were after artifacts composed of a mysterious Nth metal. During a mission that saw a group going to the destroyed remains of Atlantis, Ravager was seemingly killed by an unseen attacker and left for dead. Her father, Deathstroke, would later abduct her from JLU headquarters to help her recover on his own terms. Bulleteer would also be attacked in Metropolis and taken out of action after taking trauma to his head after the enemies of the League were informed by Lobo that his helmet was composed of Nth metal. Ambush Bug was killed during an attack on the League's HQ, and the heroic Clayface was torn apart as well.
Over the course of the last year the League would continue to evolve. Superman would be defeated and killed by the monster called Doomsday. Green Lantern retired after finding out his reformed enemy turned fiancée Thorn was pregnant with twins. And Batman has seemingly been replaced by a white Martian with his actual whereabouts unknown.
Present day...
The League still moves forward, even after everything the members have been through, protecting the world from dangers. Team members continue to come and go as they have always done. However, some unknown entity or force has taken it upon themselves to tamper with the very fabric of reality altering the universe itself.

Current Episodes...
Ep. 1 - Return of Solara - An old friend returns blaming Superman and the League for her misfortune. When she realizes Superman is dead and that she has been replaced with a half breed Kryptonian, her mind snaps and she attacks those who would have once called her friend.
GM's: All
Cast: Everyone
Coming Soon...
Ep. 2 - Where Is Animal Man? - When the son of Animal Man, Cliff Baker, shows up at Metro Tower looking for his missing father the JLU sends a team to find him. Where was he last seen, and who could possibly be behind his disappearance?
GM: Champion
Cast: Negative Man, Kitsune, Scarlet Scarab, Question, Lizard
Background Leaguers: Booster Gold
Ep. 3 - Apokolips How? - In this universe Superman and the League have never encountered Darksied or his minions. Until now. What happens when the ruler of the dark planet's son Kalibak is accidentally Boom Tubed to Earth? And who will show up to escort him home?
GM: Guardian
Cast: Shazam, Aurora, Supergirl, Big Barda, Warden
Background Leaguers: Martian Manhunter
Ep. 4 - Gotham City Starro's - Alan Scott contacts the JLU when Starros invade Gotham. When the League arrives they're over taken and enslaved by a dozen civilians with Starros on their faces, including Alan Scott! Can the League survive in Gotham? And why would Starros show up in Gotham of all places?
GM's: All
Cast: Everyone
Background Leaguers: Martian Manhunter, Booster Gold, Atom, and Huntress
Ep. 5 - Superman Week - Superman Week begins in Metropolis one year after the hero's death. Heroes honor the Man of Steel wearing pentagons on their suits or around their symbols. When the Superman Parade is interrupted by the Society's own Lion Mane, Capt. Boomerang, and Icicle the JLU goes into action.
Background Leaguers:
Ep. 6 - Superman Week pt 2 - Two days later during Superman Week, the JLU fights off an attack from Doctor Polaris in Coast City when New Super-Man shows up. The Chinese Super-Man hoped to steal some of the spotlight and get a following in America after his Justice League Asia failed to take off.
Background Leaguers:
Ep. 7 - Superman Week pt 3 - Superman Week draws to an end and New Super-Man claims he should be the new leader of the JLU. His power is tested when a small army of Super-Clones attack. Both male and female clones attack with both Kryptonian and telekinetic abilities similar to Supergirl's. Is there room for another Super-person in the JLU?
GM's: All
Cast: Everyone
Background Leaguers:
Ep. 8 - Hello My Name Is Union
Ep. 9 - Flash Forward

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