Avatar of baraquiel


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2 yrs ago
Current I dont know what i dont know anymore lol
4 yrs ago
Despite everything that's going on, being alive is heckin' swell.
5 yrs ago
To the rps that I was in, thank you for welcoming me and giving me a chance to become a part of your world. All of you are wonderful and creative people who deserve the best in life. Godspeed.
5 yrs ago
I was not... in the right place emotionally and mentally. Words cannot express how deeply sorry I am for unintentionally ghosting the rps I'm in. I'm working a lot to become a better person now.
6 yrs ago
Just came back from the dead woo


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The Murray Mansion. It was the fruit of all the hard work, struggles, and sacrifices of the family that lived in this house. An imposing gate The letter "M" as the family's symbol was emblazoned on it's imposing gate with a fascinating water fountain on the center of its front yard. The whole house itself was painted pearly white, to showcase the family's status in the city of Santa Celia. The mansion consisted of rooms more than two hands can count.

Yet there were only two rooms that Ember Murray, the sole daughter of the Murray household liked: her own bedroom and the music lounge. The music lounge had many instruments a musician would ever dream of. It had glass doors that open up to the family's huge backyard filled with flowers and lush greenery. With a simple white dress, Ember sat beside the black grand piano at the room's center. She softly touched the piano keys and began to play a musical piece titled "Stroll" from the Studio Ghibli film "My Neighbor Totoro". She closed her eyes, her long black/brown hair flowing from the breeze that came from the open door, and letting the melody take control of her hands. If only life was like this, filled with relaxing memories that bring out the best in people, filling countless hearts with kindness and compassion towards others.

Alas, life doesn't always end up that way. Her mind was infiltrated by the memories of her childhood. She would remember the way her father looked down on her, as if she became a monster right before his very eyes. His compassionate smiles turned into disgusted scowls once he found out she became one of the very people he loathed, and it was the day she discovered she had superpowers. He would always look at her disapprovingly as if she will do something to disgrace the Murray family, as if she is the disgrace. It came to the point where he would not, could not, even look at her anymore, like she's nothing to him now. Ember grew up crying every night as she was too young to understand why her father did not love her anymore. Young Ember did everything she can for her father to be proud of her and to acknowledge her as her precious daughter. But it was too late: for Samson Murray, the respectable and honorable mayor of Santa Celia, he does not have a daughter anymore.

Ember pressed a wrong note and the room was filled with the sound of her crying, her tears falling down on the piano keys. She taught herself to be strong but all these years were very, very hard for the young lady.


She looked up to see her younger brother Aiden standing in the doorway, dressed in his Power Rangers pajamas and clutching his stuffed elephant. Sleepy as he was, he ran to his sister's side and hugged her. Ember was surprised at first, but returned the embrace as well. Words cannot express how thankful she was to have a little brother as special and loving as he is.

Aiden broke from the embrace and looked up at his sister. "What's wrong? Why did you stop playing?"

Ember smiled, wiping away her tears. "N-Nothing, Aiden. I just... remembered a real sad movie. Spoiler alert: the dog dies", she said. For some reason Ember still doesn't know, their parents gave them names that are connected to fire in some ways.

The little boy's eyes widen. "Oh no! How could they do that to an adorable animal? How horrible", he said sadly.

"Oh don't be sad bunso, at least he'll go to dog heaven. There, he'll get lots of head pats and belly rubs", Ember said reassuringly.

"That's good to hear ate." Aiden paused for a few minutes, continuously looking back and forth to Ember and the piano. Ember laughed when she realized what he meant, and she continued to pay the music where she left off. Aiden smiled brightly, and he jumped and danced around the room holding his stuffed elephant while his sister played the tune, laughing and smiling.

Unbeknownst to them, their mother Mirabella was quietly watching them from the doorway. She shed a tear just looking at her daughter being so sad like that, and cracked a serene smile upon seeing her two children being happy again. She admitted that she was too weak, that she let her daughter go through all those things at a young age, that she was powerless to stop Ember's heart from being broken.

But this time, Mirabella Murray will not let that happen again.

later that night...

"No Ma, I won't take too long I promise. I just arrived at the store".

Even after the sun has set, Santa Celia was as alive as ever. Lots of people were still here despite the rainy weather. Shops, malls, and other stores were open for business for the families that went out to spend time together for the evening. Couples holding hands, businessmen talking to someone on their phones, a group of friends laughing together, it's just a typical rainy evening for a citizen of Santa Celia.

That night, Ember was wearing a white tank top under a black jacket, black jogger pants, and white sneakers. She was at La Musa, the city's only music store. It's like every musician's playground and every musical instrument you can think of can be bought here. However, she wasn't alone. Aside from the other people buying at the store, she was accompanied by her two bodyguards. It sucked as it made everyone look at her, but it's the price of being the mayor's daughter.

"Okay sweetie. It's just... Aiden's birthday is a week from now. You can buy his gift even this weekend. Does it really have to be now?"

"I just wanted to get some fresh air, even with these guys", she glanced at her bodyguards. Really, do they have to look at everyone suspiciously? "Besides, we're not finished planning his surprise birthday yet right? That way, I won't worry about forgetting to buy his gift since it's the first thing I did. See, everyone's happy!"

Ember can hear her mother laugh on the other line. "Alright, if you say so. Just be careful okay? I just heard on the news that a police chase is currently happening. Love you to bits, sweetie!".

"Yes Ma, I will Ma. Love ya to bits too! Tell Aiden I love him too", she said before hanging up the phone. She looked back at her bodyguards and coughed to get their attention. In a hushed tone, she talked to them. "I don't know 'bout you guys but nothing bad's gonna happen here. Name one criminal who's ever interested in stealing from a music shop". The two men looked at each other and nodded at Ember, getting her message. They walked around the store, one finding interest at a display of guitars while the other found a vinyl collection of Madonna.

Sighing contentedly, Ember continued to search the display for the perfect gift. Aiden was always asking their mom for his own violin, and what he wants, Ember will get.

Soon, Ember and the two bodyguards walked out of the store, her happily smiling as she looked at her gift for her little brother. One of the guys contacted the driver to come pick them up when they can all hear the screeching of tires somewhere. People were alerted of the noise and hurriedly crossed the street. All that's left was a teddy bear on the middle of the road. A child let go of his mother's hand and ran towards his bear only for a car suddenly coming into view. At its back were the blue and red lights of police cars. Maybe this was the chase Ma was talking about, she thought to herself.

Ember looked back in front of her to see a child getting the teddy bear he dropped. His mother desperately called out for his name. At the rate of how fast the cars were approaching, no normal human can ever save the poor kid.

Good thing Ember was not.

Acting quickly, she elongated her arms and stretched them to grab the kid, swiftly pulling him from danger just as the cars sped through the streets. They were gone as fast as they came. A silence came over the streets as they saw Ember holding the boy in her arms. The mother hurriedly ran across the street to embrace her son, who was in shock as he realized he was about to die back there. Crying, the mother looked up at Ember and said thanks. Ember reassuringly rubbed her shoulder and patted the kid's head. Then she stood up and gave the bodyguards her gift for Aiden. "Bring these at home. And tell Ma I'll be late for dinner tonight."

"B-But Ms. Ember, what are you gonna do?", one of the bodyguards asked, watching as she takes off her jacket and tosses it at him. Ember only replied with a smug before outstretching her hand to the pole, swaying her way towards the police cars Spiderman-style.
Are you guys still accepting? I would love to join ^u^
Would love to join if you're still accepting :)
Count me in too!
Hey y'all. I'll be really busy today so I'll have a post up tom ^u^
Isana was growing more and more restless the longer she stayed within the classroom.

Bad enough that she's hesitant even in the thought of using her Quirk, but to go to the one place where they can teach you how to be improve it?

She gulped, feeling a droplet of sweat at the back of her neck. Her dad's been away ever since she was a little girl, ever since her Quirk first manifested, but what if he chose this day to go back home and find out that she enrolled in UA? Unconsciously, her hand went to her necklace. It was her grandparents' final gift to her before going to UA, a reminder that whatever problem or obstacle she's facing, everything will be alright in the end.

Gradually, she was surprised she wasn't that nervous anymore and can now breathe easily. With her mind focused, she can listen to her teachers more attentively as they're introducing themselves one by one. She found their unique personalities very interesting, along with their field name. They say heroes chose their names that are suitable with their Quirks. Some even chose to use the name of their Quirk.

After their introductions and details regarding the dormitory they'll be staying in, they ventured out into the field for them to have a first-hand look on their Quirks. Isana can't help but nervously look around for any signs of her Father. She knew it was ridiculous but she can't help but fear him whenever her Quirk was being involved.

The earth rumbled a bit and out emerged soldiers made entirely of stone, complete with armor. They all marveled at Arthur's Quirk, then he announced who will be the first one to present his or her Quirk. It was a boy with long-blonde hair tied in a ponytail and blue eyes. He seemed nervous at first then suddenly smiled and seemed to make his way to... her?

Isana suddenly felt self-conscious. Whatever this guy's planning, she's got a bad feeling about it. He ordered the teachers to hold their breath for a bit and... what was that smell? She didn't notice it before but the whole area seemed to be filled with a fragrant aroma. When she looked at him again, she was surprised at how good-looking he was. How has she not noticed it before? He's so good-looking!

Little did she knew she was under the influence of his Quirk: Attraction. Isana smiled as the boy took her hand and ordered her to attack the stone soldier assigned to him. She walked towards the soldier, happily smiling as if she's in a dream-like trance. She raised her hand pointing at the soldier and-

Wait. What of her father? What if the reason why she couldn't see him was he assigned one of the teachers to spy on her? Then when she used her Quirk, he'll be-
No, that's impossible. He didn't even care for her. He did leave her alone after all, so why would he bother putting up a spy for her? All that matters now is-
But he'll be mad! She knew it. She knew enrolling into UA was a bad idea. If only she wasn't persuaded by her grandpar-
They were only looking out for her! It was her mom's last gift for her before she die-

Her smile faltered, heart raced, breath quicken, as these thoughts completely filled her head. Everything was going dark even if it was daylight. Her chest was tightening, she couldn't breath. Her legs were weaken as if she can't stand anymore, yet her arm was still stretched out, a violet sphere of force-field around her hand. Her mind was telling her to stop it yet her heart told her to go all out, causing her extreme confusion as her thoughts were clouded in doubts and fear.

The violet sphere blinked, disappearing and reappearing as Isana doesn't know herself of what to do. She eventually put her hands on her head as groaned, unconsciously surrounding herself in a force-field dome. Like the sphere, the dome blinked, unsteadily growing and shrinking in size.

Her head hurt, she just wanted it to end. She didn't know what to do. Her Quirk became more and more unstable, now spinning rapidly and destroying the earth around her. Finally, she snapped. Isana let out a scream and forcefully waved her hands downwards in front of her, releasing a violet wave as it rapidly approached the earth soldier and disintegrated it into pieces, so powerful that the shrapnel to flew out and damaged the other soldiers.

Isana collapsed on all fours, head facing the earth as she tried to catch her breath. She looked up at the place where the soldier once was, then at her teachers, her classmates, then finally at the boy. Tears started to form on her eyes. "I'm sorry. I'm so, so sorry" She weakly said as she stumbled to stand and ran back to the building where they came from.

@Compulsive86 Oh dear. Actually I'm away from home so I'm sorry that you'll have to wait for a bit first. I'll post as soon as I get home later! ^u^
@MissCapnCrunch Still here!

Also, if y'all want your character to interact to someone, don't hesitate to PM me so we can work on a post together! ^u^
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