Avatar of baraquiel


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2 yrs ago
Current I dont know what i dont know anymore lol
4 yrs ago
Despite everything that's going on, being alive is heckin' swell.
5 yrs ago
To the rps that I was in, thank you for welcoming me and giving me a chance to become a part of your world. All of you are wonderful and creative people who deserve the best in life. Godspeed.
5 yrs ago
I was not... in the right place emotionally and mentally. Words cannot express how deeply sorry I am for unintentionally ghosting the rps I'm in. I'm working a lot to become a better person now.
6 yrs ago
Just came back from the dead woo


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@Omega Man sorry for being super late! Will submit my cs here tom :)
Is it too late to join, because I would love to!

Just as she was on the third step going upwards, something or someone fell from the fourth floor all the way down. She was too slow to react: by the time she outstretched her hand, she saw the man's lifeless body, his brains splattered all over the floor and a permanent look of horror etched in his face.

She growled. What the freaking hell is happening? She could still hear gunfire and lots of shouting on the fourth floor and quickened her pace. Upon ascending, a family of four came barreling down towards her with tears and scared expressions on their faces. A father and a mother with their two sons all looked at her in shock and fear, not knowing if she's part of the armed men who took them hostage or not. She didn't blame them: wearing a white tank top, black jogging pants, white sneakers, black bandit mask she stole from some child's cowboy costume set, and her hair in a ponytail, she looked like a low-budget Black Widow impersonator.

Ember literally flattened herself against the wall and urged the family to go through which they quickly did. One of the boys kept looking at her in fascination and curiosity, before being pulled away by his mother where the four of them hurriedly made their way downstairs, away from this wretched place.

Ember thought of following them as well, but she was already here anyway. She might as well get to the bottom of this mess. Her body went back to normal afterwards and continued her way up.

Just then, an all-out fight was happening near the stairs. From the weak light of the flashlight flashing on the wall, Ember could see the shadows of people and... something else. A woman came in Ember's view on the top of the stairs, as if she was pushed. She was too transfixed on what's happening in front of her that she didn't notice Ember even when she's near her. Then the woman turned to go downwards, screamed in surprise when she saw Ember, and pushed her aside as she ran crying from fear.

Ember could also hear the pained cries of a man and Ember finally walked up the stairs to see a gruesome scene. A man, that looked to be one of the hostage takers judging from his clothing, was being brutally mauled by another... what the heck is that? The light became dimmer and dimmer, making it hard to actually see what the attacker looked like but the cries of the hostage taker and the sound of tearing flesh and breaking bones was still as sharp.

The dying man saw her and pleaded to her with eyes full of tears. But she stood frozen in place, unsure of what to do. She has never seen anything like this. Yes the man may be evil, but no one deserved to die like this. She knew that even if she acted now, the man will not even survive another minute. Ember was all set to knock out the monster but she hesitated. This time she'll try a different approach. Ember wiped a tear from her cheeks and breathed.

"That's enough", Ember called out to the monster. "You've caused so many deaths. I don't want to make this situation more worse that it is. Just please, stop".

Hey y'all. I'm gonna be a bit inactive until Friday, just let me finish hellish torture eternal damnation my finals. Hope y'all have a more awesome week than mine c:
Hey y'all. I'm gonna be a bit inactive until Friday, just let me finish hellish torture eternal damnation my finals. Hope y'all have a more awesome week than mine c:
@Klomster I'm thinking about it lol. Expect it sometime today ^u^
Hi y'all. Just wanted to say I'm interested in joining. This is my kaiju so feel free to tell me if there's anything I have to edit about it C:


After some time, Ember finally caught up to the police cars but it was too late. As soon as she stopped atop a rooftop of a building across the street where the police seem to be in the middle of a hostage situation, the generator exploded and filled the whole black with darkness. Then they all heard a crash and it turned out to be the actual generator itself. Ember furrowed her eyebrows. No ordinary human was capable of destroying a generator with just raw power, much less throw it outside with such force. Was this the work of another human with superpowers, just like her? If so, what was his or her intent?

Then gunshots ensued and everybody laid low to avoid being hit by stray bullets. Most of them freaked out and screamed but it seemed the screaming was louder inside the apartment itself. Ember's hunch was right. There was definitely some super-powered human inside that apartment. No... no, it doesn't seem like it. Whatever's in there was definitely not a someone but a something.

She decided to wait on the rooftop a little more just to fully understand what was really going on. As time passed by, the situation accumulated a growing crowd with more police cars, ambulances, and vans of news reporters. Ah crud. It's going to be harder entering the apartment with that many people and cameras. However, she can't just sit there any longer than she should be knowing that innocent people caught in the horrible situation were still inside there. She looked around the rooftop for something to cover her face with. Bingo; there's a clothesline up in there, and hanging were newly washed cowboy bandit costume. She took the eye mask with no hesitation and put it on.

She examined the apartment once more and found an open window on the apartment's third floor. Then Ember grabbed on to the edge of the rooftop and stretched herself back as far as she can. After counting to three, she jumped and slingshotted herself straight inside through the window. With how fast she went, she was sure all the people could see was a fast blur entering in the apartment. It added more confusion for the people and the police, racking their heads just to make sense of what was really going on that uneventful night.

Luckily enough, Ember landed on a bed. She quickly scanned the room, the lights from the cars outside the only light source. Judging from what she can see with a little light, it seemed like she's inside a boy's bedroom. She elongated her ear and pressed it against the door. She can hear someone talking, their voices deep and full of panic. More gunshots and screams filled the entire apartment and the voices faded as they went up, and she also heard crashing on the top floor. That must be the one adding more chaos to an already chaotic event. She already made her mind on going upstairs, but she also thought of the innocent people still inside the building. Ember took a flashlight on the boy's night stand and quietly opened the door.

She did a quick scan to see if the coast was clear, and went to the staircase. Ember peeked down to see most of the armed men there, seven tops. It also seemed most if not all the tenants of the apartment was there in the middle as well.

"B-Boss? Aren't we going to d-do something? W-w-what if w-we're...", asked one of the goons.

"Shut up! It's harder to think with you blabbering, Mercado. Just shut the hell up!", their boss said. He walked back and forth, pointing his gun at a crying girl. "You better silence your child or I'll silence him myself!", he shouted. The little girl's mother quickly embraced her, fearful of her daughter and everyone's lives. "Mercado, go upstairs to see what the hell's going on and kill it. Hell, kill everything in sight!", the boss ordered Mercado. He hesitatingly and slowly climbed the stairs with eyes on the verge of crying.

Meanwhile, Ember was ready. As soon as she can see the goon's head, she stretched out her arms and grabbed Mercado in surprise. The ma's frighted shouts was cut short by Ember's swift kick on his face, making him unconscious. She dropped his body on the stairs, making the boss angrily order two more of his men go upstairs. They saw no one when they got there, and walked down the hallway warily. Little did they know Ember was on the ceiling, waiting to ambush them. When they're in view, she jumped between them hands first and split horizontally in the air, kicking them with her elongated legs. Then she grabbed both of the men with her legs and crashed their faces against each other. She wrapped their unconscious bodies with her arms and she jumped, landing on the ground floor.

"I believe these are yours?", Ember said to the boss.

The boss of these men no longer knew what to do. Everything happened so quickly, and so much fear and anger clouded his thoughts as she shouted while he and his remaining men fired at Ember. She tossed the bodies to the sides and shielded her face with her arms. The hostages shouted and cowered in fear, but Ember was unfazed. Every bullet that hit her felt like someone just poking their finger at her, it was even ticklish. She couldn't help but giggle a bit, and hearing this made the boss more crazed.

Enough was enough; Ember darted to the side towards one of the goons firing at her. She kicked his gun upwards and kicked him with her elongated leg him on the face and on his stomach. He dropped to the floor groaning, and the men decided to ditch the guns and fight her full on. They fought her all at once and Ember used her elasticity to evade their hits and make them attack each other instead. After an intense battle, the men dropped to the floor groaning, their whole body in pain with their exchanged hits as Ember stood completely unscathed.

Ember turned her attention at the hostages, now looking at awe at her. "People, you're safe now. You're good to go, so just... go. Go!", she told them. They all quickly went out of the apartment which surprised even the police. But before everyone could leave, a father grabbed Ember's arm.

"Please... please whoever you are, save my daughter. She's up there alone with God knows what and if something happens to her I...", the man pleaded with tears coming out of his eyes.

Ember grabbed the father's shoulder. "Don't worry, I will. Now go wait for your daughter outside and leave the rest to me", she reassured the man. He nodded and went with the others outside. After breathing deeply, Ember mustered up the courage to finally go up and face whatever was up there.
Here's my cs, hope you like her! If I were to ask what my type theme is, I'll go for Grass but I'll love every Pokemon that comes my way ^u^

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