Avatar of baraquiel


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2 yrs ago
Current I dont know what i dont know anymore lol
4 yrs ago
Despite everything that's going on, being alive is heckin' swell.
5 yrs ago
To the rps that I was in, thank you for welcoming me and giving me a chance to become a part of your world. All of you are wonderful and creative people who deserve the best in life. Godspeed.
5 yrs ago
I was not... in the right place emotionally and mentally. Words cannot express how deeply sorry I am for unintentionally ghosting the rps I'm in. I'm working a lot to become a better person now.
6 yrs ago
Just came back from the dead woo


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Asahi was one of those that kept to themselves in the bus. He wasn't much of a morning person even in his younger years and he was definitely not going to become one now. He would need just a couple of moments that he could get all to himself first thing in the morning, or else he would be socially tired for the rest of the day. That didn't mean he wouldn't appreciate small conversations here and there, but it seemed that his classmates had their own thing going on either with themselves or with other people.

He was just scrolling through his phone, admiring a few handsome content creators his age on social media when he got distracted by the noise the bus driver just uttered out. "What the-" He barely had time to process what had happened when the light surrounded everyone.

He was kind of used to the feeling of carrying heavy objects when he was a kid while helping his dad and grandpa hoist a large fishing net over the sea to catch fish, but this was definitely nothing compared to that experience. Asahi felt like the sky just fell down on him. He had a massive vertigo like he had a hurricane in his head. He lost his hearing for a bit and his sight was blacking out so much he thought he could never see again.

He tried to move but groaned in pain when his arm was pinned down by one of his classmates. "M-Move..." He uttered weakly as he also would weakly try to push the person away with no avail. He then heard a familiar voice giving orders, and Asahi never thought he would feel so elated to hear Masato's annoyingly righteous voice again.

Asahi managed to get himself out of the piled mess of bodies though he would groan weakly in pain all over his body. He couldn't see anyone properly because his eyesight still dimmed but he could see the general silhouette of things. He knelt down over what he hoped was his classmate and not a hunk of metal debris. "H-Hey... Hey, get up..." He said as he shook them. 'Good god, don't tell me they're all dead...' He thought, his heart filling up with dread.

He heard Masato giving out orders again, this time to tell anyone who was conscious enough to help Kondo open the door. Asahi would only go and shake others to wake them up before the door finally opened. "C'mon!" He shouted in support of Masato and the others that shouted as Asahi got out of the bus along with the others, helping them as much as he could through his intense headache.

The heat of the outside didn't help Asahi's dizziness, but it was better to be out in the open air than to be stuck in a crumpled mess of metals that used to be the bus. One thing led to the other and eventually everything within the vehicle caught in flames, filling the air with the sickly smell of smoke and burning gasoline mixed with what Kumi had for breakfast while she was vomiting.

Once everyone managed to get their bearings and somewhat recovered a bit, it was time to regroup and take stock of what happened. Mayumi's right: it seemed that their merry class was unlucky enough to go through a Portal and end up at the Otherside. Asahi heard about it a lot online of course, but he'd never thought he would actually experience it himself.

He rolled his eyes when Masato suggested to stay still and call the authorities, as if that really helped a lot of people before. It seemed that everyone was slowly starting to realize where they were too while there were a couple of them that were already on the move. Rin was already out and about breaking branches off the weird trees either for campfire, for making shelter, or probably both, as Tsubaki was making rounds to make sure everyone was in one piece.

Asahi was massaging his temples now that his headache was gradually disappearing when he heard a commotion. All the color drained from his face as he saw an abomination of an animal, snapping at the branch Rin was trying to get. Maki delivered a mighty dropkick to the devilish beast, but it did absolutely nothing to it.

The smell of the burning bus still filled the air, but it was now mixed with the musky scent of one-no, three monsters, all snarling, all eyes focused on their class. Asahi lowered himself on the ground behind his classmates as he made his way towards the bus. He grabbed a thick, long branch nearby and stuck it at the fire, holding it there until the tip was on fire. He didn't know if this will work but he needed to at least try and do something.

"Oy!" Asahi shouted at the top of his lungs, running towards the front of the group facing the wolfbears. "Get away, you filthy animals! Get away!" He continued to yell as he waved his burning stick towards the creatures hoping it was enough to drive them away.
heya! let me know what needs to be changed ^u^

hello! are you still accepting? I would love to apply ^u^

Earlier in the morning...

"Are you sure you really want me to go? I swear I can handle the commute, Ma." Varis tried to reason out but to no avail. His bags were full of his clothes and other necessities, all packed and ready to go, although it seemed that the only one who wasn't ready was their owner.

His mother, Winona shook her head and wagged her finger at him. "Nuh uh. We talked about this, dear. You're always waking up so early in the morning and coming home very late at night. You barely have time for rest and recreation especially when you're studying and doing your assignments. You almost caught the flu back then and this time, I refuse to see my son getting sick."

"Your Ma's right, kiddo." Markus said, nodding in agreement with arms crossed against his chest. "Besides, it's always school and home, school and home for you. Maybe living independently will help you meet other kinds of people, y'know? Gain new friends! Be a part of something! You're still a teen, V. Leave the adulting to the adults." Varis's stepfather added as he gave the young carbuncle a pat on the back.

Amity stood by the living room, glaring at her brother while grasping her teddy bear tightly. By her constant request (moreso nagging), Winona helped dye her hair black. Being naturally white-haired, whenever the color of her root hair's showing again, it made her look like either a skunk folk or a nine-year-old grandma so their mother-daughter time consisted of mostly hair-dying. The little girl ran up to her brother and gave him a tight hug. "Message me all the time, dum-dum." She said, her voice muffled against his shirt. Varis giggled and hugged his little sister too. "I promise I will come visit you whenever I can, Ames." He softly said, patting her head as she fought back tears.

Winona wiped a tear from her eye as she and Markus joined in on the family hug. Amity usually didn't like sweet, sappy acts of affection, but she just let it pass this time. Varis promised himself he will never cry in front of his mother as he claimed himself for being her rock but like his sister, he just let it pass this time.

Present time

"Here we are. The owner said the rooms are up top." Markus said as he parked their rented car in front of a bookshop. Varis looked at it through the glass. His parents did mention they found him an affordable room to stay at during his studies but they never mentioned it was at this place. He would pass by this same bookshop almost all the time whenever he commuted. Who would've thought fate would bring him back here again?

"I'll get my stu-" He started saying while he removed his seatbelt, but his stepfather was already on it. He chuckled and got out of the car as Markus brought out the last of his stuff. "Now, if anything happens, message us. Call us. Your ma insists." Markus reminded Varis, the latter smiling and nodding. "Okay, okay, I promise."

"We mean it, kiddo. We can't be there for you all the time, so this is the chance for you to find out what it looks like to be independent, to be making your decisions. We know you are capable of doing a lot of things, V. We just hope that you also realize that you don't need to do everything. Understand?"

Varis sighed and nodded again, this time more earnestly. "Yes... Yes, I do. I'll message you guys whenever I can, I'll eat at the proper times, and I'll take care of my health. I won't make you, Ames, and Ma worry. Again." He sheepishly said before the two hugged.

"Take care of them, Pa." Varis said as Markus chuckled. "Already on it, kiddo."

Markus then ruffled Varis's hair and got in the car. "Oh, and don't forget, V! Have fun!" He said with a smile and a wink as he drove down the road. Varis looked back at the bookshop with a signage that said 'Cunningham's Bookshop and Binders'.

"Okay, Varis. You got this." The young carbuncle said to himself, steeling his resolve and fixing his bangs to cover the red gem on his forehead. Breathing deeply, he grabbed his bags and entered the bookshop. He was surprised to find out he was beginning to like this place just from the get-go. The interior felt warm and cozy, like a soft hug from a friend or two. No one's here, though. There must be not a lot of people going to bookshops nowadays.

"Uh... H-Hello? Miss Cunningham? Is anyone there?"

@PerfectThought thank you thank you! tho if you don't mind can you make another invite for the discord? the last one was invalid hehe

@LostDestiny well I am always down for a good collab whenever xD

@Mistress Dizzy oh wow he looks amazing! very much thanks for this!
@PerfectThought It's alrighty, I'll do my best to catch up. Please do tell me if there's anything I should edit about my character ^u^

Heya! It's been a while since I last RP-ed and this looks interesting. Are you still accepting characters?
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