Avatar of baraquiel


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2 yrs ago
Current I dont know what i dont know anymore lol
4 yrs ago
Despite everything that's going on, being alive is heckin' swell.
5 yrs ago
To the rps that I was in, thank you for welcoming me and giving me a chance to become a part of your world. All of you are wonderful and creative people who deserve the best in life. Godspeed.
5 yrs ago
I was not... in the right place emotionally and mentally. Words cannot express how deeply sorry I am for unintentionally ghosting the rps I'm in. I'm working a lot to become a better person now.
6 yrs ago
Just came back from the dead woo


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heya! let me know if there's anything i need to edit or something like that ^-^

Hello everyone! Are you still accepting new characters?

It was a desperate attempt and it was clear it was all for nothing. The monsters the sizes of elephants continued to trample and overpower Asahi and his classmates, and there's no doubt there were probably other creatures that were being engaged by the others not far from here. With his improved senses, he could hear more snarling, panting, breathing, and pounding of feet, fists, and hearts. He wanted to get angry, but it was getting hard for the lad. That feeling of burning hatred within him has gotten cooler and cooler as he was faced with the hopelesness and fear of their situation.

His focus shifted back to Sasuke when he felt him hit his back. Just looking at him now made Asahi want to cry. The strongest boy he knew in town... It hurt Asahi's heart to see him his friend like that. He wanted to keep protecting him but part of Asahi knew Sasuke was right. If he didn't do anything at all, all of them would die tonight.

"D-Don't you dare die on me!" Asahi sternly said to Sasuke, his eyes watery with forming tears as they glistened under the moonlight. He kissed his friend's forehead deeply before getting up and facing the situation beforehand.

While the creatures may seem like they spawned straight out of hell, they were still animals in their foundation, living, breathing creatures with their own bestial instincts. While Asahi and his classmates managed to beat the ones before with their sheer strength, it was clear they would have to think outside the box with this one.

Way outside the box.

While Ayana and Masato were fighting with the hulk-phants, Asahi rushed back within the bus towards the driver's seat. There, he saw the charred remains of the bus driver. The smell was horriyfingly pungent, enough to make a grown man vomit for sure. Most if not all of his clothes burnt to ashes with his skin cooked to a crisp. It's best if Asahi didn't go over the details of a burnt corpse and just got this over with.

"Sorry about this." He said as he broke both of the driver's arms. He tried not to care too much that it was an easy task as he picked up a random glass shard and muffled his groans as he cut his arm, letting his blood drip over the corpse's arms he just broke off.

Asahi then emerged from the bus holding the ends of the arms on each hand, his own arm dripping with fresh blood. He looked at his classmates, Ayano in an attempt to smash her head against her opponent while Masato was trying to break one of the limbs of his foe. Oddly enough, Asahi felt no anger of sorts towards these creatures and to their situation. His classmates, annoying as they may be, they didn't deserve this. None of them did. Now he's holding the arms of a dead bus driver while he's walking calmly towards his death.

Asahi's laughter pierced through the night sky. He was like an empty vessel, devoid of anything yet capable of everything. This attempt of his will probably end in his death, but it didn't matter to Asahi as long as he got to drag these monsters down to hell with him too.

"Yoohoo! I have a question!" He called out to the hulk-phants, waving the charred arms and grinning at them with murderous glee. "Why don't you guys just die?"

Asahi tried to sleep, but his conversation with Sasuke kept replaying in his mind, the warmth and sturdiness of his voice, the way he was like an anchor that kept Asahi close to the earth and gave him a sense of comfort and security in this cruel, foreign world. He touched the shoulder that rubbed against Sasuke, and remembered the last few words he said before they all went to rest.

The pink-haired lad bit his bottom lip and pressed his face on a bag to stifle his small squeals of excitement. It all seemed so pathetic that the first time he got close to Sasuke was when everything went wrong, making that conversation the only thing that made it all right. He thought of imaginary scenarios in his head.

Asahi would finally overcome his nervousness and be more proactive in befriending Sasuke. When all this was over, Asahi will step down from being the secretary of the student council and dedicate his free time rejoining martial arts classes with Sasuke again. He won't care if Sasuke didn't reciprocate his feelings, he just wanted to be a part of his life from now on.

He realized two things that night: life was very painfully short, and first crushes were a powerful thing. Asahi slept with a small smile on his lips while happily thinking about 'I would' scenarios.

Like the rest, Asahi's peaceful slumber didn't last that long. He woke up to the sounds of Shun screaming at the top of her lungs and numerous somethings lumbering in the darkness of the forest. Everything devolved into chaos so quickly when the wolfbears seemingly returned with more allies and even more dangerous abilities. Beams of pure energy pierced through the darkness of the night, even striking Ayana and pushing her back against something with so much force.

"Sasuke!" Asahi screamed in terror as one of those freaks of nature struck at Sasuke and sent him crashing against the bus. Asahi ran towards him, tears streaming down his face as he cupped his cheek. Blood dripped down Sasuke's lips and it even looked like he broke a few bones. "Stay with me! Stay with me!" Asahi tearfully said and looked back fearfully at the three monsters now going over to them, intent on killing every single one of him and his classmates.

"Shit! Fuck, shit!" Looking around desperately to find something to use against them, Asahi picked up a random phone with some battery left and played music at the loudest volume. He tossed the phones at the monsters and did the same thing repeatedly, hoping all the loud random music would distract the beasts and give his classmates time to retreat.

'Okay great.' Asahi said in his head. 'Hopefully that would be enough of that and I could spend the rest of the night with Sas-'

His eyebrows raised in surprise when Shun decided to jump into the conversation. Words weren't enough to describe what Asahi was feeling that night. He even didn't know what to feel about the situation too, so he just looked and smiled at them. If looks could kill, the two girls would already be dead-meat.

"Oh wow! Really? That sounds amazing!" Asahi said in an excited voice and a bright smile, but it all seemed like it came from a murderous demon intent on ending the lives of the two women in front of him. "Believe me, I would want to see it but we already had a very long day and I rather stay put and relax. You go do your thing now~" He said warmly, in a way that their a charming smiling neighbor would say while holding a bloody knife behind their back.

'May the gods bless their hearts and show mercy to them, because I won't.' He thought to himself again, finishing the last of his riceball just as Sasuke continued to talk. He would have seen the look of utter surprise on Asahi's face when he did. Normally, their conversations wouldn't even last a minute at school.

"Oh..." Asahi felt his face warm up when Sasuke thanked him. Asahi felt he was blushing too. "Nah, it's like the least I can do at that time. I mean, what you did earlier with that wolf, bear, dear, demon thingy? That was all sorts of epic! You were so epic!" Asahi said in amazement before looking at the fire.

"That was... I... I was t-terrified for you, back there..." He said in a calmer, almost quieter voice. He couldn't make himself look at Sasuke this time, he didn't want to look so vulnerable and pathetic to the man he admired. "You were fighting that beast almost alone for a long time and I... I thought I-we were gonna lose you..."

As Asahi nervously sat beside his crush, he kept on eating bits and pieces of his food so it wouldn't be too awkward for him. Maybe it was a mistake to approach him since it looked like Sasuke was exhausted from wrestling with that monster of an animal from earlier. Asahi could understand that, but he couldn't just go and leave quickly when he just got there.

So he waited, looking around him and contemplating the choices he made in his life that led him to this very moment. He could hear the sounds of nature all around their camp. Perhaps a little too well, in fact. Kunio and the others said it took them at least two hours to find a source of clean running water and yet Asahi could hear it like it was just a few minutes away from them. He heard this faint rumbling sound all over the place and panicked for a bit because he thought a group of beasts were charging at them, but it turned out he could hear the heartbeats of all his classmates. Several animals howling in the night, the wings of birds fluttering against trees, insects chirping, twigs snapping, leaves crunching, mouths breathing, mo-

It wasn't until Asahi heard Sasuke's voice that he got snapped out of his trance. He looked at him almost in shock, the light from the fire reflecting against his steel-grey eyes. Asahi felt grounded with the way he spoke to him, and his voice... Ugh. He felt he was melting just from hearing Sasuke's voice. He wanted Sasuke to speak more, to get to know him better, to try and take even the tiniest of peaks through the mysteriousness that was him.

"I-" He put his hand on his chest to compose himself because the voice that just came out of him sounded a little cheapmunk-ish. "I'm... I-"

Of course, Asahi couldn't have anything easy in life. Kumi, may the gods bless her heart, chose the wrong and most awkward moment to join one of the rarest instances where Asahi could speak to Sasuke. Asahi tried so hard not to look completely annoyed as he knew Kumi, again may the heavens show her grace, was only trying to be nice because she was a very nice person indeed.

"Wow, Kumi. They look... great." He said, still not sure whether he should be very mad or just be slightly irritated at her. Well, I'm sure they'll turn out really good like what you did back at our cafe but eh, if you insist." He put on the kindest smile he could muster as he took one of the balls and took a bite of it. "It... Oh wow, it's-it's really good. How can you make grilled rice taste like this?" He asked in bewilderment as he took another bite, unknowingly moving closer to Sasuke until their shoulders were touching as he got interested in Kumi's cooking.

Asahi was exhausted.

It took all of his being by fighting with that wolfbear. He didn't know why he was so deeply tired, he wasn't one of the boys who talked and pushed the animal down with their entire body. He was just the one who took every chance he got in hitting the freak of nature. Still, his hands were shaking, covered in cuts and blood, his and the wolfbear's. He even saw blood on his clothes, and he didn't need a mirror to know he had some on his face too. Its blood was absolutely repulsive, even more so than the smell of the bus driver's corpse that's probably burned to a crisp by the still lit-fire.

Asahi glanced back at Duncan. He could still remember how his organs pulled themselves back into his body like they have a mind of their own. Duncan was supposed to be dead yet he wasn't. He was relieved Duncan was going to live but the effect this place had on his body appalled Asahi the most. Whatever kind of god was playing these sick twisted games with them was more monstrous than the wolfbears, and he cursed that god, whoever deity it may be, as he saw the bruises and wounds on his bloodied fists started to slowly heal up to.

The rest of the students, those still alive and had most of their bodies with themselves anyways, grouped up and discussed what to do. It was clear all of them were completely tired and still in shock about the bloodbath that had happened to them, but they also knew they will never be able to live another day here unless they continued to do what was needed to survive.

The class grouped up with themselves and trudged on to fulfill their tasks. Since Asahi wasn't in the mood to do any sort of manual labor, he volunteered to go check up what's left of their inventory. The smell of the bus was disgusting but he just powered through and tried to salvage as much as he could. He collected as much as he could into a pile then classified them according to the type of object that they were. There were 28 backpacks in total, 22 water canteens, 17 bento boxes with food that were thankfully still edible, two extra pairs of men’s shoes, and a badminton racket. There were also plenty of textbooks, feminine hygiene products, stationaries, and gym strips, all of which could be useful in specific instances. The rest were things Asahi didn't think would be useful for the group for now like makeup kits, smartphones, chargers, a tablet with a bit of power left, money, and other random stuff that were not of importance.

Soon enough, everyone would regroup in the clearing to provide shelter and start the fire just as the sun started to set in the horizon and bathing everything in warm golden light. Asahi took a second to look up at the darkening sky, wondering what the time was back at their hometown. He knew little to nothing about the Otherworld and he was trying so hard to keep himself from freaking out by distracting himself with tasks. He helped tend to the wounded, using various handkerchiefs and towels he managed to get on his inventory-checking. He figured tomorrow he'd ask Mayumi and the others where they found water so he could wash up at least some their dirtied, bloodied clothes.

Night eventually came and Asahi became astounded by the multitudes of stars glittering up in the sky. If they weren't in such a deadly place right now, he would've been content with gazing at the stars. For now, he just ate his fill as his classmates did. Some were talking amongst themselves as he heard Haruko call Maki and Daisuke over to Duncan. The blockhead must've awoken by now and it took all of Asahi's willpower to try not to barf the food he ate as he remembered what happened to him. He'd glance at Sasuke who was part of the group tasked with searching wood for fire. Asahi would often find excuses to get close to him, whether offering to help him start the fire and tending to his wounds, but he still kept a reasonable distance from his crush. The least Asahi could do was to make their already dire situation more awkward.

Despite knowing all that, Asahi found himself sighing before walking towards Sasuke. He was gay-panicking on the inside but of course he didn't show it on his face as he sat beside the boy. After a few minutes of thinking real hard, Asahi cleared his throat softly. "Um... So... H-How are you...?"

Asahi had never felt this level of rage and hatred before since the first time he was bullied for being who he was. He remembered the smug look on their faces, their sneering voices and laughter, and their fingers outright pointing at him. Asahi felt like something in his chest was about to burst and as he raised his fist to punch at one of the bullies, his father shouted at them as he brandished the big knife he'd use to chop off thick heavy fishes. They ran in fear while they cried as well, his father taking him in an embrace as Asahi cried the hatred away. He didn't care that his dad reeked of the smelly sea. For the first time in his life, he took pride in being the kid of fishermen.

Now, he couldn't even imagine the look on his dad's face as he punched the wolfbear with all his might. Each time his fist made contact with the animal skulls, he would grunt in anger and his tears dripped down to mix with the blood splattering all over. He was seething with anger at their situation but moreso, Asahi would realize he was much, much afraid of what could happen to all of them. Would their parents and the authorities be finding them right now? Could they same these teens?

Could they even save themselves?

Eventually, Asahi noticed the wolfbear wasn't reacting to his punches anymore and stopped, not before throwing in a few hard punches for good measure. Once the rage gradually dissipated from his system, he could finally see the aftermath of what he did to the wolfbear. Its eyes were a bloody mush, its skull broken and smashed to bits and pieces under its thick fur, and its blood and possibly even Asahi's blood as well splattered all across its face. He didn't know how they did it but they actually did the impossible. They actually did save themselves! For once, Asahi was filled with hope, until he remembered he wasn't the only one fighting the wretched freak of nature.

"Duncan-" The pink-haired lad gasped as Duncan managed to raise a thumbs-up, stupidly grinning as blood rushed out of his mouth, and his arm went limp just as the wolfbear was too. "Duncan!" Asahi shouted in panic and immediately rushed to try and push the wolfbear off him. With the adrenaline disappearing from his body, he felt himself getting weaker from exhaustion but he still did and tried his best. "Guys! Help me take this thing off Duncan! Help me!"

It was Daisuke who helped take the wolfbear off Duncan and Asahi fell down to the ground in shock and exhaustion when he finally recognized what happened to Duncan. His insides were... His body was... It was too much even for Asahi to comprehend what happened to Duncan. It felt like it was just yesterday that he was showing off his stupid flashy grin to everyone as he boasted about whatever he's proud of, and now he's just dead in front of them. In his state of tiredness and despair, Asahi could barely notice Daisuke, Sasuke, and even Haruko as she shouted for his name and ran towards their group.

Afterwards, Asahi really felt he lost his mind when he mistakenly noticed Duncan's intestines twitch. Eventually, his eyes widened and he crawled back in fear and shock as his organs really were moving back inside the blond teen's body right in front of them all.

"Wha-Wh-Wha-What... What the fuck... What the fuck is happening to us?!" Asahi said softly in disbelief and horror.

As if it wasn't obvious enough, Asahi really started to hate this place.

All that dogpiling of the toughest guys in the class and all that beating he did on the wolfbear's head, and the freaking monster looked like it wasn't even hurt. To add insult to injury, it seemed that the class was doing more damage to themselves than to these freaks of nature. Duncan's intestines were flopping out of his slashed belly and poor Yuki was out there somewhere, his right shoulder probably broken beyond repair as he was thrown like a ragdoll somewhere.

Asahi was now face-to-face with the wolfbear, all its eyes focused on the pink-haired lad. Blood matted on the fur on its head, or was it Asahi's? He wasn't sure anymore but he did believe one thing was a hundred percent certain: he was going to die right then and there.

"C'mon, asshole!" Asahi shouted once again, his rage more imminent now than before. Despite the hopelessness of his situation, he was still angry about the animal, about their situation, practically about everything. He gripped what remained of his branch and raised it at eye level so the wolfbear could see it.

"I'm not afraid of a disgusting beast like you. You're going to die here and now." He said to the beast, maintaining eye contact with it as he spoke with stone cold conviction. Asahi wasn't sure how he could speak so calmly like that but he had to do anything to keep the wolfbear's attention at him and give the others a chance to escape.

He made a quick rundown of his options. While he and Sasuke attended martial arts classes together, Sasuke was the far superior fighter out of the two of them. With his lack of sheer strength, Asahi made up for it with his reflexes and agility. He reckoned if he could, and that's a big 'if', try and outrun the wolfbear, make it so Asahi could have a way to direct it towards the blazing fire from the bus wreckage. It was barely a plan but he was desperate for anything at this point.

Just then, he was surprised when Duncan made a beeline straight for the beast. Asahi had no idea where he got the strength to do such a thing as Duncan was now shouting at Asahi to run away just as he struck at the wolfbear, aiming at his neck.

"Tch. Stop trying to be a hero, dumbass!" Asahi yelled back. What will running away do for them anyway? Even if he could manage to get away, Asahi wasn't totally sure if the others were still alive or even barely at one piece. The beasts could still chase after them, never stopping until all of them were dead.

Asahi ran fast towards the wolfbear, taking the chance that it would be somewhat incapacitated from Duncan's attack. "Why don't you just... He leaned down to quickly pick up a large stone then jammed what's left of the stick at the animal's eye before slamming the stone at it like hammering a nail. "...Die!"

'Why am I doing this to myself?!' Asahi irritatingly thought to himself as he swung his burning branch at the wolfbear, hoping it was enough to deter the nightmarish creature, but of course it didn't work because why should it. Its three pairs of soulless eyes followed the swinging stick for a while as it had seemed to be distracted by whatever Asahi was doing.

As for the pink-haired boy himself, he was regretting this decision in his life. He should've snuck off and run as far as he could the first chance he got but alas, he had to be a 'hero' and help his classmates. As much as he wanted to leave them and escape for safety, Asahi quickly realized that he won't be able to step another foot further in this place all by himself. He needed to stay with his classmates if he wanted to have the slightest chance of surviving in this god-forsaken otherworld. Besides, he thought that if he survived, he'd be seen as a hero and an inspiration by his peers. It also seemed that no one was doing anything at first so he had to try and do something, anything.

A figure rushed past Asahi so fast he barely had time to react to it. His eyes widened in amazement when he realized it was Sasuke, bravely rushing into the thick of danger like a true hero. "No...!" Asahi said in alarm and worry as the wolfbear lunged at him. He took a step forward to try and help Sasuke any way he could but it seemed that there was no need for Asahi's help as it got flipped and slammed on its back. Kunio, Yuki, and the rest of the boys all dove onto the beast. It made this weird, scary noise like a demonic dog as thrashed around, trying to escape while the boys all put their entire weights on it to keep it pinned down.

"Duncan!" Asahi screamed, eyes wide open in horror as he saw the wolfbear clawing at him. It ripped his shirt to pieces, showing huge clawmarks across his torso. Asahi couldn't even imagine the pain Duncan was under yet he was still on top of the animal, keeping his down against its neck.

Growling, Asahi rushed towards the group, tightening his grip on his lit branch as he hit the wolfbear's head, over and over and over and over. "Fucking! Bitch! Die! Die! Die!" He screamed in anger everytime his branch made contact with the beast's head. It didn't matter to him that the monster's skull might be harder than he thought. He kept hitting it until the branch started to break and the wolfbear's blood splattered on Asahi, and he kept on hitting it with whatever's left of the branch in his hands anyways.
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