Orientation: Bisexual
Place of Birth: Bussran
Appearance: Jirai is 5'6" in height and weighs somewhere around 135 pounds. Her hair is long, reaching about armpit height, and is dark blonde. Her eyes are deep grey - storm-cloudish in color - and tend to make her look as if she were in deep contemplation. Her reserved facial expressions accentuate this visage further.
When it comes to clothing selection, Jirai isn't picky - as long as it's nothing
too fancy. Her wardrobe consists of a palette of dark colors, mostly including blues, greens, browns, grays, black, etc. She usually covers her first layer of clothing with a light mantle that reaches her elbows, accompanied by a hood - which she almost always wears up.
If one were to remove the mantle, they could easily see the defined muscles of her arms, built through years of hunting with
and without a bow, which could put some men to shame. She regularly wears a cord around her right bicep, and seemingly has an emotional connection to it.
On her forearms, one will notice that she wears vambraces constructed of leather and steel plates. Their realm of usefulness being multifaceted; they protect her from her own bowstring, although the is skilled enough to do so herself, and they protect her from the weapons of whatever she is hunting - whether it be a Pokémon's fangs, or a human's blade.
She generally does not wear any other armor, in order to retain mobility and discretion.
Personality:Jirai is an exceptionally reserved individual. This is not to say that she is shy, but she just tends not to talk much. One could theorize this is the case because of her acclimatization to stealth during the hunt - an activity she is more than used to. Nobody sees much of her beyond this, besides her Pokémon, Druddigon.
When it comes to goals, Jirai is extremely focused on whatever task is at hand, aiming to accomplish it as efficiently as possible. However, she doesn't seem to have any 'goals' for herself - or at least, she hasn't communicated them to anyone. Not surprisingly.
Jirai is not a bad person at heart, and to some degree believes Karma will come back to bite her, in the future. However, she justifies some of her less savory actions by telling herself things such as "Nobody is innocent." or "If I don't do this, somebody else will do it two-fold." - whether she truly convinces herself that these things are true depend on the current circumstances.
She generally sees herself as more careful than other more brash criminals - and as such will take matters into her own hands if she believes those around her are incapable - to ensure success, often without voicing her agenda.
However, she is not that bad of a team player, if those around her are at least competent.
Related skills - (B)
Archery - (B-)
Athletics - (B-)
Cooking - (C)
Trade - (C)
Knife-play - (D)
Takedown Recurve Bow --
Long-Dagger --
-- Vambraces --
-- Wool/Cloth Clothing Sets --
-- Leather Backpack --
-- Leather/Cloth Mantle --
Miscellaneous Gear --
Background:Jirai grew up as an only child, under the care of her loving father and mother. Early on, her mother expected the girl to become a housewife like herself, as was custom. However, much to her father's joy, the youngling soon showed more than a little interest in her father's craft - hunting. Not necessarily the killing part - she would grow into that eventually - but the exposure to Pokémon is what excited her the most.
The family lived in a woodland cabin, just near the town of Bussran, along the southeast coastline. Unfortunately for them, said town was in the warpath of Jurius Veniri, the new King of Venirin. Soon enough, the town would be just that - the path which he had trampled underfoot.
Jirai, having lost her parents at the ripe age of 11, and being lost in the trail of dust left by Jurius' crusade, had to learn to fend for herself. Well, not completely for herself - she had one companion. A Druddigon whom the family had recently obtained. If not for the Druddigon, Jirai likely would have starved - as the warpath left little fauna for her novice hunting skills to procure her. As such, the two have since formed a very tight-knit bond.