Avatar of Bartimaeus


Recent Statuses

11 mos ago
Current It's been three years since we lost Polymorpheus, a dear friend. It's felt like a lot longer, that time. I still think about Poly every so often, and how I miss them so very much. I won't forget them.
12 mos ago
I like attention.
1 yr ago
Tomorrow is post day. How unfortunate.
1 yr ago
I lost.
1 yr ago
@LongSwordMain I can fix that, if you wish.


uhhhh, hi there

I am here and I sorta exist so yes this is my ‘bio’ and it will probably be rather brief and suck and be sloppy, just like me.
So, without further ado..

stuff about me

Most people call me Barti or Bart as well as a few other things since it’s just easier or meaner than the actual thing - I invite you to do so as well.

I’m a 23-year-old (bday June 20th!) Texan who enjoys thunderstorms and rain far too much, and likes anime, running, metal music, and copious amounts of DRUGS candy, among many other cool things - like DnD and MTG.

I enjoy group rps as well as 1x1s. For groups I have what I think is a decent array of interests, most of it being profusely weeb-y. I like Fantasystuffs (Modern especially), supernatural themes, pretty much all Japanese stuff - including historically accurate settings - as well as general dark/grim themes, comedic slice of life trash, academy rps, unique plots, etc. etc. As for 1x1s I pretty much do romance, but I can do non-romantic stuff too if you give me something to work with xP
The only genre I find myself not entirely comfortable with is really sci-fi stuff, but, if the plot/idea catches me enough it can hold my interest. Oh, and my writing level is high casual to low advanced.

I’m a sarcastic, snarky, bipolar-depressed, degenerate garbage can, but generally people seem to like me (I don’t know why in the hot hell you would) - but if you would also like to be my friendo lemme know.
I don’t bite.
Usually owo xd rawr

welppp...I guess that’s okay for now
thanks for reading, you potatoes

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Most Recent Posts

Awesomeness <3

I will get to working on a post as soon as I can ^^ excited to be here y’all.
Looking forward to seeing what is thought of her cx
here she be

Yes hi hello >w>

I shall expedite my sheet creation ^^

Edit: alrighty pretty much done, just gotta do one more section. But it shall wait until I wake up cause it’s 4 am v.v
That would be appreciated, thank you very much ^^
I assume, due to the rp status reading full, that you’re no longer accepting additional characters, yes? >.>
Mentions: None.
Location: Era Streets

Lilliana continued releasing a couple short bursts of small Nullfire bolts at the beast’s hide, but it seemed to shrug off most of her and her allies attacks - aside from a few exceptionally well placed ones. She watched as the massive creature resisted their assault, and she couldn’t help but begin feeling a sense of victory as she saw the wounds her allies had inflicted upon it. A bleeding, eye-less socket and a severed wing was definitely not what she expected to see so soon.

But it wasn’t just rolling over and dying. Even as her guildmates barraged it with attacks, the dragon let out a massive screech, causing Lilliana to raise her hands up instinctively to cover her ears. The volume of it surprised her as she squinted her eyes, her enhanced hearing working against her as the sound reached her. She stumbled as the vibrations rang through her eardrums, barely being able to hear the various shouts and crashing of burning buildings of the battlefield. Her squint turned up to look at the beast, her eyes focusing in only to see it tearing through the restraints of their S-Class mage as its breath scorched the earth beneath its head. She watched in awe as she steadied herself and the dragon ripped free and stood to its full height, the spikes on its body appearing longer and more wicked.

Wait, was it...healing? Before she could confirm her suspicions she saw grass and vegetation rapidly sprout and grow up to form a thorny wall in front of her. It was barely a second before she felt a wave of heat buffet the air around her, and a blazing wave of flames scorch and lick the edges of the thicket that shielded her. From the dragon’s new attack. She nodded an unseen thanks to Grasidia as she felt the temperature around her rise.

As soon as the flames were gone, Lillian stepped out from behind the thorny wall and moved her left hand to her face. She had to do something more - they weren’t going to end this fight at this pace and she couldn’t exactly approach it. She shifted the mask before it came off, revealing the pitch black scales that ran along her right jawline and almost an inch above it, as well as a couple inches down her neck. She inhaled deeply as she gazed with determination up at the dragon, the sound of a gravely voice echoing out from her despite her lips not moving in sync with the words.


Lilliana didn’t have time to finish her attack as yet another screech pierced her eardrums - even louder than before. Her mask fell from her hand as she gripped both sides of her head desperately and stumbled sideways, her held breath released harmlessly. The sound was too much for her sensitive ears as they rang painfully, her vision unfocusing as she fell to her knees and took cover behind the wall of brambles. It felt like whole minutes passing by as the ringing in her ears seemed to last forever. She felt a rumbling beneath her knees before the ground shattered around her, bits of rock splintering into the air as she tried to refocus her eyes. Her scaled hand groped the air in front of her until she felt the thicket created by Grasidia still standing before her. Her eyes turned up to see what was happening, her ears still ringing - probably bleeding - but the only thing she saw was the blur of motion of the creature’s black tail soaring towards her.

Her draconic hand shot up in front of her, her forearm out to try and block as much of the impact as she could - not that it felt like it helped. The massive tail struck her as it tore through what little resistance the thorny wall offered, crushing the wind out of her lungs as she was sent sprawling across the dirt and charred stone of the battlefield. She pulled her arms over her head as she collided several times, even as the ringing still echoed through her ears. She didn’t try to move as she felt the immense force of the blow and the several impacts afterwards rattle her entire body.

Even as she felt her momentum stop she remained still. Her body ached deep from the impact and she felt sharp pains in her sides even as she thought about willing her muscles to move. She let out a heavy gasp as her arms moved off her face to reveal the smoke-filled sky - her lungs beginning to fill with air once again after having been winded by the dragon’s blow.
Mentions: Astoria (@Sanguine Rose)
Location: Guild Hall

Lillian passed by the more occupied members of the guild, making sure to give them room for whatever quarrel they were having. It seemed some were concerned for one of their youngest member’s safety. She didn’t know the young Felix well, but she would keep it in her mind that he may need more protection than the rest. Not that she thought he should come - after all, only a Dragon Slayer could harm a dragon via magic, or so it was said. But it had become apparent to her that this guild put a large measure of trust into Torys’ judgement. She would still be keeping her head on a swivel to make sure she could help anyone in the line of fire, though.

She made her way towards Grasidia and the amassing structures that would serve as their transportation. She wasn’t stoked to be flying to their destination - most things aside from walking summoned up quite a fit of motion sickness for her - but it was necessary for them to get there quickly. She slowed as she approached, watching as the S-class mage finished her spell. She turned her head back to where she’d come when she heard the voice of Ria offering her and another guild member some food. She hesitated.

“Oh- I uh- I’m not hungry. But thank you, Astoria.” She replied, her unique vocals carrying out unperturbed by her mask. In all honesty she was kind of hungry, but now wasn’t the time. She could eat when she returned. Assuming she did. She turned back to the leaves, watching as they seemed to reach their peak size. She was confused as to why exactly they were tasked with facing a dragon - one of the most powerful beings known to Earth land - but she felt she had to go. Why? She wasn’t sure. It was a dragon, she was...the next best thing. But regardless, her guild members were going and if the stories were true then she wasn’t going to let them go without a Dragon Slayer.

She climbed onto one of the leaves as Grasidia signaled she was ready. She was mindful to keep her right arm tucked away under the half-cloak that hung over her shoulder; she didn’t want to disrupt their ride by accident.

It wasn’t but a few minutes before the group had arrived at Era - or what was remaining of it. The sky was full of thick black smoke as they grew closer and closer to the town. It wasn’t long before their quarry came into view. Lilliana’s gaze turned up as she tried to hold back the queasiness in her gut. Her nauseous gaze faltered before turning into one of awe. It...it was actually a Dragon. She didn’t know what it expected, but...seeing it in person sent feelings of shock and excitement through her. And then worry as she recalled the details of endless stories she’d heard. Could they really fight this thing?

It wouldn't be long before the question would be thrust upon them as Grasidia moved ahead of them, engaging the dragon herself. There was a moment of hopefulness as her attack seemed to have a sure effect on the massive beast, but it was short lived as she was sent sprawling by its tail.

Next thing she knew, it had turned on them and sent an immense gust at them, each of her companions sent flying off of the now twirling leaves. She felt the air rushing past her as she plummeted closer and closer to the ground - but her descent was interrupted by the feeling of a leafy tendril wrapping around her and easing her descent to the ground. She broke free of it as soon as she felt her feet touch the ground, her eyes turning back up to the terror before them. She stared at it as it moved. Witnessing it was almost surreal. She shook her head. She couldn’t let herself be distracted.

She ran forward and to her right, giving it a wide girth and distancing herself from anything that could be considered collateral. Her gaze locked onto it, her Dragon Eye searching its visage for any sort of magical identity. The expression under her mask was one of surprise as her search yielded.. a unique sensation. Usually when she extended her gaze into the inner workings of some magical source, she felt an innate knowledge towards it. When she looked at Gwendolyn she could feel the chill of her ice magic - Astoria, the deep flow of her water magic. But this Dragon, it...the sensation was oddly inconclusive. Not...entirely new, somehow. But she couldn’t parse its function. Something pulled at the back of her mind. Where had she felt this before..?

She had honestly expected it to be a familiar feeling - something like herself, or even her dad. But it wasn’t. Regardless, it would be her job to attack the beast as well as she could. She was surprised to see Grasidia’s magic faring as well as it was, even if it seemed to mostly be defeated by the dragon’s strength. But either way, she took the opportunity to launch three bolts of Nullfire at the beast’s left knee. If she’d learned anything from her quests in Fenixtear and her old guild alike, her deep-chilling bloodline magic was a hindrance on the joints, especially to creatures that bore additional weight on them.

She saw from the corner of her eye one of their eldest members, Marduk, attempt to spew some of the thick black smoke into its eyes as she herself thrust her left hand forward, the trio of magical darts soaring towards the immense, black-scaled being.
Mentions: Gwendolyn (@Endeavor)
Location: Guild Hall

Lillian laid on her bed, the murmurs of voices and pieces of conversation from the guild members on the floor below finding their way to her ears. She wouldn’t deny the usefulness of a Dragon’s enhanced senses, but sometimes when she preferred quiet it wasn’t as good to have. She’d have bought herself earmuffs or headphones or something to block it out - but those things made her feel unsafe; she needed to keep her senses. Thinking about it, the fact that she felt safe enough to not lock her door here was rather new.

She trusted them though. Mostly. They didn’t seem like the people she used to know. They seemed nice - not just sometimes either - at least from what she’d seen by watching them amongst one another. They’d been nice to her too, but casualness wasn’t there yet. Probably due to a mixture of her appearance and her own reclusiveness, she reckoned. But in all honesty, she didn’t exactly know if this was right. It’d been a few months already and she didn’t know if she should already have befriended some of them, or if she shouldn’t even be as trusting as she is now. It was new to her. And she didn’t have anybody to tell her what the right thing was. She wish she did. It felt childish considering her age, but being alone was a deep dive she’d been forced to take, and she didn’t know how to cope.

It wasn’t long before her thoughts were interrupted by her ears picking up a new voice - one that always caught the guild’s attention. Torys.
She tuned in and could make out her words rather easily, considering her unrestrained volume. She’d called for the S-Classes. It must be important. Lillian sat up in bed, listening more closely. It was a few moments before she addressed them again. An emergency call? She’d just traveled from Era-

The Dragon Slayer’s ears tuned out as she heard what was said next. A dragon is in the city.. What? No- No, she must’ve heard wrong. Dragons were.. she’d never seen a dragon in person. She’d always wanted to. Her father told her countless stories about them. He always new everything when it came to their rare breed of magic. But she’d given up on the hope of seeing one long ago. Not that the hope was backed by much reality - they were an exceedingly rare sight.

She was snapped out of her thoughts again by Torys’ voice.

"Fly to Era and slay that dragon!"

Lillian slid her legs off the edge of the bed and stood, grabbing her mask off the side table and fastening it to her face again. It was a moment before the phone in her pocket began vibrating against her thigh. Her left hand slipped into her pocket to retrieve the device, pulling it up to her ear. She listened as the familiar voice of Gwen shouted at her through the small speaker.

"Hey. Wanna go back to Era? DRAGON HUNTING BITCH!!"

Lillian took the phone away from her ear, looking at it in a moment of surprise before her eyes narrowed and she brought it back to her ear. “What did you just-“ The tone signaled the end of the call and the dragon slayer tucked the phone away before turning to and making her way out the door, swiftly closing it behind her and descending the stairs. She made her way down as the rest of her guild members moved about, seemingly ready to depart on the mission as well. How many of them were coming? All of them? If they really were fighting a dragon, it would likely be the most dangerous thing any of them had ever done. An anxious feeling settled in her stomach, but there was also another feeling. One she didn’t quite recognize.

Her eyes scanned over a few of them as she walked straight towards the doors.
Mentions: N/A
Location: Crocus Streets -> Guild Hall

Lilliana had once enjoyed the outdoors. Well, she still does, at times - just not when there’s crowds of people around. Thinking about it, Crocus was probably not the best place for someone of that opinion, but that’s where she ended up. Her boots stepped calmly one after another down the street as her eyes looked straight forward. It had been a while since she’d been back to the guild - about a month, in fact. She hadn’t expected to spend a fourth of the time she’d even been in the guild on a mission, but it had seemed rather important, and she wasn’t one to forego an opportunity. She shifted the pack that was slung over her right shoulder. At least they’d got a little extra reward for it, not that half the contents of the bag were of any interest to her.

She was closer to the guild after a while, and stepped into the alley leading to the place she’d found to call her home for a few months. After traveling a dozen seconds or so she stopped and leaned against a wall, glancing back in the direction she’d just come from. It was somewhat routine for her; she didn’t like being followed.

It was weird that she considered this guild a “home” of sorts. Before she’d arrived at Crocus, she’d only ever considered one place to be home. Losing it wasn’t something that had ever crossed her mind - it was unimaginable to her. But she had lost it. And she had no say in the matter. It made her angry just to think about it, but she pushed the feeling down. She’d had her revenge - she ended the one who’d done it. But somehow, she didn’t feel reconciled. She didn’t regret what she’d done though.

She turned her gaze away from the entrance to the street, satisfied that she didn’t have a second shadow, and continued towards the guild. It wasn’t long before her steady steps got her there. She hesitated before pushing the door open and stepping inside. The sight she entered to was pretty much the usual - Leon and Astoria at the bar, several others she’d come to know the names of sitting amongst the tavern tables, and- of course, Gwen amongst them all, just as clothed as one would expect.

Lillian took the bag off her shoulder and dug out an article of clothing after a second - a comfortable-looking robe. The two of them had earned the bag of rewards together, and Gwen had offloaded it onto her on the way back, but she was hoping the other girl had just missed the robe and she’d be content to wear it. But the dragon slayer wouldn't wait to find out, instead throwing the robe over the back of the Ice mage’s head, and the bag over her own shoulder again, heading towards the set of stairs that led up to some of the rooms. She hadn’t taken the time to read the content of the few books they’d received - she’d have to do that later probably - but if she didn’t particularly like them she guessed Leon would appreciate the reading material.

She didn’t greet anyone, which was regular for her, as she ascended the steps towards her lodging. She found it interesting that it’d felt like a pretty short month, up until she’d stepped foot through those doors. She’d been away for almost an entire month. She wouldn’t recognize it, but there was a hint of relief in her as she saw the place was still standing. Of course it would be- the people here were strong. Then again, she’d thought that before.

She made to her room and slipped inside, dropping the bag by the door after closing it, and letting herself fall onto the bed. She lazily reached up and slid her mask off, stretching to set it on her bedside table with a sigh, before letting her muscles relax.
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