NameDune Hatchet
RaceFaunus (Grey Wolf)
Physical DescriptionDune isn't a particularly outstanding individual, at least among the Faunus. She possesses a head of partially-unkempt, dim gray hair which she is content to leave where it lies, not bothering to style it in any particular fashion. This dark silvery hair contrasts the fairness of her skin and highlights the light golden hue of her eyes, which seem especially watchful. These features combined with the mature mien she expresses can make her seem as though she leans toward the more sober
side - which isn't wrong.
When it comes to physique, Dune also isn't unusual in any outstanding regard, aside from her androgynous appearance, if one were to count that. She boasts some muscle definition from training, but she isn't strapped. She does, however, possess a more unique physical feature in a slim, thick-furred canid tail with the same coloration as her hair, though with a darker gray tip.
She prefers to keep a wardrobe of mostly darker colors, and prefers comfort and/or function over fashion - though she does regularly wear a clean, black Bolero hat which once belonged to her mother.
CharacterizationSedate is likely the most apt way to describe Dune in one word. Her sober mood is the forwardmost detail of her personality, most who've met her would say. Though that's not to say she's a killjoy - she is open to venturesome activities, but her hesitance to get close to others makes her a tad bit awkward when it comes to pursuing such things.
Her stolidity of sorts is, however, a steadfast effigy for others to rely on in intense situations. Dune is seemingly very strong-willed - even if she takes no opportunity to show it day to day, she has stalwart nerves. Were she more communicative, this resolute nature would make her a very good leader - though as is, her teamwork skills are lacking.
BackstoryDune's upbringing was a bit of an unusual one.
She was born the only child to two wealthy Mistrali. Arylide and Fallow Hatchet were wed shareholders of a respectable stock in the Mistral Mining Company, and were active members in one of the leading institutions of Grimm field-study. Due to the latter of these facts, they duo took it upon themselves to reside amongst one of the small villages situated in the lands west of Mistral. They bolstered the village against the Grimm with their wealth, allowing them to live there more comfortably than one may expect.
It was only a year or so that they'd live in the village before Fallow discovered her enceintity. There was a short period of worry for them about raising their child in such a dangerous area when all of Mistral was available to them, but ultimately they decided it was safe enough. Which was true enough - mostly. Although the village was well defended for quite a time, it was in Dune's pre-teen years that their confidence proved to be in vain. The village was sieged by a group of Grimm that managed to catch a gap in its defenses, wreaking absolutely destruction on the people. It was a horror of an attack for the village goers, but for Dune the destruction around her was almost in slow motion - for one of the first attacks of the Grimm decimated her home and trapped the whole family inside. It was in desperation that Dune tried to free her parents from the flaming ruin of the house, trying to persevere against the heat and blaze of the destruction. Her efforts were in vain though and she was eventually rescued herself from the inferno by her emerging semblance, though not without physical and emotional scars of her own - for the flames scarred her body and the sudden loss of her parents scarred her mind.
It took her quite a time to recover from the physical trauma - her body eventually returning to "normal" through the use of grafts, and a robotic prosthetic for her right arm - but the mental trauma shaped her personality to the current day. After that day she was less responsive - and certainly less outgoing. It even took her a time to begin talking to her grandmother, who she began to live with in Mistral. Even though she became a solemn and distant girl - she still had aspirations. One of which was to destroy the Grimm to achieve a form of justice for her family. It wouldn't bring them back, nothing would - but she didn't know how else to cope. And so from a young age, she pled a fealty to the destruction of the Grimm. Her grandmother was concerned, but couldn't stop the girl from getting what she wanted, and Dune eventually reached the point where she could finally take the initiation exam.
Dune's semblance is one that, although not well-exercised, is still very useful for escaping problematic scenarios and enabling more devastating attacks. Scatter allows Dune to warp anything her aura runs through in a special manner, rupturing it into billions of tiny, bright particles for a very brief period before reforming it. Her articulation of her Semblance isn't very progressed, so she has only managed to utilize it when directing it at herself and materials on her person. She has, however, learned how to move the particles since she's started trying to train it. Scatter becomes more and more taxing with successive activations.
Weapon & Fighting StyleDune's weapon
* has yet to be named, but is nonetheless a formidable tool. Upon donning the thick yet lightweight gauntlet, the set of dormant coils wrapped around it come to life as Dune's Aura surges through them, causing them to swell into two long and flexible, yet exceptionally durable, tendrils. The tendrils appear to be very much completely prehensile and can extend quite a distance, allowing them serviceable reach with the slim blades that grace each tip. The gauntlet is capable of taking in dust crystals - usually gravity dust, to allow the tendrils to contend with the strength of the Grimm - which it can also expel in a close-range, medium-strength blast through a disc situated on the palm.
Dune uses the physical strength and agility of her tendril weapon to outmaneuver and sometimes match the strength of the Grimm. Their reach and general girth of utility make them a particularly useful weapon offensively
and defensively, however they are rather risky compared to true ranged weapons, as she still has to get somewhat close - only being able to outrange the Grimm by a small margin, in most cases.
IntangiblesDune is both fortunate and not in the sense that her past has both strengthened and weakened her. After the incident when she was younger, her left eye was replaced by a robotic prosthetic eye, and her right arm in a similar manner - giving her a tokenbag of advantages over her colleagues. However, she is clearly not a team player, yet - and she is reluctant to retreat even if those around her are unwilling to help her against slim odds. This is not to say she isn't a capable strategist - she is fairly quick-witted in a battle, but taking others into account isn't hardwired into her brain.