It's been three years since we lost Polymorpheus, a dear friend. It's felt like a lot longer, that time. I still think about Poly every so often, and how I miss them so very much. I won't forget them.
12 mos ago
It's been three years since we lost Polymorpheus, a dear friend. It's felt like a lot longer, that time. I still think about Poly every so often, and how I miss them so very much. I won't forget them.
12 mos ago
I like attention.
1 yr ago
Tomorrow is post day. How unfortunate.
1 yr ago
I lost.
1 yr ago
@LongSwordMain I can fix that, if you wish.
uhhhh, hi there
I am here and I sorta exist so yes this is my ‘bio’ and it will probably be rather brief and suck and be sloppy, just like me. So, without further ado..
stuff about me
• Most people call me Barti or Bart as well as a few other things since it’s just easier or meaner than the actual thing - I invite you to do so as well.
• I’m a 23-year-old (bday June 20th!) Texan who enjoys thunderstorms and rain far too much, and likes anime, running, metal music, and copious amounts of DRUGS candy, among many other cool things - like DnD and MTG.
• I enjoy group rps as well as 1x1s. For groups I have what I think is a decent array of interests, most of it being profusely weeb-y. I like Fantasystuffs (Modern especially), supernatural themes, pretty much all Japanese stuff - including historically accurate settings - as well as general dark/grim themes, comedic slice of life trash, academy rps, unique plots, etc. etc. As for 1x1s I pretty much do romance, but I can do non-romantic stuff too if you give me something to work with xP The only genre I find myself not entirely comfortable with is really sci-fi stuff, but, if the plot/idea catches me enough it can hold my interest. Oh, and my writing level is high casual to low advanced.
• I’m a sarcastic, snarky, bipolar-depressed, degenerate garbage can, but generally people seem to like me (I don’t know why in the hot hell you would) - but if you would also like to be my friendo lemme know. I don’t bite. Usually owo xd rawr
welppp...I guess that’s okay for now thanks for reading, you potatoes
Appearance: Caveira's appearance is known to some, but not all. This is due to the fact that she, as often as she doesn't, wears an odd mask that obscures her face. Said mask is a technologically-infused piece of alloy of her own design, and is often accompanied by a feathered hood that aids in her supposed desire to veil her appearance. If one were to look under the mask, however, they would find someone who doesn't quite match what their outer visage might suggest.
Beneath her darkly-paletted, masked outer-shell, Caveira looks mostly like a normal person, even if she's rather androgynous. Her long, black hair frames her heart-shaped face loosely, with her bangs often resting between her eyes, or occasionally getting in the way of them. Said eyes are large and expressive, and possess a light, minty-emerald tone to them. Her skin, while clear, is pale and dull - except for a few dark tattoos that run across her cheekbones, beneath her eyes. In final account of her facial features, it is often easy to determine her current emotions, as her eyes and dark eyebrows are awfully expressive, unbeknownst to her - though this can sometimes be useful, as her somehow-pale-and-dark appearance is well-suited to looking more intimidating than she often means.
Aside from her face, Caveira is, physically, not intimidating at all. She is somewhat petite, standing at 5'5" and weighing about 145lbs. Though it would be difficult for anyone to gauge it, with her wardrobe being quite unrevealing, Caveira is actually pretty toned, despite her small stature - with particular focus to her biceps, abs, and thighs - the result of many years of laborious work and routine workouts. Her most particular physical feature, however, is the nature of her left arm - which has been replaced by a matte-gray, cybernetic limb.
Additionally, although it is not a feature of her physical appearance, one of the most immediate things one would notice about Caveira is the neutral, croaking rasp of her voice - much akin to something like light smoker's voice - something that, much to her chagrin, draws more than a few stares.
All biology aside, though she can seem somewhat odd, Caveira carries herself neutrally, but readily - shoulders even, head on a swivel, and muscles half-tense at all times. A nature she has picked up from her years amongst the outer colonies.
Personality: If one had to describe Caveira in few words, one of them would most definitely be adventurous. Many things she does are simply for the experience itself. Discovering new horizons is one of her many specialties - and she will readily take up a challenge if it means flexing her explorative or technological prowess - not to show off, but to test and improve herself for the next adventure.
However, few can or are willing to adventure to the lengths she will - which has left her, for the most part, socially deprived for long periods at a time. Not that she minds - she more often than not takes on a lone-wolf mentality - but it does cause her to be somewhat awkward when it comes to casually conversing with others, and she is often socially apprehensive.
Aside from these main features, she is very much so a multi-faceted personality. While introverted, she is stubborn - some might say 'stuck in her ways' - but, being a girl of science, open-minded enough to consider possibilities outside of her initial determinations, usually. She is, by nature, also a playful spirit - but her social ineptitude and self-consciousness bar her from engaging in some portions of her true character. Finally, outside of her social incapacity, she is a cautious person - some might even say paranoid. She usually prepares for the worst, even if it is unlikely, in most situations. She is untrusting of both fate and other people, for better or worse.
Skills: Caveira possesses a particular array of skills that include many common mercenary aptitudes, as well as some more niche expertises from her more secular jobs.
Tech Adept - Caveira is a particularly skilled operator and innovator of complicated technology. While she generally doesn't take it upon herself to create great machines from scratch, over the years she has gained enough prowess to fix, operate, or improve most things. This is evident in her work with her AUG, her ship, and even her artificial limb.
Experienced Pilot - Caveira has piloted her own spacecraft for a few years, and has learned to captain similar light ships pretty well - and she knows how to fix 'em up, too. Aside from spacecraft, she has also piloted a couple Mobile Armors and her own Augmented Armor for years, leading her to be comfortable piloting and repairing those as well.
Poacher Specialist - Caveira's most lucrative and long-standing occupation has led her to gain scores of information on the various behaviors and biological functions of different species and classes of animals. Even when engaging with un-recorded species on largely uninhabited planets, it's likely she could glean details about the creatures and their environments even from short periods of study.
Combat Adept - Being a mercenary of various occupations often leads one to develop a sense for things of a more.. violent persuasion. Caveira is thoroughly knowledgeable when it comes to different forms of armaments, whether they be small arms, mounted artillery, ballistics, energy-powered, etc. She is also knowledgeable in most things violent, such as hand-to-hand combat, armor-maneuvers, ammunitions, etc.
Brief History: Caveira was but a baby when The Lemnosian Territorial Space declared war on the UEC. Born to a single father who worked as a hewer mining various materials from various planets in the galaxy, life was a bit bumpy. They traveled often between planets where work was a prospect, but not a guarantee. Planets that were often besieged by war efforts on both sides - whether they be points of common attack, or corrupted garrisons. Life was unsure, and comfort was but a dream for the lonely duo. But, they made it through, for the mostpart.
Caveira's father, Emis Allo, managed to care for his child throughout her infantile years and into her young-teens. Eventually, the turmoil that filled the galaxy came to an official end with the death of Anthen Nilsk when Caveira was eleven years old - and though times grew less-hard, it wasn't saying much. Unofficial warfare still raged on in some places. And, unfortunately, one could never tell when a rogue attack would strike an otherwise peaceful colony. A few years after Nilsk's death, such an event would cause the tragic death of Caveira's father - something that would leave her alone in the galaxy for the first time.
Being alone, young, and without direction was a dangerous combination in a galaxy like theirs. It led many to take on paths which they didn't fully understand, or which would get them killed. Caveira was.. one of the lucky ones, if you could call it that. The rocky path she chose, that eventually led to her becoming a mercenary of considerable skill, was filled with potholes and pits. Robberies, mercenary-esque occupations, jailbreaks, and even some undertakings as extreme as illegal experimental-biochemical-products testing - which are a direct source of her vocal damage and the loss of her arm - all scarred the timeline that led to who she is today.
That being, a mercenary who has made a number of small, shaky wealths mostly through the poaching of exotic creatures. And wreckage-delving. And tech commissions. Really, just a garbage bag full of tasks which she can claim to perform "professionally". Most often, she performed her mercenary activities alone - allied or banded with nobody. But a part of her, no matter how small - and no matter how long it's been alone, does want to be with people, even if she doesn't realize it - and fortune would have it that a place she spent a good amount of time growing up - Bifrost - was the operational base for a mercenary guild, of sorts.
AUG Appearance: When compared to the average AUG, Bolis is a few meters shorter, at 16m, and a tad more compact. It retains a largely humanoid figure, but possesses digitigrade legs and plantarly wide feet, which greatly aid in its maneuverability and stability within steep, rocky, or difficult-to-navigate areas. Aside from its legs, and its relatively diminutive stature, the only immediately notable feature about Bolis is the lack of any bulky or protrusive gear or artillery on its chassis.
Armaments: Bolis possesses an array of armaments, both intended for combat and explorative purposes.
120mm Cannon - Bolis' main piece of artillery consists of a single-barrel ballistic weapon loaded in 120mm caliber shells, which can be called to extend several meters from the armor's left arm, directly beneath the palm.
20mm Cannon - A weapon very similar to the first that can be engaged directly next to the 120mm - though this smaller cannon is mostly used for game that Caveira wishes to de-pelt.
Magnetic Pulsator - Perhaps the most useful piece of Bolis' arsenal is a medium-range manipulation device that can manipulate the environment through magnetism, as well as some measure of raw energy expulsion. This device is pretty effective at violently repulsing objects away from the user, or pulling them in - though the former only in short bursts. This device is not powerful enough to fully manipulate objects as large as Mobile Armors, of course, but it can cause them to make missteps or leave them staggered. This Pulsator device can be engaged through either of the armor's palms, as well as its feet and knees. It has an effective range of around 100 meters.
Ballistic Grappling Devices (BGD) - A simple, yet useful, array of devices that allow Bolis to maintain stability or safety in treacherous areas, or to maneuver cargo. These devices are rather simple, consisting of high-tech grappling hooks that can fire out of various ports on the main body of the armor. These devices aren't really designed for combat - moreso exploration - but a creative mind could surely find them some use for that. These launchable tethers manage to be just strong enough to manage the weight of the Bolis for shorts amount of time, were one free-hanging from them, but heavier prospects are pretty much out the window.
Various exploration gear - The rest of Bolis' arsenal consists of a toolbox of utility features, mostly used in exploration. This includes some number of torches/heat-cutters, flares, and even nets and taser-esque devices(for poaching), amongst more.
Specifications: Bolis is an armor that focuses on agility, flexibility, and utility over armor and direct firepower. Due to the smaller nature of the Bolis, and its lower center of gravity, the armor is very stable and agile over short distances, in bursts, and over situational terrain - however, it can do so in exchange for land-speed, causing it to cover less ground over distance. It also must be relegated to using medium-light armor, making it not-so-durable in the line of direct enemy fire, compared to the average AUG.
Mentions: All airport-goers?? Location: Byjerlfal City Airport
Ripley was almost oblivious to the chaos around him as he made his way towards the sign-holder, his bright, excited mood evident on his wide-eyed face. It was a few moments before he could manage to buizel his way through the crowd and finally be within conversation distance of their yet-to-be-met guide.
The dark-haired woman, and her sign-wielding partner, emerged from one of the waiting crowds to greet him welcomingly - as well as others. A handful of what Ripley could only assume was similarly-Camphor-involved individuals began to emerge from the swathes of people around them. Ripley responded with a playful bow as Camphor's assistant made their greeting. "Hellllooo, Ms. Frieda! Thank you for the welcome!~" He greeted in turn with a smile. The small Zorua that sat upon his luggage offered its own wave as well, as its trainer straightened his posture once again, and blew his bangs out of his face. Any of the aforementioned trainers would receive an equally bright wave from the boy too, should they look over to him.
"This is all so exciting! I can't wait to start already!"
Usually, Ripley wasn't quite so rambunctious, but he found himself not being able to contain his energy - the adrenaline of all the new experiences to come was rushing through his veins, and he could honestly hardly compose himself. Even so, he took a moment to pause at Frieda's offer to answer any questions they might've had. Maybe it was the adrenaline flooding his brain, or the simple fact that he wasn't really sure what to ask, but he couldn't for the life of him come up with any sort of inquiry for her.
Zeltzin marched - as well as she could march - past Ophrenia as the other girl held the door open for her. Once over the threshold, the duo found themselves moving through what was apparently the site of a pathetic-looking preservation of what this building would've looked like had it been here during The Great Depression - and for all Zeltzin knew, maybe it had been. But she was far from focused on the interior design, instead having her eyes locked in an irate-looking stare that was directed straight at the front desk and its occupant.
She pulled to an immediate halt as she and Ophrenia reached the desk, allowing a heavy, black-leather boot to carelessly thunk into the bottom-side of the desk. While Zeltzin was nobody that would win any awards for acting, she was more than accustomed to being angry. One could maybe consider it her primary emotion nowadays, honestly. After Eleanor vanished from her life, she had grown to react to more and more things with more and more aggression. Moreover, though it had been a long time she had led such a life, she used to exist in circles where sometimes being what you needed to be was more important than being what you felt like.
So when Ophrenia patted her shoulder, and Zeltzin harshly swatted her hand away with a fuming growl, only part of it had been the acting. There was nothing of it against Ophrenia, of course, but Zeltzin was far from accustomed to being touched. In part due to her own decisions to isolate after Eleanor, but really she didn't know anybody who would want to touch her anyway, due to her clear, indefinite crossness with most-everything around her.
She waited, visibly steeping in her impatience as she stared hotly at the woman behind the desk while Ophrenia explained their fabricated issue. Immediately upon her partner finishing, Zeltzin haphazardly slapped her hand down onto the edge of the desk, her nails then beginning to sink into the aging wood as she practically growled at the stranger. "This shit better get fixed real quick-like lady, 'cause I sure as hell ain't got the time for it." She stated, her angry gaze still locked on the poor lady behind the counter as her displeasure remained still very-much evident on her face. "Where's this Mrs. Black??"
While her drawl wasn't quite Louisianian, it was about as close as you could get without being one of 'em. Not many could directly parse southern accents too accurately with how close she had always lived to Louisianian folk, and when face-to-face with an irate Zeltzin, who had an even stronger southern accent than normal, even fewer would care to. Zeltzin had learned over the years that small stuff like that was sometimes useful when trying to be persuasive, no matter your approach, as people who related to you were more likely to be inclined to help you out, and they were generally less suspicious of you -- basic psychology, really, but proven-helpful nonetheless.
Appearance: Pallyx is fairly petite at first glance, standing at just 5'4" and weighing around 125lbs. Her clavicle-length, phthalo-green hair is most often left to its own devices, as she doesn't care at all to style it, and frames her heart-shaped face loosely, often brushing in front of it or wherever it wants to go. Her equally-green, expressive eyebrows rest thin over her rose-ish-colored eyes, which are similarly quite expressive, unbeknownst to her. Aside from facial details, Pallyx possesses fair, clear skin and is just mostly unassuming in-all. She is pretty slim, and seems mostly soft in physique, but does have some definition to her muscles, most notably in her thighs and biceps.
Personality: For someone who grew up in the aftereffects of the literal apocalypse, Pallyx is a pretty good-humored individual. She's a rather casual person, but in an odd contrast, seems to keep people at an arm's length - never really allowing anyone to get close to her, but remaining no-less amicable. She usually gives off a partly carefree air, and seems pretty buoyant overall - often one to make fun of a situation first among her peers. She is known for possessing a sharp tongue, and a penchant for back-talking.
She is not entirely one-dimensionally joyous, however. Though she may seem carefree, she is a capable thinker by nature. Her eyes can often be caught scanning things that a person otherwise blithe as herself wouldn't find of any interest - which can be hard for her to hide, considering their expressive nature. While she is fun-loving in the presence of others, she doesn't really have.. friends. Nobody has managed to acquire an understanding of her person past just the surface - something that she has managed purposefully, but also regrets, sometimes.
All-in-all, Pallyx is clever, watchful, and overall just quick-witted. It's hard to catch her off-guard and keep her there.
The Prison
Pallyx's dream is, in culmination, a prison. An ethereal, ever-shifting and ever-growing prison which one could only imagine the contents of. In general, The Prison is rather.. safe.. you could say - at least in comparison to other dreams. While the inmates within The Prison consist of some of the most heinous people, creatures, and.. things.. one could imagine, the saving grace of it all is that Pallyx stands before The Prison as The Warden, and not a prisoner. Being the warden of such a place is a stressful, secluded endeavor with which she can share the burden no-one. But, it does have some quirks to it -- occasionally.
As The Warden, Pallyx is able to 'detain' dream-borne phenomena in a stasis on which she must focus. This stasis does know some limits, but is rather strong - making her able to detain most phenomena, at least for some time. Though the aforementioned usage is the most important, there are other applications of this detainment. With enough willpower and effort, Pallyx can manage to detain Dreamers with her abilities, or even shunt dream-things into the prison itself, but these are far more taxing endeavors, and the former cannot be imposed for very long at all.
There are more side effects to Pallyx's position as The Warden. That being, her exposure to some inmates. Although The Prison is maximum security, inmates do manage to slip through the cracks, meaning Pallyx is occasionally visited by inmates, who can remain with her for anywhere from a few hours to a few days - and can appear at the most random times, whether they be good or bad. Luckily, a few prisoners in particular possesses the most influence over these visits, and they are rather benevolent - but the danger is ever-so there, nonetheless.
Below are the profiles of the inmates who have visited Pallyx so far.
Rennfield "Y'know, I used to think it was weird to make-nice with the inmates, but.. they've shown me that, really, they're.. just like me. Just as human - I don't care if it makes sense, that's just how it is. And Rennfield has really shown me that. He's saved my ass more times than I can count, and he's.. I guess you could say the closest thing to a parental figure I've ever known. But he's my friend, too! He's nowhere old enough to be a parent of mine. Anyway, he's a chill dude, and fun to talk to. He's got this dope ethereal, mysteriousness goin' on that's pretty cool. And, I've never been able to place it, but.. there's also something so.. captivating about them.. I-I- mean- they're weird-lookin', alright?!"
Rennfield was the first inmate to visit Pallyx and, alongside Brody, holds the most control over the visits. Rennfield possesses an innate ability to alter his body into inky-black shapes of his desire, and can harden these shapes into weapons or armor.
Brody "Brody and I are kindred spirits. We both like fun, violence, and great jokes! He's kinda like the brother I never had! And he's got this sick accent - but don't tell him I said that. He's great at party tricks, too!"
Pallyx has known Brody the second-longest after Rennfield. He shares most of the visitation-control with Rennfield as well. Brody is capable of launching beams of raw energy from his digits that grow more potent the further they travel, and he is an exceptional marksman with them.
Allo "Allo is.. well, to put it nicely, a bit of a freak. She, um, well- she's apparently my identical twin I never had. And she's completely bipolar. Like, supernaturally so - she's like a different person every time she visits me. Now, the joyous version is kinda infectious, that one's fun - but some of the others, well.. there's anger, which is pretty destructive. And then there's.. well, I'm sure you'll see when she comes. Or hopefully not.."
Allo seemingly possesses no special abilities.
Meph "Meph is an asshole. And I mean that in the most sincere way possible. He's dangerous. In my experience, he's just plain evil - I swear. He don't feel remorse for hurtin' nobody, and goes out of his way to do it! He even hurts me, the bastard! He won't kill me, of course, 'cause he needs me to live, but he's shown he doesn't care 'bout anybody. And he can't be negotiated with - trust me, I've tried. If he shows up, I gotta try my best to shunt him away, or anyone nearby is in danger."
Meph is capable of conjuring flames, and small-to-medium-sized explosions.
"There've been other inmates who've visited me - but not many were humans like those I mentioned before. The ones I didn't already talk about were.. monsters and beasts. Luckily, I've managed to avoid getting hurt too bad when they do come around, and fortunately I can shunt away the ones that aren't too strong - but my own summons are harder to disperse than other dreamers' - at least for me. I've managed to come out on top so far, but my luck will run out, sooner or later.."
Bio: Being born into a world razed by misfortune and cataclysm, raised by the rough equivalent of what would be a foster parent, Pallyx is probably one of the more fortunate, if wayward, souls in the galaxy. She grew up in relative safety with her foster 'mother' amidst one of The Nova Republic's smaller cities. Her mother was a rather aloof, uncaring woman who rarely gave Pallyx the time of day. She managed only to feed and shelter her, and little more. Which, naturally, led Pallyx to grow interested in things further and further away from the unnurturing woman.
It was early in her life that she began to acquire knowledge of the ways of the world and how to survive the elements and the dangers of the planet around her. Similarly disadvantaged youths were quick to provide aide to their fellow socially-impoverished adolescents. By her early teen years, she had grown to become a pretty skilled thief, scrapper, and evader-of-law-enforcement. Some would say she had become quite the miscreant.
But, the ways of a childish outlaw weren't all there was to the world, and Pallyx knew that, one way or another. She was often one to explore the outskirts of civilization and maybe wonder a bit too far for her own good. It was during one of these dinky little adventures that Pallyx would make a mistake that would change her life forever.
While out exploring, she discovered an opportunity to steal from a traveling merchant. And the thing she stole was something she had never discovered before. A.. shard. What happened next, well.. you know.
After being infected by whatever it was that she had stolen, she was terrified to return to what home she had. She was young enough to be a fool enough to touch such a shard, but old enough to know that Dreamers were feared. Ousted. And by some, hunted. And so, she ran. She didn't really know where, but she did. After gathering what she could to try and keep herself alive, she fled from the only city she had ever known and put what skills she had learned to use, barely keeping herself alive.
And she continued skirting by for years, alone, on the outskirts of civilization. As time went on, though, she grew bolder as a person. She would "infiltrate" cities or towns and hide amongst the citizens as a normal person. After all, nobody could possibly know she was a dreamer, right? This growth worked in her favor - as it turned out, being able to work with others was a good way of keeping oneself alive. She started to do various oddjobs and participate in mercenary-esque work. Stealing and fighting for hire. And, eventually, she discovered a particular line of work that was one of the most lucrative and adventurous of the bunch - shardhunting.
Shardhunters could be of.. dubious ethical cleanliness, but Pallyx was among the more benevolent - or at least she assumed she was. She mainly made her work going after dreamers who had become a problem for cities, towns, whathaveyou - though occasionally she did hunt shardbearers of just dubious morality. She did sometimes feel bad about her work, but.. there were far less humane ways of making a living in a post-apocalyptic Earth. And of course, she had to do all this alone - as her main method for defeating fellow dreamers were her own dream-powers, and she didn't exactly trust anyone.
Over the years, she has grown accustomed to her dream, and some of the quirks with which it comes. Though, with its nature and how it's more than capable of killing her, she can never really get used to it, fully. But, in a world like this, who can really afford to grow comfortable?
Damn it all, this seems like fun. I'll see to making a sheet :3
I suppose I'll have a few questions for @Heckno12 ^^ I was wondering what sort of tech people are working with in this post-apoc situation. Is there electricity? Radios or computers, etc? Guns?
Mentions: @silvermist1116(Ophrenia) Location: Black Mining Co. Main Office
If one could look indignantly-annoyed, Zeltzin was that. Sure, Ophrenia had a point, they didn't exactly look like the sort of people who'd be liaising with legitimate business magnates. But considering the character of the secluded, seemingly self-sufficient nature of the backwoods swamp-town, Zeltzin could only assume anybody who lived here had yet to breath something that wasn't swamp-ass-air in at least 10 years. Plus, the thought of slapping someone with an old-fashioned "Get with the times, lady." was callowly entertaining.
But Ophrenia was maybe right. Zeltzin had really just planned to corner someone and then threaten them into revealing any sort of information they wanted to know, but maybe the property-damage routine would work better. Who knows, maybe she could get intimidating regardless.
"Mm, right, Cody and Genesis- that's good, that's good. Can't imagine who they'd send us to for a personal matter like that, 'not for Mary-Louise. I'm down." She replied, a hint of contemplation in her tone as her eyes looked up at nothing, signifying the gears turning in her brain even as the idea was presented.
Zeltzin's eyes flicked to Ophrenia as her hand movement towards her face drew her attention. Her eyebrows rose more than a few degrees at Ophrenia's remarks on her face, and her eyes actioned a series of quick blinks at the unexpected.. compliment? She turn-shouldered towards the building again, brushing off the remark with a hint of sheepishness, until she spoke.
"Right. I can do angry.." She replied, her tone dropping in register that forbade a mood-change. "Ready then?"
Appearance: Caveira's appearance is known to some, but not all. This is due to the fact that she, as often as she doesn't, wears an odd mask that obscures her face. Said mask is a technologically-infused piece of alloy of her own design, and is often accompanied by a feathered hood that aids in her supposed desire to veil her appearance. If one were to look under the mask, however, they would find someone who doesn't quite match what their outer visage might suggest.
Beneath her darkly-paletted, masked outer-shell, Caveira looks mostly like a normal person, even if she's rather androgynous. Her long, black hair frames her heart-shaped face loosely, with her bangs often resting between her eyes, or occasionally getting in the way of them. Said eyes are large and expressive, and possess a light, minty-emerald tone to them. Her skin, while clear, is pale and dull - except for a few dark tattoos that run across her cheekbones, beneath her eyes. In final account of her facial features, it is often easy to determine her current emotions, as her eyes and dark eyebrows are awfully expressive, unbeknownst to her - though this can sometimes be useful, as her somehow-pale-and-dark appearance is well-suited to looking more intimidating than she often means.
Aside from her face, Caveira is, physically, not intimidating at all. She is somewhat petite, standing at 5'5" and weighing about 145lbs. Though it would be difficult for anyone to gauge it, with her wardrobe being quite unrevealing, Caveira is actually pretty toned, despite her small stature - with particular focus to her biceps, abs, and thighs - the result of many years of laborious work and routine workouts. Her most particular physical feature, however, is the nature of her left arm - which has been replaced by a matte-gray, cybernetic limb.
Additionally, although it is not a feature of her physical appearance, one of the most immediate things one would notice about Caveira is the neutral, croaking rasp of her voice - much akin to something like light smoker's voice - something that, much to her chagrin, draws more than a few stares.
All biology aside, though she can seem somewhat odd, Caveira carries herself neutrally, but readily - shoulders even, head on a swivel, and muscles half-tense at all times. A nature she has picked up from her years amongst the outer colonies.
Personality: If one had to describe Caveira in few words, one of them would most definitely be adventurous. Many things she does are simply for the experience itself. Discovering new horizons is one of her many specialties - and she will readily take up a challenge if it means flexing her explorative or technological prowess - not to show off, but to test and improve herself for the next adventure.
However, few can or are willing to adventure to the lengths she will - which has left her, for the most part, socially deprived for long periods at a time. Not that she minds - she more often than not takes on a lone-wolf mentality - but it does cause her to be somewhat awkward when it comes to casually conversing with others, and she is often socially apprehensive.
Aside from these main features, she is very much so a multi-faceted personality. While introverted, she is stubborn - some might say 'stuck in her ways' - but, being a girl of science, open-minded enough to consider possibilities outside of her initial determinations, usually. She is, by nature, also a playful spirit - but her social ineptitude and self-consciousness bar her from engaging in some portions of her true character. Finally, outside of her social incapacity, she is a cautious person - some might even say paranoid. She usually prepares for the worst, even if it is unlikely, in most situations. She is untrusting of both fate and other people, for better or worse.
Skills: Caveira possesses a particular array of skills that include many common mercenary aptitudes, as well as some more niche expertises from her more secular jobs.
Tech Adept - Caveira is a particularly skilled operator and innovator of complicated technology. While she generally doesn't take it upon herself to create great machines from scratch, over the years she has gained enough prowess to fix, operate, or improve most things. This is evident in her work with her AUG, her ship, and even her artificial limb.
Experienced Pilot - Caveira has piloted her own spacecraft for a few years, and has learned to captain similar light ships pretty well - and she knows how to fix 'em up, too. Aside from spacecraft, she has also piloted a couple Mobile Armors and her own Augmented Armor for years, leading her to be comfortable piloting and repairing those as well.
Poacher Specialist - Caveira's most lucrative and long-standing occupation has led her to gain scores of information on the various behaviors and biological functions of different species and classes of animals. Even when engaging with un-recorded species on largely uninhabited planets, it's likely she could glean details about the creatures and their environments even from short periods of study.
Combat Adept - Being a mercenary of various occupations often leads one to develop a sense for things of a more.. violent persuasion. Caveira is thoroughly knowledgeable when it comes to different forms of armaments, whether they be small arms, mounted artillery, ballistics, energy-powered, etc. She is also knowledgeable in most things violent, such as hand-to-hand combat, armor-maneuvers, ammunitions, etc.
Brief History: Caveira was but a baby when The Lemnosian Territorial Space declared war on the UEC. Born to a single father who worked as a hewer mining various materials from various planets in the galaxy, life was a bit bumpy. They traveled often between planets where work was a prospect, but not a guarantee. Planets that were often besieged by war efforts on both sides - whether they be points of common attack, or corrupted garrisons. Life was unsure, and comfort was but a dream for the lonely duo. But, they made it through, for the mostpart.
Caveira's father, Emis Allo, managed to care for his child throughout her infantile years and into her young-teens. Eventually, the turmoil that filled the galaxy came to an official end with the death of Anthen Nilsk when Caveira was eleven years old - and though times grew less-hard, it wasn't saying much. Unofficial warfare still raged on in some places. And, unfortunately, one could never tell when a rogue attack would strike an otherwise peaceful colony. A few years after Nilsk's death, such an event would cause the tragic death of Caveira's father - something that would leave her alone in the galaxy for the first time.
Being alone, young, and without direction was a dangerous combination in a galaxy like theirs. It led many to take on paths which they didn't fully understand, or which would get them killed. Caveira was.. one of the lucky ones, if you could call it that. The rocky path she chose, that eventually led to her becoming a mercenary of considerable skill, was filled with potholes and pits. Robberies, mercenary-esque occupations, jailbreaks, and even some undertakings as extreme as illegal experimental-biochemical-products testing - which are a direct source of her vocal damage and the loss of her arm - all scarred the timeline that led to who she is today.
That being, a mercenary who has made a number of small, shaky wealths mostly through the poaching of exotic creatures. And wreckage-delving. And tech commissions. Really, just a garbage bag full of tasks which she can claim to perform "professionally". Most often, she performed her mercenary activities alone - allied or banded with nobody. But a part of her, no matter how small - and no matter how long it's been alone, does want to be with people, even if she doesn't realize it - and fortune would have it that a place she spent a good amount of time growing up - Bifrost - was the operational base for a mercenary guild, of sorts.
AUG Appearance: When compared to the average AUG, Bolis is a few meters shorter, at 16m, and a tad more compact. It retains a largely humanoid figure, but possesses digitigrade legs and plantarly wide feet, which greatly aid in its maneuverability and stability within steep, rocky, or difficult-to-navigate areas. Aside from its legs, and its relatively diminutive stature, the only immediately notable feature about Bolis is the lack of any bulky or protrusive gear or artillery on its chassis.
Armaments: Bolis possesses an array of armaments, both intended for combat and explorative purposes.
120mm Cannon - Bolis' main piece of artillery consists of a single-barrel ballistic weapon loaded in 120mm caliber shells, which can be called to extend several meters from the armor's left arm, directly beneath the palm.
20mm Cannon - A weapon very similar to the first that can be engaged directly next to the 120mm - though this smaller cannon is mostly used for game that Caveira wishes to de-pelt.
Magnetic Pulsator - Perhaps the most useful piece of Bolis' arsenal is a medium-range manipulation device that can manipulate the environment through magnetism, as well as some measure of raw energy expulsion. This device is pretty effective at violently repulsing objects away from the user, or pulling them in - though the former only in short bursts. This device is not powerful enough to fully manipulate objects as large as Mobile Armors, of course, but it can cause them to make missteps or leave them staggered. This Pulsator device can be engaged through either of the armor's palms, as well as its feet and knees. It has an effective range of around 100 meters.
Ballistic Grappling Devices (BGD) - A simple, yet useful, array of devices that allow Bolis to maintain stability or safety in treacherous areas, or to maneuver cargo. These devices are rather simple, consisting of high-tech grappling hooks that can fire out of various ports on the main body of the armor. These devices aren't really designed for combat - moreso exploration - but a creative mind could surely find them some use for that. These launchable tethers manage to be just strong enough to manage the weight of the Bolis for shorts amount of time, were one free-hanging from them, but heavier prospects are pretty much out the window.
Various exploration gear - The rest of Bolis' arsenal consists of a toolbox of utility features, mostly used in exploration. This includes some number of torches/heat-cutters, flares, and even nets and taser-esque devices(for poaching), amongst more.
Specifications: Bolis is an armor that focuses on agility, flexibility, and utility over armor and direct firepower. Due to the smaller nature of the Bolis, and its lower center of gravity, the armor is very stable and agile over short distances, in bursts, and over situational terrain - however, it can do so in exchange for land-speed, causing it to cover less ground over distance. It also must be relegated to using medium-light armor, making it not-so-durable in the line of direct enemy fire, compared to the average AUG.
@VitaVitaAR What sort of artillery are we expecting these mechs to pack/ be able to withstand? In terms of ballistic weaponry measured in caliber, I mean.
[color=Gray][right][color=C1cdcd][h1]uhhhh, hi there[/h1][/color]
[indent]I am here and I sorta exist so yes this is my ‘bio’ and it will probably be rather brief and suck and be sloppy, just like me.
[i]So, without further ado..[/i]
[center][color=C1cdcd][h3][u]stuff about me[/u][/h3][/color]
[color=C1cdcd]•[/color] Most people call me Barti or Bart [s]as well as a few other things[/s] since it’s just easier [s]or meaner[/s] than the actual thing - I invite you to do so as well.
[color=C1cdcd]•[/color] I’m a 23-year-old [i](bday June 20th!)[/i] Texan who enjoys thunderstorms and rain far too much, and likes anime, running, metal music, and copious amounts of [s]DRUGS[/s] candy, among many other cool things - like DnD and MTG.
[color=C1cdcd]•[/color] I enjoy group rps as well as 1x1s. For groups I have what I think is a decent array of interests, most of it being profusely weeb-y. I like Fantasystuffs (Modern especially), supernatural themes, pretty much all Japanese stuff - including historically accurate settings - as well as general dark/grim themes, comedic slice of life trash, academy rps, unique plots, etc. etc. As for 1x1s I pretty much do [abbr=incredibly fuckin lewd, or not]romance[/abbr], but I can do non-romantic stuff too if you give me something to work with xP
The only genre I find myself not entirely comfortable with is [i]really sci-fi stuff[/i], but, if the plot/idea catches me enough it can hold my interest. Oh, and my writing level is high casual to low advanced.
[color=C1cdcd]•[/color] I’m a sarcastic, snarky, bipolar-depressed, degenerate garbage can, but generally people seem to like me (I don’t know [i][b]why in the hot hell you would[/b][/i]) - but if you would also like to be my friendo lemme know.
I don’t bite.
Usually owo xd rawr
[h2][color=C1cdcd]welppp...I guess that’s okay for now
thanks for reading, you potatoes[/color][/h2]
[sub]Discord: [i][b]...[/b][/i][/sub]
<div style="white-space:pre-wrap;"><font color="gray"><div class="bb-right"><font color="#c1cdcd"><div class="bb-h1">uhhhh, hi there</div></font><br><div class="bb-indent">I am here and I sorta exist so yes this is my ‘bio’ and it will probably be rather brief and suck and be sloppy, just like me.<br><span class="bb-i">So, without further ado..</span><br><br><div class="bb-center"><font color="#c1cdcd"><div class="bb-h3"><span class="bb-u">stuff about me</span></div></font><br><font color="#c1cdcd">•</font> Most people call me Barti or Bart <span class="bb-s">as well as a few other things</span> since it’s just easier <span class="bb-s">or meaner</span> than the actual thing - I invite you to do so as well.<br><br><font color="#c1cdcd">•</font> I’m a 23-year-old <span class="bb-i">(bday June 20th!)</span> Texan who enjoys thunderstorms and rain far too much, and likes anime, running, metal music, and copious amounts of <span class="bb-s">DRUGS</span> candy, among many other cool things - like DnD and MTG.<br><br><font color="#c1cdcd">•</font> I enjoy group rps as well as 1x1s. For groups I have what I think is a decent array of interests, most of it being profusely weeb-y. I like Fantasystuffs (Modern especially), supernatural themes, pretty much all Japanese stuff - including historically accurate settings - as well as general dark/grim themes, comedic slice of life trash, academy rps, unique plots, etc. etc. As for 1x1s I pretty much do <abbr class="bb-abbr" title="incredibly fuckin lewd, or not">romance</abbr>, but I can do non-romantic stuff too if you give me something to work with xP<br> The only genre I find myself not entirely comfortable with is <span class="bb-i">really sci-fi stuff</span>, but, if the plot/idea catches me enough it can hold my interest. Oh, and my writing level is high casual to low advanced.<br><br><font color="#c1cdcd">•</font> I’m a sarcastic, snarky, bipolar-depressed, degenerate garbage can, but generally people seem to like me (I don’t know <span class="bb-i"><span class="bb-b">why in the hot hell you would</span></span>) - but if you would also like to be my friendo lemme know.<br>I don’t bite.<br>Usually owo xd rawr<br><br><div class="bb-h2"><font color="#c1cdcd">welppp...I guess that’s okay for now<br>thanks for reading, you potatoes</font></div><br><sub>Discord: <span class="bb-i"><span class="bb-b">...</span></span></sub></div></div></div></font></div>